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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

Page 8

by T. S. Hill

  We picked up the two personal data sheets from his study. Then, I folded them, tucking them into my hip pocket, as I trotted along, trying to keep up with Al’s fast pace down the back hallway. When we had cleared the back door, I still didn’t hear even a clue of the whacking, popping noise made by helicopter blades. But then, just as we climbed into the golf cart, I heard the first rhythmic bumping noise from somewhere over the northern tree line. As the golf cart moved forward the tone of the prop and engine changed, and it became apparent that it was the chopper headed our way.

  You thought that I was deaf and crazy, didn’t you Tagg?”, Al teased at me, wheeling the cart toward the helipad.

  “I still think that you’re crazy, Al. But, I believe now that you can hear.”, I cracked back at him, yelling over the noise of the approaching chopper. He turned to look at me and I could see that he was enjoying a good laugh, as only Al Longworth can, but I could no longer hear him. As the Sikorsky sat down gently on the landing pad, I felt sort of odd, sitting in the golf cart alongside Al, both of us with our hands over our ears, while the girls all waved to us from the chopper’s windows. Finally, the chopper’s blades were about wound down, when we saw the pilot’s legs and feet hit the ground on the other side of the cockpit.

  Al tugged at my shirt, signaling for me to follow him, and he jumped from the golf cart, rushing to the passenger compartment door. I helped Al fold down the steps and pull open the door. Lori was the first to step out in a stunning sequined black evening gown. I grabbed her, hugged her, and planted a huge kiss on her lips. She looked fabulous.

  “Oh, I’m so glad to be back here with you Cowboy!”, she squealed.

  “I’m glad that your back, Sweetheart!”, I told her, as she released her arms from around me.

  Next, Rosita stepped into the doorway in a red sequined evening gown that showed off her figure with real pop. She grabbed me, and almost lifted me off of the ground, kissing me harder than even Lori had.

  “Thank you Tagg! These girls sold it all!”, she yelled at me. When she turned me loose, I saw Sasha just starting to step down onto the stairs. She literally glowed, with her blue eyes twinkling and her porcelain skin and red hair contrasted against a dark green, sequined gown. Its front was cut to accentuate her, already more than obvious, amazing rack. She grinned at me all the way down the steps and then sprang into my arms from the last step, forcing me to catch her.

  After kissing me deeply, and with her arms still around my neck she shouted in my face, “Hey Babe! I’m a model now! Who knew that I had it in me?”.

  “I always knew!”, I said back to her, setting her back on her feet. Next the girls were all over Al, thanking him for the dresses, shoes, and clutches they carried, and the breakfast at Wasserman’s.

  “Well, you’re all going to earn those clothes.”, Al told them. “Did Tagg fill you in?”

  “No!”, they all answered in unison.

  “Well, we’ll all talk about that tonight after dinner.”, he said, still grinning from ear to ear at the women. About that time, the pilot walked around the chopper, and handed Lori a small plain wrapped box, about the size of an index card filing box. It was sealed up with tape from every angle.

  “Here is your cargo, Miss.”, he spoke to her.

  “Thank you Mr. Markum!”, she chirped to him, turning and handing the box to me.

  “Where are all of your packages?”, I asked.

  “Allie kept it all!”, Lori gushed.

  “I told you.”, Rosita shouted with great glee, “These women sold it all! Even the clothes that we wore there! Allie loved it!”

  “I knew that she would! That’s why I sent you there!”, I shouted back.

  “Al stood back looking on and said, “What’s not to love?”

  “Yeah, I know, right?”, Sasha answered him.

  “You look just delicious!”, Al told Sasha. “It’s too bad that we’re going to have to change your clothes later and stick you in the trunk of my limo.”

  “Oh, hell fucking no you aren’t!”, Sasha shot back at him, backing up, and plunging her hand into her clutch. I knew what she was reaching for, and started moving toward her. I caught Lori’s eyes with mine, and she started moving toward Sasha almost at the same time.

  “Look, I’m not that damn kinky!”, she yelled at Al. I’m not playing anybody’s kidnapping games!”

  “No honey, you don’t understand!”, Al drawled, holding his hands up like he was being robbed, which was probably a good thing. “Tagg will be with you, and there’s no kidnapping.”, he continued. Then turning to me he said, “Tagg this is why I can’t win with women. I communicate like a total moron. Take over here, and paddle me out of this mess!” By then, Lori and I both had a firm hand on Sasha’s wrist and forearm that was attached to her hand in the clutch.

  “Sasha, you and I are going to do some dark ops work tonight.”, I began to explain. “Lori and Rosita will be playing undercover rolls in their gowns with Al in his tux. You and I will be hiding in Al’s limo trunk for them to sneak us past the security gate at Al’s business office, and then get us into his building so that none of his security people, who may be part of the gang of crooks that we’re after, will see, mainly, me, who they might recognize. While Al pretends to be drunk, and showing off his business to a couple of gold diggers, you and I will be copying his data bases from his servers so that we will have that data to work with. This way… I finally took a deep breath and sighed. This way, we won’t raise suspicion by tinkering around in their system during business hours and while it’s live.”

  “Then why didn’t you say so to start with?”, She yelled at Al.

  “Because, sometimes, I’m a moron Sasha.”, he replied. I deeply apologize for my misguided communication. That happens to me a lot. Please forgive me?”

  “Aw, Al, that’s okay!”, Sasha said relaxing her grip and pulling her hand from the clutch. “You’re not a moron. You’re a sweet guy! But, have you ever thought about taking communications classes?”

  “Actually, that’s been suggested to me a few times Sasha.”, Al replied. But, except for nearly getting shot a few times, it really hasn’t caused a lot of trouble in my business dealings. By the way, what do you have in that purse that you were clinging to?”

  “Nine mil.”, Sasha said sheepishly.

  “Well!”, Al exclaimed with his eyes getting big. “That’s the fifth time this year! Maybe I should reconsider those classes! What do you think, Sasha?”

  “I think so, Al.”, she said with all seriousness. “But I wouldn’t have shot you over words. Only if you had tried to act on your words.”

  “Well that’s comforting to know, Sasha.”, Al replied. Because I had no intentions of grabbing you, and changing your clothes, and stuffing you in the trunk.”

  “I know that now Al, and I’m sorry that I over reacted. It’s just that I don’t do, getting kidnapped, and I don’t do getting spanked. Well, there’s a lot of other stuff that I don’t do too. But those are two of’em.”

  “Well, I’ve got a list of things that I don’t do either.”, Al said. “And, at least one of them is kidnapping. Don’t think that spanking is on my list though. Are we still friends Sasha?”

  “Yes, Al, but if you ever try to spank me, I’ll whittle your big ass down to size!”, She shot back to Al with all seriousness.

  “Honey, I was just joking around about the spanking. I’ve never spanked anyone in my entire life. When I was a kid, I got enough of spanking to do my whole life.”

  “Al, I like you, and I want to be your friend, but you really ought to think seriously about those communications classes.”

  “You know, Sasha, I think I will.”, he replied. “Now, let’s all get back to the house so we can rest up for a big dinner, and an exciting adventure tonight!” As we were all loading into the golf cart, I sidled up to Al and quietly said to him, “What have I been telling you for years? Take the damn classes!”

  “Remember that I only promised to not
hit you over Francine!”, he growled at me, and then chuckled. I wasn’t really sure that he was joking.

  When we got back to the guest house, Al got out of the cart and said, “I’m going to leave the golf cart here for you all, and walk back to the house. I need the exercise, and there’s a few things that I want to check out in the rose garden anyway.”

  “Hang on Al.”, I called to him, and then jogged over to catch up with his giant strides. The women all went on in the house. “Slow down, a sec Al, I can’t jog and talk at the same time.” Finally, he stopped and turned to me.

  “What is it Tagg?”, he said grinning.

  “Just something that I picked up from something that Tony said. Are Francine and Annette coming to dinner tonight?”

  “Yes, they are.”, he replied. “Is there a problem?”

  “Well, yes and no.”, I answered. “I need to brief the girls on Francine is all, so they don’t say anything out of the way, about the investigation, or what we’re doing later tonight.” And, I will try to reel them in a bit, as to how they behave toward her. You know, with that caustic mouth she has on her, anyone of them is apt to go off on her at any time.”

  “Yeah, good thinking, Tagg. Do you think that Sasha’s right? That I should take communication classes?”

  “Al, I have told you that for… for… for, like Sasha would say, fucking years! Have you not heard me?”

  “Yeah, I heard you Tagg, every single time. But, this is little Sasha saying it this time.”

  “So, you put more store in what someone that you just met tells you, than what I tell you? After all of these years?”

  “But it’s Sasha, Tagg. It’s a woman, and I totally upset her. And, didn’t she used to be a librarian or something?

  “I don’t know where you picked that up, Al, but yeah, she was.”

  “Maybe you told me, Tagg. Hell, if I know. But when I upset a little woman like that, maybe it’s really time to do something about how I choose words, and my timing. I know that you told me for years to do something, but what I’m asking now, is do you agree with her, Sasha?”

  “Yes, Al, I agree one hundred percent with her!”

  “Thanks, Tagg. That’s all I wanted to know. I’ll get Annette to get on it, and set up something for me. Oh, by the way Tagg, if you or any of your women get the chance, how about dropping a hint to Annette, about how good she would look with her natural hair color. I’m telling you, that girl was gorgeous with her dark brunette hair!”

  “If the occasion arises, which I doubt it will, I promise I will bring it up, Al. And, I’ll pass it on to the girls too.”

  “Thanks, Tagg. I really appreciate that. Oh, and dinner will be served at six-thirty.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you there Al.” And with that, he walked off into the rose garden, and I turned to go back to the guest house. I felt exactly like I had just had a nonsensical conversation with Aug. They were both geniuses at what they did, and they were both the best friends that I ever had, or would have, but communicating with both of them, always left me feeling like I was floating in a fog, and didn’t know which way was home.

  When I got back to the house, hanging just inside of the entrance foyer, was a tux, shirt, cufflinks, studs, cummerbund, and tie, with a note from Tony. The note read, Thankfully, your sister knows your sizes. Mr. Longworth wouldn’t let me bother you this afternoon to ask. He also said that you should wear your boots with this when you come to dinner, because that’s what he wears, and maybe it will keep Miss Williams from chastising him for wearing his. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Tony.

  “Well, I guess you girls will have to wear your evening gowns to dinner.”, I called out to them. “Al sent me a tux to wear, so I guess it’s formal tonight.”

  Lori popped around the corner grinning, “It’s not like we have anything else appropriate to wear anyway, Cowboy. We took our personal Brazilian design dresses to model, and Allie kept those too. Rosita wasn’t exaggerating, she literally bought everything that we took with us, right down to the underwear we were wearing!”

  “You mean that none of you had underwear to wear back?”

  “No, silly! Ally gave us new underwear that coordinates with our gowns. It’s all part of the outfit. Otherwise, your lingerie would show through these slinky gowns, and stick out in places too, like these low bust lines. Plus, do you think our boobs would lift like this without support?”, she said, pointing with both hands to her breasts.

  “Yours? Sure! Rosita’s? Mmm, maybe. Shug’s, not quite so much, but still better than average.”, I replied.

  “Well, that’s sweet of you to say, anyway, Cowboy. I swear, every year older I get, it takes more elastic to hold me together!”

  “Sweetheart, you’re held together just fine! And, I mean fine!”

  “Whether that’s true or not, and whether you mean it or not, I’m choosing to believe you.”, she said smiling, and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. Now, please unhook and unzip me.”, she asked sweetly, turning her back to me. “You’re going to have to wait on your fashion show, Cowboy. Allie now has it all on display in her windows.”

  “I’ll settle for what you women are wearing right now. You all look scorching hot!”, I commented, unhooking the top of her dress just above the hidden zipper.

  “Right now, we all need to get out of these, and into something we can relax in, until dinner.”, she sighed, as I pulled the dress’s zipper down to the top of her pert, jutting out, pretty ass. Why don’t you all put on some of those yoga pants and tops that you bought for you guys to lounge around the house in.”, I suggested, unhooking her bra.

  “Oh, that feels so much better.”, Lori sighed, as she shifter her shoulders forward and let the dress and bra straps fall forward down her arms.

  “Looks much better too!”, I commented, making a kissing sound with my lips.

  “Later, Cowboy!”, she said waving her hand. I know we’re all excited by how well the line of dresses, and Rosita’s lingerie was received, but this whole thing stressed all three of us out, to no end! I think we are all emotionally, and mentally, exhausted! Physically? I’m good! But, otherwise? I’m drained!”

  “Go get changed, Sweetheart.”, I told her. “I’m going to check out this tux, and hang it up in the bedroom. It’s been a long time since I wore one of these.”

  “Speaking of a long time,”, Lori stopped and turned back to face me. “You know, Rosita and I, both did some amateur modeling when we were in our teens, but hadn’t done anything like that for years now, so we were a little rusty, but passable. But do you know, Shug had never modeled in her life, and all that Rosita and I did was show her the walk, and a couple of poses, and she really took it away from there! She was like a natural! Seriously Cowboy, that girl impressed all of us, even Allie.”

  “Well, whattayah know!”, I commented, surprised. “You women just keep coming up with hidden talents, some of them, that maybe you didn’t even know about yourselves. I wish I had a hidden goldmine of talents, that would start surfacing.”, I said chuckling.”

  “Said the man who already never ceases to amaze me!”, she said, wiggling her shoulders and leaning forward, to shake her tits at me. Then quickly turning around she scampered off toward the back of the house.

  “Keep that up and I can guarantee I will develop some new and amazing talents!”, I yelled after her. All I heard was her scampering feet and giggling.

  I went into the main bedroom, and tried on the shirt, pants, and jacket, finding that they fit perfectly. I wasn’t sure if Allie actually knew my sizes, or had, with her trained eye, just given her best estimate. Either way, the shirt and tux fit perfectly, right down to the cuff length. Upon returning to the den/great room, I spied the two promised bottles of Al’s good stuff. I decided that it was as good of a time as any to indulge myself. I poured myself a scotch, and pulled up to the table where my and Sasha’s laptops were set up.

  I wanted to check for any emails from my attorney Steve, in c
ase there were any developments or changes with my situation regarding the OCTF. There were no emails, but I did notice the little box that the pilot handed over to Lori when they disembarked, calling it her cargo. I assumed that it was the package from Fredrick Segal, that Lori and Sasha had picked up. I went into the kitchen for a knife, and carefully cut away the heavily taped, plain paper wrapper. Then, I pulled the lid off of the box. There laying in tangles on crumpled tissue paper, were the three pearl necklaces, six earrings, and as I dug around, I found the three emerald cut diamond rings with white gold bands, also loose in the box.

  I held up a string of the pearls and looked them over. They looked like quality pearls and were properly tied. I tested one against my teeth, and it didn’t scratch, although I wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean, but I had seen it in movies. I inspected each string of pearls in this manner, and each earring, afterwards arranging them into sets on the table top. I knew what I needed to do with the pearls, but I still wasn’t sure about the diamonds, plus I wanted to get them appraised. But all in all, it looked like Fredrick had finally paid up, although in cheapskate style, by keeping the jewelry cases for the whole lot. I decided to pocket the diamonds for the time being, until I could get them appraised. Grabbing three kitchen dish towels, I covered the sets, assuming that the women would be back in the room again shortly.

  I had just finally, taken a sip from the scotch, and made a mental note to thank Al for the fine gift, when Lori, Rosita, and Sasha strode back into the room. They each were wearing black yoga pants and black, tight fitting, tank tops, and very apparently, nothing else. All three of them were barefooted and made a unique and striking vision.

  “I like these lounge around the house clothes!”, I commented.

  “We like them too, Babe!”, Sasha commented.

  “It feels great to get out of that tight dress!”, Lori added.

  “Is there a Longworth wine cellar in this casa?”, Rosita asked.

  “You see that closet door in the kitchen, beside the fridge? It’s not a pantry.”, I replied.


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