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Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance

Page 29

by Emma Dean

  The message cut out and there was no time to absorb everything Giselle had said. Asher reappeared and his face was grim. “This message has yet to be aired on the livestream. I wanted your response so that both could be sent at the same time – easing whatever fear and panic we can. Please, Adelina send me your response as quickly as possible. I will run interference here on the border and continue to search and destroy any Neprijat remaining in our territory. My life is yours – mia vitae se tya.” Then Asher bowed as a prince to his queen before the vid cut off.

  To her credit Adelina didn’t show one ounce of emotion. Her face was a perfect mask and she looked so calm and regal, Varan had never been more proud of her than he was in that moment.

  “Nadyah set up the recorders please.” The words were a command and the dominance laced into them was so deep and delicious Varan bowed his head even as he smiled.

  The courtesan did as she was asked without hesitation and she pulled the aubergine curtains closed. Adelina strode across the room and then turned so she was framed by the purple velvet and she lifted her chin, staring right into the main recorder.

  He had no idea what she was going to say, but what came next certainly came as a shock.

  “I, Crown Princess Adelina, accept the responsibility given to the Draga family all those millennia ago.” Then Adelina pulled a knife from her dress pocket and Varan flinched when she slid it across her thumb quick and hard. Blood welled and one could hear a pin drop as the recorders zoomed in and the scent of royal blood filled the room.

  Adelina drew the mark on her own forehead that she would later receive in gold across her brow. “With royal blood I mark myself as the ruler of our people. I swear on my life that I will rule with the people in my heart and mind. The Three-Faced Goddess, witness my oath to protect the people and serve the Crown.”

  Varan was the first to move. He crossed the room until he was close enough to kiss her, but dropped to one knee instead, fist over his heart. “Long live the queen.”

  Then Nadyah and Alpha and even Kaiden kneeled behind him. “Long live the queen!”

  Varan’s heart pounded in his chest as he looked up at his wife and queen. Ladra protect him – he was a bloody king consort. When he’d agreed to marry a royal princess he’d never wanted nor planned for the throne. All he’d wanted was a bit more power to truly help the people of Draga.

  Falling in love with the female looking down at him with fire in her eyes had been an unexpected bonus that had changed his life. Varan never wanted to rule – and he knew Adelina hadn’t either. The weight of the Crown had been something she’d actively tried to avoid – and now here they were.

  Though it was worth all the future trouble to see the power and strength flowing through Adelina in that moment – like the black rose blooming in darkness despite all expectations.

  Her amethyst eyes blazed as she cupped his cheek. “Rise, husband.”

  Varan obeyed without question and took the submissive position behind her. Nadyah, Alpha, and Kaiden stood as well, but they stepped aside so only he and Adelina were being recorded.

  He kept his face blank, a small smile playing on his lips. Varan clasped his arms behind his back as he’d seen King Orion do – a male he’d always respected but had never anticipated to rival.

  His mind was spinning, but they just had to get through this recording and then he could get rip-roaring drunk.

  “My people, as you all know I am currently in the Hai Galaxy and will make haste to return to Draga. I will have an answer by tomorrow from the Drakesthai and will alert everyone to the outcome. In the meantime I name Prince Asher Hand of the Queen. He will rule in my stead until I return with reinforcements. Prince Nash has gathered more of his people and now has a sizable army. I promise we will eradicate the threat to Draga even if I have to shred the Neprijat King to pieces myself.”

  Adelina smiled and those sharp canines of hers glinted in the firelight. Ladra…she knew exactly what she was doing, so many cycles of training and preparation so she could advise Raena – she was more prepared than anyone could have guessed.

  “We royals were created to protect and I vow to uphold that promise from a millennia ago and unleash the wolf on our enemies.” Adelina lifted her hand palm up, flashing her gold palm, the signet ring, as well as those deadly sharp claws of hers. “I will see you on the battlefield.”

  Nadyah cut off the recorders and her skin was so pale Varan worried she may faint. He let out a long breath, eyeing both Alpha and Kaiden.

  The guard looked stunned – completely out of it. But Kaiden – his eyes were lit like there was a fire within. He stared at Adelina like she was the answer to all his prayers and Varan knew exactly how he felt.

  “Kaiden,” Adelina snapped, walking towards the door without waiting for Varan or anyone else. Bloody hells his wife was pissed. “Call the Council now.”

  The winged male managed to beat her to the door, but just barely. “Yes, of course…Queen Adelina.”

  The title rang through the room and gave even Adelina pause. But she shook it off and walked out and into the corridor with so much presence every Drakesthai paused what they were doing to stare.

  Adelina didn’t wait for the Council. She went straight into their cavern so that they would be coming to her – as though she were the one to be giving them the audience and not the other way around. Varan gave her credit for the ballsy move and leaned against the door. Nadyah followed his cue and waited on the other side.

  Alpha was the odd one out, but he stood in the shadows near Varan, inconspicuous.

  Varan watched his wife, queen, and mate stop in the center of the circular cavern before the pool made from raw amethyst. She looked…alone. If nine Drakesthai royals weren’t about to enter the cavern he would have gone to comfort her, but they had one more game to play.

  Then Prince Rykian barged through the doors with Prince Vasili hot on his heels. Princess Kalene was next and she was the only one to see him. Varan winked at her and she blushed before hurrying off after Vasili.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Prince Rykian demanded.

  Slowly Adelina turned. “It is Queen Adelina now,” she said softly.

  That stopped the Drakesthai royals in their tracks and put them on the defensive. All but Kaiden who made his way around the cavern to guard her back. He gave Varan a nod. They had one ally among the Drakesthai at least.

  “I want this alliance,” Adelina told them, her quiet voice strong. Her tone gave no room for argument. “I want your warriors, your armies. As such I pledge not only to help you find the cure to your infertility, but I will help you rid the Hai Galaxy of the Neprijat. I want to make this alliance permanent,” she declared.

  Adelina held out one delicate hand and somehow Kaiden knew. He flared his wings wide to make him look even bigger and more intimidating. Varan was impressed with how large and fearsome it made him look. Kaiden stepped forward until he was right behind her.

  “Prince Kaiden is my mate and I formally request the right to court him with the intention of marriage. It will create a lasting bond between our peoples and will provide fertile ground for future peace.”

  The Council was too shocked to say anything. Even Prince Rykian’s mouth hung open – completely stunned.

  Varan tensed when Tatsuo, out of all of them, stepped forward. “And the investigation as to the perpetrator who committed this atrocity against our people?”

  “Already begun,” Adelina reassured her. “Whoever is responsible is yours to do with as you wish. I give my word as Queen.”

  Tatsuo nodded. “Then we approve your request to court Prince Kaiden. As for the alliance and the armies, details will need to be hashed out.”

  Adelina didn’t even blink. “We will make the alliance official as soon as possible.”

  Tatsuo looked to the oldest Drakesthai female and Serilda stepped forward, leaning on her cane. Varan craned his head to get a better look, curious as to how the dragons truly ruled. N
o male moved to question the females and they all waited for the eldest to speak – as though her word was law.

  “We will make the alliance official,” Serilda agreed in her querulous voice. “It is always awe-inspiring to see a female come into her true power.” She paused to inspect Adelina from head to toe, giving her an approving nod. “But I do have one request.”

  Wisely Adelina said nothing as she waited and Varan’s fingers itched for his knives as the tension in the cavern rose.

  “This alliance must be done in fire and blood. It will bind our two people in ways I am not sure you are ready for. There are things you don’t know…but clearly you are aware of some. The Drakesthai rarely mate outside our race. If you bear a child of Kaiden’s…this isn’t an alliance that can be undone. Not without starting a blood feud.”

  “Any child I bear is mine, regardless of the father,” Adelina snapped.

  Serilda smiled, but it wasn’t pleasant. Varan signaled Nadyah to keep watch as he moved through the crowd. No one even noticed he was there until it was too late. He could have slit all their throats without even trying.

  Varan took his place at Adelina’s side and eyed the Drakesthai females while keeping tabs on the males. The females were always the threat no one anticipated, but he’d been surrounded by the opposite sex his entire life. Varan knew better.

  “It depends, doesn’t it?” Serilda asked with her head slightly tilted. In that moment she looked more reptilian than human. “If the child is winged he should be with us. If it is a female then she needs to live here and be instructed in our ways. There are too few of us to let foreigners have one.”

  That dark, sweet jasmine filled the room to the point of choking on the scent, but Varan breathed it in like it was oxygen. He thrived on it as did Kaiden. Everyone else slammed to their knees – all but Serilda.

  The old crone chuckled. “That trick doesn’t work on me, child, but your strength is impressive – even more so than your great-grandfather’s I’d say.”

  “The child would be mine,” Adelina growled, baring her canines and flexing her claws that had grown a few centimeters, just barely holding on to her humanity. “Regardless of how they are born. Though I would ensure the instruction of their Drakesthai heritage.”

  Everyone flinched when Adelina glided across the room – so wickedly fast it was as though she’d transported from one position to the other. She caressed the air just a millimeter above the female’s delicate, paper-thin skin. “Try to take it from me and you would be the one starting a blood feud. When the child has come of age they may decide for themselves what they want to do. Until then they stay with me with regular visits to the Hai Galaxy. All other points I concede to.”

  Serilda grinned and her canines were just as sharp as Adelina’s if not quite as long. Varan was wary of that one. She was craftier than she let on. “Ah, I’ve forgotten how vicious and feral a true royal can be. A mother and queen at that…I agree to your terms. The exact details will be drawn up and the ceremony will be performed at midnight at the center of the volcano.”

  Without further ado the old crone turned on her heel and walked out. She didn’t limp. Her gait was smooth and graceful. The cane was for show, and most likely hid some kind of weapon. The rest of the Council bowed slightly though they didn’t look happy about the outcome, and then they walked out.

  Varan eyed his wife and tried to gauge her mood, but she was still clenching and unclenching her hands. The abnormally long claws were a warning. Adelina was barely human at the moment and he knew firsthand how protective she could be when babes were brought up.

  It was similar to how she’d been after the Games, but a hundred times worse. It made her difficult to read, and Varan couldn’t find any emotions other than rage after all that had happened with the message from Giselle and the impromptu Council meeting. Her eyes were cold and distant.

  “I’m going for a walk. No one follows me.”

  Varan bristled at that. “Lina, it is not safe—”

  “Alone, Varan. I need to think.” With that she stormed out of the cavern.

  Varan went hot and then cold as he clenched his hands into fists. He knew Adelina needed space, but she wasn’t just a princess anymore – she was a cula-ting Queen. Anything could happen to her.

  He stalked to the door and out into the main foyer. Not once did she look back at him. She walked away as though she had all the time in the world – no doubt in her mind they would obey. Varan bared his teeth at her retreating back in frustration.

  Kaiden’s wing brushed his shoulder and Varan glared at the other male. Kaiden just shook his head and all the fight left Varan’s body.

  He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest as he watched Adelina’s back disappear around a corner. She was well-trained and wore his bracelet among a race of dragons that were overly protective of females, and currently allied with them.

  Not much could happen to her with the entire eyrie ready to drop everything for her simply because she was female. No doubt the news of her engagement to one of their own would spread like wildfire which would only be to their benefit.

  Varan turned to Kaiden. “Well then.”

  A muscle in the winged male’s jaw twitched. “I don’t even think I can have offspring.”

  “Mate, I like you, but she’s bearing mine first,” Varan slapped Kaiden’s shoulder a bit harder than necessary.

  Kaiden looked down at him then and the tension in his face eased. A slow smile spread across his face. “Yes, brother. You’ve earned that right. If she agrees to it.”

  “Ha!” Varan barked out a laugh, amused the quiet male could even make such a joke. “Games and competitions already. I see how it is. Guess we’ll have to fight for who gets to ask first,” he said with a wink.

  Despite everything, Varan felt a camaraderie with Kaiden and it eased so much of the tension he felt. He wouldn’t have to deal with this new problem alone. He would have an ally and friend in the winged male for what came next.

  “I need to get this message back to Asher as soon as possible,” Alpha said, glancing awkwardly between Kaiden and Varan, not sure who to address. “With your permission King Consort, I will leave immediately and deliver the recording.”

  Nadyah handed the message over to Alpha and Varan gritted his teeth, wishing Adelina was there. Bloody hell, he’d never wanted to be king. It couldn’t be much different than ruling the underworld of Draga, right?

  “Deliver the message to Asher, and make sure the prince records his acceptance of his new role as Hand,” Varan instructed. “The sooner you reach him the better.”

  Alpha bowed and left immediately.

  Nadyah looked grim as she watched him go. “This was never supposed to happen. Adelina was never meant to be queen.”

  “Yes, well she is,” Varan snapped. “And we’d all best remember it. This changes the game completely. We may not like it, but we need to adjust and do the best we can for our people. Nadyah, let’s go harass those cranky dragons for that written alliance and make sure they don’t try anything sneaky. At least Adelina won’t have to worry about that.”

  The courtesan nodded and then they both looked to Kaiden, the newest member of their pack. The massive, winged male just shrugged. “Whatever I can do to help, of course. I’m in this for the long haul now. I’ll take you to where they like to work.”

  Varan and Nadyah followed after the dragon prince. He ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. He’d been the Prince of Thieves for cycles. Varan could do this – he would force himself to be the best damned king consort their galaxy had ever seen, for Adelina’s sake.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The Royal Eyrie

  Planet Hai Delta

  With the recorded message in hand he quickly made his way down the stone corridor, avoiding as many of the Drakesthai brutes as he could. He left the eyrie and the dark red sky crackled with lightning above him. He couldn’t wait to get off this pla

  Then her scent hit his nose and he spotted Adelina on the narrow bridge, staring out at the fiery landscape – her face void of emotion. There was nothing in her eyes or even her body language that gave any indication of what she was feeling.

  He slowed down and stopped when he was only a step or so away. She was too close to the edge for his liking without a railing, as the Drakesthai preferred. But Adelina wasn’t Raena. She could never end her own life to escape a situation she didn’t like.

  “My Queen,” he murmured, bowing before her. In so many ways she was his queen. It was difficult to keep the smile from his face. “I know we’ve had our difficulties over the last few weeks, but you can talk to me.”

  When he straightened Adelina was staring at him with that strange blank look, as if she were trying to decide if he was more or less disgusting than before. It was difficult not to react, but he wanted – no, he needed to know what she was thinking. She was his queen after all.

  “You were there, Alpha,” she said, turning those cold amethyst eyes back on the river of lava, flowing from the mountain in the distance.

  Lightning cracked again, becoming more frequent as the day wore on. No doubt there was a storm coming. He should leave before it affected his ship. “I was there, but that doesn’t mean I know what you’re thinking or feeling right now.”

  There was a flicker of that glorious rage he’d seen before. Adelina was the most alive when she was furious – so beautiful when she was angry and seeking to inflict pain. “I knew Giselle didn’t want the throne, but to throw it at me like this in the midst of a war?” The Queen of Draga flexed those claws again and he knew when she finally drew blood how right it would look on her.

  “Giselle is weak,” he spat. “She was never meant to be queen.”

  “And what exactly is she doing now, off cavorting with her secret lover and shirking her duties?” Adelina demanded. Then she waved her hand dismissively. “It doesn’t matter. She’s Asher’s problem until I return.”


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