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The Sixties

Page 107

by Christopher Isherwood

  Calder-Marshall, Arthur, Lone Wolf 88

  Calhoun, Tom 176

  California: C.I. settles in xi, xii; earthquake predictions and scares 47, 367, 467, 543, 544, 550, 551–2; earthquakes 47, 335, 435, 467, 506, 546, 557, 560; C.I. misses while away 62, 64, 71, 82; brush fires 79, 130, 132, 137, 144, 272, 273, 343, 478; C.I.’s horror of “advertisement life” 131; chaparral 272–3

  California State University, Los Angeles: C.I. takes part in television round table discussion 519–20; see also Los Angeles State College

  Calley, John 339, 356n, 616–17

  Camarillo State Mental Hospital 354, 379, 534

  Cambridge: C.I.’s trip with Marguerite Lamkin 48; C.I. visits Forster in 103, 104–5, 117, 420–21; Corpus Christi College 448; St. John’s College 595

  Campbell, Alan 160, 171, 173, 194, 280, 617

  Campbell, Dean 266, 281–2, 617

  Campbell, Douglas 546, 548, 549, 617

  Campbell, Michael, Lord Dismiss Us 510

  Camus, Albert 392; The Stranger 184, 188

  Canary Islands 116

  Canberra 571, 585–6

  Cannes 109, 110

  Capote, Truman: praises C.I.’s Down There on a Visit xiii, 77; Black and White Ball xxxiii, 422, 423, 425; C.I. meets in London 76, 77; in Europe 105; socializes with C.I. in California 346, 422–3; Don Bachardy’s views on 422, 500; on title of C.I.’s Kathleen and Frank 422; “A Christmas Memory” (television show) 433; bookseller’s catalogue entry for autograph postcard 445–6; C.I. and Bachardy visit at Palm Springs 497, 540, 542–3; 617

  Answered Prayers 543n; In Cold Blood 346

  Carlson, Chester 304, 306, 311, 319, 332

  Caron, Leslie 502–3, 507, 544–5, 563, 573, 597, 617–18

  Carroll, Nellie 427, 436, 618

  Carter, Allan (Michael Sean) 365, 396, 397, 405–6

  Caskey, William (Bill) xvi, 18, 47n, 75, 140, 246, 275, 355, 373, 618

  Cassini, Oleg 182, 198, 200, 201, 202

  Castro, Fidel 60n, 235, 236, 241

  Cather, Willa: A Lost Lady 38; One of Ours 38; The Song of the Lark 301, 311, 313

  Cavafy, Constantine 140

  Cavalcanti, Guido, Ezra Pound translations 494

  CBS (television network) 181

  Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Los Angeles 141, 210, 226, 237, 238, 246, 294

  Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara 503–4, 505

  Cesar (circus performer) 228, 229

  Cézanne, Paul 233

  Chamberlain, Richard 130n, 618

  Chant d’Amour, Un (film) 344n

  Chaplin, Charlie 246, 495

  Chapman, Bill 319

  Chapman, Hester 68, 618–19

  Chapman, Kent 53–4, 211, 619

  Charge of the Light Brigade, The (film) 452, 453, 481

  Charlton, Jim: Herald and Examiner delivered to 17; on 1960 presidential election 24; friendship and socializing with C.I. 45, 233, 265; character 47, 199; marriage 47; stays at C.I.’s house 47 & n; diary 172; in Japan 172; views on Japanese 199, 208; fictional writings 270; Japanese prints 275; in C.I.’s dream 308; relationship with “Mark Cooper” 308n, 387, 590–91; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; and Gavin Lambert 391; settles in Honolulu 460, 493, 534, 590; life at Sandy Bay House 495; C.I. stays with in Honolulu 571, 590–91; 619

  Charlton, Richard 452

  Charterhouse (school) 421

  Charteris, Anne 155n

  Chase, Ilka 130

  Chekhov, Anton 342, 550

  Cheltenham literary festival 198

  Cherry, Budd 341, 343, 345, 347, 362, 366, 373, 619

  Chesterton, G.K., Magic 338

  Chicago 157

  children’s literature 27–8

  China: invasion of India 237, 242, 243, 700; and Cuban Missile Crisis 241; fear of war with 335, 384n

  Chopping, Richard, The Ring 466, 470

  Christian, Linda 263

  Christian Science Monitor (newspaper) 25, 365

  “Christmas Carol, A” (Dickens), proposed television adaptation 479, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 499, 500, 507, 512, 520

  “Christmas Memory, A” (television show) 433

  Christopher and His Kind (C.I.) xxxiii

  Churchill, Winston 112–13; funeral 353; Boer War correspondence 560

  Ciardi, John 182

  Cimarron (film) 36

  Cinerama (film company) 551

  circus, C.I. visits 227–9

  Citizen Kane (film) 566

  Clare, John 497; “Fragment” (poem) 494

  Claxton, Bill 222, 619–20

  Clay, Camilla 507, 620

  Clay, Cassius 446

  Cliffe, Henry 119

  Clift, Montgomery 217–18, 353, 386, 402, 620

  Clockwork Orange, A (film) 394

  Coast Federal Savings and Loan Association 351

  Cockburn, Jean see Ross, Jean

  Cocteau, Jean 109, 155, 403, 457; The Imposter 278; The Testament of Orpheus 559

  Cohen, Andee 463, 479, 506, 620

  Cohen, Dr. (to Aldous Huxley and Gerald Heard) 410

  Cohn, Roy 591–2

  Coldstream, William (Bill) 37, 38, 41, 620–21

  Cole, Jim 296

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 578

  Colette: Chéri 342; Claudine à l’école 196; Claudine à Paris 196

  Coley, Tom 191

  Collins, Alan (literary agent) 75, 291

  Colloredo-Mansfeld, Countess Mabel see Nishta

  Common Market (European Economic Community) 177, 186–7

  communism 205, 470

  Compton, Herb 457

  Compton-Burnett, Ivy 191

  computers 53, 473

  Connery, Sean 597n

  Connolly, Cyril 73, 77, 84, 102, 567, 621; review of C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 170, 171; The Unquiet Grave 349

  Connolly, John 45, 46, 47, 621

  Connolly, Mike 223

  Conrad, Joseph 363

  Cook, Peter 65n

  Coombs, Don 471, 508, 621

  Cooper, Lady Diana 67

  Cooper, Gladys 72, 204–5, 223, 283, 288, 434, 622

  Cooper, Mark (pseud.) 308, 387, 590–91

  Cooper, Wyatt 216, 622

  Copenhagen 116

  Corbusier, Le 129

  Cordes, Ted 482, 622

  Corley, Carl, A Fool’s Advice 485

  Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 448

  Cosmopolitan (magazine) 172

  Costa Rica 430

  Costigan, James, The Little Moon of Alban 16, 24

  Cotten, Joseph 339, 622–3

  Coulette, Henri 166, 188, 191, 623

  Coventry 71, 447, 448, 450

  Covington, James 232

  Cowan, John 220, 245

  Coward, Noël: Cavalcade 520; Present Indicative 278

  Cowper, William 497, 578

  Craft, Robert (Bob): books of conversations with Stravinsky 179, 203, 208, 263, 379; socializes with C.I. 250, 262–3, 292, 378–9, 523–4, 535–6, 579; on Stravinskys’ Russian trip 250; relations with Vera Stravinsky 263; on Stravinsky’s health 292, 536, 540; quarrel with Stravinsky 374, 379; article on Huxley for Encounter 379; in Santa Fe 405; birthday 480; C.I. takes to see Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God 552; determination to leave Los Angeles 572; 623

  Craig, Gordon 479

  Crane, Les 479

  Crawford, Linda 507, 623

  Crocker, Herbert Samuel 257

  Cuba, Bay of Pigs invasion (1961) 60, 63

  Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) viii, 221, 224, 234, 235, 236, 237, 243, 623

  Cukor, George 272, 344, 359, 368–9, 387, 391, 483, 623–4

  Curtis Brown (literary agency) 429; and Down There on a Visit 66, 69, 75, 80–81; and A Single Man 291; and Exhumations 351; 624

  Curtis, Tony 184

  Cutler, Dr. Max 36, 186, 208, 297

  Czechoslovakia: legalization of homosexuality 197; Czechoslovak Church 314–15

  Daily Express

  Daily Mail 96, 499

  Daley, Richard J. 592

  Dall, John 184

  Damascus 334

  d’Amboise, Jacques 352

  Dangerfield, George (Geo) 15, 28, 249, 624

  Danquah, Paul 113, 118, 624–5

  Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy 182, 403, 577n

  D’Arquian, Count Maurice 104

  Davenport, Nigel 10 & n

  Davidson, Chris: Aaron 485; Caves of Iron 508

  Davidson, Gordon 529, 550, 625

  Davies, Marion 114, 625

  Davies, W.H. 124

  Davis, Bette 150

  Davis, Vince 125–6, 175, 176, 188, 236, 258, 346, 625

  Davison, Jimmy 130

  Dawson, Tom 381

  Day, Ken 394, 395

  Day-Lewis, Cecil 87, 625

  de Beauvoir, Simone, autobiography 193

  de Gaulle, Charles 5n, 63, 102, 104, 318

  de Ghelderode, Michel, Pantagleize 465

  de Grunwald, Anatole 19

  de la Mare, Walter 337

  de Laval, Jay 202n, 220n, 626

  De Maria, Walter 506

  de Quincey, Thomas, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater 38

  Defector, The (film) 386

  Degas, Edgar 335

  Degener, Cindy 34

  Delancey, Kathy 475

  Delaney, Shelagh 101, 113; A Taste of Honey (play) 4, 5, 6, 9–10, 12, 24

  Democratic Party Convention (1968) 523

  Dench, Judi xxxiv, 184n, 499, 626

  DePry, Bess 23, 626

  Derbyshire 86, 89, 278

  Detroit, riots (1967) 459–60

  Diamond, Louise 120

  Diane (film) 69, 590

  Dickens, Charles 316, 335, 449; A Christmas Carol, proposed television adaptation 479, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 499, 500, 507, 512, 520

  Dickson, Christine 364

  Dietrich, Marlene 383, 511, 512

  Diggers (cultural movement) 473, 489, 626–7

  Disley (Cheshire) 92, 93, 123–4, 416, 420, 421, 447, 451

  Dog Beneath the Skin, The (C.I. with Auden; proposed musical; “Dogskin”) 334n, 457–8, 475, 479, 500, 505, 508, 516, 526, 572, 577, 578–9

  Dole, William 267

  Dominguez, Jack 234

  Dominguín, Luis Miguel 209

  Donahue, Troy 184

  Donne, John 276

  Doone, Rupert 63, 627

  Doors, The (band) 472

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor: The Brothers Karamazov 188; Crime and Punishment 378

  Douglas, Lord Alfred 62

  Douglas, Kirk 196

  Dowling, Doris (Mrs. Len Kaufman) 3, 28, 202, 207, 223, 500, 627

  Down There on a Visit (C.I.): on Munich crisis vii–viii, 9; themes xii, 61, 64–5, 82, 97; title xii, 32; Auden and Capote praise xiii, 77, 166; writing 2 & n, 3, 4, 47, 50–51, 52–3, 66, 78, 82, 85, 87; characterization 11, 65, 125; Edward Upward reads draft 30, 32, 36, 50, 53, 61, 63; publication 66, 75, 79, 80–81, 114, 160; C.I. sells manuscript 67; Dodie Smith criticizes 75; dust-jacket 96 & n, 101, 103, 114, 147; correction of proofs 114, 122, 125; advance for 159; reviews 160, 169–70, 171, 172, 176, 179, 215; sales 182; C.I. reads at creative writing seminar 189; selected by Mid-Century Book Society 196; possible film version 429; see also individual sections: “Ambrose”; “Mr. Lancaster”; “Paul”; “Waldemar”

  Downey, California 213–14

  Dr. Mabuse der Spieler (film) 547

  Draper, Rusty 516

  Dreyfuss, Richard 572n, 578–9, 627

  Druks, Renate 237, 259, 272, 387, 394, 405, 545, 627–8

  Drummond, Arlene 185, 189, 254

  Dryden, John 578

  Dufy, Raoul 245

  Duggan, Alfred, Family Favorites 151

  Duncan, Isadora 277, 479, 534

  Dundy, Elaine (Mrs. Kenneth Tynan) 81, 85–6, 88, 106, 107, 628; My Place 81

  Dunham, Kaye 563

  Dunphy, Jack 105, 628

  Dupuytren’s Contracture (disease of hand) 553, 556, 567, 569, 573, 591, 628

  Durant, Ariel 135

  Durant, Will 135–6, 136–7

  Duras, Marguerite, Le Marin de Gibraltar 342, 343

  Durrell, Lawrence 191

  Duthuit, Georges 100n

  Dylan, Bob 477

  earthquakes: in California 47, 335, 435, 506, 546, 557, 560; predictions and scares 47, 367, 467, 543, 544, 550, 551–2; in Japan 302

  Easton, Harvey 213, 217, 221, 226, 628

  Easton, June 217, 628

  Ebb, Fred xxxiii, 424n

  Eckstein, Tony (Abedha) 240, 601

  Eden, Nicholas 96–7

  Eder, Vince 346

  Edinburgh Festival (1969) 563

  Edwards, Bob (student at UC Riverside) 395

  Edwards, Mr. (gardener) 177

  Egan, Richard 137

  Eisenhower, Dwight D. 102

  Elagabalus, Roman Emperor 151

  elections see presidential elections

  “Eleventh Hour, The” (television series) 293

  Eliot, George, The Mill on the Floss 487

  Eliot, T.S. 179

  Elizabeth II, Queen 281, 493

  Elysian Park “Love-in” (1967) 444

  Encounter (magazine) 197, 379; C.I.’s proposed article on Virginia Woolf 124, 126, 130; CIA funding 453

  England: C.I.’s trips to: (1961) xiii, 58–124; (1966) xxxiii, 412–13, 419–21, 422, 423; (1967) 432, 445, 446, 447–8, 452–3; C.I.’s views on xxix–xxx, 62, 64, 71; Don Bachardy visits alone (1961) 44–5; (1968) 529, 530–31; (April-May 1969) 543, 544, 550, 554, 555, 556, 558, 559; (August 1969) 572; see also London

  England Made Me (proposed screenplay) 45, 51, 59

  Englund, George 396, 399

  Epstein, Richard 133

  Equity (actors’ union) strike (1968) 519

  Esquire (magazine) 171, 199, 262, 301

  Euripides, Medea 138

  European Economic Community (Common Market) 177, 186–7

  Evan (Danish builder) 198

  Evans, Harold M. (tenant in Hilldale duplexes) 596

  Evans, Rex 172, 173, 198, 222, 375, 387, 446, 447, 537, 552, 628

  Evening Standard (newspaper) 120

  Everest expedition (1963) 253

  Everyman Encyclopedia 595

  Ewing, Majl 483

  Examiner (newspaper) 15–16

  Exhumations (C.I.) 66n, 106, 336, 339, 340, 341, 343, 350, 351, 365, 401

  Fabian, Olga 50

  Fainlight, Ruth (Sillitoe) 94

  Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. 493

  Fairfax, James 571, 589, 628

  Faithfull, Marianne xxxv, 571, 587, 628–9

  Falk, Eric 69–70, 116, 629

  Family Way, The (film) 465

  Farrow, Mia 498, 523

  fascist groups 131–2, 142

  Faulkner, William 204, 222; Requiem for a Nun 21n; Sanctuary 21n; The Wild Palms 184, 211

  Faye, Alice 180, 629

  Fenton, James ix

  Ferdinand, Tom 347

  Fermor, Patrick Leigh 450

  Ferrer, Pepa 57

  Fielding, Henry 537

  File on Thelma Jordon, The (film) 118

  Filmways (production company) 356–7

  Finkelstein, Seth 530

  Finney, Albert 73, 78, 86, 91, 120, 629

  Fiore de Henriquez, Maria 67, 70

  Fisher, Eddie 184

  Fisher, Gary 542

  Fitts, George see Krishna

  Flam, Wilbur (pseud.) 11, 185–6

  Flaubert, Gustave, Sentimental Education 275

  Fleming, Ian 155; Dr. No 157; Moonraker 202

  Flinders, Bill 234

  Flora, Ronald (pseud.) 203

  “flower children” 455–6, 473

  Foch, Nina 427, 629

  Folling, Ruth see Sarada

  Fonda, Jane 190, 194, 539, 629–30

  Fonteyn, Margot 567

  Foote, Dick 239, 630

  Forbes, Bryan 114, 120, 121, 630

Nanette (Newman) 120, 121

  Ford, Glenn: acting career 1; friendship and socializing with C.I. 1, 6, 34, 36, 39–40, 40–41, 55, 56, 219; relationship with Hope Lange 1, 40–41, 138–9, 140, 219, 263; character 40, 41; intends to buy Don Bachardy portrait of C.I. 222–3; his house 256; New Year’s Eve (1962) 256; relationship with Linda Christian 263; throws party with clairvoyant entertainment 263; 630

  Ford, John, ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore 39, 117

  Forest Lawn cemetery 210, 251–2, 368–9

  Forster, E.M. (Morgan): influence on C.I. x, xvii, 171; flat in Chiswick 78; dislike of Tony Richardson 83–4; in Cambridge 103, 104–5, 117, 420–21; Don Bachardy’s drawings of 105, 117; at Bachardy’s exhibition in London 119; dreams of death 138; dislikes C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 171; C.I. meets during England trips (1961) 71, 83-4, 103, 104–5; (1966) 420–21; (1967) 447, 448; Lionel Trilling’s and Rosamond Lehmann’s views on 453; awarded Order of Merit 536; 631

  A Passage to India 84, 110; “What I believe” 152; Where Angels Fear to Tread 140

  Forthman, William 168, 631

  Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (film) 1

  Fouts, Denham (Denny) 117, 140, 384, 476, 631–2

  Fox, James (Willie) 373, 422, 445, 463, 479, 481, 506, 632

  Fox, Lyle 44, 198–9, 289, 337, 343, 433, 438–9, 509, 632

  France: Algerian War 5 & n, 63n; C.I. stays at Tony Richardson’s villa at Valbonne 101, 102, 103, 105, 107–113; Auden on the French 155–6

  Frandson, Phillip 53, 58, 632

  Frankenstein (The Living Theatre show) 547

  Frankfurt 412

  freeway construction 230, 253, 365, 567

  French, Hugh: representing Richard Burton 6–7; C.I. lunches with 207; C.I. appoints as agent 280; and possible Anastasia project 446; and Cabaret musical 499; 632

  French, Robin: C.I. appoints as agent 280; attempts to raise C.I.’s price 339; and proposed Shoes of the Fisherman project 399; and Cabaret musical 446, 452, 465, 499; and A Meeting by the River stage adaptation 496, 563, 577; and proposed “Christmas Carol” television project 500, 507, 512; marriage 545; and Cabaret film 550–51, 563, 566; and I, Claudius draft screenplay 593, 595; 632

  Fresno, California 273

  Freud (film) 217, 218

  Freud, Sigmund 217, 256

  Frimley, Surrey 445

  From, Isador (Eddie) 140, 632–3

  From a Roman Balcony (film) 149

  Frost, Robert 262

  Frost, Ron (Ronny) 8–9, 633

  Fry, Christopher 20

  Fry, Jeremy 480–81

  Fuller, Buckminster 486

  Fumai, Carol 464

  Gable, Christopher 565, 569

  Gagarin, Yuri 63

  Gage, Margaret 168, 235, 337–8, 633


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