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Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story

Page 15

by Natavia

  “You set me up!” I said to him.

  “I did what I did to make you Alpha! You are my son! I was a great Alpha and I wanted to prove to the other wolves you had what it took as well but you do not! Alphas are born from Alpha’s! It just hasn’t come to you, yet!” he said to me.

  “How was I able to smell Kanya’s scent?” I asked him.

  “A spell! I bought a potion from the witch you stole from! The potion was to make you to an Alpha! I poured it on your steak a few years ago!” he said sadly.

  “You son of a bitch!” I said charging into him. I tore into his throat dragging him across the ground. Old wolves do not shift as fast as the younger wolves; I attacked while he is still in human form. I clamped down further until I felt his neck crush.

  When I shifted back, I looked down at my dead father then cried. I did not mean to kill him! My stomach bubbled; I was going to be sick. I threw up big black water bugs; they kept coming out of my throat. I rolled around on the ground in my father’s blood as the bugs crawled around inside of my stomach. I threw up more of them along with my blood. I was getting weak as I looked at my arms; they are very pale and blue. I weakly crawled away from my dad’s house into the woods. I had only one person in mind who could help me.

  I weakly banged on the door holding my stomach. Sasha opened up the door, “What the hell happened to you?” she asked helping me off the floor.

  “Xavier, you look dead! You are scaring me! Why are you naked?” she asked me.

  “I was beat up and robbed!” I told her.

  “They pulled your hair out too?” she asked me.

  “I need some water!” I told her. She hurriedly ran and got me some water. I am going to hide out here until I figure out how to get this curse off me. I laid on her couch guzzling the water, “I will pay you whatever you want me too! Just let me hide here!” I told her. Sasha was not even aware yet that Aki was dead!


  It has been four days since the fight outside of Xavier’s club. I looked around the room and Goon was gone. He did not wake me up and I did not hear him leave. We have been sleeping next to each other but he was distant. He only rolled over and held me once during the night within those four days. When he realized what he was doing, he took his arm from around my waist. I have been aroused more times, than I could count and he did not budge, he will not even touch me sexual. He was training his body to resist me, even though he wanted me. I headed to our bathroom then showered. I got dressed in lounging clothes, to sit around and do absolutely nothing! Goon was serious when he said I could not leave the house. Tomorrow Goon and I are going to visit my parents. I am looking forward to that and tomorrow could not get here fast enough. I needed some air! Being the only female in the house was not fun at all. Oh, wait Adika was here but she was locked away in Izra’s room. She has been in his room for days with the sounds of moaning and wood being scratched coming from the room.

  Amadi said wolves are able to have sex for days! Izra comes out for food then hurriedly goes back in his room. The sounds of them screwing was getting me aroused at night! Goon even had a hard on for the past couple of nights. I even tried to please him with my mouth but he would not allow me. Not only was I restricted from the outside world, I was restricted from my man!

  I knocked on Izra’s door, moments later he opened it up with only basketball shorts on. He had scratches on his chest and hickeys all over his body. I covered my eyes.

  “Can I talk to Adika for a second?” I asked him.

  “She is sleep!” he said.

  “Stop lying, Izra!” Adika called out to him. He shut the door then whispered, “I thought you said you was going to shift into a Siberian husky while I fuck you!” he said to her. My mouth dropped open even though Izra’s blunt speaking did not surprise me.

  “I will later!” Adika whispered back. Izra opened the door back up.

  “So, you’ve been screwing Adika while she shifts into different animals?” I asked Izra then his handsome face lit up with excitement, “Mannnnnn, that shit is beautiful! Last night she turned into a unicorn! I didn’t know if I wanted to eat her and say fuck hunting or if I wanted to slid into her!” he said.

  “Adika! Bring your ass out here! I’m not in the mood to entertain your crazy ass man!” I said to her. He slammed the door in my face. I could hear him tell Adika she had better not take no more than five-minutes. Moments later, Adika walked out with a robe on and her hair was all over head. She had bite marks on her neck and scratches on her chest.

  “Seriously?” I asked her then she blushed.

  “Izra’s stamina is just amazing! I have been with thousands of men over the centuries and none of them made me submissive during sex!” she said to me.

  “How old are you?” I asked her.

  “I’m over a thousand years old! I don’t age at all! I never been a child. I was created from magic, in the form I’m in now!” she told me. I always wondered why Adika looks has not changed since the ninth grade. She has a very youthful looking face; her body was the only thing that has changed throughout the years.

  “Great! Everyone around me is ancient!” I said laughing. She and I walked down the stairs.

  Dayo came into the house dressed in his motorcycle gear. Dayo is very attractive! His skin is the color of the midnight sky. His eyes are hazel and his hair is a kinky like texture. I still could not believe he was into men. Dayo has been spending a lot of his time away from the house. He comes in for a few hours then leaves right back out. I already know it is because of me. He looked at Adika then sucked his teeth.

  “Who are you?” he asked Adika.

  “The woman that’s dating Izra! Is that a problem?” Adika snapped back.

  “So, I take it he found you off of the streets too? If I see another human woman, I am going to lose my mind!” he mumbled.

  “I am not human!” I said to Dayo then he laughed.

  “Oh, that’s right! I forgot you are the prissy little non-hunting toy dog, that everyone is going crazy about!” he said. I growled at him then he laughed.

  “You got something you want to get off of your chest?” Goon asked Dayo while coming from out of the basement.

  “Nothing at all, bro!” Dayo said smirking. He walked pass us then up the stairs.

  “WOW! Somethings seems odd with Dayo! I cannot put my finger on it yet and it’s bothering me,” Adika said.

  “Now, you see what I have been going through?” I asked Adika laughing.

  “Heyyyy, Goon! Can’t speak!” Adika teased him.

  “Naw! You and Izra been keeping me up at night!” Goon smirked. I turned away from him because the slightest gestures he makes gets me in the mood.

  “You can look but just don’t touch, until I say so!” his voice boomed inside of my head while he and Adika held a conversation.

  “I will be in the kitchen, Adika! I will be making some Mimosa’s and breakfast!” I said walking away.

  “I would like a steak!” Goon’s voice said in my head.

  “Fix it yourself!” I shouted. He and Adika laughed at me.

  I prepared everyone’s breakfast including Dayo’s. Once I called everyone to the dinner table, just like a pack of wolves they came running. Adika and I ate breakfast at the small table in the kitchen.

  “It feels so good to have another woman in the house! Even if it is just for a few days! Living with a bunch of arrogant men with insane appetites is not fun!” I said to her.

  “It’s not that bad! Everyone is like a big family!” Adika said.

  “Izra, isn’t mad anymore?” I asked her.

  “Nope! Once I turned into a unicorn, he was happy like a kid on Christmas! Izra is like a child at heart!” she smiled.

  “He is the youngest out all of them! That’s why he acts so darn ghetto at times!” I laughed. After Adika and I had breakfast, afterwards we walked outside to the backyard.

  “Kanya, are you sure you want to do this? Goon, said don’t leave the house!” Adika
said to me.

  “You heard what Dayo said! He called me a non-hunting toy dog! I have never caught a deer by myself! I will be having pups soon and I need to learn how to feed them! Therefore, Goon has to understand why I left out of the house. Besides, the gates go very far so I will still be on the property. I will be fine as long as I’m within the gates!” I told her. After I took my clothes off, I hurriedly shifted so no one could see me. Adika dropped her robe then shifted into a cheetah.

  “Show off!” I said to myself.

  “I heard that! Now, let’s hunt!” she said taking off in full speed. I took off behind her, trying to catch up with her. I leaped up in a tree, jumping from tree to tree. Adika and I roamed around in the woods until we came across two deer’s.

  I remembered the techniques Goon used when he hunts. He stalks the animal first then slowly creep up on it without making a sound. Adika watched me as I crept behind the bigger deer; he was huge. His antlers stretched out, looking like two small trees on top of his head. Deer antlers can be dangerous, Amadi caught one a few weeks ago and it tore up his stomach. I steadied myself until I got a clear view of its neck. He was eating on the grass. I charged into him sinking my teeth into his neck. The other deer tried to take off but Adika pounced on it. I wrestled the huge deer onto the ground; he is very heavy and strong! I locked my jaws around his neck as he thrashed, around almost knocking me off him. My nails dug into him to get a firm hold on him. His breathing weakened, I shook him by the neck snapping it. Adika and I dragged our kill back to the house. I am glad it was not too far! The deer was almost bigger than I was! The guys were waiting for us in wolf form back at the house. I am sure Goon read my mind and knew what I was doing. They are ready to eat even though they just ate a big breakfast! Goon walked towards me in his menacing black wolf form. He is beautiful in the daytime when you can see all of him. At night, his eyes are the only thing you can see because everything else blends in into the night. His wolf mane is silky and bushy; the sculpted muscles in his shoulders are perfect. His entire structure is even beautiful! When he got to me, he licked my face then nuzzled his head under mines, “That’s my girl!” his voice said into my head. I licked his face back then charged into him. We rolled around in the grass wrestling and playfully biting each other.

  “You still can’t go anywhere!” Goon’s voice said inside of my head.

  The next day…

  We pulled up in front of my parent’s home. Goon looked down at my fake stomach that I had ordered on line a week ago, “What?” I asked him.

  “I’m still trying to figure out your meaning of that!” he laughed.

  “I will be having pups in three months, right! My parents have not saw me in three months! I can just say that I was already three months pregnant when they last saw me. This way, they won’t be suspicious of me having babies so fast!” I said to him.

  “You really have a busy mind, Kanya!” he laughed getting out of the car.

  When I got out of the car I stretched my body, my parents lived four hours away. They moved to New York a year ago. I talk to them almost every day and I could not wait to see them. I rang the doorbell nervously; Goon looked at me with a worried look on his face.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked rubbing his back.

  “What am I supposed to say?” he asked then I blushed. Goon does not fear anything but witnessing him showing fear in meeting my parents is bringing another side of him out.

  “Just be yourself! They are easy to talk too! A bit nosey but you will manage!” I said to him.

  “Are they nosey like you?” he asked me with a serious look on his face.

  “Really, Goon! I’m not nosey!” I said then he smirked kissing my lips.

  “It is okay baby!” he chuckled.

  Moments later the door opened and it was my mother. She is a thick heavy woman. My mother is very eccentric especially with her natural locks and heavy wooden jewelry.

  “My babbyyyyyyy!” she said hugging me. She held my face in her hands as she placed kisses all over my face.

  “I missed you!” I said to her.

  “And who is this very handsome young man?” she asked me.

  “My name is Akua and it’s nice to finally meet you! Kanya did not tell me how beautiful you are. I see where she got her unique looks from,” Goon said shocking me. My mother blushed.

  “Well, thank you! Kanya, I see you got yourself a charmer!” she said pulling us inside of the house. The smell of vanilla candles burning filled up the brownstone.

  “Can I get you two anything?” she asked us then her eyes landed on my stomach. She gasped then put her hands over her mouth.

  “You are with child?” she asked me. Goon looked at me waiting for me to lie to my mother. I wanted to pinch him for not helping me out.

  “Yes, we will be expecting in three months. Kanya wanted it to be a surprise!” Goon finally said rubbing my stomach.

  My mother sat down on the couch, “Oh, my heavens! We are going to be grandparents! What are we having?” she asked us.

  “I don’t know yet! I don’t want to find out until, I go into labor!” I told her. My father came down the stairs. He is shorter than my mother is and very stubborn.

  “Your father is a very small man! Maybe we should take him hunting with us! I’ve caught rabbits to snack on, bigger than him,” Goon said in my head. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. My father had a scowl on his face but it was the least bit of menacing.

  Goon stood up then held his hand out, “It’s nice to me you Mr. Williamson!” Goon said to him. My father looked at his hand then slowly shook it. I stood up then hugged my father.

  “Hey, daddy!” I said to him. He finally smiled hugging me back then kissing my cheek.

  “Hey, pumpkin! Your mother and I been missing you! You picked up a lot of weight! Is that what I think it is?” he asked me touching my stomach.

  “Yes, Akua and I are expecting in a few months!” I said to him.

  “But you are not married! You know this family don’t have sex before marriage, Kanya!” he scolded me. I saw a flash of anger in Goon’s eyes.

  “Cut it out Jeffery! This is our only child and we will do anything to make her feel comfortable including accepting this pregnancy!” my mother spat.

  “But honey Kanya isn’t responsible yet and this young man looks like a thug!” he said. I touched Goon’s hand and it was burning up, his beast wanted to come out.

  “I’m fine Kanya!” Goon’s voice came inside of my head.

  “Shut the fuck up Jeffery!” my mother screamed at him.

  “Maybe we should go! I did not drive all the way up here to feel unwanted! Akua and I are having a baby and we are happy! Daddy, I love him and you have to get use to him because he and I are together forever!” I said to him.

  “Okay, let’s just talk over dinner!” my father said to us.

  My parents walked out of the living room. I turned around and noticed Goon’s facial expression. As long as I have known him, I have never witnessed him to be sad and unsure. I stood up on my tippy-toes hugging him.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked him.

  “They love you, Kanya! I do not want to take you away from them! This is what you are use too! Living in the house with a bunch of wolves isn’t what’s fair to you!” he said to me sounding like he was breaking up with me. If Goon walked out of my life, I think I would emotionally die!

  A tear slid down my eye, “Did you not see the pain I went through when those markings etched across my back? You are stuck with me! You are my life! I love you!” I said to him. He kissed my lips.

  “I know you do! I love you too!” he said finally telling me. Hearing him say those words warmed my heart.

  “I want to bite you right now!” I said to him then he licked his lips.

  “Oh, word?” he asked me then I laughed because of how much he sounds like modern day hood boys.

  Goon and I joined my parents at the dinner table. My mother made rotisse
rie chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli with freshly made buttered biscuits. Goon stared at his plate trying to figure out what he was going to eat first; he does not even eat chicken.

  “What’s the matter Akua? You don’t like chicken?” my mother asked him.

  “He is allergic! Goon can only eat red meat and vegetables. His stomach gets very sensitive, if you know what I mean!” I whispered to my mother.

  “Oh, ok! Eat what you want, honey!” my mother said to Goon.

  “So, where are you from Akua?” my father asked him.

  “I’m from Africa, Egypt to be exact!” Goon answered.

  “I have some family that migrated from Egypt to West Africa ages ago. There was even this folklore tale about a witch turning a man into a wolf. The villages heard rumors about the witch and ended up going to see her. They wanted to live for eternity so she turned them into animal shifters. My grandmother use to tell me stories about it. She also told me that we have jackal blood and every thousand years a jackal is born in our family! I love the stories about ancient Egypt!” my mother said. Only if she knew how real those stories are.

  “What do you do for a living?” my father asked Goon.

  “He is a meat butcher!” I answered for Goon, “That’s a good one!” he said in my head then laughed.

  “How old are you? You don’t look much older than Kanya!” my mother said to him.


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