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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

Page 14

by Corinne Balfour

  Cabrian glanced at the male and frowned. “That’s Tylan Donovan, one of the hybrids from Ravenwood. He’s from a rival clan. He tried to claim your stepsister and Diermont imprisoned him for refusing to follow his orders.”

  Cassia remembered him now. Tylan was the one who wanted Lavinia but he had lost that fight. “What will they do with him?”

  “He should be freed. Diermont wants to use him as a hostage for a future trade, but it’s more trouble than it’s worth to keep him in chains.”

  As Diermont finished announcing the pairings, a voice yelled out in outrage, “It seems all the females have been divvied up and I’ve been left with nothing. Have you nothing to offer me, great leader?”

  Cassia trembled when the seven foot tall hybrid raised his fist in the air. The heavily tattooed warrior had been the most devastating gladiator in the arena at one time. Known as Bloodfanger, he sent chills down her spine. She couldn’t imagine him with a female. Apparently, neither could Diermont or Snotti.

  “All of the ladies here have been spoken for, I must say. I had to give priority to my own clansmen.”

  “The hell you say. You told me I’d be treated as one of your own. So where’s my temporary mate, the one I’ll get to screw for a month?”

  Diermont’s hand shook and there was tension in his face that he hadn’t managed to hide. “We’re a few females short. I apologize, Bloodfanger. As you can see, not all of my males participated. Lord Halloran did not receive a mate, nor did Lord Ross.”

  “Lord Ross is already getting pussy. And Lord Halloran is probably gay.”

  “You insult my most esteemed nobles, Bloodfanger,” Diermont said with a reddened face that showed his anger. “I have no deviants here.”

  “So you say. But I know that male,” Bloodfanger said while pointing to Cabrian, “is fucking that human and that other one,” he said while pointing to Modez, “is paler than I am and I am from the North. I am supposed to be white of skin, but he is not. That lord of yours lacks the blood to make his penis stand up enough to penetrate a female. He’s weak and sickly. That’s why he didn’t get a mate handed to him. But I’m healthy enough to fill a thousand wenches. You denied me the opportunity because you are prejudiced against the hybrids from the North.”

  “That’s not true.” Diermont stomped his foot and wagged his finger in Bloodfanger’s face. “I am the prince and you’ll not question me, Northerner. You are not entitled to my females. You are here to assist in this war. The bounty you have been given is equal to anyone else’s and I’ll not hear otherwise. If you don’t like how I run things, you can take your lily white ass out of here and go back to whence you came.”

  “Fucking prince. I’m a god of the arena and I deserve respect. I’m not putting up with this bullshit,” Bloodfanger said as he stormed out of the garden area.

  “Well that was interesting,” Cabrian said as the ex-gladiator vanished from sight. “I wonder which poor lady he had his eyes on. I didn’t know he had an inclination toward the fairer sex.”

  “I bet Lord Halloran didn’t like having his sexual preferences questioned in front of his peers.” Cassia had seen the look of humiliation on Modez’s face and she found it interesting that he was bothered by another hybrid’s perception of him. Modez did appear pale and ill. “Do hybrids get illnesses? I thought they rarely got sick. But Lord Halloran doesn’t look right.”

  “Our bodies generally heal themselves and we’re naturally immune to nearly all diseases and viruses. I’m not sure what is going on with Modez.”

  “I hope it doesn’t spread, whatever it is. Well, I hope it is nothing that would spread to you. I’m not so concerned for the others.”

  “I don’t want to think about them. I’d rather focus on you.”

  Her sex clenched when Cabrian inserted a finger inside her. She felt the hard press of his erection against her ass, where she sat on him. She wished they could disappear, that he could find some way to take her body. The sex ban was starting to aggravate her.

  “You’re so wet and I want you so bad.” His breathing was harsh and he sounded more aroused than usual. “I’ll find a way to get inside you again. This is killing me.”

  Cassia gripped him outside his trousers. “This is the only way right now.” She hoped to take the edge off. It didn’t take long before he found his release. Hers came a moment later.

  Cabrian set her away from his body and let out an agitated breath. “You shouldn’t have done that here. I hope no one saw.”

  “That? But that was nothing.” Cassia hadn’t even touched bare flesh.

  “Diermont hasn’t given permission for me to take any pleasure from you, Cassia. We must be careful.”

  Cassia scanned the courtyard. Many of the lords and ladies had left. The ones that remained weren’t paying any attention to them. She supposed the novelty of the naked slave girl routine was wearing off. They were more interested in the hybrid matings. “I don’t think anyone saw us.” At least she hoped not. She didn’t want to risk either of them getting in trouble.

  Chapter 13

  Kiera looked toward the exit, trying to judge how soon she could disappear. The couples had given their vows and would be departing to the bedchambers.

  “Kiera,” Diermont said. “I am disappointed in you. Again.”

  She looked into the prince’s frowning face and the coldness in his tone made her tremble. “I’m sorry.”

  “Snotti was highly upset that she had the druid come here for nothing. Sulian told me that he will not be returning. He is unwilling to wait for you, but he should not have had to wait. A true lady is ready at all times.”

  “I have been ready. It was your mate who found me to be lacking in readiness.”

  “She is not the only one who found you lacking. I would send you to the palace if not for the dronusflies. Since you must remain here, you will learn to obey or you will be punished. I will not have a ward of mine acting the way you have been acting.”

  “I understand. May I be excused?”

  “No, and you are not to ask. You are to wait patiently until you are dismissed.” Diermont grasped her hand and pulled her along while he walked. “Come. You will witness the bedding of your friend Druscilla and the hybrid Adonis.”

  “I would rather not invade such a private moment.”

  “I do not trust Adonis to consummate the union. He was reluctant to bind himself to the female.”

  “But why must I watch it?”

  Diermont yanked on her elbow and said, “You must do whatever I tell you to do without question. That is your first lesson.” He looked over his shoulder and said, “Modez, come witness the event.”

  Diermont pushed Kiera into a bedchamber. She noticed Druscilla, dressed in the mating garment, sitting on the bed. Adonis paced the room.

  When Adonis saw them enter, his face grew stony. “Am I to do this with an audience?”

  “I need proof that you are making an honest effort,” Diermont said. “I heard reports that troubled me greatly.”

  “Are you no better than the Romans, then? They often made me perform.”

  “Just get on with it, man,” Diermont said. “Let us know if you need instruction. I know it has been some time since you’ve entertained a hybrid lady.”

  Adonis stopped pacing and walked to the bed. He sighed heavily and started to pull up Druscilla’s gown.

  These mating tests brought back a flood of memories for Kiera. Like the time her last partner mauled her like some kind of werewolf, forcing the guards to intervene. Her wounds had taken weeks to heal that time. It was too bad that the very handsome Lord Hewitt had been so overly ardent in his dealings with her, but he had been rather typical. She turned her attention back to her friend. Adonis had forgotten how to behave around a lady. Druscilla screeched and tried to scoot backwards on the bed when he grabbed hold of her skirt.

  “Try not to act the barbarian, Adonis,” Diermont said. “You will shame Druscilla if you disrobe her. Use the access

  Adonis released Druscilla’s gown and looked at the prince in confusion. “Access flap?”

  “There is an opening in her gown. You can find it easily if you lift the flap.”

  Adonis looked at Druscilla’s garment as if it was a mysterious object from outer space. “You mean this thing that looks like a skirt?”

  Adonis pulled down his trousers and pulled out a cock that was only half-erect. As he pushed the excess material out of the way to search for the opening, Kiera averted her eyes, not wanting to view the awkward scene.

  “Your shaft isn’t ready and I’m not touching it,” Druscilla said with disgust in her tone.

  “I’d rather do it myself, thank you very much,” Adonis said.

  Kiera heard sounds of the rustling of clothing followed by grunting. She couldn’t avoid hearing the sounds of copulation since they were standing so close. She wondered what it would be like to partner with Modez for one of these tests. It sent a rush of heat to her loins. She met his gaze and was surprised to find him watching her.

  “Tell me, Adonis. How does it feel to be with a real woman rather than a human animal?” Diermont asked. “This is the way it is supposed to be.”

  Adonis moved his hips forcefully and said, “She’s dry as a bone.”

  “Use the jelly. There are two jars beside you in two different flavors.”

  Adonis picked up one of the jars and sniffed it. He scrunched up his face and grimaced. “This smells like maggot infested bananas and it is oily to the touch. I forgot how much of a pain in the ass it is to fuck a hybrid.”

  “You should have chosen the other jar. Not everyone likes nectar of plurpin and you would have been happier with the plum.”

  “I don’t like any of it. Humans don’t require this shit.”

  “Stop complaining. Once you find your mate and form a bond with her, you’ll no longer need the jelly. Her sheath will become more welcoming.”

  “That would be a blessing. I am inside her but I cannot feel a damn thing.”

  “Open your mind and you will feel.”

  “It’s not working. Can I bite her now?”

  “You must wait until you are ready to come.”

  Adonis pumped into Druscilla in short, jerky movements that demonstrated his lack of enthusiasm. “I am losing my erection.”

  “You must not do that!” Diermont said as he wagged his finger at Adonis. “Continue on and bite her at the appropriate time. I want the two of you officially mated before your return to Asstrumnia.”

  “It’s not happening. I’ll just bite her now and be done with it.”

  Diermont began to curse when it became clear that no bond would be formulated between the two hybrids. “Your time with the humans ruined you. If you cannot take control of your cock, man, I’ll have little choice but to ask the druids to wipe your memories.”

  Adonis withdrew from Druscilla. Slimy ointment coated his flaccid male organ. “My memories are too valuable. I learned much about the Romans during my time of captivity.”

  “Then you must work on your sexual deviancy problem. I expect to see suitable progress from you in that regard or I will consider the mind wipe.” Diermont faced Kiera and said, “I wish it would be that easy to fix your problem. Modez told me of Sulian’s prediction regarding your infertility.”

  Kiera fixed Modez with an accusing look. “How does he know what Sulian told me? It is none of his concern.”

  “Sulian had to leave early, but before he left, he passed the information to Modez because he knew he would bring it to my attention.”

  “Sulian made no mention of my fertility. He only said he foresaw no marks—”

  “And we all know what that means,” Modez said. “No amount of attempts will make you a breeder.”

  “You cannot say that.”

  “Word will spread on this,” Diermont said. “Sulian’s predictions are recorded.”

  “You could order his silence.”

  “And why should I do that?” Diermont asked. “These problems are your fault. You refuse to accept any of the males I present to you.”

  “That is not true,” Kiera said. “I accepted every single one of them. I endured all that biting and none of it ever took. It’s not my fault.”

  “You have failed repeatedly so it must be your fault,” Diermont said. “You’ve been given the best bloodlines, hundreds of times more superior to your own, and still there is nothing to show for it.”

  “It often takes many tries.”

  “Snotti formed a bond with me on our first try. And she was a virgin. She had no other mate before me.” Diermont narrowed his eyes at her. “You share her blood and I had hoped you would be fertile as well. But you are nothing like Snotti. I weary of dealing with you.”

  She was so done with this. “Fine. I will leave and trouble you no longer.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You cannot leave. Where would you go?”

  “It’s not your concern.”

  Diermont grabbed her by the arm and spun her around. “None of my concern? Girl, I’m the prince and everything is my concern.” He shook her, causing her to stumble forward. “Enough of the hysterics, foolish girl. You will return to the palace as soon as the dronusfly swarms are gone.”

  “I am being banished?”

  “Not as yet. But while you are here, you will conduct yourself in a way that does not aggravate me further.”

  “I will stay out of your sight.” Quite gladly, in fact. “I’m sure Snotti can give me some tasks that will require me to remain in the background.”

  “You will serve Snotti no longer.” Diermont smiled like it was time for the annual Asstrumnian Feast Day. “You will serve me instead.”

  Modez started, giving Diermont a surprised look.

  Kiera paled. “Doing what?”

  “Whatever I tell you to do.” Diermont caught Modez’s eye and seemed to communicate something without words. Worry showed in Modez’s face as he considered her. The prince said to Kiera, “The first thing you will do will be to repay the time and effort I wasted in trying to make you into a suitable mate.”

  What the hell was going on? Kiera had a feeling she wasn’t going to like it. “A lady cannot serve a man. It’s unseemly.”

  Diermont smiled. “Oh, such naïve innocence. You have much to learn before you can serve anyone properly, but I will teach you.”

  “You want to make me one of your whores.” Kiera had known it would come to this one day. She had told herself she would be willing to do anything it took to succeed, even if it meant lying beneath the sickening prince. However, now that the day had come, she realized she could never do it. She couldn’t stomach the idea of being Diermont’s mistress, even if it condemned both her mother and herself to a lifetime of working in the fields.

  “Possibly,” Diermont hedged.

  She knew he really meant absolutely. “I’ll not serve as anyone’s bed servant. That would make me ineligible for the mating tests and I would not be able to find a mate.”

  “You are already ineligible. There’s nothing else for you.”

  Nothing here, that was for sure. She turned to Modez, her anger now directed at him. “This is your fault. You stopped my test from proceeding.”

  “I sensed it would be a waste of time and I was right. Sulian felt it too, which is why he rejected you.”

  Oh, he felt no guilt at all. It made her want to throttle him. “You could all be wrong, you know. It wasn’t right to deny me the opportunity.”

  Diermont shrugged his shoulders in a cavalier fashion. “You squandered your chances, but do not worry your pretty head over it. Modez and I will find a way to make use of you.”

  There was only one way males made use of females like her. “I will move elsewhere. There could be better opportunities in the North.”

  “There are no opportunities for you, stupid girl, unless I give them to you,” Diermont roared. “Ungrateful chit! You were willing enough to spread your legs at my com
mand before.”

  “I thought I would be mated.” Kiera clenched her fists. “I thought I’d be a mother one day with a household of my own.”

  “No one will have you. No male wants a mate who is infertile. Is that not right, Modez?”

  Modez looked uncomfortable with the question. “Uh, I believe it is considered unlawful to match oneself to a barren female. The king would refuse the match.”

  Diermont nodded his head with an emphatic motion. “Quite right.” He took Kiera’s hand and held it up to his lips as if he was going to kiss it. But before it reached his lips, he suddenly let her hand drop as if it was a bomb about to blow. “You will never be mated.”

  Kiera blinked and took a step backward. “No…”

  “The only value you have now is what lies between your legs.” Diermont pulled his sword from the strap at his back and pointed it at the apex of her thighs. Kiera was afraid to move or breathe, afraid the sword would pierce her gown. He dropped his sword to his side and leered. “What? Do you think you’ll earn your keep some other way? You plan to work in the fields like your dear sweet mother?”

  “What do you know about my mother?”

  Diermont took a step toward her, forcing her to take a step backward. He grinned and said, “I know she slaves in the fields all day and cleans house all night. The only time she gets a break is when her master orders her to his bed.”

  “My mother’s not a slave and she has no master.”

  Diermont laughed. “No, you are right. Slaves are treated better than your mother. She is bound to the land. When she was free, she had nowhere to go.” He took another step forward and smiled at her predictable retreat. “Her own family wouldn’t take her in when she fell on hard times. In fact, according to Snotti, your mother actually begged, the poor woman. But they wouldn’t let her in the door because she had the stench of sweat and fields about her and it offended their sensibilities. But my mate felt sorry for your mother and when you were of age, she asked that you be brought to the palace. And look how you’ve repaid her.”


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