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Back for You

Page 8

by Anara Bella

  Despite the fact that this section of river only had a few successive foot-high drops, it was well worth the effort to locate. They may not have had the spectacular tourist appeal of the main falls twenty foot drop, but they were lovely.

  Thea sighed in deep satisfaction. It was a gorgeous, already-hot mid-morning. Very few people were around this early on a Sunday morning which was just the way Thea liked it. The ones who had come were sitting on picnic tables or blankets laid out along the river’s edge.

  Quiet. Peaceful. Perfect.

  She’d forgotten just how beautiful it was here. “I haven’t come here in forever.”

  In point of fact, the last time had been with Cain. Somehow, she hadn’t wanted to return since. Probably because of the bittersweet memories that lurked in every part of this area.

  Cain carried a folded blanket and a picnic basket in his other hand, but with his free hand he enfolded hers and squeezed. “Me either. Not since the last time we were here together.”

  Her gaze shot to his. “You remembered.”

  Their eyes locked. “Of course, I remember. I remember everything about us.”

  For a long moment she couldn’t look away, unable to ignore the old feelings she thought she’d buried long ago.

  Never breaking eye-contact, he brought their clasped fingers to his mouth and kissed the back of her hand. Sincerity radiated off of him, making her forget, making her believe, making something deep inside of her melt with the wonder of it.

  Shaken by an unexpected surge of emotion, she looked away, not wanting Cain to see it. Her mind warred with her heart, reason warred with emotion, what she knew warred with what she felt. How could this have happened? And so quickly? It had taken years to build up her defensive walls and it had taken no time at all for Cain to tear them all down.

  She would never have believed it of herself, but it seemed that when it came to Cain she was a complete pushover. She didn’t even have enough brains or self-preservation to run.

  She chastised herself for her foolishness as they headed to ‘their spot’. It was at the far end of the picnic area, a little off to the side, hidden by bushes and rocks that were difficult to get past, which was why it was unused by most people. But it was well worth the effort to get to. The view of the river and falls was great, and best of all, because the grass wasn’t cut, there was a proliferation of wild flowers in that area. As far as Thea was concerned, the wildness of it was the best part.

  Cain set the picnic basket down. “It’s just like I remember.”

  “Yeah. The trees and bushes have grown some but otherwise it’s the same.” If only everything between them was still the same too. Before the hurt and the heartache and the years apart had done its damage.

  As if wanting to distract her from her thoughts, he shook out the blanket. “Give me a hand.”

  Together they placed it on the ground and straightened the edges.

  “I hope you’re hungry.” He set the basket on top of the blanket.

  “Famished. What did you bring?”

  He knelt and opened the basket, releasing the most incredible aroma of fresh-baked goods. “We’ve got fresh croissants from Mama Biggs Bakery.”

  She knelt to get a better whiff. “Oh God. Really? Those are my favorite.”

  He started pulling out food. “I also have her famous cherry jam, some cream cheese and a couple of her to-die-for Cinnamon Swirls. There’s also some fruit salad and fresh cherries.” With a flourish, he lifted out two thermoses. “And we can’t have breakfast without coffee.”

  Overcome by his thoughtfulness, Thea blinked back tears. If she wasn’t careful, Cain would turn her into a sentimental sap. And then something occurred to her. She poked through the basket looking for his much-beloved bacon. “You only brought my favorites. Where are yours?”

  “This is your treat. I wanted to spoil you a little bit. Of course, bringing bacon and eggs would have been a bit awkward on a picnic.”

  “But why? You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”

  He took her hand, brought it up to his mouth and kissed the backs of her fingers with a soft brush of his warm lips. “Do you really have to ask?”

  “I guess I do.”

  His other hand sandwiched hers between his. “I want to show you how special you are to me. I was a fool to give up what we had and I’ve regretted it ever since. More than you can imagine. I want you to know that.”

  She studied him, looking for some sign he was just saying what she wanted to hear, but his earnestness was clear. “I must be losing my mind, but I believe you.”

  “Believe it. I know you want this thing between us to be just about sex, but it’s never been just about sex for me. Not ten years ago and not now. I love you. I always have. And I want you back.”

  Panic fluttered in her breast. She was not ready for this. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Don’t say anything. I just want you to be clear on where I stand. I don’t expect anything from you. Let’s just enjoy the beautiful morning together and have our breakfast.”

  Fear made her want to run, but she fought back the rising inclination, and after a few moments, she took a deep breath and nodded her agreement. “Okay. I can do that.”

  Cain smiled, clearly pleased. He let go of her hand and finished setting up their picnic.

  She watched as he set out plates and cutlery, then poured them each a mug of aromatic coffee before handing her one. She took a blissful, and much-needed sip, working to look calmer on the outside than she really felt.

  It wasn’t that any of what he’d just said was news to her because he’d essentially already told her the same thing before. What was different was the way she felt, especially after the accumulation of small gestures he’d made since he’d come back to town. Little things that let her know he cared, that he’d paid attention, hadn’t forgotten anything. Things that made her believe he was sincere in his feelings for her.

  Things that were very dangerous for her to believe. That she couldn’t allow herself to believe for fear of losing her heart to him all over again.

  Something she worried was already too late to stop.

  Resolving to just enjoy the day and deal with her feelings later, she gradually relaxed, idly enjoying the gorgeous view of the landscape, and of Cain sipping his coffee as he watched the water tripping down the river.

  They chatted about mutual friends, what they’d been up to since he left. He’d also satisfied her curiosity about what he’d been doing around town since he came back, and how much he’d enjoyed working with his hands again. As they talked, his sexy mouth drew her gaze time and again, his soft yet firm lips pulling her in. It wasn’t long before she found herself wanting to kiss that mouth in the worst way. To feel the heat of his skin against hers, wrap herself around him and touch him everywhere. But they were in a public place.

  And then it hit her. Wasn’t he the one who was tantalized by the idea of having sex in a public place? She wouldn’t go that far, but there was no reason she couldn’t indulge herself a bit.

  Hiding a grin, she snatched a flakey croissant out of the paper bag. Its light, buttery goodness almost sent her into orgasmic ecstasies, but even that couldn’t distract her for long. Soon, she was contemplating her options. Although, she was somewhat limited by where they were, there were still some interesting possibilities that would keep things focused on sex.

  She fed him morsels of food, sensually licking off her fingers, teasing the inside of his thigh with her foot, touching him in intimate places every chance she got, stealing kisses she made sure turned him on as much as they did her.

  It went very well for the most part. More than once she caught him clenching his jaw, fisting his hands, growling at her in warning, but that was all part of the fun.

  Of course, by the time they finished their meal, she was every bit as turned on and frustrated as he was.

  Before long, she was forced to point out the obvious. “We need to get out of her

  She ran her hand up the inside of his thigh, surreptitiously petting his balls through the fabric of his jeans until he growled out a ‘let’s go’, his eyes smoldering their desperate agreement.

  They made it back to his room in record time.

  Chapter Twelve

  The door slammed shut as Cain wedged Thea up against it in his efforts to kiss her more deeply.

  Tongues dueled for dominance, hands fought to remove clothing, urgency rode them hard.

  He popped her breasts out of her halter top and filled his hands with their bounty. He nipped her lobe. “This doesn’t change anything you know. It still isn’t just about sex.”

  She threw his shirt over his shoulder. “Whatever you say.”

  Seconds later his jeans dropped to the floor and she reached inside his boxer-briefs. The jolt spiked through him as his steely-hard cock surged into her soft, eager hands.

  He groaned and dropped his forehead against hers in an effort to gain control of himself. “It’s about how we feel about each other.”

  She cupped his balls while she started pumping his cock in her fist. “Uh huh.”

  He choked out a desperate laugh. “You really aren’t listening to a word I’m saying right now, are you?”

  She bit his nipple. “Are you still talking?”

  His eyes crossed, it felt so good. “I guess you just want me to fuck you right now.”

  “Guessed it in one, big boy.”

  She ran her thumb across the top of his weeping cock, the electrical shock of it racing up his spine. His knees almost gave out and he growled in bliss. “Fuck. You win. This round goes to you.”

  He dropped to his knees, dragging her shorts and underwear down her long, sexy legs as he went. After helping her step out of them, he placed her foot on his shoulder, giving him primo access to her already wet pussy.

  Like a starved man, he licked and sucked her folds, working her channel with his fingers, until she writhed in ecstasy. When he sucked hard on her clitoris, she screamed, coming hard with unexpected speed. She never ceased to enthrall and amaze him.

  Slumped against him, he held up her limp body while he stood. “Stay with me, darlin’. We’re not done yet.”

  She gasped, and clung to him. “My legs won’t hold me up, they’re like jelly.”

  “Trust me.”

  He rolled on the condom from his wallet, and hiked her up until her legs clamped around his waist. Then he sank home in one blissful thrust. Their moans filled the room, and he was relieved she was right there with him because he couldn’t hold on for long. She felt so good, incredible, and he needed to move. Now.

  He plunged into her wet heat over and over, fast and hard, his balls slapping against her, until they were both panting, grasping for completion.

  She started keening. “Oh God, I’m almost there.”

  Reaching down, she fingered her clit until she came again, her vaginal walls squeezing him in a rhythmic fist as he kept pistoning into her. It wasn’t long before the delicious tingling started up, warning him he was close too. So close. He tried to hold off a little longer but it was no use. After a couple of hours of being teased without mercy by this vixen, he had no reserves left. He tumbled over the top, pumping into her furiously until they collapsed against each other in an exhausted heap.

  His forehead rested against hers. “There’s no one else on earth like you, Thea. No one.”

  He took a moment to catch his breath. Then, with shaking arms, he picked her up and carried her to the bed, tossing back the covers and setting her down.

  Her satisfied smile was the only answer he got.

  It wasn’t anywhere near enough, but it would have to do for now. At least it was one step closer to winning her back.


  The insistent ringing of a cell phone pulled Thea out of the mellow half-asleep state she’d been floating in.

  Pleasantly sated but ready for more, she’d been wondering if Cain would be up for another round when the cell’s intrusive noise pushed its way into her consciousness.

  The ringing finally stopped but before relief could set in, it started up again.

  With a curse, Cain snatched up his phone. “Marshall.”

  A pause. “What’s up?”

  Cain sat up while he listened to the caller. “I see.”

  Something in his voice caught her attention. What was going on? His glance touched on her, then darted away making her even more anxious. “Can’t you find someone else to do it?”

  Cain slid another quick glance her way, and her stomach clenched with tension.

  “Yeah, I know I owe you, but now’s not a good time.”

  The voice on the other end rose to where she could almost hear what was being said. Cain sighed. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Something was wrong, she just knew it. Fisting the sheet in shaking fingers, she pulled it up against her and sat up. For some odd reason, she needed to cover herself which was just plain stupid considering what they’d been doing.

  “Right.” Cain punched the end button with his thumb and tossed his cell on the nightstand.

  She didn’t want to know. She really didn’t… “Tell me.”

  Cain scrubbed his hands over his face before he met her eyes. “I have to go overseas on assignment. It should only be for a few days. A week at the most.”

  Her stomach plummeted. Deep down, she’d known this moment would come but had somehow convinced herself it wouldn’t be for a while yet. Not until after she’d grown tired of him. “I thought you were back to stay.” She despised the accusatory tone in her voice but she couldn’t help it. Nerves raked at her insides, and dread ate at her.

  He raked his fingers through his already messy hair. “I am. But I owe Joe a favor and he needs my help so he’s calling it in.” He speared her with a look, all but shooting sincerity straight into her brain. “Once I do this, I’m done.”

  Didn’t matter what he said, not for one second did she believe that was true. She wanted to, but on a bone deep level she just couldn’t. “I guess I’d better go so you can pack and do whatever else you need to do to get ready.”

  She tried to get up, but he pulled her back, rolling her under his large body, pinning her to the bed beneath him. He kissed her with something that felt a lot like desperation, and she was surprised when she realized that same desperation roared through her.

  “I’m coming back. I’ll be back before you even miss me.”

  Not possible since she missed him already.

  She tried to push him off but he wouldn’t budge. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Go do your thing.”

  She shoved against him again but he refused to let her up.

  He kissed her eyelids, cheeks, nose, chin, nibbling his way along every inch of her face as if memorizing it with his lips. “I know you’ll be fine. You always are. You’re the strongest woman I know.”

  “You know it.” The reality was she’d always been strong because she’d always had to be strong, and as proud as she was of that, it shocked her to realize that a part of her was tired of always having to be the strong one. Sometimes—not often, but every once in a while—it would be nice to be able to lean on someone else for a change.

  And the only someone else she’d ever wanted to rely on was Cain.

  And wasn’t that a scary thought.

  Something nebulous teased her consciousness, but she shoved it away as the urge to be with him one more time overwhelmed her. She needed to feel his hard strength deep inside, his cock pounding into her body making her feel like they were one. Making her feel alive as only Cain could.

  Frantic with unnamable need, she speared her fingers into his hair and pulled him closer, kissing him for all she was worth, memorizing every texture, taste and nuance. The feel of his skin beneath her seeking fingers, the weight of his body above hers, the rough, silky heat of his tongue against hers.

  She broke the kiss, reached down and grasped his already har
d, throbbing cock. “Make love to me one more time before you go.”

  He surged into her hand. “You read my mind, darlin’. I need something to keep me going until I get back.”

  She didn’t bother telling him she suspected it would have to last a lot longer than that. More like the rest of her life. He would just deny it and she didn’t want to hear any lies.

  Their gazes locked, and the unspoken knowledge settled between them that they didn’t have time for more than this once.

  This time when she pushed him, Cain let her have her way and rolled onto his back, the momentum pulling her with him until she was splayed on top of him.

  She didn’t languish there, but nabbed a condom from the box still sitting on the bedside table and straddled his legs. With deft fingers she rolled the latex on the impressive girth of his cock and positioned herself over him. Spearing herself on his hard-as-steel cock, she filled herself with the only part of him she’d ever really felt was hers, feeling him deeper inside than ever before. She ground her clitoris into him, increasing the delicious pressure, building the blazing flames of desperation and passion inside of her until she thought she might catch fire from it.

  Cain blasted out a groan and clamped his hands down on her hips making it impossible for her to move. “Shit, I’m not going to be able to hold it together.”

  “Don’t bother trying.”

  She worked his hard flesh with a deep, steady rhythm, glorying in the fact she excited him so much, riding him hard, grinding her clit on each down stroke, building the hot tension in them both until she felt like he was part of her and she was part of him. Until there was nothing individual about them anymore. They were together, united, in sync, truly one unit.

  One flesh. One soul.

  A flash of volcanic heat washed over her, followed by a bone deep shudder. Her muscles clenched, and she gasped at the intensity of emotion and sensation as it washed over her like a tsunami. Destroying her defenses. It was almost too much and yet it wasn’t enough. And she knew, deep down, nothing would ever be enough again, no matter how much time they had together, no matter what else happened in her life, she would always feel this way. Always want more from Cain than he could give her.


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