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Climbing the Ladder

Page 10

by Tortuga, BA

  Mesa smelled like sex, like need. It was stunning.

  “Fuck. Mate…” Kody’s eyes met hers, glowing. They were glowing.

  “Mine. My mates.” Mesa looked at her, his eyes all gold. Then he kissed her, too.

  She moaned and jerked forward, her lips parting as Mesa’s tongue fucked them. He wasn’t gentle; his mouth bruised hers. Kody pressed against her, his hand on her ass.

  Kody’s fingers dug in, dragged her closer, close enough that she was rubbing herself on Kody’s thigh. Mesa panted, licking her neck. His tongue felt rough, shivery good. She gasped, the touch wild, fierce, and she wanted to pull away, push closer. Kody laughed a little, tilting his head and letting Mesa bite him. That was almost hotter than Mesa kissing her.

  A sound left her, a deep growl. Her Kody.

  Mesa laughed, his eyes a little wild. Then he rolled them all, wallowing in them.

  Jesus, he was big.

  Kody didn’t look the least bit worried, either, his laughter ringing out.

  They all struggled a little, skin sliding on skin. She pushed up, slid over Mesa, teeth on his shoulder, on his nape. Mesa bucked, pushing her back, and turned like lightning. She found herself gasping, scrambling back a few feet. He lunged for her, pulling her up to kiss her again, his hands hard on her arms.

  Sammy couldn’t breathe, head spinning. Kody’s lips were on her spine, her ribs, her arm, soft and warm. Mesa overwhelmed her, his body strong and hot, the hair on his chest rubbing her nipples. She moaned, melted, opening to him, and she heard Kody’s whimper against her shoulder, his soft approval.

  Mesa made a small sound, all male satisfaction. He eased her down, nosed her throat, her breast, her belly.

  Kody moaned and stretched out alongside her.

  They were making her crazy. God. Mesa’s mouth made her want to twist and push and beg. Kody’s hands encouraged her, spreading her thighs, stroking her hair. He was everywhere. They were everywhere.

  Mesa slid between her legs, nibbling at the inside of her thigh.

  Kody looked at her, smiled. “He’ll be yours, I’ll be yours. Both of yours.”

  “I don’t understand how to do it.”

  “Trust him.”

  “Trust Kody, too. He chose you for us.”

  “If you let us, we’ll make it easy.” Kody kissed her, the touch surprisingly gentle.

  Mesa nodded, licking her hip. “So easy.”

  “Just like that?” They were insane. So was she. How could she just accept this?

  “Just like that.” Kody moaned. “You smell so good. So good.”

  “Taste good, too.” Mesa nuzzled her other thigh.

  She moaned, laughed in spite of herself, and Kody swooped down and kissed Mesa hard.

  “Mmm.” Mesa’s big hand cupped Kody’s head, their bodies rubbing hard together.

  “So fine.” She watched, her men right there. Kody was hard, begging for touch, for Mesa, and it made her wet.

  Mesa glanced up at her. “Touch us, honey.”

  She sat up, reached for them, and they both groaned as her fingers slid over them.

  “That’s it.” Mesa pushed into her hand.

  “Hot.” She reached for Mesa’s cock, wrapped her fingers around the shaft, and Kody whimpered.

  “Oh.” Mesa’s head fell back, his hips punching up. Kody bent down, panting, and she watched herself, slowly feeding Mesa’s cock into that hungry mouth.

  “Oh, God. Yes. That’s hot.” Mesa shook, pushing just enough to slide all the way in.

  Her fingers moved to cup his balls, free hand on Kody’s hair. She had to feel them, had to know. They both groaned for her, Mesa’s balls heavy and full. Kody preened for her, rubbing.

  Kody’s head started to bob, back muscles rippling, ass in the air like he was begging. He made her mouth water.

  “Touch him, honey. Let him know you’re here.” Mesa met her eyes, daring her.

  “I’m here.” Her hand slipped down, nails dragging enough to sting. “Right here, Kody.”

  She wasn’t sure what Kody did to Mesa’s cock, but the man jerked, bared his teeth, so she did it again. Mesa grunted and started rocking back and forth, muscles shifting smoothly under his skin, and she leaned forward, kissed Mesa’s chin, heavy stubble tickling her lips.

  Mesa caught her mouth, and the circle was complete again, the sensation jacking up a thousand times. She cried out, nails digging into Kody’s shoulder, like she was afraid she was going to fly apart.

  Kody jerked, and Mesa grunted, the big body shuddering. Kody spun, ass offered to Mesa, his mouth landing on her cunt as he shoved her down. Desperate, hungry, Kody licked her, tongue furious on her clit.

  Mesa growled, the sound raising the hair on her arms. Then he grabbed Kody’s hips and moved in. Kody moaned in response, hands sliding under her hips dragging her even closer to that mouth, and she couldn’t help her cries. “Yes. Yes. Kody…”

  Her hands found his shoulders, her nails scoring his skin. Sammy felt the impact when Mesa slid into Kody’s body.

  Mesa’s eyes met hers, glowing. They were glowing.

  “So beautiful…” She jerked as Kody’s lips wrapped around her clit, the suction almost sharp, leaving her breathless.

  “Mine.” He grinned wildly at her, reaching out to her, his other hand squeezing hard enough to leave bruises on Kody’s skin.

  “Please.” She nodded, cried out as she reached out too, needing them both, the pleasure growing, becoming a wild fire inside her.

  Kody gave her more, hands on her thighs, licking faster.

  Her fingers twined with Mesa’s, her other hand in Kody’s hair. “Mates!”

  They both made noises of agreement, Kody’s shaking her thighs. She arched as the desire grew too big to hold in, wave after wave of release making her scream. Mesa jerked, and Kody stilled, all of them coming together.

  Kody’s forehead landed on her belly, breath hitching. “Home…”

  “Home.” Mesa laughed. “Thank God.”

  “Yes.” Kody pulled her into his arms, hardly moving as Mesa cleaned them all up. When Mesa got back into the bed, Sammy found herself caught between them, Mesa reaching for Kody around her. They cocooned her, lips moving across her skin.

  “Warm.” It was cold in the mountains, but this was perfect.

  “Ours.” Mesa growled it against her ear.

  The growl soothed her somehow, and she stretched, rubbed and found the spot where she was comfortable.

  Kody nodded. “Home. Rest. Tomorrow is coming.”

  “It always does.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kody woke up, happy and whole and settled in his bones. Home. They were home.

  He chuffed happily and rolled out of bed, padding across the cold floor and down the stairs.


  Then breakfast.

  His mates would need breakfast. Bacon and eggs and biscuits and potatoes and coffee and juice.

  Someone was sitting on the front porch, visible from the big bay window, and he grabbed a quilt from the back of the sofa before going to see who’d come to welcome Mesa home.

  Mmm. The quilt smelled like all of them, the whole Clan, and he took a second to breathe deep, inhale them all in.

  He headed out, grinning widely when he saw the oldest of them all, rocking slowly, crochet hook a blur in her hand. “Granny.”

  Grandma Minnie grinned up at him, her face wrinkled like a carved apple. “Hello, Kody. Been gone a bit.”

  “I have. You were right. I had to follow my heart.” He curled the blanket around him, sat in a wooden chair across from her, unashamed of his nakedness. She’d told him how it was going to go, how he would have to find his own way. “I learned so much, saw so much. I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too. Is she the one?”

  “She is.” That was one of a handful of things he was one thousand percent sure of. He nodded, smiled. “You’ll like her. She’s special. Different.”

e’s a city girl, hmm?”

  “Los Angeles. She doesn’t know.” He didn’t know how to explain it, either. How could she not know?

  “Huh. Well, she’ll have to know soon.” Granny didn’t seem worried.

  “I know. How do you make it real? Have you known another of us that didn’t change?”

  “I’ve seen a lot in my years.” That was a non-answer, but he knew better than to ask again. It would only lead to that lined face wrinkling up with disapproval. Those answers meant he was supposed to figure it out on his own.

  He looked at Granny, sighed. “Did I mess up? She’s our mate. I know this. Mesa knows. She changed for us. Ran. She’s so good, Granny.”

  “You did well, Kody. The pack needs new blood, and if she changed, all will be fine.” She touched his arm and a rush of pure relief eased him, made his eyes cross. Home.

  He was home.

  “I’m just…my head hurts, all the time, and I don’t want anyone to hate me, and I…” He looked at her. He was whining. He hated whining. “I missed you. All of you. I missed being home.”

  Walking down the mountain had been the hardest thing he’d ever done.


  He’d been a little crazy for a while.

  “Shh.” She stroked his arm, which made his head ease off immediately.

  “Granny.” He came over to her, laid his head in her lap, rested a second.

  She petted his hair, vocalizing low, telling him how happy the pack was that he was back. She was so good at this, so good at helping with transitions.

  Kody rested, his human skin falling away, his muzzle pushing into her lap. Home.


  She chuffed, ruffling his fur, pulling the blanket up around them. She smelled so good. He sang to her—telling her about the ocean, about Sammy, about Mesa and how his Alphas had found him. She told him how Mesa had cleared the trials, how everyone had waited for Mesa to come back with him. About how they had believed in him, in his talent. Two Alphas, one Beta in every Clan, and he was theirs and they loved him. Needed him.

  The praise and peace went on and on, healing him.

  He heard low chuffing, then Mesa’s hands on his ears, scratching.

  “He did good, huh?” Mesa hummed, rubbing, fingers really pushing.

  “He is amazing. How are you? It took you a long time.”

  “There was a little conflict.” Mesa sounded wry.

  “Isn’t there always? She’s here now. Kody’s here.” Granny kept smoothing his fur. “When do we get to meet her?”

  “Soon.” Shrugging, Mesa rubbed Kody’s chin. “I’m hoping she calms now that she’s here.”

  His tongue lolled. She would have to, wouldn’t she? Oh, that touch. That touch. Kody’s tail wagged, pounding with his joy.

  Mesa smiled, and Grandma Minnie snorted. “You two. Always such good boys.”

  He sniffed, smelling their lady, and he rolled up, vocalizing. She was awake, coming down the stairs. His beautiful girl. Mesa padded back into the house, and he heard a murmur of conversation. He headed in, eager to see his mates again. Sammy saw him, came to him with a squeal of happiness.

  Her hands felt so good.

  Kody stropped himself against her, rumbling happily.

  She was laughing, hands on him, loving on him. Oh, Sammy. He barked with joy.

  “He likes that.” Mesa kissed Sammy’s cheek. “I’ll just go see Grandma Minnie off.”

  “Can you bring me some clothes from the truck, please?” Kody’s girl looked at him, scratching his chin.

  “Sure.” Mesa gave Kody a wave before heading out, grabbing the car keys.

  “Look at you. Aren’t you beautiful? Where’s Kody? Did he let you in?”

  Kody laughed, tail thumping. Silly girl.

  “Look at you! So pretty.”

  She always had loved dogs. He licked her jaw, chuffing. Come. Come play. Come run. Sammy hugged his neck. It was so sweet of her. He licked her jaw, loving on her.

  Pretty girl. She smelled so good.

  She scratched his neck hard.


  Oh, there.


  His back paw started to go. Bang.

  Bang bang bang.

  “You hit Kody’s kickspot, huh?” Mesa came back in, bags in hand.

  “I did!” She laughed. “You named your dog Kody? That’s mean!”

  Mesa stopped, stared at them. “Honey, that’s Kody.”

  Sammy’s hand slowed. “What?”

  “I told you. That’s Kody. Isn’t he a beautiful wolf?”

  “I. Yes. Yes. Where’s my Kody?”

  He chuffed softly, head butted his girl. Silly love. He was right here.

  “You mean the man?” Mesa rubbed Kody’s ears. “Hiding in here so he doesn’t have to talk.”

  “Would you stop it? Please? Is there a coffee maker here?” She grabbed clothes from Mesa, dragged them on, covering up her pretty curves. It sort of made him want to bite her.

  Just a little bit.

  “In the kitchen. I’ll show you.” They went to the kitchen, leaving Kody in the blessed quiet for a moment. He let the wolf go, let himself stretch, reach out to the sun before he shivered and grabbed the quilt again. It got chilly early up here.

  He headed into the kitchen, following their scents. “Is there coffee?”

  “Soon, baby.” Mesa winked at him.

  “There you are!” Sammy came to him, hugged him.

  He sighed softly, kissed her cheek.

  “He’s been here.” Mesa rolled his eyes.

  “Did you see the dog?”

  Kody chuckled. “I did.”

  Mesa snorted. “Who wants breakfast?”

  “I’ll make something wonderful. Is there bacon?” He headed to the fridge. “Does every home have electricity now?”

  “No.” He got a little grin. “Some of the families protested.”

  Sammy looked gray at that, her horror clear. “Why would you protest?”

  “Huh? Oh, tradition, you know. We’re supposed to live close to the land, blah-blah.”

  “Oh. Wow. I need a certain amount of Starbucks and high-speed Internet.”

  Kody couldn’t help his wince as he grabbed the bacon, the bowl of eggs.

  “Maybe once or twice a year, huh?”

  “You have discipline. It’s been three days for me, and I’m ready for my real life.” She reached, patted Kody’s butt. “Do you want me to help?”

  “You can just explore the house.” How was he supposed to explain that this was home? Like permanently her home, now, with no malls or cars or cable TV?

  Mesa was staring at one of them, then the other, eyes glittering.

  “Are you okay, Kody?” She reached for his hand. “Look. I get it, okay? This is where you belong, and you’ll stay. You don’t have to be sad. I can tell; this is your home.”

  “It’s yours now, too.” Mesa snapped, starting to look a little grr.

  “I have a home, Mesa. I have to get a job, deal with selling my house. I have a car. A bank account, about fifty thousand emails to answer, and friends.”

  He found a pan. “Can’t you stay for a little while?”

  Mesa growled a little. “I’ll be back in a few.”

  He was caught between following Mesa, comforting Sammy, and just bashing his head against the wall.

  Sammy sighed, chewing on her bottom lip. “I make him mad a lot.”

  “Yes.” Sammy was an Alpha, too. That happened. Mesa wasn’t used to anyone challenging him.

  “Am I supposed to apologize?”

  Kody shook his head. “No. No, you… you’ve had a lot to adjust to.”

  Sammy laughed. “Like kidnapping.”

  “Yes. Like changing. Like the bond.”

  “Kody, what are you babbling about? I don’t understand!”

  “Yes, you do. You just don’t want to.” He put the pan down, looked at her. “I’m sorry, but you feel it. Us. The three of us. You’re a wolf. I’m
a wolf. Mesa’s a wolf. We’re mates. Simple as that.”

  “Would you stop it?”

  “I can’t.” He touched her hair. He couldn’t.

  “Did you do it to me?” She sounded so young, so confused.

  “No. You were born like this. You just needed the right pheromones to set you off. Remember your dreams?”

  She nodded. “I can’t live in the boonies, Kody.”

  “You can. You will. We’ll make it right. You belong with us.” The bond was set, true. There was nothing that could break it now but death.

  “It really was you, earlier. The wolf.”

  He nodded. “Really was.”

  Her pretty face went pale. “This is a lot, Kody. A hell of a lot to process.”

  “I know, and you’ve trusted us, so much. I’m so proud of you.”

  He kept petting, and she relaxed for him, breathed deep. “I trust you.”

  He nodded. “I know.” Even though he didn’t deserve it.

  Mesa came back in, putting a hand on the small of Kody’s back. He looked to Mesa, letting his mate know how sorry he was, to have made this so hard. She was trying, and he didn’t know how to make it better.

  Mesa smiled for him, shaking his head a little. “What does Grandma Minnie say? If it were easy it wouldn’t be worth much.”

  “She does.” He reached for Sammy, tugged her close. “I don’t regret it. You two are my world.”

  “Good.” Mesa grinned, got moving around to finish up breakfast, and she sat there watching, looking dazed.

  Kody kissed her quickly. “You’re made for this.”

  “Maybe not for life without Starbucks…” She gave him a wan smile.

  “We’ll get an espresso machine.” Mesa nodded decisively.

  “We have to run together, hunt.”

  She gave him a horrified look. “Hunt?”

  “You have to learn how.” Mesa gave her a serious look before dishing up bacon.


  “Shh. Of everything, that will be easy. I promise.” That was the truth. “Instinct takes over.”

  Sammy rolled her eyes, poured three mugs of coffee. “I don’t have a lot of that women’s intuition.”


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