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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 7

by T. S. Hill

  “Tagg, there you are!”, Al said in his usual bigger than life manner, as I entered the room. I want you to meet my friend Francine Williams.”, he said waving his hand at the blonde on the end of the sofa nearest to him.

  “Miss Williams.”, I said, nodding my head.

  “And Annette Devoe, who is my… what do you call it that you do Annette?”, Al broke off, waving his hand at her from his chair.

  “Personal assistant, Mr. Longworth”, She replied beaming at me, as though she was about to bubble over with optimistic enthusiasm.

  “Miss Devoe”, I said, nodding. “Would you like an iced tea? This is the cook Tony’s special recipe of strawberry infused tea.

  “I would love some!”, she said, taking a glass from the tray that I had lowered in front of her.

  “Miss Williams?”, I said offering the tray of glasses before her.

  “No, thank you!”, she stated flatly and with a harsh tone, while diverting her eyes from me.

  “Very well.”, I said, and offered the tray before Al, who immediately leaned forward and took a glass from the tray.

  “Thank you Tagg!”, he said. “Just set the tray there on the coffee table, Francine is subject to changing her mind.

  “Albert! Really!”, the Williams woman spoke up. “I can’t believe how you let your servants dress! Just look at this mess! Boots! Jeans! And that horrid cowboy shirt!”

  “Francine, what the hell’s wrong with the way I dress in my own home?”, Al asked her, and winked at me.

  “That’s fine if you want to dress that way at home, Albert, but really, you should set some standards for your servants!” Just as she finished speaking, I sat down in the arm chair just opposite of Al, with a glass of the tea in my hand. The Devoe woman, looked at me curiously, and the Williams woman’s mouth dropped open.

  “Well! Of all of the nerve!”, she said. Then Al spoke up again.

  “Francine, can I finish my introduction now?” Both of the women remained silent, and he continued. “I would like for you ladies to meet Tagg Hill, who is my house guest this week. Tagg and I are old friends, and business partners. He’s the majority stock holder of one of our mutual investments, and operates a little business consulting company. He’s in town to check on our mutual investment.”

  “Well, Mister Hill, I’m charmed to meet you!”, the Devoe woman piped up to me, smiling with her eyes wide and sparkling.

  “The pleasure is mine.”, I replied nodding. The Williams woman just scowled at me, then spoke to Al.

  “I might have known, that he was one of your crass cronies, dressed like a dreaded cowboy and all.” Then rising, she continued, “I can’t believe that you had me come by here for this! I have a committee meeting for the opera fund raiser, and I really must go!”, she said, snapping her head toward the door. By now, Al and I both had stood.

  “I’ll call you later Francine.”, he said, then mumbling under his breath, “if you don’t call be first.”

  “It was a pleasure to meet you Miss Williams!”, I called after her.

  “I’m sure it was!”, she snapped back as she slammed the front door behind her. Al sat back down in his chair, and let out a long sigh.

  “Annette brought over some papers from the office for my signature, and my tux from the drycleaners.”, Al explained to me, then turning to Annette, “I’m not going to sign any of that stuff today. Tagg and his team will be advising me on some aspects of my business over the next few days, then I’ll get wet ink on whatever needs signing. You can keep bringing whatever needs to be signed, and I can read it to stay abreast of things, but the wet ink documents won’t be going back for a few more days.”

  “I understand, Mr. Longworth.”, the woman answered.

  “Well, I’m going to send back the routine payroll orders and those other papers that you brought over yesterday.”, Al told her. “So, if you will just keep Tagg here entertained for a few minutes, I’ll go get them out of my study.”

  “Certainly, Mr. Longworth!”, the woman answered with a chipper attitude, but jumping up as soon as Al stood.

  “Sit back down, Annette!”, Al chastised her. “You’re and assistant thing-a-ma-jig. You’re not in the army!”

  “Yes sir!”, she snapped, sitting back down on the edge of her chair, then nervously taking a sip of her iced tea. I spent a moment studying her. She was an attractive woman, beautiful even, probably a good ten years, or more, younger than the Williams woman that had left, and far more personable. But for some reason, she didn’t seem to be comfortable in her own clothes. It was like this wasn’t what she was accustomed to wearing.

  Studying her from the ground up, she looked like her new shoes were hurting her feet. Her shapely porcelain legs were muscular, flawless, and sizzling sexy. Her black dress fit her perfectly, her breasts adequate, her neck accentuated her pretty face, with full lips, perfect eyebrows and crystal blue eyes, that seemed to sparkle when she wanted them to. She had a pert little nose that accentuated her persona. I wondered what her natural hair color was. I was betting brunette. Still, despite her perfect overall look, something in her posture told me that she was not comfortable in her clothes.

  “So, Miss Devoe. You’re a vet?”

  “Iraq, second round, a few days in Afghanistan just before I mustered out. Does it show that much? I’ve really tried hard to adjust back to civy living.” She looked a bit worried.

  “It’s just some coincidences that clued me in.”, I responded. “Don’t worry, you seem to be doing a fine job of fitting back in. At least a better job of it than your counterpart was doing here today.”, I said chuckling and pointing at the now empty seat on the sofa where the Williams woman had sat. She said nothing, but cut her eyes almost cautiously at the now empty sofa seat. “I’ve heard Al say that some people live their lives at war. I believe that she may indeed be one of them.”, I said casually. She still remained silent, but just looked at me pleasantly. “So how did you come to work for Al?”, I asked to make conversation.

  “It seems that Francine, I mean, Miss Williams, didn’t care for Mr. Longworth’s old personal assistant, and insisted that he get rid of her. I think that he regrets that he acted on her advice. She had someone that she wanted to put in the position, but he wouldn’t hear of it.”

  “So, he found you through TIC?”, I asked.

  “Tic? She asked, but continued, “Oh, Taggert Investment Corp! Yes! Exactly! Wow! Are you clairvoyant or something?”, she asked setting her big blue eyes to sparkling again.

  “No. Just another hunch based on another recent coincidence.”, I said smiling at her. “So, you’re about what now, twenty-six?”, I offered.

  “Thanks!”, she said, her eyes, along with her face, lighting up again. “Thirty-two actually!”

  “Oh, then we’re the same age. I just haven’t weathered near as well as you have.”, I told her.

  “Why thank you sir! That’s kind of you to say.”, she replied demurely, looking down into her tea glass.” Just then Al strode back into the room with a thick file folder in his right hand, and a large envelope in his left.

  “Tagg, help me get this file folder back into this confounded envelope.”, he said holding them out toward me.” Quickly, Annette was on her feet, and had a hand on each item, before I was even out of my chair.

  “I’ve got it sir!”, she piped up. Slickly she slid the folder full of papers into the envelope, then wrapped the tie string over the fastener.

  “Will there be anything else Mr. Longworth?”, she asked, addressing Al.

  “That’ll be it for now, Annette.”, Al told her. Thank you for taking care of this, and for putting up with Francine.”

  “That’s what I’m here for, Mr. Longworth.”, she replied. And then, turning to me, and offering her hand, “It was a great pleasure meeting you Mr. Hill.”, she said looking directly into my eyes, as I took her hand. “Maybe we will get the pleasure of working on one of Mr. Longworth’s projects together sometime.”, she added still grippin
g my hand.

  “Perhaps so, Miss Devoe.”, I replied. “I would look forward to it. And, please call me Tagg.”

  “It will be my pleasure, Tagg.”, she said, giving my hand a final shake, before letting go. “And please call me Annette.”

  “Until later, Annette.”, I replied and nodded my head.

  “Bye Annette! See you tomorrow!”, Al called out from his chair where he was preparing to sit back down.

  “She’s a real jewel.”, Al said to me, after she had closed the front door behind her. “She’s one of those vets that was struggling to fit back in, after Iraq and Afghanistan.” Al pointed out.

  “So, I gathered.”, I replied, returning to my chair opposite of Al. I sensed that he wanted to stay here and talk, else he wouldn’t have sat back down himself.

  “Al, let me ask you something.”, I began. “I seem to be batting a pretty good average today. What is exactly your age?”

  “Forty-eight, Tagg. Why do you ask?”

  “Hmm. You’re like me Al, you’re younger than you look.”

  “Yeah, I been rode hard, and put up wet, a few times too many in my life.”, Al replied. “But, looks or not, I’m too old to compete for the young fillies, like that one that was just in here. The little twenty somethings, just out run this old race horse.”

  “Al that woman is thirty-two years old.”

  “How did you find that out, Tagg?”

  “I asked her.”, I responded.

  “You can’t ask a woman her age Tagg!”

  “We can all do a lot of things that we were taught by society that we can’t.”, I replied. “That’s how I found out her age, by doing what I was always told that I couldn’t.”

  “That’s why you’re tangled up with three women right now too, instead of one. That same contradictory thinking got you into that mess!”, Al shot back.

  “Well it hasn’t turned into a mess as yet.”, I replied.

  “Well, I have to give that one to you, if your nerves, and your wallet, can stand up to it.”, Al replied.

  “And my body!”, I quipped. Al started chuckling.

  “That’s what I’m talking about right there Tagg. This forty-eight year old horse, just can’t keep up with those young fillies.”

  “Al, she’s only eight years away from being forty. When you’re fifty-six, do you think that you could keep up with a forty year old woman?”

  “Well, I imagine that I could, as long as I keep taking good care of myself, and stay in shape.”

  “Well, there you go! You’re fifty six and she’s forty; minus eight years for both of you.”

  “That’s an interesting perspective, Tagg.” He said, sipping on his tea and staring off at the other side of the room. “A very interesting perspective.”

  “Let me ask you something else, Al. When you first met Francine Williams, what color was her hair?”

  “Oh, she had jet black hair. She’s of some Italian or Sicilian decent, or something or other. She just dyed her hair blond recently.”

  “After Annette came to work for you?”, I asked.

  “Actually, yes. It was just then.”, Al replied.

  “And when you first met Annette, what color was her hair”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t remember exactly. I met her when she came into the TIC program. A dark brunette I think. Actually, Tagg, I do remember! My mind was a little fuzzy at first. Yes, her hair was a dark brunette, and she was gorgeous! I don’t know why she dyed her hair up blonde like that. When she was recommended for this position by Tillotson, she came here with blonde hair. She’s pretty now, but you should have seen her, with her natural hair color.”

  “Al, back in the dark times, when you went a little over the edge, didn’t you have a penchant for chasing bottle blondes?”

  “Tagg, you’re being polite. Back during those dark times, I went a lot over the edge, and I had a penchant for more bottles than just the ones capped with blonde hair. But, to answer your question, yes. I did have that reputation of being seen with platinum blondes everywhere I went.”

  “When did Francine start showing up dressed as a mirror of Annette?”, I queried.

  “I hadn’t thought about that.”, he replied, looking puzzled. Now that you mention it. I’d never seen her show up anywhere, dressed anything like another woman, until Annette came to work for me. And, thinking back, it happens every time Francine is going to meet me here, or at the office. Do you think that Francine has a spy in the office telling her what Annette wears?”

  “I don’t know, Al. But it’s pretty obvious to me that you have two women vying for your attentions.”

  “What? Annette? Naw! Not her! And, the way Francine acts, I even doubt that she’s after my attentions, much less my affections. But, Annette? That pretty young filly? I think that you’ve lost your mind, Tagg.”

  “What was it you said about my ability to see an opportunity? I’m telling you Al Tungsten Longworth, that both of those gals have their eyes on you. And if you want me to, I’ll tell you which one I wouldn’t waste time with.”

  “What’s your opinion of Francine? Tell me honestly, Tagg.”

  “Look!”, I said, I’ve been hit by Al Longworth once in my life, and I don’t intend to revisit the experience. You keep your distance, and promise you won’t explode at me for telling you what I think?”

  “Aw Tagg that was a different Al, in a different time. I’ve mellowed, and come to be rather fond of you. I don’t plan on hitting anyone ever again, unless I decide to kill them. I promise. I’ll sit right here in this chair and I’m not going to get mad at you, get offended, or hit you. Now, tell me what do you think of Francine?”

  “I think that she’s a haughty bitch, that has no place in your life, Al. And, that she’s probably a conniving, manipulating, gold digger.”

  “Well, you and I are pretty much on the same page then, Tagg. What you said, sums up precisely my feelings, only I would probably throw in a few more expletives, like your Lori and Sasha tend to.”

  “Then why the hell are you with her Al?”, I asked, setting back into my chair.

  “It’s a gut feeling Tag.” He started.

  “A gut feeling of what Al? That somehow you two are in love?”

  “Tagg, patience never was your forte. Let me finish.”

  I took a sip of tea, mumbling, “Sorry.”

  “I can’t put my finger on it Tagg, but I just feel in my gut that she may be connected with what’s going on in my business. I didn’t think that I should break it off, until you got here, and checked it out. If she isn’t connected, then I want to drop her like a hot potato. If she is connected to it, then you need to advise me on how to play it, so that it doesn’t blow your investigation, and rooting them all out of here.”

  “Gotcha Al!”, I replied. Have you got some of her information for us to go on?”

  “We’ll pick it up out of my study, when we head back to meet the chopper, when it comes in. I’ve got a sheet full of info, but it’s not much. I managed to sneak her driver’s license out and photo copied it, then told her that I needed her social security number, and date of birth, to go on a policy that I was making her beneficiary in. You know, Tagg, women will lie about their age, even on their driver’s license? And she did too! She’s three years older than what’s on her license. Anyway, I’ll give you what I’ve got to go with, and maybe your Sasha can dig up something for us. Meanwhile, tell me what you think of Annette?”

  “So, you do have an interest in her?”

  “I never said that I didn’t. I just didn’t think that an old buffalo bull like me stood a chance. Now, you’ve been trying to convince me otherwise. Are you backing down from what you said earlier?”

  “Not at all Al. Do you want us to check her out also?”

  “It probably would be a good idea, before I stick my old bull neck out too far. But first, I want to know what you think of her. What’s your first impression?”

  “She’s stunningly beautiful. As you
said, gorgeous. She seems very eager to please, and competent, organized, and smart. A bit flirty in her own, stiff way. I’m imagining that her stiff regimentation was a lot of her trouble fitting back into civilian life.”

  “Yeah, we don’t live in a black and white world.”, Al interjected. “Those military people do. In their world that black and whiteness means life or death. In our world, it may only amount to getting your feelings hurt. It seems sometimes that people who saw a lot of combat, struggle more with that black and white issue thing, than they do with the nightmares of the combat. I don’t fully understand it, but I know that its real. And, I do respect it, and them.”

  “I think that you’re on the right page with both of these women Al. And, that you had better start warming to Annette. Women like that are drawn to men who have power and accumulate wealth. You’ve already introduced me to her as a man of means and power, and you know my track record with women.”

  “Tagg, I said I wouldn’t hit you over Francine. You’re starting to walk on thin ice now though. Be careful.”

  “I’m just kidding with you Al, but only partially. I couldn’t handle any more women if they were thrown at me! But, don’t let her slip away to some other cowboy, that comes along with a dollar and a six shooter. Start warming up to her! Seriously!”

  “I’ll give you her personnel info also when we go back to the study. Meanwhile, I’d appreciate you keeping this whole little meeting just between you and me.” Then he said, “I think I hear the chopper! C’mon, let’s get that info from the study, and head out back.”

  “Al, I can’t hear a chopper.”, I let him know.

  “That’s right, you never were in the military were you.” He replied. “I’ve been shot deaf on the rifle range probably far worse than your worst nightmare, but yet I can hear the chopper coming, and you can’t. That’s a strange irony, isn’t it, Tagg?” I didn’t get to answer, because he was already out of the room, and headed down the hall toward his study, taking his six-foot-six strides, that I had to practically run to keep up with.


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