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Back for You

Page 7

by Anara Bella

  Cain was gone? Where the hell was he? And how dare he up and leave without a word?

  She threw off the covers and sat on the edge of the bed while a plethora of conflicting emotions played a full on tug-of-war inside her. It didn’t take long to realize anger was the clear winner.

  Anger because she hadn’t left last night, anger because Cain had manipulated her into staying the night, anger because Cain wasn’t there, anger because Cain’s return to town had churned up all these feelings she didn’t want to feel and didn’t know what to do with.

  She took several deep breaths to calm herself. And then realized something important—his not being here was a good thing. After all, waking up alone was the next best thing to being in her own bed. Almost as good as if she’d gone home last night like she’d intended.

  Immediately, her mood improved and she smiled. Her plans weren’t a failure after all. Despite the way Cain had maneuvered things by wearing her out with an exhausting onslaught of sex, sex, and more sex, she could salvage the situation.

  The good news was all she had to do was get dressed and bolt for home before Cain came back from wherever he’d gone. A very good plan. The bad news was she had no idea how long he’d been gone already. He could come back at any moment so she’d better get her butt in gear and get moving.

  Putting thought into action, she spied her underwear across the room and charged over to put them on, all the while congratulating herself for getting up earlier than she normally did.

  She bent over to pick up her white panties, and froze. The door opened.

  Why, oh why, did nothing ever seem to go her way when it came to Cain? More to the point, why hadn’t she woken up ten minutes earlier?

  She straightened at the same time as she heard a familiar low, sexy growl coming from the doorway. An instant later warm, strong male hands grasped her hips and pulled her back into a hard, hot body.

  “Looks like I got back just in time, darlin’.”

  Damn it. His timing was impeccable, as always. For him at least. For her it totally sucked. So much for a clean escape.

  She squirmed in an effort to extricate herself from his arms but he held her tight until she gave up and relaxed into him. “I have to get back to the bar.”

  “You’ve got time yet.” He palmed her breasts, and nibbled her neck, his stubble adding to the delicious sensations already coursing through her. “I brought you coffee and croissants. Just the way you like them.”

  Oh hell. He knew her every weakness, and coffee was right up there with warm croissants and sleeping in. She turned in his arms, trying to wedge her arms between them without much success. “You don’t play fair.”

  His wolfish grin was totally unrepentant. “Never have, never will. Not when it comes to you.”

  He brushed her lips with his, teasing until she couldn’t resist anymore and opened for his tongue. Before long, they were devouring each other, and Cain’s large hands slid down her naked back to cup her ass and pull her tighter against his erection.

  She ate his groan, held him tighter still, wishing he was naked already. Any thoughts of leaving had long ago fled for parts unknown, and the voice of reason had ditched her like a bad date. Nothing mattered but having him inside her again.

  He lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his hips while he carried her back to the bed. She broke the kiss. “I don’t have time for this. I have to get to work.”

  He kissed her breasts, and fingered her already slick folds. “We have time for a quickie.”

  “That doesn’t sound like much fun for me.”

  “Trust me, darlin’, I’ll make sure it is.”

  He set her on the bed, and then his shirt and jeans flew across the room, and oh my, he was commando. Now wasn’t that convenient. Things were moving so damn fast her head spun.

  Condom in place, he surged over her, holding both of her hands above her head in one of his. He sucked and licked her breasts until she squirmed for relief, teetering on the very precipice of an orgasm.

  She didn’t know how he did it, but he could always turn her on like throwing a switch. Instant, electric, amazing. Every. Single. Time.

  His erection prodded her empty channel, teasing and tempting, but not fulfilling what she needed.

  Enough of that.

  With a surge, she bucked him off and rolled him over until he was on his back. With sure movements, she mounted him, positioned his cock with her hand and seated herself fully until they both groaned in bliss.

  She immediately started to move, increasing the tempo, building the tidal wave of bliss, in no time she felt her orgasm swell. Cain tried to slow her down, but she wasn’t having any of it. This morning, she was the one in control.

  And control him she did, riding him hard until the sensation overflowed and they both came with a hoarse shout.

  Thea collapsed against him, relishing the hardness of him beneath her and within her. She lay there catching her breath, enjoying the relaxing feel of Cain’s hand idly smoothing over her back, her legs, her ass, teasing their still joined flesh. It all felt so good, so perfect, she could have stayed there all day.

  With a sudden jolt, she realized what she was letting him do. Again. And it was so not happening.

  She pulled away and got off the bed with lightning speed.

  “Hey, where are you going?” He made a grab for her but she was too fast, stepping out of reach.

  She grabbed some tissues, and with quick sure movements cleaned up. “Home. I told you I have to get to work.”

  She refused to look at him. She couldn’t. All she really wanted to do was cuddle up next to him until he was ready for another round of flaming-hot sex, but she had to be strong. She had to.

  She snapped up her underwear and wriggled into it. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his frown but ignored it. She couldn’t afford to let anything weaken her resolve. She had to get out of here before that could happen.

  She threw on her clothes and searched for her shoes.

  Cain sighed. “You’re going to leave me here like this, aren’t you?”

  “Sure am.”

  Despite her determination not to, she glanced over at Cain’s totally gorgeous, ripped body with regret. She wanted nothing more than to rip off her clothes and ravish him all over again, but she needed to prove to herself she could do this. Just walk away, even when she still wanted him.

  The expression on Cain’s face was one of resignation. He knew he’d lost this round.

  She felt powerful, in control. Like a winner.

  So why did she have the niggling feeling she’d lost something precious?


  Later that day, in Jake’s apartment, Cain thought about how Thea had taken off like her hair was on fire. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind her rapid physical retreat mirrored the break-neck speed of her emotional one.

  Despite his disappointment, he couldn’t help feeling a glimmer of hope. He knew he hadn’t won her over just yet—not that he’d expected to so quickly—but the hope was there because he knew Thea better than she might imagine, and right now, he knew she was softening toward him. It was a step in the right direction, but he had a long way to go yet. Which was why he was here trying to figure out his next move.

  Jake took a swig of his cold beer and shook his head. “I wish I had your problems.”

  Cain laughed. As one of Forsythia Falls’ charity calendar firemen, Jake got more pussy than a rock star and showed no signs of slowing down any time soon. “I really doubt it.”

  “Are you kidding? Most guys would give their right arm to be fucking Thea.”

  Cain scowled. “Watch your mouth. That’s my woman you’re talking about.”

  “Not yet she isn’t. Everyone knows she dumps the guys she goes out with the second she gets bored. What makes you think you’ll be any different?”

  “I won’t let her get bored. Besides, our chemistry is off the charts so boredom isn’t the problem. The problem is getting her to tr
ust me again. And getting her to view me as something more than a hard cock thrill-ride.”

  Jake raised his beer in salute. “Like I said, I wish I had your problems.”

  “With all the pussy you get, get real.”

  “There are plenty of women willing to let me fuck them.” Jake frowned. “Maybe too many. Tell you the truth, there’s no challenge in it anymore. They’re all the same. What I want is a woman with brains as well as a killer bod. Someone I can talk to, enjoy spending time with.”

  This was news to Cain. “When did this happen? I didn’t know you felt that way.”

  Jake frowned. “I didn’t either until we started talking about this. It’s all your fault.”

  Cain scoffed. “How is this my fault?”

  “I wasn’t talking like this before. You’re a bad influence. Either that or I’m getting old.” Jake took another swig of his beer as he thought that over. “Nah, it’s you. I’ve been hanging around you too much.”

  Cain chuckled and shook his head. “More like I’ve been hanging around you too much.”

  Jake threw a bottle cap at his head and they both laughed.

  “So how do I get Thea to spend some time with me outside of the bedroom?”

  “Why don’t you kidnap her?”

  “Are you crazy? She’d kill me. Not exactly the reaction I’m going for.”

  “I don’t mean tie her up and gag her, although that could be fun. I mean whisk her away. Plan something nice, romantic. Something during the day, out in public, so that it can’t be about sex. You know, take her to the park or something.”

  Cain turned the idea over in his head. “That’s not a bad idea. I’d have to find out when she wouldn’t be missed at the bar.”

  “Asia would know. See if you can get her to help you set something up.”

  Cain scoffed. “Yeah, that’ll happen. Asia hates me.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. You’ll never know unless you talk to her.”

  Cain shrugged. “True. And her help would certainly make things easier.”

  His mind raced with possible scenarios, most of which he quickly discarded. Getting a woman’s insight on something like this would be a big help. Well worth risking a tongue-lashing from Thea’s best friend.

  And then he laughed. “Shit, I really am getting old. Look at me trying to figure out how to keep a woman out of my bed.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Tell me again why the hell I should help you with anything?”

  Marcus and Asia sat across from Cain in a booth at Lettie’s Diner. Asia’s glare of distrust was pretty much what he’d expected, but it didn’t bode well for his plan.

  He fought down his frustration. She was never going to help him this way. Not unless he could convince her of his feelings for Thea, and his determination to win her back.

  He tried again. “I know you don’t trust me, and I don’t blame you.”

  Asia mumbled under her breath. “Damn straight.”

  “I know I was a jerk, and I really hurt Thea when I left. The truth is, I’ll never forgive myself for it.”

  Asia cut in. “And you shouldn’t. You were a total shit. The way you left was downright cruel.”

  Cain flinched. She’d never know just how much he regretted his youthful stupidity. “I know. I handled everything all wrong, but I can’t change it. I wish I could, you have no idea how much. All I can do is try to make it up to her now.”

  “I’m not sure you can.”

  “Maybe not, but I have to try. I love her. It’s as simple as that. And despite everything that’s happened between us, we’re good together. I know she deserves someone a lot better than me, but I just can’t give up on us. How can I convince you that I’m here for the long haul?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Defeat washed over Cain, but he soldiered on. “If there was more I could do, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

  Marcus, who up to now had kept out of it, squeezed Asia’s hand. “At the risk of getting my head bitten off, I think you should give Cain a chance.”

  Cain didn’t even try to hide his surprise as he watched Asia turn a shocked face toward Marcus. “I can’t believe you’re standing up for this guy. Why should I give him a chance? He didn’t give Thea one ten years ago.”

  “Because I know how he feels. It wasn’t all that long ago I was in a similar position. I was desperate to be with you, and to take things to the next level, and you were fighting me every step of the way. I think Cain is serious about Thea, and deserves a second chance.”

  Asia harrumphed. “He’s not you.”

  “But he loves Thea. That’s plain for anyone to see. Can’t you take pity on the guy and help him out? I know you love Thea and want to protect her, but in the end the decision is hers as to what kind of relationship she wants to have with him.”

  Asia sat thinking for a long moment while Cain held his breath.

  He put in a final plea. “I’m willing to spend the rest of my life making it up to Thea. I give you my word I’ll do everything I can to make her happy.”

  Asia groused. “That’s the least you can do.” Her sharp eyes studied him, before she relented. “Fine. I’ll help you with your surprise.”

  Cain heaved a huge sigh of relief, at which point she speared him with a stern, forbidding look. “But I’ll be watching you. If you ever hurt Thea again, I’ll hunt you down with my last breath and castrate you myself. Don’t think I won’t.”

  He winced, knowing she meant every word. “Understood. But you don’t have to worry. I’d cut off my right arm before I’d ever hurt her again.”

  “See that you remember that.”

  And because he meant it, he said, “I’m glad Thea has a good friend like you looking out for her.”

  Asia snorted but looked slightly mollified. “Don’t you forget it.”

  “So you’ll help me?”

  After Asia somewhat reluctantly agreed, they settled down to the business of figuring out when Thea would be free. With her being short-staffed at the bar, it hadn’t been easy, but they’d finally settled on Sunday morning. Which didn’t leave him much time to set up his little surprise.


  Everything was set.

  Unfortunately, nothing had changed with Thea in the three days since she’d last slept over. They’d had a lot of sex, but hadn’t progressed beyond that. Thea was still determined to keep things strictly physical, he was just as determined to make it more.

  It was all very frustrating. Nothing he said or did changed anything. Not even when he’d let her know about his hopes to write a book about his experiences as a reporter. Or that there was a strong possibility he’d be teaching journalism at the local college next semester. As far as he could tell, he was still at square one with her.

  Although, on more than one occasion he saw flashes of an emotion cross her features he couldn’t quite nail down. He hoped it was a positive emotion rather than a negative one but he had no idea.

  Last night, the final step in his plans for this morning had fallen into place when he’d let Thea leave early for the first time. Instead of wearing her out with sex to lure her into spending the night, he’d feigned sleep, letting her escape his bed to go back to her own place. Just like she’d tried to do every other night they’d been together. It had the double benefit of letting her think she’d won another round, and it suited his purposes. She had no idea that he’d followed her to make sure she got home safe.

  This morning, he’d picked up the last of the things he needed for their outing and was ready to take her away for what he hoped would be a charming breakfast picnic.

  Only time would tell if he’d pulled it off or not.


  Thea stumbled, and clung tighter to Cain’s arm. “This is ridiculous. Why do I have to wear this stupid blindfold?”

  A chuckle rumbled from Cain’s chest. “Patience really isn’t your strong suit, is it?”

  She groused. “You try tripping aroun
d, not being able to see where you’re going, and see how much you like it.”

  “Stop griping. We’re almost there.”

  She could hear the smile in his voice and gritted her teeth. So he found it amusing, did he? She’d find a way to get back at him for this. Being blindfolded wasn’t any fun for the blindfoldee. Well, not unless it was in the bedroom.

  For a split second her mind shot over to the titillating possibilities that thought conjured until she stumbled again, reminding her she’d better concentrate on putting one foot ahead of the other if she didn’t want to twist her ankle.

  “Almost where?” Good grief, she sounded like a whining child, but she couldn’t help it. Cain refused to tell her where they were going and it was driving her nuts. All she knew was that they hadn’t driven too far in the car, which told her next to nothing.

  “If I told you it, wouldn’t be much of a surprise, now would it?”

  She tried not to growl at him. “You do remember I’m not a big fan of surprises, don’t you?”

  “Yep.” His tone was definitely amused.

  “Bastard.” She’d tried to put some snark into her voice but there was no real bite to it. She was more intrigued than annoyed, and this was supposed to be a nice thing he was doing for her. It wasn’t his fault she didn’t like surprises all that much.

  She sighed and turned her attention back to her footing. And then she heard it. The soothing sound of burbling water getting louder with each step she took.

  Ah ha! “I know where we are.”

  She dropped his arm and ripped off the blindfold, confirming her suspicions. Yep. He’d brought her to their favorite picnic spot. “Oh Cain, I love it here.”

  She’d forgotten just how much. Her gaze drank in the grassy, well-shaded area they were in.

  Tourists went to the parks around the main falls Forsythia Falls was famous for, but the locals preferred to come here. It was quieter, with a lot less people, and being a ways up-river it was well off the beaten track. Unless you knew the small back roads route to get here, you’d never find it.


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