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Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance

Page 28

by Emma Dean

  Nadyah wanted to know as well. Something terrible must have happened for her to simply faint. The only time such a thing ever happened was when her nerves got the best of her.

  Adelina waved her hand at Kaiden as she gratefully sipped at the water. All eyes went to him.

  He cleared his throat awkwardly. “She was not aware the two of you were mates.”

  Roxy burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, Princess, but you have to admit it’s amusing.”

  “He’s serious,” Nadyah murmured eyes wide as she studied Kaiden. She could barely believe it herself, but Kaiden was easy to read and had no reason to lie. How he even knew…how could he tell?

  “That’s impossible!” Roxy protested. “The gene was deactivated!”

  “My sweet,” Nadyah snapped. “Adelina is not a full courtesan. She’s not even half. There is little we know about those who are more than courtesan, and more than royal. The combination of the two could have endless possibilities.”

  Goddess…Nadyah was annoyed at Roxy for blurting such a thing without Adelina’s express approval in front of a male they hardly even knew. But…she supposed it was possible. Adelina was a mixture of so many things no one really knew what she was fully capable of and there was no ‘normal’ with her. Anything that was standard practice for a Kalan was a measuring tool that didn’t apply to someone with so many different genetic possibilities.

  “Apparently Kaiden is my mate as well. He can smell it,” Adelina admitted, watching Varan closely.

  Nadyah felt her stomach drop as she took that in. She glanced at the winged male and knew instantly it was the truth. The Drakesthai could smell their mates…goodness how much simpler that would have made her life – and any other courtesan’s.

  “I don’t understand,” Nadyah said, frowning. “Adelina can’t have two mates. That’s impossible.”

  She watched Varan’s face pale and he stared at Adelina like he didn’t want to believe. “I’m your mate?” he whispered. Nadyah could hear the hope in his voice and her heart ached for him.

  “Ian would have to confirm,” Adelina murmured. “But I believe him.”

  Varan’s eyes filled with actual tears as Nadyah watched him just stare at the princess. After all the issues with the ‘maybe he was or maybe he wasn’t,’ she was surprised he was so moved by the revelation. It was permanent, and before Adelina Nadyah would have said something like that would have frightened the thief off.

  He’d changed for Adelina in ways Nadyah hadn’t thought possible. Or…he was finally removing his mask for her.

  “Are you angry?” Adelina asked, her shoulders hunching.

  Nadyah felt so relieved for the princess when Varan pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. “No, I am ecstatic,” he said.

  “Even though you have to share?”

  “I don’t care, Adelina. I wish I could explain to you this sensation – the world I see in your eyes. You are stardust with a heart of flame,” Varan confessed, kissing one eyelid and then the other. “You have the soul and strength of a warrior and I love you with every bit of energy I possess. My life is yours, Adelina, my soul is yours. I would sacrifice everything I am and more for you. Darling, do you understand how irrefutably bound to you I am?”

  “It’s the bond,” Kaiden insisted. “It ties both together.”

  Adelina yanked back and studied Varan like she’d never seen him before. “He’s bonded to me as well?”

  “Yes, of course.” Kaiden’s confusion was almost amusing.

  And then Varan pressed a kiss to Adelina’s lips so hard and bruising she gasped and Nadyah saw him taste her tongue with his own.

  It was a private moment, but it also belonged to Nadyah, because she loved Adelina in a way that was difficult to explain. She had to wipe her own tears away as she felt a boundless happiness fill her.

  When Adelina had asked to keep the mate gene deactivated she’d felt devastated her princess would never know a mate’s love. But now…somehow she did.

  Nadyah reached for Roxy and even though she knew it made the engineer and mechanic uncomfortable, Roxy took her hand and stepped closer so that Nadyah could feel her warmth. As she watched Varan and Adelina, Nadyah knew she was witnessing her first reciprocal mate bond. It looked wonderful. And it would be the same for Nadyah and Ian. It gave her a shred of hope for the future and some of the fear at leaving Adelina eased.

  Nadyah shook her head and smiled. She needed to have a talk with Kaiden about the mate bond among the Drakesthai. If she could get some information from him and any medical studies perhaps she could give more autonomy and power back to the courtesans. If they could easily smell a mate without having to scan them – and to have the bond affect both? It would drastically reduce the suicides of mated courtesans that were rejected by their mates.

  “Is Nash my mate as well?” Adelina asked Kaiden, turning to face him.

  The tiny spark of hope in her voice broke Nadyah’s heart and she felt ready to track that bastard down so she could shred him to ribbons.

  Kaiden didn’t move closer from his positon at the door, as though he didn’t feel welcome. He shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance. “I haven’t been close enough to him to tell. He’s not an easy one to get along with.”

  Adelina turned back to Varan as though the answer didn’t matter to her, but Nadyah knew better. “I need to message Ian right away.”

  Varan looked to Kaiden. “What is the protocol here when you’ve found your mate?”

  Kaiden cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with all of them looking to him for answers. “Normally both scent the bond and then request for official courtship with the Council. I’ve never experienced or seen a bond that was only scented by one person.” His brown skin darkened on the cheeks and Nadyah would have bet all her gold he was blushing, but still he stayed near the door as though he wanted to leave and give them privacy.

  Nadyah had no idea what to do. Technically he was Adelina’s mate so he should be a part of their inner circle, but they’d just met him…he was a Drakesthai – from a race that was little more than shadow and rumor until twenty cycles ago.

  If she could help him understand them. “You don’t smell like anything,” Nadyah admitted.

  Adelina nodded. “When I first met you I could only smell the smoke and tang of rock.”

  Kaiden cocked his head as he considered them. “It’s odd, but I suppose our sense of smell is different.” He jerked his chin at Varan. “You carry the scent of earth and soil. Princess Adelina smells of metal – gold.”

  They all shared a look and Nadyah was intensely curious as one who sat outside the dominance spectrum. “And me?”

  Kaiden sniffed the air and shrugged. “Salt – like ocean spray.”

  She shared a look with Roxy and frowned. “Are you saying we all smell different?”

  The massive winged male nodded. “The red-haired female smells like rocks and boulders, similar to her brother.”

  Nadyah shook her head. “It’s so strange how different it is for you. I smell none of that. Adelina smells like jasmine flowers to me, and Roxy and Varan smell the same, but they are not blood.”

  Kaiden looked as confused as she felt, but there was less awkward tension in the air. “They are not blood, but they smell like family—it is difficult to explain.” He hesitated as he studied Varan and Adelina. “It is not – required to court a mate,” he told them. “It is here with a Drakesthai female for the extra chance at offspring, but with the Unchanged Humans it’s up to the two participants as the bond isn’t sealed until intercourse.” He glanced at Varan on the last word, but the thief only had eyes for Adelina.

  Nadyah was relieved that one thing at least about this mating was similar to what she knew. She was about to ask another question when Kaiden frowned and tapped a spot behind his ear like she’d seen the royal guards do.

  “There is a Draga ship flying the royal crest, requesting an audience with you, Princess,” Kaiden st

  Adelina frowned and glanced at Varan. “We aren’t expecting anyone else. Do you know who it is?”

  Kaiden repeated the request in the Drakesthai tongue – such an odd language – and then turned back to Adelina. “He says Prince Asher sent him and his name is Alpha.”

  Nadyah’s stomach flip-flopped and she tightened her grip on Roxy. Whatever he was doing here did not bode well, and after all they’d been through…she prayed to every god and goddess that all the royals were still alive.

  “Please, allow him to land and I will see him in the first room you had us wait in,” Adelina said. Her voice was strong and her spine straight, despite how her hands shook.

  Nadyah felt sick to her stomach, wondering if the reason Ian hadn’t sent her any recent messages was because…no she wouldn’t even think it. After all they were fated to be mates. She would have felt him leave this plane, but the other royals…she prayed they were all still alive because she didn’t know how much more her princess could take.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  The Royal Eyrie

  Planet Hai Delta

  Varan could hardly believe he was Adelina’s mate – and somehow she was his…it was so ludicrous, but at the same time he could feel the rightness of it deep in his chest. It was as though his soul was bound to hers. Varan was constantly aware of her – her presence, her smell, her emotions, and her needs.

  It was insane, but he supposed he’d heard of crazier things. Such as Alpha traveling all the way to the Hai Galaxy to deliver a bloody message. Why in all the hells would Prince Asher send him through such dangerous space when he could have simply sent a cast?

  The possible answers to his question put him on edge and he had to calm down so he could focus – so Varan could be whatever Adelina needed him to be. The thief who plucked eyes as punishment, the royal prince, or perhaps maybe a new game…

  “Nadyah,” Varan shouted, pacing the length of the living space in their suite. “It’s a blasted dress. Get out here now.”

  She snapped something in that seductive language of Ilashyan and despite the lovely sounds – it was probably not pleasant.

  He glanced at Kaiden and the winged male shrugged. “We don’t know that one.”

  “That’s a shame, mate, but I doubt you’d have wanted to understand whatever she’d said.” Varan continued pacing, aware of the way both Kaiden and Roxy watched him.

  “I’m not going down,” Roxy told him. “I need to check on the ships and I can do that from right here.”

  Varan waved his hand. “That’s fine, whatever you think is best.”

  He personally didn’t think Adelina needed to change clothes, but whatever gave her the strength to face the reason Alpha was on Hai Delta. He’d never personally liked Adelina’s royal guard, had even been jealous of him for a brief moment when his jewel thief had brought him to his tavern. The way Alpha had treated her…it was worth at least one eye, but he’d refrained. Barely.

  “I apologize,” Adelina said as she came out of their room. “But I needed to wash the ash from my skin.”

  Varan’s jaw dropped when he took in her new black, velvet dress and the way her hair had been swept up in an elegant knot, curls framing her face with a diamond tiara tucked in among the blacker-than-night hair. He stepped forward and rubbed a thumb over the rose embroidered in silky black thread along her lapel.

  The same embroidery was along the sleeve cuffs and the pockets. He smiled and trailed a finger over the roses that went around the collar and down either side of the deep ‘V’ that didn’t end until it hit her navel.

  “I am the one who should apologize,” Varan murmured, still hardly able to believe she was his. “You are worth the wait.” He kissed her cheek and offered her his arm. “Whatever comes next, we will face it together.”

  Her expression remained serious, but she nodded. Varan knew Adelina could handle it, but she no longer had to do it alone.

  Kaiden led the way and Adelina followed, slightly ahead of him as her rank dictated, but she kept her hand on his. Varan admired the long skirts that fell to the floor, covering her feet and whatever footwear she wore. He had a sneaking suspicion it was her comfortable, flat boots.

  The dress was really magnificent and gave her a royal air. He really enjoyed the long sleeves and the cut that made it appear almost militaristic on the top. The severity was balanced by the strip of skin, the slight curve of Adelina’s breasts, her tiny waist, and the full skirt.

  Varan appreciated fashion and the message it could send. He gave Nadyah an appreciative wink for the design.

  “Adelina designed the dress,” Nadyah murmured, a smirk on her face.

  Varan chuckled, sliding that cruel, laughing mask back on. It wouldn’t do to look like a lovesick fool in front of the Drakesthai, or Alpha. He slid a glance at the large male towering slightly ahead of him, wings slightly extended. Well, this one didn’t matter, but they would figure that out later.

  When they learned why Asher had sent Alpha to them like he was no more than an errand boy.

  After an infinite amount of stairs later they were finally on the main floor. Varan committed the corridors and paths and rooms to memory, compared it to what he could see of the outside, and kept all routes back to the ships in the forefront of his mind. It was better to be safe than sorry.

  Kaiden stopped before the door to the familiar waiting room and let Adelina walk in first with Varan.

  Instantly Varan’s eyes went to the male standing in front of the fireplace, his hands clasped behind his back.

  “Alpha,” Adelina said. Her words were stern as she drew herself up to her full strength.

  Varan shoved his concern aside. She had his and Kaiden’s support and strength and protection if she needed it. Adelina could handle this male on her own.

  Alpha turned and bowed to Adelina and then Varan as protocol dictated. He took in Kaiden but his gaze was skittish and the small tang of fear on the air made Varan’s lip curl in disgust.

  “Princess Adelina, I have an emergency message from Prince Asher.” Alpha pulled out his simulcast.

  Before he could play it, Adelina slashed her hand across her body in obvious displeasure. “Stop, Alpha. Kaiden, seal the door. Varan check the room and Nadyah send a cast to Roxy and ask her to go stay with our ships.”

  Varan watched as everyone instantly obeyed. He gave Alpha a feral snarl as his device scanned the room for spy tech. The other male was the first to look away and it pleased him. He was the one with Adelina now. Not Alpha. And for some petty reason he wanted to rub it in the male’s face.

  “All’s clear, love,” Varan murmured, kissing Adelina’s cheek before releasing her hand and stepping back.

  Alpha grimaced.

  “Why did my brother send you rather than a personal cast?” Adelina demanded. Her demeanor didn’t allow room for their old friendship. This was a princess commanding her guard. “You could have ruined my negotiations with the Drakesthai by intruding. Your arrival could have been seen as a threat. What is so important that it could not be done with tech?”

  Asher straightened his shoulders and cleared his throat. “Asher couldn’t allow anyone to infiltrate or view the message before you saw it. He thought it best to send me on the fastest ship he could find. I flew straight from the border. Even I don’t know what’s in the recorded message.”

  The silence that followed those concerning words settled heavily on Varan’s chest and he had to fight the urge to step forward. Kaiden’s wing brushed his shoulder briefly and kept him from giving in. Varan gave the male a silent look of thanks.

  “Kaiden,” Adelina said with deadly calm. “I trust you to witness this message as my ally and mate. Betray me and it’s your wings.” The ice in those amethyst eyes made even Varan shudder.

  The male next to him brought his wings in closer to his body, but he nodded. “I swear whatever is revealed stays in this room until you deem otherwise.”

ina seemed satisfied with that and waved her hand at Alpha. The guard seemed a bit too intrigued at the changes in the princess for Varan’s liking. It set his teeth on edge. He made sure his weight was on the balls of his feet, fingers brushing the hilt of one of his blades.

  Alpha set the simulcast on the brand new table and played the message.

  Asher’s hologram appeared, the colors a bit off, but otherwise it looked exactly like the dark prince. “Princess Adelina,” Asher began.

  Adelina’s shoulders tightened at the formal title and Varan wished he could do something – anything to prevent whatever was going to happen next.

  “I have a message from Giselle.”

  Then Asher was replaced by a recording of the queen. It looked formal and as though it had been prepared for the livestream. Varan clenched his jaw. Well, at least she was still alive.

  “As you all have seen by now Seprilles and Scyria have fallen. Treon is barren. We’ve lost nearly a quarter of our forces on the border because we were unprepared, and then half the civilians evacuating from the Outer Rim.” Giselle paused. Then she stood from the makeshift throne, stepping down the three steps to the main floor.

  She clasped her hands behind her back and looked straight into the recorder. “I have failed you. You are all aware I am not suited to rule. There is no future for Draga with me as queen.”

  Varan felt his gut roil as he realized what exactly Giselle was getting at.

  “I believe the Princess Adelina would be a better ruler than I. She has been one step ahead of the rest of us since the very beginning and you all saw her success today. Adelina has done the impossible and is meeting with the Drakesthai as we speak. I don’t doubt she will be successful in her endeavors.” Giselle nodded as though she were speaking right to Adelina, reassuring her little sister.

  But this…Adelina wasn’t ready for this – not when they were so far from the Draga Galaxy and totally unprepared to rule.

  But Giselle didn’t stop. She took the crown from her head and offered it to the recorder – to Adelina. “I formally abdicate as Queen of the Draga Galaxy and pass my crown to the rightful heir and ruler.”


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