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The Sixties

Page 108

by Christopher Isherwood

  Gain, Richard (Dick) 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 633

  Galt, Randolph (Ranny) 126

  Gambhirananda, Swami 525, 633

  Gandhi, Indira 135n

  Ganymede, C.I.’s proposed story about 115–16

  Garbo, Greta 65

  Garcia, Mr. (gardener) 362, 506

  Garden Grove High School, C.I. lecture at 225, 232, 233

  Gardner, Mr. (house painter) 1, 8, 125

  Garlington, Lee 338

  Garrett, Anthony (Tony) 91, 94, 485, 486–7, 633–4

  Gary, Romain 4

  Gates, Jim 555–6, 556–7, 557–8, 561, 562, 563, 565, 569, 570, 575, 576, 584, 591, 595–6, 598, 634

  Gauguin, Paul 189, 574

  Gaynor, Janet (Mrs. Gilbert Adrian) 216, 634

  Geist, Kenneth 457, 458, 481, 634

  Geller, Anne 432, 524

  Geller, Jim 6, 7 & n, 72, 200, 280, 432, 634–5

  “Gems of Belgian Architecture” (C.I.) 340

  Genet, Jean 292, 344; Funeral Rites 572, 573

  Georgiadis, Nicholas 94, 119

  Germany: Spender on 505; see also Berlin crisis

  Gershwin, Leonora (Lee) 223

  Ghosh, Girish 316

  Ghosh, Sadhan Kumar 329

  Gide, André: Fruits of the Earth 62; Et Nunc Manet in Te 403; So Be It 403, 424

  Gielgud, John 65, 106, 114, 124, 344n, 498, 635

  Giles, Dolores 296

  Gill, Jim 387, 402, 472, 635

  Gilliatt, Penelope 106n, 113, 115, 635–6

  Gillman, Peter, Eiger Direct 424n

  Ginsberg, Allen 387–8, 636

  Girvetz, Harry 27

  Glamor (magazine) 334

  Glasgow 74

  Glavin, William (Bill) 524

  Glendale, California 365

  Glyndebourne 77, 82, 84

  Goetschius, George 60, 107, 636

  Gokulananda, Swami 306, 312, 313, 318, 331–2, 636

  Gold, Herbert, Salt 273

  Golding, Cyril Frederick 317

  Goldwater, Barry 285, 343, 344, 345, 350, 355

  Goldwyn, Samuel 350, 369, 636–7

  Gombrich, Ernst, Art and Illusion 393–4

  Goodbye to Berlin (C.I.) 18n, 426; C.I.’s proposed musical version x, xxxiii, 34, 59, 72, 76, 77, 79, 80, 82, 85, 159, 201; see also van Druten, John, I Am a Camera

  Goodman, Paul 493, 637; Making Do 371

  Goodrich, Frances (Mrs. Albert Hackett) 21, 182, 639

  Goodwin, John 347, 637

  Gordon, Ruth 392

  Gosfield Hall, Essex 74

  Gosling, Ray vii–viii Gosse, Edmund 101

  Gould, Samuel B. 15

  Gowland, Alice 127–8, 142, 405, 469, 470, 477, 481, 554, 572, 637

  Gowland, Ann 469

  Gowland, Marylee 469, 470

  Gowland, Peter 142, 213, 378, 405, 406, 469, 470, 637

  Goya, Francisco, theft of portrait of Duke of Wellington 106

  Graef, Mr. (gardener) 226

  Graham, Dr. Walter 28

  Granada (television company) 77

  Grant, Cary 466

  Grant, Ian 88

  Grapevine Pass, California 273

  Grate, Jack (pseud.) 131

  Grateful Dead, The (band) 440

  Graves, Robert 577; see also I, Claudius

  Green, Henry see Yorke, Henry

  Greene, Barbara 573, 704

  Greene, Graham: The Complaisant Lover 149; The End of the Affair 140, 180–81; England Made Me 45, 59; The Power and the Glory (television adaptation) 131

  Gregg, Julie 572, 578, 637

  Gregory, Dick 224

  Gregory, Paul 216, 637–8

  Gregson, Peter 111

  Gretz (France), Vedanta Center 133, 396, 401

  Greville, Fulke 578

  Grey, Agnes (Aggie) 578

  Grey, Fred (dancer) 549–50

  Grey, Joel xxxiv

  Greystone (house), Beverly Hills 346

  Griffith Park Observatory, Los Angeles 238, 595

  Grigg, Richard (Ricky) 208–9, 210, 215, 406, 638

  Grigg, Sandy 208, 215, 406

  Griggs, Philip (Buddha Chaitanya) 257–8, 259, 616

  Grimes, Tammy 151

  Grindea, Miron 73

  Grinnich, Jack 533

  Groddeck, Georg, The Book of It 235

  Gross, Ken 468

  Grosser, Maurice 464, 638

  Guerriero, Henry 430, 638

  Guha, Naresh 328

  Guinness, Alec 55, 57, 638

  Guinness, Merula 55, 57, 58

  Gunderson, Keith 364

  Gunn, Thom 221, 487, 488, 639

  Gunther, John, Inside Europe Today 98

  Gupta, Debnarayan 316

  Gupta, Mahendranath (M.), The Gospel of Ramakrishna 271; 668

  Gupta, Mallika Clare 315–16

  Gurian, Manning 44, 141, 145, 146, 153, 183, 371, 374, 639

  Gurian, Peter 145, 146, 371

  Guttchen, Otto 525, 639

  Guyer, Byron 23, 192

  H-bomb 52, 55, 64, 106, 179, 203

  Haas, Robert 42, 43

  Hackett, Albert 21, 182, 639

  Hackett, Frances see Goodrich, Frances

  Haight, Genevieve Watson 27–8

  Hall, Michael 2–3, 639–40

  Halloween 293

  Halsey, Edwin (Ed) 47, 49, 50, 53, 57, 144, 268; death 230, 233, 238; John Zeigel sees apparition of 268; 640

  Hamill, Peter, Ernest Hemingway 138

  Hamilton, Frank 274, 276

  Hamilton, Gerald 85, 87, 640–41

  Hamilton, Violet 364

  Hammarskjöld, Dag 114

  Hannon, Jean 153, 154

  Hansen, Duane 404

  Hardy, Thomas 387

  Harewood, George Lascelles, 7th Earl of, and Patricia, Countess of 543, 549, 554

  Harford, Betty (Mrs. Oliver Andrews) 29, 192, 402, 603

  Hargrove, Marion 281

  Harlequinade (ballet) 351–2

  Harper (film) 371n

  Harper and Row (publishers) 286

  Harper’s Bazaar (magazine) 14, 463

  Harris, Bill 116, 140, 641

  Harris, Julie: C.I. and Don Bachardy stay with in New York 14, 16, 44, 143, 146; acting career 131, 145, 148, 153, 371; and Ben and Jo Masselink 183; in California 371, 374; relationship with Manning Gurian 371, 374; and Jim Murdock 374; sadness at infidelities 518; 641

  Harris, Richard 523

  Harrison, Rachel (Roberts) 434, 435, 437, 693

  Harrison, Rex 344, 434, 435, 437, 494, 495, 641–2

  Harrity, Marguerite see Lamkin, Marguerite

  Harrity, Rory 6, 8, 642

  Hart, John 224

  Hartford, Mary Lee Epling 149n

  Hartley, Neil: in California 341, 344, 345; in London 413; in South of France 452; work on The Charge of the Light Brigade 452, 481; in Australia for Ned Kelly filming 571, 585, 586; and C.I.’s and Don Bachardy’s draft screenplay for I, Claudius 593, 595; 642

  Harvey, Anthony (Tony) 550–51, 554, 556, 563, 566, 569, 642

  Harvey, Laurence (Larry) 46, 347–8, 642

  hashish xx, 51, 66, 256n, 315, 359, 481, 579

  Haslam, Kimball (builder) 181, 189, 197, 200, 202, 211, 234

  Hassert, Reinhardt 571

  Hastings, Warren 11

  Haston, Dougal 424

  Hauser, Hilda 86

  Hawes, Dee: relationship with Ben Masselink 454, 457, 459, 460, 470, 478, 496–7; C.I.’s dislike of 497; marriage to Masselink 523, 542

  Haworth, Jill 424

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Marble Faun 184; The Scarlet Letter 157

  Haydn, Joseph 405

  Hayworth, Rita 523, 536, 642

  Heard, Henry FitzGerald (Gerald): settles in California xi; ill-health xxxiin, 197, 338, 389, 409–410, 423, 442–3, 450, 457, 458–9, 522, 524, 526, 529–30; and Aldous Huxley 36, 186, 294, 295, 297, 361; differences with Swami Prabhavananda 48 & n; friendship and socializing with C.I. 53, 54–5, 127, 159–60, 174–5, 236,
248, 254, 256, 259, 372; beliefs and ideas 54–5, 127, 159–60, 186–7, 197, 203, 208, 243, 256, 268, 337, 354, 356, 378, 409, 457, 462, 560; and Michael Barrie 54, 127, 172, 197, 208, 243, 338, 389, 406, 409, 442–3, 444, 458–9, 474, 485; views on C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 54; on guest list for C.I.’s party for Jo Masselink 55; and Somerset Maugham 112; Don Bachardy’s drawings of 114; automobile accident in Oahu 127; on possibility of war 139; recommends Pepys and Sterne 144; and Will Forthman 168; advice to J.R. Ackerley 172; and One, Incorporated 175, 354; hernia operation 189, 190, 197; on Lafcadio Hearn 189–90; C.I. encourages to write memoirs 203, 208; travels to Europe with Barrie 208, 259; lectures at Long Beach 239; article on death 248; stays with Luces in Arizona 254; tired joke about Olgivanna Wright 255, 256; seeks Pope quotation 267–8; jealousy of Joseph Kolisch 279; and Chris Wood 337, 406, 409, 411, 457, 522, 529–30; and Margaret Gage 337–8; praises C.I.’s A Single Man 338; and documentary on Stravinsky 359; and feud between Chris Wood and Barrie 379–80; suggests C.I. writes to Peggy Kiskadden 380; at opening of Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; suffers strokes 389, 409–410, 423, 442–3, 450, 457, 458–9, 464, 474, 557; and dedication of C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 406–7, 411, 423; trip to Hawaii 409; writes to Life magazine about Vietnam photograph 409; and Jack Jones 442, 458–9, 474; C.I. visits during convalescences 444–5, 461–2, 485, 508, 522, 526, 553, 557, 560, 598; 642–3

  The Five Ages of Man 575; Is God Evident? 575

  Hearn, Lafcadio 189–90

  Heckart, Eileen 190

  Heckford, Henry (Harry) 448–9

  Heflin, Lee 363, 397, 402, 404

  Hell’s Angels on Wheels (film) 465

  Hemingway, Ernest 78, 128, 138, 181, 407; A Farewell to Arms 140; For Whom the Bell Tolls 320

  Hemmings, David 434, 435

  Henderson, Ray: and Elsa Lanchester 29, 203–4, 500, 505, 514, 598; marriage 29, 598; and proposed Dogskin musical 457–8, 475, 479, 500, 505, 508, 516, 526, 572; 643

  Hendrick, Kimmis 25–6

  Henze, Hans 84

  Hepburn, Audrey 344

  Hepburn, Katharine 369, 436

  Herbert, George 494

  Herbert, Jocelyn 587

  Herbert, John, Fortune and Men’s Eyes 541, 559

  Herbold, Mary 185, 186, 643

  Hersey, John, The Wall 370–71

  Hershey, Lewis Blaine 592

  Hesse, Hermann: Das Glasperlenspiel 403; Narziss und Goldmund 530; Steppenwolf 403

  Heywood, Anne 585

  Hickman, Norman 146

  Hines, Jerome 234n

  hippies 456, 473, 558, 565, 582

  Hitler, Adolf 414, 573

  Hockney, David: always carries a camera ix, xxx; painting of C.I. and Don Bachardy ix, xxxv; settles in California xxix–xxx; C.I.’s friendship and socializing with 397, 505–6; teaches at UCLA 397; Bachardy stays in London flat 502, 503, 506; and Peter Schlesinger 506, 508; friends from Royal Ballet visit C.I. 565; 644

  72 Drawings 581, 593

  Hodgson, Ralph 102

  Hoffman, Robert (Bob) 568, 582

  Hogan, Ken (accountant) 6, 7

  Hogg, James, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner 183, 184

  Hoitsma, Kinmont 471, 472, 481, 644

  Hollywood Reporter, The (newspaper) 536, 538

  Holt, Edgar 542

  Holt, Hillary (Larry) 475–6, 479–80, 506, 507, 526, 576, 644

  Holy Mother see Sarada Devi

  Homolka, Florence 196–7, 211, 246, 644

  homosexuality: of C.I. xvii, xviii, xxiii, 354–5, 469; in C.I.’s A Single Man xvii, xviii, 335; in C.I.’s Lions and Shadows xxiii; Gerald Heard on 36; of married men 121, 379; Evelyn Hooker’s research on homosexuals 137, 168; C.I.’s notes for proposed novelette on homosexual relationship on campus 160–66; gay liberation movement 175, 335, 354–5; legalized in Czechoslovakia 197; Auden on 335, 443; and entrapment 357; in C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 360; pornography 476–7, 485; gay bookstores 485, 572–3; gay personal ads 513; black homosexuals 546

  Hong Kong flu 535, 537

  Honolulu 208, 301, 460, 496, 571, 590–91

  Hooker, Evelyn: and John Rechy 23; C.I. stays at house in Brentwood 48n; on guest list for C.I.’s party for Jo Masselink 55; C.I. socializes with 137; research on homosexuals 137, 168; Stephen and Natasha Spender stay with 167; and Masters and Johnson research into orgasm 206; accused of conspiracy to obtain criminal abortion 258; on Majl Ewing 483; 645

  Hoopes, Ned 513, 645

  Hoopes, William 216

  Hoover, J. Edgar 592

  Hope, Anthony: The Prisoner of Zenda 498–9; Rupert of Hentzau 498–9

  Horne, Collin see Wilcox, Collin

  Horne, Geoffrey 431, 645

  Hotel (film) 459

  House Un-American Activities Committee 181–2, 646

  Houseman, Joan 287, 426, 646

  Houseman, John 287, 365, 387, 535, 538, 646

  Housman, Laurence, Victoria Regina 153

  How to Know God (Patanjali; tr. C.I. and Prabhavananda) 179

  Howard, Donald 397, 400, 646

  Hoyningen-Huene, George 199, 646–7

  Hoyt, John 439

  Huber, Gerhard 415–16

  Hudson, Rock 184, 338n, 528n

  Huene, George see Hoyningen-Huene, George

  Hughes, Howard 258

  Hulter, Bob 514

  Humphrey, Hubert 525

  Hunter, Jeffrey 199

  Hurkos, Peter 263

  Hurok, Solomon 7

  Hurricane Carla 111

  Huserik, Del 18–19

  Huston, John 217, 218, 647

  Hutchins, Robert 359, 504, 647

  Hutton, Brian 394

  Huxley, Aldous: settles in California xi; cancer 36, 186, 282, 292, 294; on guest list for C.I.’s party for Jo Masselink 55; C.I. visits in London 76, 79; Hollywood house destroyed by fire 79, 128, 299; and Colin Wilson 127, 128; travels to India 129, 145; visits moon rocket plant with C.I. 213; Don Bachardy portrait of 223; trip to Memphis 238–9; dines with C.I. and Stravinskys 250; birthday 282; in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital 294; on Rozanov 294, 295; returns home 295; death 297, 410; last articles 297, 298–9, 335n; C.I.’s article for memorial volume 335, 336, 338; memorial dinner at USC 359–60; Robert Craft’s article for Encounter 379; and C.I.’s views on war 457; C.I. recalls handwriting analysis experience 495; Sybille Bedford’s biography 541; 647–8

  After Many a Summer 271

  Huxley, Juliette 379

  Huxley, Laura (Aldous’s second wife): Hollywood house destroyed by fire 79, 128; and Colin Wilson 128; dines with C.I. and Stravinskys 250; and Aldous’s illness 292, 294, 295, 297; and Aldous’s death 297, 298–9; at memorial dinner for Aldous 359; visited by a medium 360–61; at July 4 fireworks 370; offended by Robert Craft’s article in Encounter 379; C.I. recalls handwriting analysis experience 495; suggested for television show with C.I. 508; and Gary Fisher 542; 648

  Recipes for Living and Loving 233, 238; The Timeless Moment 455

  Huxley, Maria (Aldous’s first wife) 186, 297, 299, 648–9

  Huxley, Matthew (son of Aldous and Maria) 297, 649

  I, Claudius (Graves), C.I.’s and Don Bachardy’s draft screenplay xxxv, xxxvi, 561, 563, 566, 570, 571, 572, 577, 581, 588, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595

  If … (film) 591

  Ikeya-Seki comet 377

  In Cold Blood (film) 428, 431, 436, 438

  “In a Lonely Place” (television show) 188

  India: C.I. visits with Swami Prabhavananda xxii–xxiii, xxv–xxvii, xxxii, xxxvii, 290, 291, 298, 300–334; Huxley’s trip to 129, 145; nationalism 136, 393, 456; Chinese invasion 236–7, 242, 243, 700

  Indio, California 557

  Inge, William (Bill) 45, 46, 47, 170, 211, 365n; drinking and depressions 350, 387, 483; 649

  Inglis, Frances 547n

  Ingraham, John 560

  Inspiration Point, Santa Monica 469–70

  International Herald Tribune 111

eland, John 46

  Irish Times, “A Glimpse of Isherwood” article 245

  Irvine, University of California at 233

  Isadora (film) 479, 534

  Isherwood, Christopher:

  Finances: income from Cabaret xxxiii, 425, 432, 436, 446, 452, 465, 519, 556, 566, 569; accounts 6, 7; inheritance from mother’s estate 51, 59, 60, 79, 134, 152, 159, 255; British taxes 91, 105, 106, 108; advance for Down There on a Visit 159; teaching income 159, 336; never involved in stock market 193; costs of improvements to Santa Monica house 201, 204; merger of finances with Don’s 201, 211; savings 242, 372, 375; purchase of duplex buildings as tax write-off 499–500, 519, 596; pays off mortgage 535; income from “The Legend of Silent Night” television special 598

  Health: workouts and exercises viii, ixn, 44, 51, 60, 124, 138, 147, 217, 220, 265, 273, 282, 292, 293, 295, 403, 464, 527, 532, 560–61; fear of cancer xxiii, 200, 208, 217, 247, 255, 354, 374, 402, 453, 515, 553; pyschosomatic bouts xxiii, 43, 291; sore throats xxiii, 141, 146, 284, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291, 330, 515, 517, 519, 535; arthritis 1n, 4, 183, 187, 340, 396, 399; intestinal complaints 11, 132, 147, 195–6, 215, 319, 329, 336, 425, 509, 512, 514, 515, 517; injures leg in fall 15, 16–17, 24, 28; weight 18, 29, 43, 140, 143, 216, 217, 220, 242, 306, 347, 399, 403, 464, 596–7, 598; vagus nerve spasms 24, 167; nose bleed 27; impotence 51; back pain 60, 181, 275, 342, 343, 344, 513, 514; depressions 78, 130, 211, 215, 275, 452, 518, 524, 579; cold sores 85; dental work 104, 114, 115, 131, 160, 270–71, 299–300, 344, 466; pyloric spasms 108, 109, 110, 175, 181, 337, 515; urethra operation 110n; jaw stiffness 114, 124, 126, 130, 131, 132, 134, 139, 141, 143, 147, 176, 180, 181, 183, 201, 231; takes vitamins 124, 132, 305, 345, 532; eyesight 147, 199, 203; colds 151, 193, 236, 260, 436; prostate infection 176, 177, 178, 180, 183; neck ache 180, 181, 183, 396, 399; cyst in ear 194, 220, 221; tongue soreness 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 214, 220, 231, 453; diet 207, 396, 403; possible cracked rib 264, 265; sore mouth 274; broken rib 285, 287; headaches 324, 532; groin pain 340, 432, 433–4, 514, 515; hits head in fall 356; amnesia 389–90; cholesterol count 396; ruptured blood vessel in eye 397; cyst on lip 401, 402; hip pain 427, 433–4, 436, 439; bruises toe 436; food poisoning 478, 479; knee pain 515; lump on finger 535, 536–7, 541, 544, 553, 556; strains calf muscle 539, 541; Dupuytren’s Contracture (disease of hand) 553, 556, 567, 573, 626

  Personal life: settles in California xi, xii; improvements to Santa Monica house xvi, 1, 8, 125, 126, 152, 159, 177, 181, 187, 197, 198, 200–201, 202, 204, 206, 210, 214, 216, 226, 234; homosexuality xvii, xviii, xxiii, 354–5, 469; recalls taking hashish in Tangier xx, 257, 315; friendships with women xxx–xxxi; fifty-sixth birthday 1; speeding ticket 11; dreams and nightmares 12–13, 74, 102, 107, 179, 215, 308, 338, 339–40, 347–8, 349, 367, 368, 531; drinking 15, 18, 23, 35, 36, 43, 50, 58, 71, 96, 110, 124, 154, 158, 177, 187, 195, 237, 248, 250, 257, 261, 270, 273, 275, 295, 347–8, 350, 360, 401, 434, 452, 480, 482, 524, 543, 579; sees green flashes in sky 18, 25, 143; joins gym 44; smoking 51, 261, 262, 270, 273, 562; fifty-seventh birthday 104; contemplates father-son novel about relationship with Don Bachardy 134–5; joins Don in New York (1961) 145–57; train ride back to California 157–8; building of studio for Don 159, 168, 178, 189, 195, 201, 215, 216, 219; pacifism 173, 179, 457; house burgled 185, 187; picks up hitchhiker 187; photographed by Florence Homolka 196–7, 211; minor car accident on Hollywood Boulevard 209–210; buys furniture 210; visits moon rocket plant 213–14; fifty-eighth birthday 219; trip to northern California (1962) 219, 220–21; buys new car 220, 223–4; television interview 224; considers two-month stay at Trabuco 225; visits circus 227–9; considers spending Christmas in Mexico 240, 242, 244, 246, 247–8, 249, 250–51; speaks at Charles Laughton’s funeral 249, 250, 251–2; interviewed by Time magazine for proposed Auden article 264; stays in borrowed house in San Francisco (1963) 269, 271, 273–6; speaks at Larry Paxton’s funeral 275–6, 462; buys ring for Don’s twenty-ninth birthday 276–7; sorrow at development of Santa Monica Canyon 276, 385, 388, 389, 465, 467, 469–70; sideswipes car 281, 284; plans writing autobiographical works 284, 335, 371, 372, 373, 378; breaks rib in car accident 285, 286, 288; fifty-ninth birthday 288; Francophobia 292; takes Librium 299, 302, 305, 411, 452; contemplates novel based on Prema taking sannyas 336; buys television set 337; visits Big Sur with Bart Johnson 340, 341; at Kirov Ballet with Budd Cherry 345, 346; joins Don in New York (1965) 351–3; pallbearer at David O. Selznick’s funeral 368–9; traffic tickets for jumping red lights 369, 565–6; dislike of dogs 372, 518; sixty-first birthday 374; attempts to view Ikeya-Seki comet 377; clutch fails on car 394; sixty-second birthday 406; discusses drug-taking with Don 407, 542; sixty-third birthday 465; stays with “Ben Underhill” and Ken McDonnell in San Francisco (1967) 469, 471–2; letters offered for sale by dealer 483–4; trip to San Francisco and Santa Cruz (1967) 484–92; makes poetry tapes for Don 494, 497, 578, 581; visits Truman Capote at Palm Springs (1969) 497, 540, 542–3; visits conference at Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions with Spender (1968) 503–4; writes citation for Auden’s Gold Medal award from National Institute of Arts and Letters 515–16; commonplace book 516; sees production of Hamlet in San Diego 517–18; sixty-fourth birthday 523–4; idea for a novel about a Swami and a writer 530, 561; votes in presidential election 531; receives poem from fan 532–3; loses and retrieves ring given by Don 533, 584, 591; watches Apollo 8 lunar mission 534; sees stage version of Fortune and Men’s Eyes 541; watches home movies with Don 547; takes John Lehmann to Watts 549; sees Nureyev and Fonteyn dance 567; sixty-fifth birthday 578, 579; visits Jim Charlton in Honolulu on return from Australia 590–91; asked to nominate most hated man in America 591–2


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