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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

Page 16

by Corinne Balfour

  “My bed is still open. Visit me,” Patrick said as she left.

  Kiera rolled her eyes and groaned. Is this what she had to look forward to, more indecent proposals that offered her nothing? She left the building with Patrick hot on her heels. Not looking where she was going, she slammed straight into a hard body. She yelled out and found herself looking into Modez’s eyes.

  Modez steadied her with a hand on her shoulder. “What are you doing here?”

  Why did he show up every time she was agitated and on edge? “Nothing. Just let me pass.”

  He grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her into his body. “You shouldn’t be outside. It may not be safe.”

  His sweaty male scent distracted her and made her think of tasting him again. She pushed the inappropriate thought out of her mind. “And where should I go? I’ve been told I don’t even have a room anymore.”

  “Have you failed to notice that you are in a warzone, lady?” He gestured toward the clusters of warriors who were sharpening their blades and applying war paint to their bodies. “We’re patrolling the grounds but at any time we could fall under Roman assault.”

  “I’m not an idiot. I’m aware of that,” she said as she tried to twist herself out of Modez’s unyielding grip. “You can unhand me.”

  He released her shoulders only to grab onto her arm. “Not until I know you’re safely in the villa.”

  “Why do you care about my safety?”

  His voice was full of aggravation. “I have enough to do without having to rescue you from a Roman army.”

  “Oh, you would actually rescue me? I’m surprised.”

  “Don’t argue with me, Kiera.” He started walking toward the villa and she had no choice but to allow him to escort her. His grip on her arm tightened and she felt she was being dragged like an errant child. He turned his head to shoot her a look of annoyance. “For once, could you not just do as asked?”

  “It’s not within my capabilities. You know that.” They entered the villa and Kiera noticed the noblewomen scurried out of his way. They couldn’t help but notice his dark expression so it was no wonder they chose to avoid crossing his path. Modez stopped near the chamber she had been using and knocked on the door. Lady Lasair Halloran opened it without delay and handed Modez a familiar satchel. The plain brown case held all of Kiera’s meager possessions.

  “Where are you taking her, Modez?” she asked her cousin.

  Modez accepted the satchel. “You don’t need to worry your pretty head over it.”

  “Don’t take her to the dungeon.”

  “What do you know about the dungeon?” Modez’s expression was full of chagrin.

  Lasair’s perfect lips flattened into a thin line and her cheeks blushed a deep rose. “More than I wish. It’s disgusting what goes on in that place and I do not approve.”

  “I’m not taking her there. At least not tonight.”

  “Oh, it is shameful how you males behave!” Lasair shook her head in a helpless gesture. “Snotti asked me to remind you to wear saffron,” she said to Kiera. “She sent over some tunics for you and I put them in your satchel. I’m sorry.”

  “So am I. Yellow is so not my color.” Kiera tried to make light of her situation in front of Lasair, but inside she was burning with fury. Only servants and slaves wore saffron.

  When Lasair had closeted herself back inside the chamber, Kiera asked, “So where will I be sleeping tonight?”

  Modez leaned into her body to speak softly in her ear. “Your things are being moved to Lord Ross’ room.”

  Kiera was stumped. Did Diermont think to whore her out to the overlord? She didn’t think he’d be receptive. “Does he not already have a woman inside his room?”

  “Cassia Maximus is being held there.” Modez sighed. “This was Diermont’s decision. He wants you to make sure nothing is going on in that bedroom. Your presence should be enough to prevent episodes of human-hybrid sex, but if it becomes necessary, you must remind Cabrian that he cannot use the human until given permission.”

  “I don’t belong in their bedroom! Please, I’ve had enough of this business of intruding into other peoples’ sex lives.”

  “You must sleep between Lord Ross and Cassia. Those are Diermont’s orders.”

  Diermont could shove those orders up his asshole. “I cannot sleep in Lord Ross’ bed, beside him.”

  “Your virtue is safe. He will not touch you. He wants the Roman woman.”

  “And Diermont wants to use me to keep them apart? I don’t like this.”

  “You are to keep them apart physically. If Lord Ross initiates any sexual acts on the human, you are to warn him. If he persists, you are to report immediately to Diermont.” Modez started walking down the hall, past clusters of hybrid warriors who stopped their conversations to watch Modez manhandle the former lady-in-waiting.

  Kiera held her tongue until they had passed the gawkers and were once more alone. “This is ridiculous. Diermont is ridiculous. He needs to stay out of other peoples’ bedrooms.”

  Modez put his hands around her waist to pull her against his body to lecture her. His breath was hot against her ear as he spoke in a low tone that somehow managed to appear menacing. “You are not to criticize the prince or his orders. He puts people to death for the smallest slight. Do not think he wouldn’t do that to you.”

  “I’m the wrong person for the job and you know it.” Kiera breathed in his scent and it made her stomach growl loudly. His proximity made her crave his blood even though she had taken her fill not long ago. She shouldn’t be this thirsty. She guessed he was trying to intimidate her by forcing this closeness. He couldn’t know how he actually affected her. “I could care less who Cabrian Ross fucks.”

  “You’re perfect for the job. You should count yourself lucky he’s not ordering you to someone else’s bed. At least Lord Ross will not touch you.”

  “Looks like he won’t be touching anyone.” The overlord wouldn’t welcome her presence in the room. She had noticed he had been uncharacteristically hot-tempered around the other warriors of late. Every time a male looked at his slave, Lord Ross’ reaction was volcanic. Most of them averted their eyes when she walked past. “I’m sure that will do wonders for his mood.”

  “Lord Ross has already been notified and is expecting you.” He pulled her to the overlord’s chamber door.

  Kiera was reluctant to enter. “How do you know I won’t end up having some sort of threesome fling with them? You never know what can happen when three people are forced to share the same bed. And Lord Ross is so sexy.” He managed to be sexy and scary at the same time.

  Modez pushed her flat against the door and leaned into her body. She was effectively trapped between his thick, muscled thighs. “I wouldn’t recommend it,” he said in a severe, commanding tone. “Heads would roll if you defied Diermont’s orders. You cannot lay with a male unless given permission to do so.” He smirked and said, “You may think none can resist you, but trust me when I say that you’re not his type.”

  She placed a hand on his chest and felt the rapid pulsing of his heart. “One tends to forget such things in the dark.”

  “But you will not forget yourself,” Modez said sternly. “If I must, I will personally verify every night that you do not carry his scent. And if you ever do, there will be hell to pay.”

  He sounded like a possessive mate when he spoke such words. She wondered if he was merely carrying out Diermont’s orders or if he had a personal interest in her. With her change in status, she technically belonged to him as well as Diermont. Would he claim his rights over her body? She ran her hand down his chest and rested it at his waist. His breathing grew thick and he pressed his body fully into hers. She felt something hard press against her hip. “You do not wish for me to seduce the man away from his Roman mistress?”

  “You are not being asked to do that. There is to be no sex in that bed. No sex whatsoever. Not you, not Cabrian, and not Cassia. Do you understand that?”

bsp; Kiera laughed. “I understand. I am to dampen the mood and spoil poor Lord Ross’ fun. Seems a shame to do that to a lord just rescued from captivity. He probably needs some sex since he has been going without it for so long.”

  “He’s not the only one who has suffered deprivation,” he said in a low, sexy tone. “Will you pity me as well?”

  “You’ve been deprived of nothing.” Her hand clutched his waist and pulled him closer. She felt achy at her core and wished she could seek relief. Participation in the mating tests would have done that for her, but Modez and Snotti had blocked her from inclusion. She didn’t want to feel attraction for Modez. But having had his blood made her crave other things as well. “Did Diermont not say you could have whatever you desired?”

  “Diermont would not approve of my desires. He gives me what he thinks I want.”

  “Now I am curious.” She clutched his hips with both hands and tipped her head to look into his silver eyes. “Are your desires unnatural? You know he would grant you anything, except for what he terms deviant.”

  “I want what most males want,” he said in an evasive manner that left her no clue as to his preferences.

  “Something so simple, yet you cannot acquire it? I wonder why.” She knew he could get any woman he wanted if he made the effort. He was an unmated nobleman of the royal Halloran line so many matchmaking mamas with maiden daughters pursued him. Since he was such a coveted prize, those mamas had to compete with the unattached widows and warrior females who targeted him as well.

  He remained guarded around her. His emotions were shuttered and she wished she was an empath or a telepath so she could discern what he was feeling and thinking. She was surprised he allowed her to hold him. She thought he would remove her hands and say a few cutting words, but he hadn’t. Instead, he said, “My options are limited. Much too limited.”

  He hadn’t hidden his disdain of the eligible noblewomen at the villa. Kiera had been flabbergasted to see that he treated them little better than he treated her. “You want a human woman like Cassia.”

  His lips thinned. “What I want cannot be found here.”

  He had not denied his interest in the human female. Kiera logged that in the back of her mind. “I find that rather insulting.” No hybrid females were good enough for the conceited lord. She wondered if he had something different in mind. Like human. “No wonder Snotti is all into her APS project.”

  “Right. I’m sure it’ll keep you up at night from all the worrying.”

  “Why yes. We cannot have our men lusting after humans when they should be lusting after us.”

  “The humans are pliant and biddable.” His gaze fell on her lips and his expression was hungry, as if he wanted to taste them. “Not to mention they have a certain elasticity that lends itself to a pleasurable ride.”

  Kiera had heard that human females were equipped differently than the hybrid ones. She sensed this excited Modez and the knowledge of it annoyed her. “Maybe I should be sleeping in your bed instead of Lord Ross’. It seems you are the one at risk here.”

  “You in my bed? Now that’s a thought. We could test the degree to which you affect a man’s libido. I predict you’ll have a dampening effect.”

  It irritated her when he acted in an almost seductive manner by speaking in that low, sexy tone and making mention of sexual activities, only to finish it up with insults. He denied any attraction to her but sometimes she felt his actions proved otherwise. “We should do that. Something needs to keep you in check.”

  “That would do it.”

  She gave him a solemn look. “You really don’t like me much, do you?”

  “I like you well enough.” His hands imprisoned her hips and he kept her trapped between him and the door. “How could I not appreciate my new property?”

  “Your property,” she said in a flat tone. “I’m more Diermont’s than yours. And despite what the prince thinks, I can remove myself from his possession at any time.”

  “It would not be easy to do so. He has reversed your status as a free woman and made you a serf. He would retrieve you if you left.”

  Kiera glanced down at herself and realized it would be the last time for a while that she would wear her familiar clothing. The particular garment she wore was a simple gown made of linen dyed a deep indigo color that matched her eyes. She scowled at the thought of wearing the saffron tunic that would signify her fallen status. “Can he do that? Decree me a serf when I’ve lived for years in the palace as one of Snotti’s household?”

  “He is a prince and your legal guardian. His word is law and there is no one to speak on your behalf.”

  “I’m not going to beg Diermont to reinstate me. I know he won’t do it. But I will always consider myself a free woman.”

  “But you are not. You cannot leave until he himself dismisses you. He will eventually tire of you.”

  “You make me sound like a mistress.”

  “You are his mistress. Have you not realized that yet?” He frowned and said, “He claims he will not touch you, but he’s lying to himself. He’s never been faithful to Snotti no matter how much he claims to care for her.”

  She shuddered as she envisioned the prince’s dagger-like fingernails raking her bare skin. “That man is not touching me.”

  “You say that now, but Diermont has ways of changing a woman’s mind. He’s done it time and time again.”

  “By beating them, I assume.” Kiera paled and said, “I’ll go where he’ll never find me.”

  “You won’t have to do anything that drastic, at least not yet. Just stay out of sight as much as possible and do not draw attention to yourself. Let him lose interest in you naturally. It shouldn’t take too long.”

  “Well thank you for that complimentary remark. Ladies love to hear how little they attract their men.” The rage and helplessness she felt with her current situation tightened her chest and made it difficult for her to breathe. She pushed Modez with her hands and he backed away from her. She wanted to hit something or someone. She took a deep breath instead and pushed the negative feelings deep inside her, where she always bottled them. “Do not worry. I will do my best to lose his attention. When that happens, I’ll be out of your hair as well.”

  “That would be best for everyone.” He stepped to the side and knocked on the door.

  “I agree. I cannot wait to be done with these tasks so I can be free.” Modez shot her a look that made her want to slap him. Somehow he managed to convey without speaking that she had never been free and never would be. She was dependent on the generosity of the lord that she served. Lord Ross opened the door a minute later and gestured for them to step inside. All conversation died as they entered. One look at Cabrian and she could tell just how much he would not appreciate the intrusion. “Lord Ross, I want you to know that I share your room unwillingly.”

  Modez glared at her and said, “Do not take your frustration out on Lord Ross. If you give him any trouble, I will punish you myself.”

  “I don’t cause trouble. It just seems to happen.”

  “Make sure it doesn’t happen this time.”

  Kiera glared at him until the door closed behind him and he was gone. She looked past Cabrian to the human woman in the bed, curious to see what had captured that hybrid’s interest. The woman would have been naked if not for the sheet wrapped around her. She appeared fragile and dainty, like a porcelain doll. Her hair was a golden color that was extremely rare in Asstrumnia, but apparently common in Rome.

  “So you are spying for the prince now, is that it?” Cabrian asked.

  “Apparently I have to do whatever he commands, at least that’s what they tell me.” Kiera wasn’t surprised by the lord’s hostility but she was determined not to cower in front of him. She must be the only woman in the villa who hadn’t shared his mating bed. She wondered why he would be given permission to keep the Roman woman when he hadn’t yet exhausted all hybrid options for breeding. She had always been told she wasn’t meant for an elite m
ale since she came from poor hybrid stock, but wouldn’t she be better than a human? The very idea was an insult, although she could admit to feeling relieved she wouldn’t have to endure Cabrian’s mating bed. His mating fangs were very long and very sharp. In fact, she had never seen a more sizable pair. Most hybrid females would be impressed by what he packed inside his mouth, but she couldn’t help but feel uneasy. The larger the fang, the deeper the bite. She hated being bitten. She wouldn’t want those anywhere near her neck, not to mention her other parts. “I am to remind you that there will be no penetration. None of any kind.”

  Cabrian’s eyes were cold as steel. “Who I penetrate is not Diermont’s concern.”

  Kiera’s nerves frayed under the pressure and her heart wouldn’t stop pounding. The male intimidated her even more than Modez. “I assure you that I could care less. I am here on the prince’s orders.”

  “Understood, but you need to understand this. If Cassia is harmed, I will kill you. If you do anything to upset her, I will cause you unimaginable misery.”

  “I won’t hurt her.”

  “I don’t like the idea of leaving her alone in the room with you. I was told that you were dismissed from Snotti’s service because you are undisciplined and unmanageable.”

  “I did nothing to deserve banishment. The princess discards her ladies like one would an old shoe. She tires of them and wants a new pair.”

  Cabrian nodded. “That sounds like Snotti.”

  She sensed her new position was dependent upon the overlord’s approval. “I can be trusted with your precious property. I promise not to damage her in any way.”

  “I am giving you access against my better judgment.” Cabrian took her satchel from her and placed it inside the closet. He sighed and said, “You may have freedom of travel.”

  “I thought I was being locked inside the room with the two of you, not only to watch what you are doing but to keep me out of Snotti’s sight.” Snotti had acted as if she could barely stand her presence, and with the exception of Druscilla and Torin, the others seemed to feel the same way.

  Cabrian’s gaze veered toward the medium sized bed. “I am sure you would feel too confined not to be able to come and go as you please. You would grow bored if you remained in this room the entire time.”


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