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Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance

Page 27

by Emma Dean

  Lightning crackled amongst the clouds, casting them in white light for a brief moment. Kaiden crossed his arms over his chest, stance wide, and wings flared, but he didn’t look angry. Somehow he appeared…ready. As though he knew whatever she had to say wouldn’t matter, but he’d listen anyway.

  Adelina cleared her throat and had to look away as that tug on her heart pulled once more. “Courtesans are not quite the same as the rest of the Kalans. Much like the royals, they are a race apart. Something about their makeup has programed them to mate with one person after copulation has triggered the genetic response. It’s not a widely known fact and the courtesans prefer to keep it a secret for now.” Adelina tugged on one of her curls, feeling a film of volcanic ash settle over her skin that she didn’t particularly like.

  Kaiden looked intrigued, but didn’t say anything.

  “I’m part courtesan, but that isn’t widely known either. And my genetic marker for a mate has been deactivated. So this,” she waved between the two of them. “Is impossible.”

  Kaiden smiled like he knew better, but didn’t make a move towards her.

  Which was all well and good because internally Adelina was losing her mind. Her anxiety felt like it was going to choke her and the heat of the volcano was so stifling she thought she may faint.

  “We don’t need to have sex to know who our mate is,” Kaiden told her. “It is similar in the sense that our genetics are the trigger, but I can smell it on you. When a male or female scents their mate they may begin the courting process. The bond isn’t set into place permanently until after the first time they make love, which is similar to your courtesans it seems.”

  Adelina put a hand to her chest as she tried to take it all in and to understand…did this mean Varan wasn’t her mate? Did it mean if she had sex with Kaiden she would no longer want Varan? After everything she’d been through…this was exactly why she’d never wanted to know who was or wasn’t her mate.

  “I have to go,” she managed, trying to go around Kaiden to find her way back to Varan…to her ship. Adelina needed Ian. She needed…space.

  After what had just happened with Nash she couldn’t deal with this as well.

  “Why are you upset?” Kaiden asked, genuinely confused. “Is there something I can do to help?”

  Adelina whirled around and poked a finger into his chest, furious about the situation if not necessarily at him. “I’m upset because courtesans mate to only one partner. One, Kaiden. I am already married to a male I love.”

  Then he understood. She watched as he made the connection. Kaiden raised his hands in surrender, but he wasn’t done. “You are not fully this…courtesan, no? Then why would you react to a mate in the same manner? It is quite obvious you and your husband are mated.”

  That stopped her dead. “What did you just say?”

  Kaiden frowned. “Did you not know? Your scents have merged. I can smell the bond on you two. He is still your mate, and another bond would not negate that.”

  Adelina felt a ringing in her ears and suddenly the heat was too much. Everything he’d unknowingly revealed to her in a manner that was so matter of fact overwhelmed her. She put a hand to her head as the dizziness swept her up. Her knees gave out and her vision went black.

  The last thing she remembered was Kaiden’s arms around her, lifting her up, and cradling her like she was something precious. His murmurs in the Drakesthai tongue were nothing more than music as Adelina lost consciousness.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The Royal Eyrie

  Planet Hai Delta

  Nadyah stood and shook out her skirts after a servant came with instructions from Prince Kaiden to lead them to their suite of rooms. She walked around the pile of tinder no one seemed inclined to talk about. She was still on edge after the horrific display Nash had put on.

  Really, she couldn’t believe he’d be so ridiculous.

  Roxy followed close and Nadyah felt a bit unsure of their relationship at the moment. They weren’t exactly friends or companions really. Not like her and Adelina were, but they were lovers. Roxy’s dominant instincts were pushing her to stay by Nadyah’s side, to protect her.

  Her loyalty was without question, but still Nadyah wondered if Roxy would ever really let her walls down and allow Nadyah and Adelina in all the way.

  Even after the incredible sex, Roxy had kept Nadyah at arm’s length. It was a strange situation for Nadyah. She wasn’t used to being in the same living space as a lover – other than Adelina, but Adelina was also her pupil and princess. In any other situation her client would leave and the only time Nadyah would see them again was when they booked her for another day.

  When a client came back for more Nadyah was able to really assess them, help them open up until she could find what it was they hid behind their walls. With Roxy it was a constant struggle to get her to open up, and Nadyah truly didn’t think she would be able to.

  “You’re really not worried about your wife?” Roxy asked Varan as they walked through the stone corridors; taking flight after flight of spiraling stairs with the contingent of Draga guards close behind them.

  Varan didn’t smile. He was more serious than Nadyah had ever seen him before, except perhaps when he’d found out Lina was a princess. He shrugged with his hands in his pockets, still so very much the Prince of Thieves, but with his look slightly elevated. “She is more than capable of handling herself,” Varan said. “And I do not believe one male here would dare harm a hair on her head.”

  Nadyah nodded in agreement, assessing the silent servant leading them through the maze of the eyrie. The males seemed to view all females as precious, not just their beloved Drakesthai princesses.

  They went up another spiral staircase and despite the chill of the stone castle, Nadyah’s forehead had a sheen of sweat on it from the exercise. No doubt they would be on one of the top floors to make it difficult for them to escape, or move about without being seen. But did these dragons not even possess lifts?

  Just then a Drakesthai male darted through the window from the outside, barely sparing them a glance as he disappeared farther into the castle. No, she supposed with wings they didn’t need lifts with the way the eyrie was built.

  Finally, the servant stopped before a set of doors. He placed his hand on them and the scan was much like the ones in Draga. Once he keyed in the code he had each of them do the same and handed Varan a slip of paper with the key code on it. “Please, scan Princess Adelina’s hand when she returns so she may have access.”

  Varan agreed and took the paper. The servant walked to the nearest window and leapt out, probably finding a quicker route to where he needed to go. Nadyah’s heart stopped as she watched him plummet, but then he rose and banked as graceful as any bird of prey. She doubted she would ever get used to such a thing.

  She and Roxy were ushered in by Varan and then he locked the door behind them with the small contingent of guards staying outside in the hall.

  Instantly Nadyah inspected the space, pulling out her simulcast. She sent a cast to the servants on The Jasmine requesting a trunk of clothes for each of them. With no clue how long the proceedings would be she was glad she’d already set one aside for everyone.

  The main suite reminded her of the waiting room downstairs near the Council’s cavern. Everything was cut from the rock of the mountain: the walls, the fireplace, the windows along the farthest side, carved pillars, and even the dining table rose from the floor. The dining area was set before open doors that led out to a large balcony and Nadyah went to close them against the wind.

  Varan pulled out a small device and activated it. It popped up out of his hand and began its scan of the rooms.

  Nadyah nodded once in approval, best to be safe before they said anything damning especially when the dragons could speak their language. She never would have thought…did they understand Ilashyan then? She put it on her mental list to test at some point.

  There were three rooms attached
and even though she and Roxy occasionally had sex she was grateful for her own space. The trip to Hai hadn’t been as difficult as she’d anticipated with newlyweds on board. Nadyah had worried with Adelina’s attention so focused on her husband – as it should be during the honeymoon phase – she would feel depressed or angry.

  But thanks to Adelina’s careful handling of the situation and Roxy’s attentions Nadyah felt more settled than she had in a while, more in tune with herself. There was no jealousy and no strange yearning. She was truly happy for the female she loved and the male she had foolishly thought was her mate.

  Roxy claimed the room closest to the door and Nadyah claimed the one that was obviously meant for one person as the third room was massive and clearly a master suite. She went in, eyeing the way Varan puttered around the small kitchen space.

  She was concerned for him. The fight with Nash had been a success, but something was still off about him and Nadyah let herself absently focus on Varan while she inspected her princess’s room.

  The bed was large enough for at least three people or two if one had wings. The closet was smaller than Adelina was used to, but the washroom was decent. Nadyah was surprisingly happy with all the stone. Even the large bathtub was carved from rock, but had running water just like Draga. It was strange to see so much old world charm mixed with real tech.

  And the designer had balanced all that rock and stone with velvet and satin and fur. It gave texture and depth to an otherwise monotone space. The jewel tones set off the real jewels and gold that was set into each pillar and every door frame. The gold filigree carved into the windows glittered in the dim red light, making the space feel a bit brighter than it was.

  Nadyah had never been outside the Draga Galaxy, but Hai was a fairy tale and a nightmare blended together. The fiery landscape and gloomy atmosphere made it impossible for her to relax completely, but the males weren’t as terrifying as she’d thought they’d be, and the décor was so delicate and gorgeous – so very like the palace on Draga Terra in a way.

  Varan strolled into the room and gave it a cursory once over. “No spy tech and the suite is sealed against future attempts. I’ve also set up a few appetizers if you’re hungry.”

  Nadyah checked the bed, running her hands over the material. Better to be cautious than end up with her princess poisoned. “Tell me what’s bothering you, Varan.”

  “Nothing is bothering me,” he snapped.

  She rolled her eyes. “Clearly.”

  He sighed through his nose and then slumped down on the bench at the foot of the bed. “I am bothered with Nash.”

  “Not Kaiden?” she asked, eyebrow raised in speculation.

  Her simulcast chimed and Nadyah pulled it out. It was the servants letting her know they were on their way into the eyrie – not Ian. It had been days since she’d heard from him. Nadyah tried not to let it bother her.

  “No, I don’t give a single hell about that winged prince,” Varan said, running his hand through his hair with irritation. “If Adelina wants him, then that’s fine with me. He seems decent enough, more submissive which would be a nice balance. It’s that thick-headed brute that’s got me all worked up.”

  Nadyah used every single bit of training she’d had to read Varan. It was odd how truthful he was. She knew most males – even Kalan males – had some issue with more than one or two spouses. They could all be rather possessive. But he was right; Kaiden would create a nice balance.

  “You won,” she stated. “Why are you still so concerned with him?”

  “I did win,” Varan admitted. “But Nash hurt her, Nadyah. When he closed himself off and simply…left. I’ve only felt that kind of despair and resignation from her once and that was when she was a barely functioning mess after three nobles had been executed. He’s breaking her heart and he doesn’t even care. How can he claim to love her?”

  Ah, well then. Nadyah watched Varan and was a bit surprised he meant every word. She never would have guessed he’d be so…dedicated. He was everything Adelina wanted and needed, but six months ago she wouldn’t have thought so. Had he always been like this and she simply hadn’t noticed, or was the show he liked to put on for his court too convincing?

  “Nash is a Kharan royal, he is Corinthian through and through. They do not have many polyamorous relationships in the Khara Galaxy and so for him he feels betrayed by a half promise,” Nadyah tried to explain.

  Varan glared at her.

  She held up her hands. “I am simply stating the facts, not siding with him.”

  The thief harrumphed his displeasure.

  “He knew she might have to marry another,” Nadyah reminded him. “But I believe what bothers him the most is that you were the one to wed her. He feels betrayed by you, not her.” It was a complicated mess, but with her gifts of empathy she could see each side so clearly which did not always make things any easier. “Nash was rather impressed with your new strength, but he was hurt that he found out a male he considered a friend went ‘behind his back’ as he would say. The proposal seemed like another hit while he was hurt I assume,” Nadyah mused.

  “Yeah, well…he’s a right bastard,” Varan grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

  She chuckled at that. “Yes, I don’t disagree with you there. I assume he will have to wrap his small mind around the concept and then consider if she is worth the chafing it would cause to have you rank higher than he. I wonder if he even minds sharing so much as he minds sharing with you.” Nadyah poked him in the ribs and Varan glared.

  But he seemed more himself and less likely to explode at any moment.

  “I don’t think it’s over yet,” he murmured, the glare easing from his face. “I’ll have to stay on my toes because Nash wants that title of first husband.”

  Nadyah scoffed. “Adelina wouldn’t allow it. Don’t be daft.”

  Varan smiled at her. “Thank you, Nadyah. This is the first time since everything happened where I feel like we are truly friends.”

  It was such a relief to her as well. “I’m glad we could move past all that drama. Thank you for wanting to remain friends, Varan.” Nadyah kissed his cheek.

  Varan stood and dusted off the sleeves of his coat. Nadyah watched him putter around the master bedroom, inspecting every nook and cranny until he was satisfied.

  The way Varan was with Adelina…it reminded her a lot how Ian had been after they’d discovered they were each other’s mates.

  She’d only heard from Ian a handful of times since the wedding and once they’d reached the Outer Rim he’d told her it wasn’t safe to communicate so much. Who knew what the Neprijat would do with the messages they may or may not intercept. If they thought Nadyah was a favorite or could potentially end up a princess she didn’t think they’d hesitate to kidnap her if the opportunity arose.

  Surprisingly, she missed Ian’s little messages, the small notes he’d send to her about his day or a small poem he’d read somewhere. Nadyah particularly missed his speculations about the future.

  Ian wasn’t a romantic, not really, but the way he approached life with such care and gentleness it was as though romance was his default setting. Somehow he’d managed to get her to admit she’d prefer to live in the palace rather than in a house in the first circle.

  Nadyah had admitted it was because she wanted to be close to Adelina who already felt like family. It didn’t seem to bother Ian at all. He’d taken her love for Adelina in stride and just accepted it. She had to admit that his nonchalance about the entire matter had made her heart soften for him.

  Well, at least the room was in order. Adelina should be happy with the suite.

  Nadyah sighed a bit. She felt them drifting apart already and it saddened her. But she was not naïve. Adelina was Heir to Draga now and held so many responsibilities. It wasn’t just a marriage that was getting in their way.

  It was everything – even Nadyah’s hesitance to tell Adelina about Ian being her mate. She wanted to tell her, but the timing just wasn’
t right. Any chance had been disrupted by Varan or Roxy or pirates…being on a starship was even more difficult than being in the palace. There was no place to escape to, no gardens to walk through for a breath of fresh air.

  They just had to get through the next few days. If they spent more time on Hai Delta Nadyah vowed she would tell Adelina about Ian. There had to be somewhere they could walk in private.

  There was a crash as the door to the suite burst open. “Help! I need help!” Kaiden called in a panic.

  It sent her heart racing and Nadyah feared the worst. She jumped to her feet and ran into the main suite. The sight of Adelina limp in the dragon’s arms sent a spike of fear through her heart like she’d never felt before.

  But Varan beat her to them. “What the hells happened?” he demanded. The spicy scent of winterflowers filled the room and it instantly put her on edge when Varan flexed the full extent of his dominance.

  Roxy came out of her room and eyed the situation with apprehension, but stayed out of the way. Kaiden set Adelina down on one of the couches and he looked desperate. “One minute she was fine and the next…is she alive?”

  Nadyah pushed past the males and felt for a pulse. It was rapid and Adelina’s skin was clammy, but she was alive. “She’s just unconscious,” she stated, feeling her forehead and noting the pallid complexion.

  “I’m sorry, love,” Nadyah muttered. Then she slapped Adelina’s cheek hard enough Varan took a step forward in protest.

  Adelina jerked to a sitting position, eyes wide as she took in her surroundings. Varan gently pushed her back down while Nadyah got up and fetched some water. Amora help her, her princess was so pale. Adelina groaned and held her head as though the pain were unbearable.

  “Darling, tell me what’s going on before I torture it out of the winged one you seem so fond of,” Varan murmured in a deceptively calm voice.


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