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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

Page 17

by Corinne Balfour

  “Sometimes I find myself thirsty at night and I cannot wait for the morning meal,” Kiera said as she thought of the meal she had made of Modez. She would have to taste him again. “You would not mind if I slipped out from time to time, then? You would not report me for neglecting my duties?”

  “Not at all.” Some of the tension dissipated. “When you do go out, take as much time as you need to quench your thirst. One should not be made to go hungry.”

  “I agree completely,” she said as she decided right then and there to disregard any and all threats Modez had made regarding what would be done to her if she disobeyed the prince. After all, had she not warned Modez she would be the worst person for the job? Surely they all knew by now how bad she was at following orders, especially stupid ones that made no sense. If she allowed Cabrian some alone time with the human he craved, he would owe her big time. It wouldn’t hurt to have this lord indebted to her. “I think we’ll get along just fine.” Her eyes drifted to the woman in the bed who watched them. “Poor thing is always naked.”

  “She is a slave. Captives are stripped of all possessions, including their clothing. It is the way of war.”

  The male appeared defensive. And guilty. “I can only assume you prefer her to stay naked, else you would have made some effort to clothe her. She can have some of my things, although they will not fit her properly.”

  “Diermont ordered her to remain naked, Kiera.” His tone sounded exasperated. “I wasn’t going to keep her that way indefinitely. You don’t have to look at me like I’m some kind of whoremonger.”

  “Real convenient excuse, Lord Ross.” Kiera felt pity for the other woman when she saw the shame and embarrassment in her eyes. She pulled one of her sleeping gowns out of her satchel and threw it on the bed near Cassia. Since Kiera was so much taller than the human, it would swallow her whole, but it was better than remaining wrapped inside a sheet. “Fuck Diermont’s orders. Let her wear something, at least for a little while. And take her shopping when you get home.”

  “Thank you,” Cassia said as she pulled the crimson colored gown over her head and down over her body.

  On Cassia, Kiera’s loose fitting gown clung too tightly to the Roman woman’s bust and hips. It was indecent the way the garment revealed her shape, accentuating her more generous endowments. So human. So unlike her own shape, Kiera thought as her eyes scanned her own figure. She let out a little laugh as she realized just how worried she had been that she would too closely resemble these human females. There was nothing to worry about at all. Her modest curves would never be mistaken for human. Snotti was overreacting about the human threat. How could these strangely shaped females be any kind of competition? What exactly did Cabrian see in this woman? Her eyes flicked to his face out of curiosity and she was stunned to see the way he stared at the human female. His eyes were fairly blazing with lust. It was clear the lord liked what he saw, that he actually preferred the human. So maybe Snotti wasn’t overreacting and we’ll all be replaced by these human females. Cabrian’s mating fangs were elongating, readying to sink themselves into the woman’s skin to brand her. She had heard that Cassia had been spared because of her breeding potential, but she had assumed the real reason was strictly sexual. Those fangs told a different story. Kiera had to wonder why a human would gain a response that most hybrid females failed to achieve. She couldn’t even remember the last time a male’s mating fangs had grown for her, if they ever had. If Sulian’s vision was accurate, there was a good chance she would never see any man’s fangs lengthen for her. She couldn’t suppress the pangs of envy that came with that realization. Cassia wasn’t even hybrid, much less a blood hybrid. Yet there was something about her that signaled she would be compatible for mating, something she possessed that Kiera did not. The mating fangs sensed it.

  It wasn’t fair. Cassia would be bitten, marked, and bred. In time, they would forgive her for being human. Any woman who could successfully reproduce with a hybrid these days was valued more than gold. If she managed to produce an heir, she would be acknowledged as his mate and not just a slave or captive. She wouldn’t be fully accepted by society and some of the elite would shun her, but she would be given all privileges associated with the Lady of Calforn. Cassia would be able to live the life that Kiera wanted to live but could not. No, she would serve as the prince’s courtesan, a role she knew she would hate more than anything.

  “Lord Ross, if you wouldn’t mind, I need to prepare myself for bed,” Kiera said as she pulled out one of her plainer sleeping gowns. She wouldn’t wear what she normally wore to bed, as sleeping in her favorite antique lace gown would leave her feeling too exposed.

  “I’ll give you five minutes,” he said as he vanished.

  Kiera sighed. Really, he was being overly possessive of his little human. Did he really think she would harm the woman? She dressed quickly, frustrated that she would be unable to get a private word with Cassia. She had questions that only a Roman could answer, but she had no intention of quizzing her with Cabrian present.

  In exactly five minutes, Cabrian returned. Kiera stared at the bed, noting in dismay that it was much too small for three people. Cabrian had centered himself in the middle of the bed, which prevented her from following orders. “I was told to sleep between the two of you to act as a barrier.”

  The male wore only a pair of breeches and the sight of his bare chest made her mouth go dry. “I don’t care what you were told,” he said. “This is the way we’re doing it.”

  He didn’t trust her to sleep next to Cassia. Did he really think she would murder the girl while they lay sleeping? She rolled her eyes and sighed. His expression communicated one fact to her. He wouldn’t be moving, despite Diermont’s orders. She would have to sleep pressed up against him and that would be awkward, and not just for her.

  She climbed into the bed and tried to make herself comfortable, but it was a tight squeeze. She could feel the heat of his body soaking into her nightgown. The soft sounds of kissing and the movement of intertwining limbs was a distraction. An image of Cabrian taking his little human slave and pushing what had to be an impressive cock inside the woman made her twist and turn restlessly in the bed. “Just remember, Lord Ross. No biting and no fucking. Don’t give me anything to report to Diermont.”

  “No biting? What reason could the prince possibly have to forbid that action?”

  “I forbid it. I don’t want to see any biting. If you feel the need to bite her, then let me know in advance so I can make arrangements to be elsewhere.”

  Cabrian stopped kissing the human’s face and turned to look at Kiera with a thoughtful expression. “I understand perfectly. I developed an aversion to it myself. It became nothing but a chore and it was one I began to loathe more and more each night.”

  She felt something for him then, realizing they had shared similar nightmarish experiences. Not many would understand how she could dread the one thing she continued to ask for—a bite. If she could be mated without the biting she would be ecstatic, but it was something she knew she had to endure. Or at least she did, but now that she had been labeled barren it was unlikely any male would bother to bite her.

  She shifted while trying to get comfortable, but no matter the position, she could feel the presence of a male at her back. She was pretty sure he was caressing the human woman and she was far from resistant. There was something about the way they interacted that made Kiera suspect they had already gotten intimate. If so, Diermont’s intervention had come too late. She just hoped he managed to control himself while she was present.

  In a sudden motion, Cabrian turned his head and peered at her oddly.

  “What is it? Am I disturbing you?” she asked as she wondered whether he was trying to hint that she make herself scarce so he could have his way with the human.

  “Just how long have I been in Rome? I could have sworn it was a matter of months, but now I find myself wondering whether several years passed without my being aware of it.”

  “You weren’t gone that long, Lord Ross. I guess it’s normal to feel a little disoriented, though.” Normal for some, but it wasn’t something she expected to see from Cabrian. His expression grew more puzzled, which left her feeling bewildered. “Why would you ask?”

  “Do you wear scent?”

  Was he trying to imply she stunk? “I don’t use any perfumes, if that is what you’re asking. I’ve used the Roman bathhouse and the soap there has an unfamiliar scent to it. I’m surprised you can smell it on me.”

  “It’s not the Roman soap. It’s a hybrid scent.”

  Kiera laughed a bit awkwardly. “You were in captivity much too long if you cannot recognize hybrid scents any longer.”

  Cabrian tossed in the bed and pulled the covers to his waist. “Just get rid of it. It’s driving me crazy.”

  Kiera couldn’t help but appreciate Cabrian’s fine physique. The wall of muscle that was his chest gleamed with sweat and her throat went dry. Really, what was wrong with her? Her hormones were going wild. “And just how am I supposed to get rid of it? You expect me to use the bathhouse right now? In the middle of the night?” She wondered if cold showers worked for females as well as males. She needed some way of cooling her ardor.

  “I expect you to do it at the first reasonable opportunity,” he said sternly.

  “Is this your way of telling me you want time alone with your human? Because if it is, I don’t appreciate being asked to violate the prince’s edict on the first night.” She had no doubt that Lord Halloran was prowling about, just waiting to catch her red-handed. He wanted her to screw this up so he could send her back to Asstrumnia. Which wouldn’t be a bad place to be, if not for the swarm of murderous bugs that cannot be avoided this time of year. “Could you not at least be discreet?”

  Cabrian leaned his head on his pillow. “So you’re not doing this on purpose. You’re not trying to deliberately provoke me.”

  “Provoke you to do what? I don’t understand.” Her pulse raced as she tried to determine what she had done to offend the lord. As much as this job was distasteful, she couldn’t afford to lose it. It provided at least a meager form of protection from Diermont’s advances.

  He shifted in the bed, appearing mightily uncomfortable. “That scent. It would provoke any man. Take care of it, Kiera.”

  “I cannot imagine whatever it is that you think you smell, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll be sure to use a soap that isn’t scented. I didn’t know your sense of smell was so acute.” The way he was acting, one would think she was entering into a state of heat. But that was a ridiculous idea because she had never been in heat. Unlike every other blood hybrid female who reached a peak of fertility once a decade, she had never experienced it. It was no wonder they believed her to be infertile. It was true that some females were late to bloom, but it was also true that some roses failed to open. She was one of those.

  Or was she? Her mother had rarely gone into heat, yet she had somehow managed to procreate during those few times it occurred. Mother isn’t exactly normal. She’s practically a different species and I don’t even know what that makes me.

  “It’s not the soap. Just fix it.”

  Kiera decided to ignore him since she couldn’t do anything about the problem. She wasn’t wanted in this bedroom, so it was no surprise that he would find something to complain about. She would give him what he wanted, time alone with his precious human, but she wouldn’t do it this evening. It would be much too risky to leave the room tonight.

  Chapter 14

  The Roman lady dressed in a golden stola shimmered with the ropes of diamonds she wore around her throat, arms, hips, and ankles. Even her ears were decorated with rare bluefire diamonds. The lady sat on a divan with her feet propped on an emerald crusted stool. Her gaping neckline revealed bountiful breasts but they were covered by her jewelry. So many strands of pearls were woven into her hair that it was impossible to determine its exact shade. “Tell me something good, Peter.”

  He hated it when the Roman lady called him by that name. It wasn’t his real name but it was the one Mistress Agrippa had chosen to use for him. “The hybrids at the Maximus villa are very powerful. They are skilled in telepathy and telekinesis. Many have control of the elements like fire and ice. All of them can transport.”

  “Very good.” Her voice fairly purred. The lady was much like a cat and her claws often came out when provoked. “I need hybrids for more than their semen. The Hydra is a profitable business, of course, but I crave power. The hybrids have abilities that no man should possess. So much power and I want it all for myself.”

  “How will you achieve this? No human can wield hybrid powers.”

  Her pink tongue darted out to wet her lips. “I have the best mage in the world to assist me on this. You have heard of Wilma, the Red Mage, have you not?”

  No, he hadn’t heard of her. The name Wilma didn’t exactly strike fear into a man’s heart. For some reason he could not fathom, he had an image of a frumpy, redheaded female who rode a dinosaur and wielded a small wooden paddle.

  The lady fingered the giant diamond at her throat. “She has found a way to harness hybrid power. She has had success in trapping the powers inside amulets. The process is amazing.”

  “Where is this Wilma?”

  “Unfortunately she has been spending entirely too much time in Flourda. She has given her allegiance to Nefertiti, the Countess of Avenal, but I hope to steal her away. Soon Wilma will work only for me.”

  Nefertiti, the Deranged Dominatrix. He had actually heard of that one. “You don’t need Wilma. Hybrid druids can do everything your mage can do and more.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. I haven’t heard from Wilma since we left that island where she conducted her last rituals. I witnessed the creation of a powerful amulet. Wilma promised to make some for me but I have to supply her with the raw materials. The jewelry is easy to come by, but the hybrids are more difficult.”

  “You have hybrid slaves aplenty.” He almost wondered why she sought his help.

  “All collared.” She picked up a circular object from a display table and held it in her hands as if it was the most cherished artifact in the world. This particular slave collar was made of silver and the Agrippa name was engraved in big letters. She offered it for his perusal.

  He declined since he was allergic to the metal. The lady knew this, of course, which was why she had chosen to show him the silver rather than the more commonly used gold ones. She smiled, satisfied with her knowledge of his vulnerabilities. But he knew the truth. He was the more powerful one in the relationship.

  The lady put the silver slave collar back on the pedestal. “I’m afraid when they’ve worn the collars for too long, they lose their abilities. Or at least it seems that way. Maybe the hybrids I’ve been collecting aren’t as powerful as the ones you’ve encountered.”

  “What you need are blood hybrids. They have the most power. If you want objects to be enchanted with hybrid powers, you must do it through blood rituals. Blood hybrids are especially ideal for this.”

  “True, true. That is what Wilma says. I need blood hybrids but those are hard to come by.” She stretched back on her seat and her legs fell open, exposing silky smooth calves and pale thighs. “Yet you have a villa full of them.”

  “I can get your raw materials delivered to you.” There were some truly worthless hybrids who didn’t deserve to live. Those were easily sacrificed. “What do I get in return?”

  The lady lifted her gown. Her golden pelt was displayed so prettily. She hoped to entice him, clearly that was her deal, but he never accepted her offers. “Oh, Peter, you may have anything you desire.” When he ignored her blatant offer, she snapped her fingers and servants scurried into the room. “Bring my offerings and present them to my special guest.”

  A few minutes later, the servants returned with three naked slaves. Their overly large breasts were slathered with honey. They knelt on the floor and bowed their heads. The Roman lady s
miled. “A feast for my guest of honor. You may do as you wish to them. They know well how to please a man.”

  Peter smiled and beckoned for the curvier one to come to him. He licked the honey from her breasts before he bit into her throat. The female cried out and struggled against him. He bit into her more deeply, drinking her in gulps until there was nothing left. The honey laced blood warmed him up, filled him up. He shoved the body to the floor and looked at the next meal. The human trembled violently and he could tell she wanted to run. His eyes caught hers to enthrall her. The fear in that female’s eyes was replaced by a dullness that revealed her mind was gone. “Come to me, sweet honey. Let me drink my fill of you.”

  The Roman lady sighed. “Could you for once use my gifts for a purpose other than eating? At the rate you’re going through my slaves, I fear I’ll have little to offer you by next month.”

  “Humans are for drinking, not fucking. I thank you for your offers. As for what you can do for me, I want what anyone else would want. Wealth. I could get it through constant raids but this is easier. I want a piece of your business, Mistress. I want to be your partner in this new venture of yours.”

  The lady straightened her clothing. She was all business now. “Peter, you ask for too much. I already have enough partners.”

  “Lucine’s of no use to you. The lady can hardly run the business when she’s hiding from the ones who hunt her. You need me and you know it.”

  Her cerulean eyes avoided the mosaic floor, which was currently smothered in blood. “Peter, you know I run an all-female enterprise. But I suppose I could make an exception, just this once. As long as you come through for me. I need a shipment of blood hybrids and I need them as soon as possible.”

  He drained the last human slave and tossed her body on the floor. He was finally full and his body was sated. Mostly sated. He wanted more than human scraps. Much more and he was going to use the Agrippa bitch to get it.


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