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Climbing the Ladder

Page 11

by Tortuga, BA

Kody laughed. “You’re perfect. Strong, smart, and wild.” Sammy was a natural Alpha female.

  “Just follow us.” Mesa set out plates with a little ta-da gesture.

  “I’m starving.” She brought the coffees; Kody dished up eggs.

  “All this fresh air, huh?” Bumping hips with Sammy, Mesa moved past her to kiss Kody’s neck.

  “Maybe. It’s chilly up here. I think it’s all the sex.”

  Kody was busy lifting his chin, offering Mesa more.

  “That makes it chilly?” He got his kiss, Mesa murmuring against his lips.

  “No… I meant the hungry…” She moaned softly. “We should eat.”

  “Oh.” He and Mesa both chuckled. “That’s definitely the sex.”

  He winked at Mesa. “You should kiss her, too.”

  “Mmm.” Mesa gave his girl a kiss.

  Oh, that was lovely.

  Mesa had her head in one huge hand, cradling it, kissing Sammy like she was the only woman on Earth. Of course, to him she was now. She was his mate. Their mate. When Mesa lifted his head, Sammy was flushed, blinking slowly.

  Mesa licked her lower lip. “Hungry.”

  “Uh-huh.” Sammy blinked again.

  Kody chuffed softly, pushed the eggs across the table. They all sat together, and Kody felt at peace for the first time in days.

  “Good, this is good.” Sammy ate eagerly, and Kody dug in too. Better. Better. It was good. The hum behind his eyes eased off.

  Mesa cleaned his plate, then relaxed back. “Would you like to see the house? Explore?”

  He nodded, and Sammy chuckled. “It’s a huge place.”

  “It is!” Mesa sounded so tickled to show off their home. “Come on.”

  He grabbed Sammy’s hand and tugged, encouraging her to come along. Play. Look. Sammy followed, slowly enough to take everything in.

  There were six bedrooms, four bathrooms, a kitchen huge enough to feed the entire Clan in emergency. It was clean, simple, but homey. That hadn’t always been, Kody remembered.

  Mesa had put his hand on it, his mark. This was where the Alpha ruled, the rock of all of them.

  It made him proud, made him ache with how good his mate was.

  Mesa turned and gave him a smile, one hand reaching out to him.

  “Mate.” He went easily, happily.

  “Mmm. I could hear you.”

  “Could you?” Really?

  “I could. Thank you, baby.” Mesa kissed him briefly.

  He beamed, bounced a bit. Oh. Oh, the bond was working, was solidifying. Kody looked at Sammy, admiring her. Loving her. Could she hear him, too?

  She was looking at an old sideboard, hands on the wood, and she looked over, frowned. “What did you say?”

  “He wasn’t talking, honey. Not really. I just heard how proud he was.”

  “Heard how…what?”

  He sent his pleasure, his pride, his love. Her cheeks flushed dark, and he knew she heard him. She might not want to admit they communicated that way, but he could tell she heard. It was so cool.

  She turned back to the sideboard, and Kody grinned at Mesa. “I like it. It’s a good home.”

  “Thanks. What do you think, Sammy?”

  “It’s lovely. So many rooms. What are they all for?”

  Kody chuffed. “Babies.”

  She looked surprised. “Mesa has kids?”

  “Not yet.” Kody looked at her, admiring her. He could see her, swollen and heavy with their babies.

  She shook her head, turning to look at a little shelf with odds and ends on it. Mostly from Mesa’s childhood. Poor love. She thought she couldn’t have children, but Kody knew better. Alphas mated together. Betas didn’t mate, never had. Granny said it was because the Lady Moon knew that there couldn’t be too many Betas in any Clan. Guardians, yes. Shamans, of course. But Betas, no.

  He didn’t mind. It was in his genes to support his Alphas, to make them better.

  He loved them. They loved him. Together they would help the Clan.

  Mesa winked at her, full of love. Sammy looked up at Mesa, and that heavy head leaned forward, lips landing on hers, even as he reached for Kody. The kiss went on and on, Mesa tasting her like he couldn’t not, like she was as necessary as breathing. As soon as Kody touched them, a cry broke from Sammy, Mesa pulling Kody in to join them, one hard kiss following another.

  “We can’t answer all our problems with sex…” Sammy tugged his bottom lip with her teeth.

  Kody chuffed softly. “Making love.”

  “Why not?” Mesa had the shivery good growl on. “It works.”

  “Because… I…Stop touching; I can’t think.”

  Kody chuckled softly, bit the curve of her neck, knowing it would drive Mesa crazy. Mesa growled some more, nipping at him. That growl made him pant for it, and he bared his teeth, shook Sammy a little bit.

  Grunting, Mesa pushed in and nipped him again, this time on his lower lip.

  Oh, fuck, yes. He gave a soft, happy yelp.

  Sammy grunted, the sound somehow completely female, and pushed in to bite Kody, too. Her teeth dug into his skin, the sting wild, making him yelp again. Mesa started pushing them, moving them toward the back sun porch, toward the big bed back there.

  The pheromones were thick in the air, heavy. Wild. Kody wanted to howl.

  He did a little bit when Mesa pushed him and Sammy down on the bed. Such a smart Alpha, having more than one place to cuddle.

  “How many beds do you have?”

  “Hmm? Well, the house has, uh…” Mesa grinned, stopping to think.

  Sammy’s eyebrows lifted. “You have to think about it?”

  “We have guest rooms.”

  “So do I. Well, one. A room.”

  “Well, we have a few more people in during gatherings and stuff.” Mesa snorted. “We’re busy.”

  Kody nodded, grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and tugged. “Beds are good. I like beds.”

  Mesa helped, pulling at clothes. “I do, too. Do you have something against beds, Sammy?”

  “What? No. No, I mean…we keep falling into them…”

  Mesa gnawed on him a little, teeth on his shoulder, not even hard enough to sting.

  The caress made him hum, though, moan a little.


  It was perfect.

  Sammy sighed, her lashes resting heavy on her cheeks. “Love you.”

  “Love you, sweet lady. Stay.”

  Stay with them.

  “Mmm.” She patted him on the shoulder opposite Mesa’s mouth, but never said another word.

  He rubbed his cheek against Mesa, moaned. Happy. He was happy here.

  Mesa rumbled happily. So was Mesa. So happy.

  Now they just had to convince their girl.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sammy woke from crazy dreams of running and growling, and found herself naked and caught between Mesa and Kody.

  She slipped out of bed, started exploring. Her suitcase—haphazardly packed, but there—was in the front area, and there was a bathroom with a simple shower near a laundry room. There weren’t the basics in there, really—no toothbrushes, or hair gel—so she assumed it was a mud-room type thing.


  There was a shower and there was hot water, and she smelled like what she’d imagine a whorehouse would smell like. She washed her hair, luxuriating in the heat.

  It was unnaturally cold up here.

  She put on a pair of jeans, tennis shoes, and the two warmest shirts she had, then she braided her hair back and headed outside. She wasn’t sure what she was going to find, but maybe she’d be able to get her phone out of the truck. God knew she needed to call Becky and tell her best friend…


  The truck yielded nothing useful. No keys, no phone. No radio like they had in the Bandit movies. Damn.

  She headed down, arms wrapped around her belly. God, there were a lot of dogs around here. One came up to her, wagging, the wee fuzzy thing obviously a p
uppy. “Are you lost?”

  The wee thing barked and bounced, tail up and head down. Her laughter bubbled out of her, and she bent low, teasing one soft ear. The pup rolled and showed her a soft, soft belly, legs kicking.

  “Oh, you’re so pretty.” She gave the puppy a long scratch, murmuring softly. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “Her name’s Lisle.”

  Sammy looked up into warm, friendly dark eyes framed by heavy, heavy chestnut hair. The girl looked younger than her, but not by much. “Is she yours?”

  “Mine? Goddess, no. I’m not mated yet.”


  “I’m Juniper.” A brown, lean hand was offered over to her.

  “Samantha.” She shook hands, smiling a little. There was something so familiar about this girl, something about her eyes, maybe.

  “I’m so glad to meet you.” Juniper scooped the puppy up with one arm, hooked Sammy with the other one, and started moving them. “Are you hungry? Grandma Minnie’s cooking tonight.”

  “I—” Tonight? They must have slept for a while. Her stomach rumbled, and Sammy tried to remember when she’d eaten last. “I am.”

  “I bet. It’s been an odd few days for you, I imagine.” Juniper dropped the puppy off on one little porch. “Greta, I found your girl.”

  “Thank you, sweetie.” Greta waved from beyond a screened window, looking wild-haired and flannel-y.

  “How many… how many people live in town?”

  Juniper shrugged. “Not many. There’s fifty, maybe sixty of us. It depends on the babies.”

  “Oh.” That was…she couldn’t even contemplate a town that small.

  “Where did you live?”

  “Los Angeles.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s big.”

  Sammy smiled a little, shoving an errant strand of hair back. “It is. This is quiet.”

  “Sometimes, yes.” The houses seemed to be in little clusters—five or six at a time, with two or three bigger places scattered around. “The elders live there, in that house.”

  It was one of the bigger homes, well-maintained on the outside, one story.

  “Elders?” Was that a nice way to say nursing home?

  Juniper nodded. “Grandma Minnie. Moses. Bruce. Rachel and Olivia, although Hank’s been gone for almost a week, and they’re fading. Rachel’s just waiting for Liv to stop breathing, you know?”

  Oh, God. How awful. “They were his sisters?”

  Juniper gave her a curious look. “No. No, Liv was Rachel and Hank’s Beta.”

  Sammy blinked. She still wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but she knew she didn’t want to think about old folks in a retirement village doing the nasty. “Oh.”

  “You know, like Kody is.”

  “She was a psychic?”

  They climbed the stairs, Juniper entering without knocking. “No. He’s a Beta. Every Alpha pair needs a Beta. It’s how we’re made. Granny? We’re here.”

  “Junie! Hi, honey.” This wizened old lady with fluffy hair came out. “You brought me a present!”

  “I did. This is Samantha.” The women stepped close together, cheeks rubbing once. “Samantha, this is Minnie.”

  She held on hand out. “Samantha Luna, Kody’s wife. I’m visiting from Los Angeles.”

  “Nice to meet you, honey.” The old lady said honey a lot like Mesa did, with a sort of casual possessiveness. Weird.

  “It’s lovely here.” Cold. Remote. A little scary. But still lovely.

  “Are you all settled in the big house?” Juniper seemed to bounce a bit. “Canyon and I moved him, put all the furniture up.”


  “Our brother.” Juniper winked. “He’s way grumpier than Mesa.”

  “Oh. Oh, you’re Mesa’s sister? How neat.” How weird.

  “Yeah. He can be a butthead, but he’s a good leader.”

  “He’s like…a police officer, right?”

  The old lady chuckled. “He keeps the peace, yes.”

  “I work at a bank. Worked. Whatever.” She didn’t know what to say, so she went with the normal, trivial stuff. Except she didn’t have that job anymore.

  “Doing what?” Juniper went to the stove, lifting lids off pots.

  “Loan management for corporations. Mortgages.” It sounded boring, and it was, but the money had been good at a time when people were losing their jobs.

  “Really?” The old lady’s eyes sharpened some. “That’s a neat skill.”

  “It’s a good job. I’ll have to get back soon.” She couldn’t go back to the bank, though. Hell, she wasn’t sure that she’d be able to go back to any city job. How had Kody managed it so well?

  “There is plenty for you to do here. Canyon has a computer, even. Would you reach the salt for me, honey?”

  Juniper pointed at a cabinet, and Sammy headed to open the door. The spices were organized, marked with big labels. She found the salt and handed it over. “What are you cooking?”

  “Lamb stew.”

  “Mmm. Granny stew.” Juniper winked at her. “You’ll love it.”

  “It smells delicious. Did…did you teach Kody to cook?”

  “Me and some of the others, yes. Kody is a dear boy. I’m fond.” Granny patted her shoulder with one gnarled hand, and something in the touch made her shoulders drop down from being up around her ears.

  “I am, too.” She had a thousand questions, but she didn’t know what to say.

  “Well, of course you are. Junie, get that bread for her to try?”

  “Sure, Granny.” It was weird, how Juniper looked like Mesa, now that she knew they were related. Juniper was tiny, comparatively. Mesa was a gorilla. The thought made her giggle, just a touch hysterically. A gorilla.

  Granny and Juniper gave her odd glances, but then Juniper handed her a piece of crusty bread with butter on it.

  “Thank you.” Her stomach growled audibly. “Sorry. Sorry. It smells so good.”

  “Well, eat up!” Granny pottered around. “I imagine Kody hasn’t figured out the kitchen yet.”

  “We all made breakfast, I guess. I…I don’t suppose so. It’s very different from ours. Mine. My kitchen back home. At the house I’m selling.” The bread was amazing, rich and chewy and sweet.

  “He’ll figure it out.” Juniper munched a piece of bread, too. “He’s so good at it.”

  “So will you, honey. Don’t worry.” Minnie smiled at her, and it wasn’t weird; it was comforting.

  “Are you Mesa’s grandmother or Kody’s?” Juniper had called her Granny, so Sammy assumed that’s where the relationship was.

  “Biologically, somewhere, we’re all a little related, I think, but my daughter, Heather, is Mesa’s mother.” Granny started dishing out stew, handing her a bowl. “Kody’s grandparents were from the other side of the mountains.”

  “Kody never told me about his life before me.” Of course, she hadn’t shared about hers, either. Not details. They hadn’t cared. They’d been crazy and horny and in love. Besides, Kody knew her.

  “Kody lives very much in the now.” Granny’s fingers touched her wrist, calming her somehow.

  “He does. My friends said I was crazy to marry him.”

  The soup was so good. Thick and comforting and hot.

  “No. No, you were so smart.” Juniper sounded like it all made sense.

  Granny nodded. “Kody was brave, so brave, and now you’re home with Kody and Mesa.” Her hand was patted. “Where are your people from?”

  “I don’t know. I was a foster.” The words still hurt. “I was found as a baby on the West coast.”

  The other women glanced at each other, eyes wide, then gave her bright smiles. “Well, you’re home now.”

  She smiled too, then went back to eating. The soup was amazing, filling her up, warming her.

  She might even be able to think now. Amazing what a good meal could do for the soul.

  Two huge dogs came in, gray muzzled and slow, both rubbing against Juniper and Granny’s legs
. Juniper jumped up, poured two bowls of soup and fed them. The dogs immediately set to, licking the soup with lusty slurps.

  Wow. The dogs ate as well as the people. Except Juniper was talking to them like they understood, which meant that those were…Right. Okay. That was…she needed to get going.

  She stood, took her bowl to the sink. “Thank you very much for the food. It was luscious.”

  Two women were standing at the kitchen door when she turned around, both of them staring at her. She almost jumped back, but she held her ground instead, lifting her chin to stare back.

  “Is this Mesa’s mate, then?” One was a blonde, her bright green eyes flashing.

  “I’m Kody’s wife.”

  The other woman flipped a hand, tanned and rough from work. “Kody is Mesa’s Beta. You’re his mate.”

  She arched an eyebrow, something deep inside her growling and animalistic. “I’m Samantha. And you are?”

  The blonde smiled slowly. “Alicia.”

  The other woman looked more sincere, kinder somehow. “I’m Angie.”

  “Nice to meet you both.”

  Alicia had to be Mesa’s ex. Had to. Sammy could smell it.

  “Weird. You don’t seem like his type.”

  “I get that a lot.” That didn’t bother her. She’d gotten over not being the blonde California girl years ago.

  “I bet.” Alicia sneered, flipping her hair a little. It sort of reminded her of Becky.

  “That’s enough!” Granny’s voice snapped out like a bark. “Did I ask you girls in?”

  Angie looked at Granny, eyes downcast. “No, ma’am. I have your cornmeal and the books you ordered. Also, I wanted to meet Mesa’s mate.”

  “Well, you can come in.” Granny laughed, the sound merry. “Alicia, you can go unless you’re going to be nice.”

  “What? Do you need protection from Granny?” the girl snarled.

  “Out.” Juniper stepped up, lips pressed tight together. “Just get out, Leecy.”

  The woman made this sound, and Sammy stepped forward, put herself between tiny Juniper and Alicia. “I don’t think so, lady.”

  Those green eyes flashed with something ugly, and Alicia raised a hand, smacking Sammy across the face. Something inside Sammy snapped, and she stepped forward, sight going red. In one breath she was standing in Minnie’s kitchen, in the next she was throwing Alicia across the ground outside, snarling deeply.


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