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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

Page 13

by Corinne Balfour

  “His mate left him for a more powerful male with a more binding bite.” Diermont sipped his tea and sighed in obvious pleasure as he consumed the bloody drink. “He was jealous of the males who had found happiness with their true mates so he had to destroy them. Like your father, you haven’t found a true mate. Like your father, you are envious of those who have what you have always been denied. And that makes you a dangerous male.”

  Patrick returned with a tray that held the biscuits. Cabrian knew better than to think they would be made of simple flour. The flat, circular discs were topped with Asstrumnian sea worms. “Imported just for you, Your Royal Highness,” Patrick said. “I know how much you miss your favorite dishes from home.” Diermont thanked him and put the wormy biscuit in his mouth.

  Cabrian declined the offer of biscuits since sea worms had never appealed to him. “I accepted long ago that I would have no hybrid mate. I do not envy those that do. Many of our kind lack mates and I believe that a solution lies with the humans.” A worm wiggled from the biscuit Diermont launched to his mouth, falling upon the table. Cabrian tried not to look at the creature as it tried to make its escape. “The ones compatible for breeding should be utilized. The original Asstrum did the same when they interbred with the humans to create our race. It is time to introduce new bloodlines again. It will make us stronger.”

  “Diluting bloodlines will make us weak, not strong.” Diermont swallowed the biscuit, and seeing the worm on the table, he quickly captured it with his tongue. It made a horrible crunching sound as Diermont chewed on it. “I have tried to convince the king of this, but he has been swayed by the arguments of those human-lovers. By people like you.”

  Cabrian bit his tongue so he wouldn’t respond to Diermont’s comments. It wouldn’t help matters to provoke an argument with the crazy prince. It would leave Cassia vulnerable to retaliation, and he knew he couldn’t protect her all the time because his work duties interfered in his ability to do that. “I cannot delay the making of heirs indefinitely, you understand. I am getting on in years.”

  Diermont laughed. “You are in your prime, overlord. That argument won’t work with me. You are looking for an excuse to fuck that human, just like the rest of our blue rot injectors. But too much human cunt will ruin a hybrid male. You must pace yourself like a woman on a diet.”

  “Diets are for those with appetite problems. I am a healthy blooded male with self-control. I can handle it.”

  “That is what all the addicts say. I must insist on abstinence, Lord Ross. Indulge sparingly and only when warranted.” Diermont took a third biscuit from the tray and paused as he placed it before his mouth. “But I can understand your dilemma. Your slave has an exotic appeal. She is not as revolting as most humans and her body proportions are…interesting.”

  “Excuse me?” Cabrian thought he had misheard the prince since it sounded like Diermont had almost complimented a human.

  “Do bring your slave to the mating ceremonies tonight.” The prince swallowed the buggy biscuit whole in one gulp. “Unclothed, of course. It will help set the mood.”

  “What mood are you going for?”

  “The loving mood.” Diermont thrust his hips to demonstrate his point. “Your companions will all be participating in the mating tests and they will be expected to perform, if you know what I mean. And not all of Snotti’s ladies are as lovely as Snotti. Some are downright hideous.” Patrick nodded vigorously as Diermont made his speech. The prince stretched back in his chair, striking a casual pose. “The cocks may be doing some shrinking tonight.”

  “And you think Cassia will stimulate them?”

  “I’ve noticed some of our warriors enjoy the sight of a human female.”

  “Yes, like all of them,” Patrick said under his breath.

  “Of course it disgusts me and I don’t understand the attraction.” Diermont shot Patrick a look of annoyance. “But bring your slave and display her properly. That’s an order.”

  Cabrian shook his head in disgust as soon as he departed the prince’s chambers. Diermont was more transparent than he realized. The prince was the one who wished to look at Cassia. He refused to admit he found humans appealing.

  Cabrian entered Cassia’s room and sat on their bed. His breathing was harsh and he tried to calm himself. He was beyond frustrated with the prince.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He sighed and turned to face Cassia. She wore nothing but the slave collar. It almost hurt to look at her, knowing he was forbidden to enter her body. “Diermont refused my request to go to the breeding camps.”

  “Oh. So that means we must wait.”

  “Not the four years. Just until we are cleared to leave New Babylon. The prince wants to concentrate on finishing his business here.”

  “You mean Lucine.”

  Cabrian winced. “Yes, he wants Lucine. I’m sorry. I know she’s your family.”

  “Do they know where she is?”

  “They think she’s gone underground. Don’t worry. I don’t expect you to help with the hunt.”

  The bed sheet that Cassia had fashioned into a toga fell an inch, exposing the tops of her breasts. “I only ask for mercy, for Lucine and the rest of the family.”

  “I can promise little since she did hold me captive. She is responsible for the deaths of many hybrids.” He didn’t want to give Cassia false hope. Lucine had a bounty on her head and her days were numbered. “She will have to answer for her crimes. But if it comes to that, I’ll help ensure a painless death. Diermont will want to torture her first.”

  “Oh God.” Cassia’s expression was pained. “I can’t think about that right now.”

  “I have to take you to a mating ceremony tonight.” Cabrian explained what that meant. “The prince requested that I bring my slave.”

  “For what reason?”

  “It’s part of the entertainment, Cassia. He’ll expect us to put on a show.” Diermont tested him; he wanted to ascertain the overlord’s willingness to follow orders.

  “And you must give him what he wants?”

  “He’s a prince. The king’s favorite son. Everyone gives Diermont what he wants.” Else a lord was dispossessed of his lands and his head was separated from his body. “And what he wants is to see a human female in a humiliating position. So be a good pet. I would not have you punished for disobedience.”

  Cassia glared at him, but there wasn’t a way to appease her. Her position was vulnerable and he wouldn’t feel comfortable until they were gone from New Babylon.

  Chapter 12

  Kiera felt energized upon awakening. Physically, she had never felt better, and mentally, her mind worked at lightning speed and enhanced efficiency. For the first time since her illness, she felt like a fully functioning person. Had Modez’s blood cured her? It would be too much to hope for that the effects would be permanent, but even a quick-fix was appreciated. The Halloran blood really did have enhanced properties and she could actually feel it rushing inside her veins, making her stronger.

  She dressed in her nicest gown, taking special care with her appearance. She arranged her dark hair as best she could without a ladies maid, letting it fall in ringlets to her waist. She would be presented to Sulian today, and even though there would be no mating test, she wanted to make a good impression.

  She met Druscilla outside her room. The other woman was filled with enthusiasm. Kiera was excited, but mostly because she felt alive for the first time in forever. She walked with Druscilla to the gardens where everyone had gathered. Diermont made a speech and then began to announce the pairings. The couples came forward and made vows that bound them to each other for a month. Kiera watched as every single lady present, except for her, gave their vows. She had hoped that Diermont would allow her mating test to proceed, but it looked like Modez had gotten his way. Anger surged inside her as she looked at the lord who had screwed things up for her. She should have taken her place in that line. It was humiliating to be the only female deemed unworthy to be a mat

  Kiera felt a frisson of alarm shoot up her spine as she made eye contact with Modez. He looked pale and wearied. It made her wonder just how much blood she had drained from him last night. He stared at her with suspicion in his eyes and it made her feel jumpy. She licked her lips nervously and looked away. He couldn’t possibly know it was me.

  Kiera made her way to where Sulian was standing. He wore his ceremonial white robe and carried a bronze sickle plated in gold. His hood concealed much of his face but she had always liked his kind, amber eyes that were swirled with emerald. She had expected to be presented to him as his future mate, but Diermont had failed to do this. Sulian started walking toward her as soon as he saw her coming and they met half-way.

  Sulian’s eyes appeared more green than gold against the backdrop of the leafy verdant vegetation that had been artfully arranged in the courtyard. Ropes of ivy wrapped around the columns and trailed from golden urns. “Diermont bid me to come and I was honored to learn I would be matched with you. But Diermont now tells me that you are not ready to be mated.”

  Kiera felt herself color with embarrassment. “I am as ready as I’ll ever be.” After an awkward pause, she said, “It was ridiculous to invite you here for this only to withhold the opportunity.”

  His eyes appear troubled. “I am sorry to say I cannot remain here. I have to return to my duties. But before I go, I want to look into your future to see if you’re destined for a mating bond.”

  Kiera nodded and watched while Sulian turned his head to the clouds. She knew he was proficient in divination and she was anxious to hear what he would say about her future.

  Sulian returned his gaze to Kiera and frowned. “I am sorry. You will have no tattoos or marks upon your neck during the next set of mating tests.”

  He implied she would fail multiple mating tests in the future, which wasn’t news she wished to hear. “Maybe I will be marked some place other than my neck.”

  Sulian shook his head. “I see no marks. Kiera, I didn’t see any signs of a successful Mating Period, either. I didn’t check other periods of time…”

  “I know what you’re saying. I will be left unmated for at least four years. You will not look further than that because you don’t want to give me even worse news.”

  His face was full of sorrow. “I am sorry, Kiera. I know it wasn’t what you wanted to hear.”

  “Maybe your vision is wrong.”

  “I wish I was mistaken. I am disappointed as well. I had hoped you would be the one…”

  Panic gripped her. It was all slipping away. All of her dreams. Gone. “I could still be yours. We don’t really know the future.”

  “I trust my visions. I am sorry.”

  “You will not stay, will you?”

  Sulian studied the grass at their feet, clearly uncomfortable with the turn of events. “It would be pointless to proceed with a mating ceremony when it is doomed to fail. I won’t take advantage of you that way.”

  Her future loomed before her, frightening her. Years upon years of failure. It was intolerable. She had been too long on the shelf and it was only a matter of time before she lost her eligibility status. She wouldn’t be able to acquire a mate if that happened. “I understand,” she said to Sulian. She wouldn’t resort to begging. Deep down, she knew Sulian was making the wisest decision. It wasn’t going to happen. Not for her. She was destined to be alone.

  It looked like things were not going to work out as she would have liked. So why stay? She couldn’t return to that dark one-roomed hovel she called a home. It was so far from civilization that she only had insects and other wildlife as company. It was so depressing to see her mother slaving away in the fields all day with hardly a break. At night in the farmhouse, she worked her fingers to the bone. She wanted to save her mother and younger sister from a life of drudgery, but it looked like it wasn’t going to happen. At least not through a mating union.

  She would find another way, she thought with determination as her mind raced. Her mother’s Roman family was rich. She knew those stories were true because she remembered seeing her grandmother when she was a young girl. The woman had always been dressed in lavish clothes and covered in jewels. She had owned a chariot that was made of real gold and it had been pulled by pure white stallions. She had always wondered what had become of her grandmother. All she knew was that her grandparents had gone on a trip to Rome and neither had returned. Perhaps now that she was in Rome she would find answers. Even better, if she could manage to recover some of her grandmother’s property, she would not have to depend on a mate to support herself and her mother. She needed to pay a visit to her grandmother’s family home. And she needed to do it soon.

  * * *

  Cassia was envious of the hybrid females dressed in their finery. They would be mated tonight, which she understood to be the hybrid equivalent to marriage. Their matings would be temporary and only made permanent if a mating bond could be established. It all came down to a bite. Cassia wondered when Cabrian would bite her. Not any time soon, especially if Diermont had his way.

  Cassia was self-conscious of her unclothed state. She was short and softly rounded, with a body the complete opposite of her athletic stepsister, Lavinia, who had been a gladiatrix. Even before her captivity, she had not had the confidence to wear the low cut gowns that other ladies of her class wore to social events. Now she had to go about nude. She could feel the stares of the hybrid females. They were curious about humans, but some of the looks she was getting were downright malicious. She tried to ignore them.

  Diermont approached. He took the end of her leash from Cabrian’s hands and led her to a sofa whereupon a richly dressed hybrid female rested. Princess Snotti. Diermont tugged on the leash. “Allow me to present to you Cassia Maximus, daughter of Lucine Maximus. Now a slave.” Diermont put his hands on top of Cassia’s head and gave her a shove. “Bow before my mate and give her the proper respect.”

  Cassia fell to her knees and Snotti snickered at her. She fixed her eyes to the ground since the lady would be offended if she looked her in the eye.

  “A great Roman lady. Look at her now!” Snotti fingered a lock of Cassia’s golden hair. “Interesting coloring for an animal. And she has the same color hair down below. How odd.”

  “Yes. Humans are furry creatures. They have hair everywhere. Even under their armpits when unshaven.”

  “How like an animal she is,” Snotti said while patting the top of Cassia’s head. “It is good that she is collared and leashed. I want to see her crawl with her ass in the air.”

  “Very well. The pet will do as you bid. I believe it is trainable.”

  “The pet is a runt. I want a closer look at it.”

  “Arise, slave.” Diermont tugged on her collar and Cassia had to raise herself upright to prevent herself from being choked. “This female was a slave owner and a milkmaid. I could have killed her along with the rest, but I wanted her to suffer for her crimes. Her enslavement is what she deserves for holding our own captive. And like the hybrids she held captive, she will be denied the dignity of clothing. And she will not remain unmolested.”

  Snotti smiled and showed her razor-like fangs. “I see your wisdom in letting one of the Romans live. Death would have been too easy for that one.”

  “I knew you would understand once you saw her.” Diermont yanked Cassia by the collar and forced her to walk beside him. The leather leash dangled loosely while she walked, brushing against the tip of her right breast and making it feel sensitive. He led her through a cluster of hybrid males to a table. Cabrian sat on the other end and he looked livid, but she could tell he was trying to hide it.

  Diermont lifted her on the table and pushed her on her hands and knees. “Now crawl to your owner.”

  When Cassia didn’t move quickly enough for him, Diermont tugged on the leash to force her to comply. The other hybrids seated at the table whistled at her and made suggestive remarks as she passed. Some unknown person slapped her on the behind. She coul
dn’t look to see who had dared accost her because Diermont was pulling her so hard that she was in danger of choking. She wondered if it was worth it being with Cabrian when she had to endure this humiliation. Sometimes she felt peeved at Cabrian when he didn’t intervene on her behalf. He allowed her to be mistreated. She understood that he couldn’t go against Diermont’s orders without being killed for it, but sometimes the situation made her question her relationship with him. Diermont tossed the leash to Cabrian when she reached him.

  “My pet returns.” Cabrian pulled her across his lap and captured her bare breasts in his hands.

  “It is not too late to join the mating tests, Lord Ross,” Diermont said. “A male has needs that must be met.”

  “I’m done with the tests. But thank you for the offer.” His hand stroked between her legs to brush against her cleft.

  Cassia couldn’t escape his fingers as they rubbed against her nub, making her whimper. She lifted herself from his lap in an attempt to dislodge his fingers, but he yanked her back to him with the leash.

  “Very good, Lord Ross. Do not let your pet get away.” Diermont stood and watched until Cassia stopped resisting. “There you go, slave. Spread your legs a bit more and let your master stroke you. Be a sweet little pet and maybe your master will feed you.”

  Cassia’s eyes widened, thinking the prince meant something else entirely until Cabrian whispered, “He means food, literally. They’ve prepared a feast for the mating ceremonies.”

  Cassia closed her eyes, not wanting to know who watched her. She was grateful when she heard the prince move away from them. “Must you do this here?”

  “You are fortunate this is the worst of it. At least you are only being touched. Diermont’s going to watch those hybrids bed their ladies during the mating tests.”

  Cassia was shocked. And the hybrids accused the Romans of being depraved. She relaxed against him, realizing most of the attention wasn’t on them any longer. Diermont was announcing the pairings. The hybrid females paired with the hybrid males and bowed before the prince while he blessed the unions. Cassia noticed one of the hybrid males was chained to a post in the ground. She recognized him as one of Lucine’s former captives. “Why is that one chained?”


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