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Grace, Sayde - Untamable [Moonlight Cravings] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 18

by Sayde Grace

  “Then what happened to Brockton? The jackass has a broken nose and keeps saying that the Gandillion whore did it.” His eyes drifted to Delilah. “I don’t see any whores here, but I’m assuming he doesn’t mean you.” Delilah shook her head. “Well, then that leaves one other possibility. Sidda, what happened?”

  Sidda cringed. She hated being talked to like a child, but at least Stephan acknowledged Delilah as more than just meat. Not that he’d help get her away, but maybe he’d believe the truth behind Brockton and Dane easier than she’d expected.

  “Nothing happened. He ran off at the mouth, and I lost my temper. End of story.” Dread settled into Sidda’s stomach. It was time. Soon she’d no longer be Jasper’s mate.

  “That is not the end of story. Later I will take care of him myself, but for now, we have to go to Dane’s office. It’s time.”

  Without another word, Stephan turned, striding toward the door. Sidda glanced back at Delilah and Scarlett. Her eyes refilled with tears, and she hugged herself tighter. It had to be done, because she had to save them all. With a deep breath, Sidda pulled herself together, raised her head high, and marched down to Dane’s office, ready to take on whatever the evil bastard came up with next.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jasper stood looking over his small group of fighters. So far, four pack members had shown up to rejoin the pack. Although that number was far from what he’d hoped, it was a start.

  “Jasper?” Doc’s rumbling voice drew Jasper’s attention. “I’ve contacted my pack, and our fighters will be here later today. That will add ten more.” Doc stood proud and tall.

  Orange Moons weren’t the best fighters, but everybody counted, and Jasper was grateful for every one of them. “That’s good. Real good, Doc.”

  A short auburn-haired wolf raised his stubby hand. “Sir, I’ve contacted my father’s pack, the Rocky Mountain Pack, and they’ve agreed to send fighters. The pack Alpha asked me to tell you he’d be in contact later today with the numbers, however, rough estimates total at twelve or more.”

  The wolf smiled. “My mother’s pack, The Pacific Coast Pack, has also agreed to aid in our fight. My grandfather fought proudly for them after Dane took over. The pack is more than happy to help in any way to have the Luna Nation back in the hands of the Gandillions. Your father was a strong, honest leader. We want and need that again.”

  Jasper’s chest swelled with pride. Yes, his father had been a great leader and so would he. But that still didn’t quench his unease about Sidda. She’d managed to call hours earlier to warn him about what would be coming, yet the bond held strong, and he could feel her emotions. Strong and clever, she was working Dane and his men. She’d always had a knack for getting him and Cole to do things, and it seemed she had that same effect on most men.

  Jasper glanced away from the men sitting around his living room. Vivian sat to one side, writing away in her journal, while Cole looked up from his texting to stride toward him. His friend’s eyes held the same worry Jasper felt. Both wanted Sidda back home, away from Dane and his evil crew. But both knew this was something Sidda had to do and something Jasper had to trust her to do. It nearly tore him inside out that at any moment their bond would be broken. He would no longer be marked to her, but she’d always be his mate no matter whether she still wore his mark or not. Siddalee Brighton would always be Jasper Gandillion’s.

  “Jasper?” Cole clapped him on the back. “My friend Jack in Texas who’s a Luna told me there was a press conference scheduled for Velham. Jack said his small pack is headed our way. They should be here in the morning.”

  Jasper nodded absently. His Marking Bite burned under his skin. He turned to Doc and Ivan. “I’ve got to take care of something. Keep organizing members. Later, we will begin training and breaking off into teams.” Jasper rushed from the room as the burn stung more. He slammed the door to his room closed, aching from head to toe. The breaking process had started. Damn Dane Velham.

  The tug and rip of flesh tore through his body with blinding pain. Jasper dropped to his knees, snatching his shirt off. His hands clapped over the marking on his neck. It nearly singed the skin. His head spun with images of that night, the night he’d finally bonded with Sidda. Her smile flashed into his mind. The image of her body under him writhing with pleasure while her eyes scorched him with love and passion scored his memory. She held everything that was right and good in his world. Her love drove him to be a better Alpha, and her faith in him made him want to prove he was worthy of her. Her submission to the bond gave his life meaning past being Alpha. It gave him hope and life. Now that hope, that life, was draining from his body. Blackness and emptiness filled the places once warmed by Sidda.

  Only the knowledge of knowing in less than two days he’d mark her again, claim her again, kept him breathing.

  * * * *

  Sidda gasped, gripping the armchair tight. Her brain tingled, throbbed, threatening to pound her brains from her head. Dane had mentioned it would sting, but this was much more than a mere sting. No, he’d only said the skin near the mark would ache, not her entire fucking body.

  Sidda closed her eyes, breathing in deeply, hoping to ease some of the pain. Her wolf screamed inside her head, screamed with rage for her mate. She didn’t want to give up Jasper any more than Sidda did. But neither had a choice.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Stephan’s voice was a faint whisper.

  Sidda fell to the floor, her heart ripping and tearing into pieces. Jasper would no longer be her mate. Their bond was gone, and in its place, only darkness remained. Her skin tore, then began stitching back into place. Like a needle through fabric, the flesh was pierced, then tugged back into place. Her hands clasped onto her neck where Jasper had once marked her as his. The skin was now smooth. The sting was gone, no longer bringing tears to her eyes.

  The pain in Sidda’s mind faded. Her head stopped throbbing while tears rushed down her face. She opened herself to Jasper, but the bond wasn’t there. A tingle of awareness that he lived met her, but nothing more. There was a small glimmer of hope though. She could feel him, that had to mean something.

  With that glimmer, Sidda cleared her mind of all fear, heartache, and worry. No matter what, they would prevail and take their places as Luna leaders.

  She rose from the ground to face Dane. Determination roared within her. She would not fail, and she would not let Stephan fail either. With her determination, she knew Stephan would see what was done to him and come out of the whole situation as a changed wolf. He would be the one to avenge the dead children, the others who were more than likely sold, and he’d make sure no other pups were treated the way he’d been treated. Yes, Stephan was now on a marked path whether he knew it yet or not.

  She faced Stephan, took his hand, then led him from the room. Once outside, she looked around the spacious landscaped yard. The large patio led to a huge pool. The crystal clear blue water shimmered in the evening sun. This day would soon be over, leading to a new better day.

  “Stephan, you know I won’t mate with you. But I have a plan for you. Do you trust me?” She opened her mind to gather all of her calming thoughts, all her love and warmth. Love and warmth were things the wolf beside her had never received. Dane had denied him those things, and never for a second believed that any wolf would ever treat Stephan differently. Dane’s arrogance would be the death of him. He took too many thing for granted, and soon she’d use his pride against him.

  His eyes narrowed before she opened her mind to him. His eyes slacked, and he dropped into one of the large lounge chairs. “Sidda, that feels so good when you do that. I don’t know what you want, but I swear I’ll do whatever it is if you’ll just let me feel that peace. I’ve never felt anything so pure, so free as the peace you send me.”

  “I need your help. You’ve tried so hard to protect the kids around here, but you couldn’t protect them all. I know that nothing Dane Velham has done is your fault.”

  “Sidda, he’s my Alpha, a
nd we’ve had this conversation.”

  “Yes, we have, but when Dane falls, you’ll have to pick a side. Mine or his. I want you on my side. You’re a protector, a strong wolf who will stand up for innocence, and I need that. There are others to be found, and they need justice. Once this is done between Dane and me, I want you to find them, bring them home, and protect them.”

  Emotion swirled within Stephan’s eyes. He gently shook his head. “I’ve killed so many people, and the forest, it calls to me, Sidda. You have no idea how truly evil I am. I destroy everything and everyone in my path. If you can’t be by my side to give me peace, then I’ll let the forest have me.” He rose to walk off.

  “What’s Dane’s power? I was told that Red Moons have the power to enrage, make wolves aggressive. Who’s to say that Dane isn’t manipulating you to make you think you’ll go forest crazy?” Sidda cocked her head to the side, watching Stephan. “If I can calm you, doesn’t it make equal sense that another wolf could send you into a fury?”

  Stephan stared up at the house. Sidda eased toward him. “When you’re away from here, what eats at you? Is it guilt for what you’ve been forced to do or is it the so-called forest crazy?”

  “I’ve gotta go. The press conference starts in the morning. Be ready downstairs to face the press.” Stephan set his jaw in a harsh line, but Sidda caught a glimmer of uncertainty behind those brilliant violet eyes. Soon, he’d know she was right, and he’d be on her side, fighting for the innocent.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jasper flopped down on the sofa in the large living room. The house hummed with activity. The sounds of people laughing, joking and getting to know each other rang out. Jasper rose from his seat. He had to get to know his new pack members regardless of what heartache swirled around him. Cole sat next to Vivian, who currently glared at him while Cole laughed.

  “Cole.” Jasper held Cole’s gaze. . “I need you and Vivian to make sure Ms. Joy and Ms. Angela are ok. They need to eat, and I’m not sure if they’ll come down. I’m gonna get some breakfast going. Maybe we should have someone run and pick up food for this week. I’m not real sure. What do you two think?” He glanced back at the people milling about. Nearly thirty wolves filled the room and training area.

  “I’ll go sit with Ms. Joy and Ms. Angela. It’ll give me a chance to talk to Ms. Angela about my sister. Cole can go to the store.” Vivian turned to walk away but stopped. “In thirty minutes, turn the television on. Sidda will be there. Watch closely.” Vivian strode out of the room without another glance back at them.

  Jasper cringed. He didn’t want to see his mate standing beside that bastard or Stephan Donaldson. But he knew she had the right plan. By holding back and letting Dane’s plan seem to be working, Jasper would be able to take Dane down, using Dane’s plan against him. He just wished he could talk to Sidda.

  “Jasper?” Cole raised his eyebrows at him.

  “Sorry. Let me get you some people to go with you. We’re gonna need a truckload of food to feed this many wolves. It may take you awhile.” It was a damn good thing Cole drove a huge truck.

  “All right. Find some volunteers.” Cole shrugged. Anxiety filled his stance.

  Jasper hadn’t thought to ask if the wolves around them had accepted Cole as part of them or not. Now he wondered.

  “All right, everyone, if we want to eat, I’ve got to send some of you to the store with my brother.” He eyed them all. None scoffed, but to be clear, he continued. “Make no mistake, Cole is as much a brother to me as my own. His mother raised me without a second thought about taking in a stray wolf. Treat them with the respect they’ve both earned.” They all nodded. “Now who wants to hit the store with Cole?” Four of his wolves stepped forward.

  “Good, Cole has a truck, but you’re more than welcome to take mine also. There are at least thirty of us here now, and we need food for the rest of the week. Once I get Sidda back, we’ll focus on more permanent arrangements for everyone. Hell, maybe we can open a grocery store.” He joked with the last, getting chuckles from most of the pack.

  Ivan stepped from the crowd. His shaved head gleamed in the lights. “What of our Alpha female? She is being held against her will. Why aren’t we going after her?”

  Exactly! The Alpha and man in Jasper wanted to do the same thing. He wanted to storm in there and get her, yet he couldn’t. He cleared his throat. “I spoke with Sidda. Dane is hiding behind her mother and mine. He’s also got more offspring from her mother and mine. Dane has threatened to kill them all if Sidda leaves or if we storm them. I want to kill the son of a bitch, yet we need to have clear heads. Not only is our pack at risk, but my mate, mother and brother are also. I won’t take the risk of harming them. Sidda has a plan, and Vivian has seen it succeed so we train. Saturday night we take the Luna Nation and my mate, your Alpha female, back.” The group of wolves erupted in applause.

  His heart soared. This group of wolves would serve him, help him, and kill for him. A tingle of power rose within, but he stomped it down. Too many Alphas had tried to use their packs for power. Not Jasper, he only wanted to return the Luna Nation to a peaceful community.

  “I want to break into teams, five to ten depending on the final count after breakfast.”

  Had thirty minutes passed yet? He certainly hoped not. He wanted to make sure Sidda was all right. Ivan stepped to his side. “I believe it’s time. Vivian mentioned we all should watch our Alpha Female on television. I’ll turn it on for us if that’s ok.”

  “Yeah, go ahead.” Jasper cleared his throat, getting the attention of the pack again. “Listen, Velham is having a press conference right about now. Watch everything, take in their body language, their speech, their eyes. Look at the people around them and watch Sidda for her reactions. I want to know everything about each of the people in the background, regardless of how insignificant they seem. Dane Velham hides behind his men, so we need to know more about them.” With that, Jasper moved toward the television to watch his mate speak up for the bastard who’d kidnapped his mother and murdered his father.

  The bitter taste of hatred seeped through his mouth. Damn, he hated what she was doing. He didn’t want her anywhere near them, but his choice in the matter had been taken away. Now the television buzzed with excitement, as did the wolves in the room.

  “Here they come. Let’s get settled.” Jasper couldn’t settle, and pacing seemed to help. His eyes glued to the television when Dane Velham slithered his way onto the camera. Someone turned the volume up so they could better hear Dane’s lies.

  “Good afternoon, everyone. Today is a very special day for the Luna Nation.” Dane’s smile broadened when he glanced around the crowd. “For years you have all wondered about my offspring, and while I’m very proud of each of my children, I’ve been less than forthcoming about them. There are many reasons why, but today is the day I introduce my heart,” he paused, and a sickening smile played on his lips, “my daughter, to the Luna Nation.” He motioned for Sidda to come into view, and behind her stepped Stephan Donaldson, whose eyes narrowed at the reporters.

  Behind them all, leaning against the wall stood the man Jasper had fought at Dane’s, next to him was another tall thick wolf, and then two young teenage boys. One was a male image of Sidda and the other was a mirror image of himself at fifteen.

  “How many offspring did the bastard breed?” Ivan turned to look at him. His eyes raised in question.

  “I’m not sure. Sidda said it was just her and two boys there but that Brockton had done something with the others.”

  “Damn. What about his Red Moon Pack? He could have some off of the females in that pack,” one wolf called out.

  Jasper shook his head. “No, according to Doc, there weren’t many left in the pack, as Red Moons tend to go too far during heat.” Disgust filled the room.

  All the wolves understood what he meant. Red Moons usually snapped necks or ripped out their mates’ throats during the high of heat. In turn, most males in that pack didn’t tak
e a mate. It was one more reason Jasper believed Dane had for taking Blue Moon females.

  Jasper silently cussed. Goddamn it, he’d known his mother’s fate, but seeing actual proof was another thing entirely. His fury grew, knowing what it took to breed and how violent the Red Moon males were. The she-wolf had to be ovulating and, like wolves in the wild, had to be mounted. He’d seen it happen. The female wouldn’t care who it was who mounted her until after it was over. Vivian had come into heat while in Romania. Jasper had fought the nearly overpowering urge to mount her himself and sought Ivan. He’d eased Vivian through it, but once it was over, Vivian had hated herself for not being able to control her mind or body.

  Ivan stuck with them throughout their travels, and by doing so, he explained the process to Vivian. But to Jasper’s knowledge, their relationship was nothing more than friendship with the occasional heat-sex. Jasper knew Sidda hadn’t yet gone through that cycle, but soon she would, and he’d be more than ready for the heat-sex. God above, he prayed she didn’t come into heat while at Dane’s.

  “That is our Alpha female?” one brown-haired wolf from Colorado asked when Sidda stopped to stand beside Dane.

  A growl ripped from Jasper’s throat. He snarled at the sight of Sidda so close to Dane. Ivan cleared his throat, drawing Jasper’s attention back to the Pack.

  “Um, yes. That is my mate and your Alpha female. Now let’s listen and watch. Maybe I won’t rip the television from the wall.” He muttered the last, but his pack smiled. Most of the members present were mated so they knew how Jasper felt. Mostly.

  Dane held his hand out to Sidda, but she all too subtly smiled then crossed her hands behind her back. Jasper nodded. Good for her. He didn’t want that bastard to touch her. Dane never missed a beat though. He faced the camera again, smiling.


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