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Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story

Page 16

by Natavia

  “I’m twenty-four,” he answered her. After dinner, my father warmed up to Goon. Goon even laughed at his corny jokes. My mother and I cleaned the kitchen.

  “You seem very happy! My only child is growing up!” she said with teary eyes.

  “Don’t cry mama!” I said hugging her.

  “I can’t believe you left home and got your own life! If I could I would keep you here!” she sniffled.

  “I’m growing up!” I laughed.

  “I know that! Just make sure you visit more and bring my grandbaby to see us every chance you get! Or if it isn’t too much we can always come to see you!” she said.

  Afterwards I kissed my parent’s good-bye and promised to call them as soon as I got back in the house. Goon gave my mother a hug and my father a handshake before we left out of the door. When we got back in the car, I was exhausted.

  “You sure you don’t have any real pups in there? You been tired all day!” Goon said to me.

  “That’s because this stomach is heavy!” I said taking it off.

  “When the pups get older we will have to tell your parents what you really are! Your mother knows the story she just doesn’t know it exist!” Goon said. I did not want to tell my parents at all. That would mess up their heads, might even set them crazy.

  I stared at Goon’s handsome face and my thoughts were spiraling out of my head. I wanted him badly! I hated going in heat! It always snuck up on me causing that uncontrollable throbbing between my legs. I pulled my pants and my panties off while Goon drove. He sniffed the air then growled.

  “Kanya, if I shift while I’m driving that wouldn’t be too good! That will set these people crazy seeing a big black ass wolf behind a steering wheel!” Goon said.

  His hard on was pressed against his jeans, it grew down his leg. I unzipped his pants then ripped the rest of the material along with his boxer-briefs off. I held his large member in my hand kissing the tip of it.

  “OH SHIT!” Goon hollered out. I took him down my throat massaging his testicles. I slurped, licked, and slobbered all over him. He swerved the car off the road, “UMMMMM!” he moaned.

  “FUCK!” he growled as my head went up and down jerking him off in a faster motion. I slipped my fingers between my slit, my essence splashed on the leather seats. Thoughts of Goon pinning me down thrusting in and out of me caused me to suck him faster; my fingers are dripping from my wet sex. My legs trembled as I climaxed.

  “I’m about to explode!” Goon hollered out. His dick is harder and his veins bulged out, the tip of his head swelled then he exploded inside of my mouth in the back of my throat.

  The car slammed on brakes. I sat up and looked around at our surroundings. We are under a dark under-path. There were not any cars driving pass.

  “Get out!” Goon said opening his door. I hurriedly got out then sat on the hood of the car. Goon spread my legs then pulled me down into him. His dick pierced through my opening causing my screams to echo. He ripped off my shirt and bra, capturing my harden nipples into his warm mouth.

  “Go deeper!” I screamed dripping on the hood. I wanted him deep long and hard. He held my legs up pushing more of his girth inside of my tight hole. I dug my nails into his forearms while he moved in and out of me.

  “Bite me!” I screamed. I wanted him to give me that euphoric pain that brings me pleasure and intense orgasms.

  Goon’s canines expanded from his gums. His nails sharpened, he licked my neck then slowly sank his teeth into me. My legs shook then my body convulsed, my eyes rolled into my head as his bite traveled through my veins. I ripped open his shirt then kissed his toned chest. I brought his head closer to mines; I kissed his cheek then worked my way down to his shoulders. My teeth punctured through his skin, he howled. I threw my hips back into him faster and harder. My teeth went further into him making him fuck me harder.

  “ARRGGHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed when he went deeper into me, he was buried deep inside of me. I felt a warm fluid gush from between my legs as Goon hammered away making my legs tremble. My head spun and I got dizzy as he filled me up with his semen.

  “I guess we have to drive back home naked! Since our clothes are ripped up!” I said then he laughed.


  Kanya laid asleep slightly snoring. I eased out of the bed then went into the hallway. I whistled quietly, Elle, Amadi, and Izra came out of their rooms. Kofi opened up the door; we shifted then took off running through the woods. We leaped over the gate and then headed in the direction to Xavier’s house. I wanted to kill him and his whole pack off! I had to get it over with because Xavier didn’t seem like he was going to stop his rampage; he always ended up just popping up. I waited for a week and now the wait is over!

  I stood outside of his house then howled letting him know that I was challenging him. Elle, Amadi, and Izra paced back and forth with their tribal markings glowing in their fur. My nails sharpened when I smelled another wolf. Four wolves emerged from the back of the house. The door-opened and a man stepped out who somewhat resembled a younger version of, Kofi.

  “I know who you are here for and he isn’t here! Xavier is no longer apart of this pack and we will not fight his battles! However, if you cause harm we will fight! I’m Dash the new pack leader,” he said.

  “I think he is telling the truth, Goon!” Elle said.

  “I know! He is the alpha of his pack! Let’s go!” I said to my pack. Izra lifted his leg up then released himself on the tree in front of their house. One of the wolves from the other pack growled at him ready to charge him. I jumped in front of Izra then growled; the wolf backed away putting his head down.

  “Stay off of our territory and we will stay off of yours!” Dash said to me. I turned around then headed home.

  I paced back and forth in the basement thinking of where Xavier could be. I needed to get rid of him! I wanted to get rid of him!

  “We tried his father’s house! We found his father’s body sprawled out in the grass with his neck dislocated!” Elle said coming down the basement stairs.

  “We need to track his scent!” I said to Elle.

  Kanya came down the stairs rubbing her eyes and fixing her robe, “Why aren’t you in bed? Is everything okay?” she asked me.

  “I’m fine! Go back to sleep! I will be in bed shortly!” I said pacing back and forth.

  “Why are you mad?” she asked me.

  “GO BACK TO FUCKING BED, KANYA!” I yelled at her when I did not mean too.

  My beast was angry and he was trying to come out. He wanted Xavier more than I did. My beast and I are different and at times, I cannot control him!

  “Calm down!” Elle said to me. I picked up the couch then hurled it into the wall.

  “I need to find him! I won’t sleep until Xavier is dead!” I said pacing back and forth. Kanya walked up the stairs then slammed the basement door.

  “You didn’t have to yell at her like that, Goon! You need to have better control over your beast! You and he never agree on the same shit!” Elle said to me.

  “I can’t control him, sometimes!” I said getting angry all over again.

  Izra and Amadi came down the stairs, “We couldn’t track Xavier’s scent! I don’t think he is no longer around, he is hiding somewhere,” Izra said.

  I felt a ball of rage come over me. I let out a growl then swapped everything off the shelves. I was in both human and wolf form. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I turned the knob and but it was locked. I banged on the door.

  “Open the door!” I yelled at Kanya.

  “Go away!” Kanya cried.

  “Opened this damn door, Kanya!” I kicked it opened then it flew into the wall. She jumped up, petrified.

  “Don’t you lock me out! Ever!” I yelled at her.

  “You’re scaring me!” she cried but my beast did not care. He wanted Xavier; he wanted blood! He needed to kill. I picked Kanya up by her throat with my nails pricking her skin.

  “LET HER GO!” Kofi yelled charging into me. Elle,
Amadi, and Izra helped him contain me.

  Kanya ran out of the room, “Fight it Goon! Fight it!” Kofi said to me. I breathed in and out slowly like Kofi have taught me over the years when my beast overpowers me. Every once in a while, I go through violent spells. When I was ten years old, I went back to the plantation killing everyone. I was a new wolf and I was craving the taste for human blood. I stayed in wolf form for a whole week because my wolf would not allow me to shift back to human form.

  Izra patted my shoulders, “You good, now?” he asked me. They stood me up, “I’m fine!” I said then they let me go.

  I left out of the room searching for Kanya. I sniffed the air following her scent trail. I walked outside and there she was sitting on the steps. Her shoulders trembled as she cried.

  “Leave me alone, Goon!” she said to me.

  “I didn’t mean it!” I said to her.

  “You was another wolf! Your eyes were not even the same! You usually look into my soul when you stare at me. Your eyes looked passed me. You looked at me like I was nothing!” she cried.

  I sat down next to her, “I can’t control him sometimes! He does not forget even when I tries to! He craves revenge and he won’t let me rest until I get it,” I told her.

  “WHAP!” she slapped me in the face.

  “Fuck you!” she said to me.

  “I deserved that!” I said to her. She stood up but I pulled her back down onto my lap, “Please Kanya!” I said to her.

  “Will you hurt our children?” she asked me. That question pained me.

  As I sat there, something wet fell from my eyes. I touched my face and the liquid was clear. It was a tear, I have not cried since I was a little boy stranded in the woods after my parents died.

  Kanya looked at me then I turned away from her wiping my face. She turned my face back around looking into my eyes. She threw her arms around me then squeezed me as she hugged me tightly. She did not say it but I read her mind. She forgave me but I did not feel worthy of it.

  Two days later…

  “Where are you taking me, old man?” I asked Kofi. We are walking in the woods. We are so far into the woods that it was starting to feel different.

  “Remember that lake? That’s where I found you at!” he said pointing.

  “Oh, yeah! You gave me my first dear!” I said chuckling.

  “I gave you your name too! Did not think you would stick with it! I should’ve named Izra, Goon!” Kofi laughed. We continued to walk until we came across two unique shaped trees that stood side by side.

  “If you look closely, those two trees are shaped like gates!” he said to me. I stared at it and the trees did resembled gates. Kofi picked up a rock, throwing it between the trees. The rock bounced back.

  “That is the gate to the world I came from and the world your parents lives in! It opens every full-moon,” he said.

  “Why are we here?” I asked him.

  “Someone wants to see you!” he said blowing into a gold small horn that looks like a whistle. He blew into it three times then a bolt of lightning formed between the trees. I stepped back and watched on. A giant black wolf with a gold emblem around its neck appeared. His beast is twice the size of mines; he is massive in size! Almost the height of an elephant.

  “What the fuck is that?” I asked Kofi ready to shift just in case we are in danger.

  “That’s your father, Ammon!” Kofi laughed. Ammon teeth are gold and so is his claws. Kofi dropped down then bowed to him. The wolf disappeared; in place stood a man that resembled me. He is dressed like an Egyptian warrior. He held a long, gold stick with jewels decorated around it, in his hand.

  “Come my son! Let me see you!” his voice called out to me. I looked at Kofi; he nodded his head at me telling me to go. I walked towards my father; he dropped his stick then pulled me into him squeezing me tightly.

  “I get to finally touch you!” he said to me. I did not know what to do or say. I had glimpses of him in my vision but I do not remember him.

  “I will wait here!” Kofi said to us. My father grabbed me then we disappeared. We ended up in some kind of temple with two large chairs sitting side by side. There was some kind of big crystal ball sitting on a gold and diamond table in the middle of the room.

  “That ball holds all of your memories!” he said to me as I walked closer to it.

  “Your mother and I watch you from here! Every time she cries for you, a marking form on your body,” he said to me.

  “Kanya has those markings too!” I said to him not understanding.

  “Kanya is connected to you; every marking you have she will get eventually,” he said.

  “What about the rest of the pack? They have a few,” I said.

  “Theirs are different from yours. I marked them so they could protect you. Your pack is designed to protect you. They have markings of a warrior!” he said.

  I looked into the ball and it was like a movie of my life. I was a little kid running through the sand. I had to be around five, I tossed a few rocks into the Nile River. My mother came and got me because I was ready to tip over into the water.

  Ammon laughed, “You kept your mother and I on our toes!” he said. I continue to watch, I was about nine when Kofi was showing me how to make a bow and arrow. We were hunting lions for their fur.

  “Kofi has always been around?” I asked him.

  “Yes, Kofi is my good friend! We are like you and Izra!” Ammon said. I saw one vision where Keora and I were being intimate in the grass. I looked to be around sixteen.

  “How is that possible?” I asked him.

  “Keora was in love with you but unfortunately the prophecy didn’t see it that way. Every time a woman fell in love with you, we had to reincarnate you until Kanya came along. It was our only way to keep the prophecy going. Egyptians plan everything from birth; they have visions of the future. Kanya was in that future but we knew it would be years before she came along. So we recycled your life until then,” my father said to me.

  “This is too much,” I said.

  “I know son! You’ve been reincarnated over three hundred times,” he said to me.

  “I don’t remember any of this!” I said to him.

  “Kanya is the woman who you are destined to be with. No more lost memories and recycled lives,” he said as I stared at the globe-like ball. It was another memory of Keora and me. I gave her a piece of jewelry and her smile lit up, “That’s why she loves jewelry so much!” I said watching us.

  Ammon laughed, “Keora was a bit of a handful! You met her in your fiftieth life. She was very heart-broken when we reincarnated you, erasing your memory,” he said to me. I touched the ball then my memories started flashing in my head. I got a glimpse of all of my lives; I pulled my hand away from it.

  “Follow me! I’m going to show you my world! We have to hurry because I do not want you to be stuck in here until the next full-moon, when you and Kanya are supposed to mate!” my father said. He pushed opened the stonewall and I could hear the Egyptian music playing. This was like the visions I have been having.

  “It looks like home!” I said. When we walked outside, the thick wavy sand surrounded us. The water is crystal blue and it sparkled underneath the sun light. It looked like small diamonds were floating around in the water.

  “You will live here, thousands of years from now. We do not get old then die. Once we live for thousands of years, we come here. The earth isn’t big enough, for a lot of immortals to walk around,” my father said to me.

  “Where is my mother?” I asked him.

  “On earth! She casted a spell sending her back to earth to protect you,” he said.

  “From who?” I asked him.

  “Xavier! I told her you will handle it but your mother always been protective over you!” he said.

  After he and I talked and walked around it was time for me to head back to earth. He pointed his stick up to the sky and a tornado like wind headed towards me.

  “I will see you in a few mo
nths when Kanya gives birth! Take care son!” he said to me. The wind picked me up then I disappeared. I came crashing down on the muddy ground in the woods.

  Kofi was still waiting for me when I got back.

  “It’s a beautiful world isn’t it? I can’t wait till I go back!” he said patting my back.

  “You knew about Keora and me?” I asked him.

  “Yes, but they were all memories. We were not allowed to share them with you. You had to find out on your own and now that you saw them, they can be discussed,” he said. We headed on a long journey back to home.

  “Where did you and Kofi go? You’ve been gone all day!” Kanya said sitting on my back massaging it. Her small hands felt like magic.

  “I met my father!” I told her.

  “WHAT! And you are just now telling me? What happened? What is he like? Is he big and mean like you? Or is he like a spirit?” she asked me.

  “His wolf is bigger than mines and no he isn’t mean! His personality is like Kofi’s! I was surprised myself!” I told her.

  “Did you find out everything you needed to know about yourself?” she asked me.

  “Yeah, I did!” I answered her.

  “Why did you tense up when I asked you that? Are you keeping something away from me?” Kanya asked me.

  “Keora and I was intimate in my past life! She was in love with me. I didn’t have that memory but she still has hers. She was forbidden from telling me so I never knew,” I told Kanya.

  “That bitch!” Kanya spat getting off my back.

  “What’s the matter with you?” I asked her.


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