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Grace, Sayde - Untamable [Moonlight Cravings] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 19

by Sayde Grace

  “This is my daughter, Diana Velham, the head of Public Relations and Liaison to Luna Nations.” Dane turned to Sidda, clapping as she stepped toward the microphone. “I’ll give the floor to Diana for questions.”

  Jasper sucked in a breath of air. Dane was giving Sidda an opportunity to blow him out of the water, but if she did, it could jeopardize everything. Blowing the plan would be bad and, most likely, mean her death. He swallowed down the harsh taste of pride and willed her to stay strong and get through the interview.

  Sidda raised one eyebrow before giving the press a sexy smile. Jasper had seen that smile many times, and each time he’d done something completely stupid afterwards that he’d sworn he’d never do. He chuckled, knowing she’d turn the charm on for the group.

  “As my sire said, I’m taking the position of Head of Public Relations and Liaison. I’ll go ahead and open the floor for questions.” She smiled brighter, making Jasper shake his head. In mere minutes, she’d have them eating from her palm. “Be kind, gentlemen, this is my first time.”

  Her teasing sexual comment had Jasper’s blood roaring in his ears. But before he moved to grab the television and sling it across the room, one reporter stepped forward.

  “My research shows that you just showed up at the compound a few days ago. Is that correct? And if so where have you been hiding?”

  Sidda nodded. “Yes, Mr. Donaldson was kind enough to escort me here just a few days ago. My mother was unable to give me the education my sire required of me so I have been in boarding school for the past few years. I believe my brothers are to be sent to boarding school in a few months to prepare to take their own places in the nation.” She gestured with one hand toward the two young men standing to one side.

  Two people down from them, Brockton snarled at the youngest of the kids. But the young man merely smiled at him before turning back to face his sister. Brockton’s gaze fell on Sidda, and hatred filled his eyes. Jasper narrowed his eyes at the television.

  “That one,” he pointed at Brockton, “is dead. I want him to be killed immediately. He is the one tormenting Sidda’s brother, and by the look of his faint bruises and the glares he’s sending Sidda, I’d guess she showed him not to mess with her.” He glanced around at his wolves. “Kill him before he goes after her, understand?” All heads nodded.

  Another reporter stepped forward. “What pack is your mother from? There were rumors before the Pack Wars that Mr. Velham was experimenting with crossbreeding in packs.”

  Sidda cocked her head to the side. “My mother is a Blue Moon female. Whether or not I was an experiment I’m not sure, but I assure you all, I am very much here to serve my Pack and the Luna Nation. That being said, make no mistake about it. I will do everything within my power to unite the entire Luna Nation as one with the rightful and most powerful Alpha alive.”

  Dane blanched, but Sidda paid him no attention. Instead, she motioned for another reporter. Jasper swelled with pride. Damn, but he did love her. She was pushing just enough buttons to throw Dane off balance but wasn’t revealing enough that would bring his attention to her subtle hints.

  “There have been reports that Mr. Donaldson is what the Lunas call ‘forest crazy,’ and you are to be his mate. Is this true?”

  “Mr. Donaldson is far from crazy. In fact, I’ve asked him to find the lost children from the Pack Wars and reunite them with their packs. No child should be without a parent, regardless of whether those children are now in their thirties. The families should be together. As for Mr. Donaldson being my mate, I’m sure the union would make a lot of people very happy, but at this time, I cannot commit.”

  “You say your mission is to bring the Luna Nation together, does this include the foreign packs as well?”

  “It does. My sire has expressed an interest in holding a gala to honor his desire to unite all the Nations. I’ll let him tell you all more about it. Thank you.” Sidda smiled at Dane, who’d paled.

  Apparently he wasn’t ready to tell the world about his plans, but Sidda had forced his hand. Jasper grinned. Good, let the bastard announce it to the world, then he’d have no way of hiding his part in the planned massacre.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Sidda smiled when Dane growled at her. Yes, she might get punished for revealing the gala to the world, but at least now Jasper would know exactly when and where.

  Dane faced the reporters with his game face on. Sidda glanced at her brothers, who nodded. Both were gathering as much information as they could. She’d talked Dane into allowing them to be there so the press could get used to seeing them as well as them seeing the press. She’d simply explained a united front gave off more power. Dane had jumped on the power train.

  Stephan glanced at her, and she met his eyes. So much emotion swirled in them. His pulse quickened while a strange flush of rage seeped over them. Sidda frowned. The rage wasn’t coming from Stephan, and what was more, it didn’t waft off the skin like it did when someone was in a true mad rage. No, this seeped across the room like a mist, a fog of anger sent from someone. It made sense that rage could do the same as her calming powers. But who welded it?

  Dane’s voice dragged her back to the moment as she opened her mind to pull the anger from the air and push it into the black hole behind the door in her mind. The energy surged into her mind, searing her brain. Sidda reached out for a warm thought, something to make the anger fade. Instantly, she thought back to seeing her brothers for the first time, their faces lit up with happiness. She idly wondered what it would be like to be a family. The surge of happiness kicked the fury into the black hole, and she shut that mental door.

  Beside her, Stephan shook his head and smiled. His relief lightened his eyes, making him look a little younger and hopeful. Dane glanced backward at her then to Brockton before turning back to the reporters. “Today was the first of many introductions of my daughter to the Luna Nation. This Saturday evening, I will hold a gala in her honor to introduce her to some of the fine wolves of the Luna Nation.”

  A reporter stood, raising his hand. “And what time can we camp outside your compound to see the dignitaries?” The man joked, but the tease was just what Sidda had hoped for.

  Dane shook his head. “Oh, Jack, I’ll have my teams searching for wayward reporters so please don’t get any ideas. But you are more than welcome to wait outside the gated entrance on the road nearby at, say, five o clock.”

  Sidda sighed. Dane couldn’t tell the truth to save his own life. She brushed her hands across her dress, smoothing the eggplant-colored silk down while spreading all fingers on one hand and only two on the other. Hopefully Jasper would see her hint, and he’d be there with the pack.

  “Thank you, gentlemen, and I look forward to our next meeting.” Dane lead the way out of the room, followed closely by Brockton then her brothers. Stephan nodded toward the door, and she followed him.

  Once the door closed, Dane rounded on her. He seethed while sulfur filled the air. Sidda took the opportunity to try her calming powers on him. She opened her mind, willing his anger to invade her. Little by little, red haze seeped into her. She focused on the door she’d created before, then pushed the anger through it. Dane’s eyes glazed over. In that instant, she changed her focus to include Brockton too, testing her power. Russ’s gaze darted between her and the two men. He smiled in understanding.

  Stephan’s hand grasped hers to tug at her, but she ignored his questioning. Instead, she pulled more anger from Brockton and Dane into her mind, clearing a space for Russ to invade either man’s mind. Russ inched closer to Brockton, while Sidda lowered her head to avoid Dane’s questioning glare. He knew something was going on, but the glaze of her calming kept his eyes soft and his mind open, or at least she hoped so.

  “Sidda, you’re skating a fine line here,” Stephan whispered in her ear. She turned to him with her eyebrows raised. What the crap was he talking about? “You’re showing your power, something that could be exploited.”

  Sidda rolled he
r eyes. Stephan obviously hadn’t realized Dane’s plan for Saturday night. She already was being exploited. Brockton stepped forward. Sidda knew she’d lost her control over him, and instantly, the rage which had swept the room early came back ten-fold. Dane shook his head, his eyes narrowing on Sidda.

  “You are very powerful, daughter. I’m glad to see it. Now you’d better hope for the sake of your mother, brothers, and the Gandillion bitch that Saturday night goes off without a hitch.” Dane spun around to walk away.

  Brockton snarled at her so she flipped him off, daring him to step up while Dane was around. Dane might be delusional about his control over his wolves, but if Brockton stepped out of line, showing Dane he held no control over him, Dane would kill him. It’d be one less wolf to dispose of when Jasper showed up Saturday night.

  Beside her, Stephan growled at Brockton. The men stared at each other while Sidda waited for them to whip out their cocks and have a pissing contest right there in the small hallway. Strangely, Sidda considered testing them to see if she could harness their anger and urge them to fight. Instead, she shook the thought off. If she used Stephan as an experiment, she wouldn’t be any better than those who’d been using him. Maybe she’d try it on her brothers. They were young and game.

  Dane stopped to face them. “Enough. Let’s go. We have work to do, and, Diana, tomorrow you will spend the day with me going over everything for the party, as will your brothers since you insisted they be introduced to the Nation. They will be your responsibility. Make sure they perform, or I’ll personally see their shortcomings come out of their hide.”

  Sidda hated being called Diana. The fact that Dane thought he had any right to try and change her name grated on her nerves. Her name was Siddalee Brighton, and by God, soon he’d never forget it.

  Dane glared at her and then turned to Stephan. “After I make my welcoming speech, you will mark Diana.”

  Sidda shook her head. No, she wouldn’t be marked by any other wolf but Jasper. There was no way she could go through with letting Stephan mark her. She wasn’t his. Her heart drummed in her throat, and blood pounded in her ears.

  “No. I won’t mate with anyone.” Sidda shook her head. Jasper was her mate, and no matter what, she wouldn’t betray him that way. Once free, she wanted him to mark her again, but if Stephan marked her, she feared Jasper would never forgive her.

  Dane stepped closer to her. “Yes, you will be marked by Stephan, and everyone, including that Gandillion pup, will know you have chosen another mate.”

  Sidda gaped at him. No, she couldn’t. Panic tore through her as tears filled her eyes. She turned away from Dane, hoping he hadn’t seen her tears. Beside her, Stephan tensed.

  “Dane, I won’t force myself on her.” Stephan’s voice had grown firm and clear.

  Brockton laughed behind Dane. “You pussy. Just because a bitch doesn’t know she wants you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take what’s yours. If you won’t mark her, I will. I’d love to have that bitch at my feet begging, and believe me, she would.”

  Russ and Zeke growled while Stephan stepped in front of Sidda. Dane cleared his throat. “Yes, you have gotten quite good at taking things that aren’t yours. But, in this case, I believe you could teach Diana where her place is.”

  Sidda grabbed Stephan’s hand. She didn’t want Stephan, but between being marked by him or Brockton, she’d take Stephan any day. “I’ll willingly allow Stephan to mark me.” Her eyes held Dane’s, who finally nodded.

  “At the party, be prepared. The bond won’t be complete until you mark him also and he mounts you. I believe your marking should be in front of the others. Now it’s time for you and your brothers to retire. You have lots to do tomorrow.”

  Stephan squeezed Sidda’s hand. She didn’t want what was coming and prayed Jasper would understand. She needed to try and connect with Jasper somehow. Russ and Zeke stepped to her side, both nodded at her.

  “Come on.” Russ walked ahead of her toward their rooms.

  She glanced back at Stephan, who rubbed a hand across his jaw, looking out a window. His eyes met hers, and something swirled within his that made her stop to go back to him.

  “What’s wrong? I thought you wanted me to be your mate.” Her voice came out harsher than she’d intended.

  “I did, do, but…” He looked away.


  “I’m not sure. Every time Dane calls you Diana a part of me surges forward in anger. I remember his mother. Her name was not Diana. And when Brockton heard him call you Diana, he paled. A few years ago Brockton said something to another guard about having to go to Diana and take care of the bitches. At the time I didn’t think anything about it. Brockton talks about women all the time so I figured it was yet another pathetic creature who’d fucked him but now…” Stephan spun around.

  Before Sidda could ask more questions, Stephan had disappeared. Her brothers raised their eyebrows at her. She strode to them, biting her bottom lip. Whatever was going on wasn’t just about her or the foreign leaders. Dane and Brockton were at odds. The thought intrigued Sidda. Sidda smiled, grabbing her brothers arms to tug them forward. “Tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day, and I’ve got a new plan. Come on, let’s get it rolling.” Yes, tomorrow Brockton would die, Dane would be either dead or in jail, and she’d be back with her mate.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jasper turned the television off to face his pack. Most of them were frowning and some of them were smiling. Jasper wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about the interview. Sidda had handled the press just as he’d expected. She’d charmed them. Every male in the room except Velham and one guard had smiled and nodded with a dazed look at her.

  “Sir?” one of the younger wolves spoke tentatively.

  “Yeah.” Jasper faced him.

  “She mentioned the others. I have family that has been missing since the Pack Wars. Do you think she means what she said?”

  God, yes. Sidda had a soft spot for kids. Sometimes he wondered if her compassion would one day get her into trouble. He prayed not, but if it did, he’d be there. “Yes, you’ll find that what Sidda says, she means.”

  The same young man spoke again.“Good, once we get her back, do you believe I could be part of that search?” “I believe that we will need several teams. Not only were children taken during the Pack Wars, but adults were also. It’s not unheard of for there to be wolf trafficking. Some people pay lots of money to have wolf slaves.”

  The thought disgusted Jasper, but it happened to be true.

  Ivan stepped to his side. “Brockton’s reaction to our she-wolf and her brothers was interesting. I’m a little concerned about his position there. I’ve heard rumors that the reason he is allowed so much power is because he has a gift. But Stephan is Dane’s right-hand man. Why would our she-wolf ask him to head the search?”

  Jasper too had heard things about Brockton, and none had been good. “He is a Red Moon so we need to consider that he has the power to enrage wolves. Keep that in mind when we get there. Make sure you remember the only wolves we are after are the Red Moons or any others who try to stop us.”

  A grey-haired wolf from New Mexico stood. “Our she-wolf seems to trust Stephan Donaldson. Why?” The wolf’s voice held a hint of disbelief.

  “Sidda’s strong and a good judge of character. There’s a reason behind everything she does, so if she trusts Stephan Donaldson, no matter how much I hate it, then she’s got a reason.”

  Goddamn it, he hated the bastard. Stephan Donaldson was a monster, trained and groomed by Dane Velham. What the fuck was Sidda thinking? Regardless of whether she believed he’d been brainwashed or not the bastard had done despicable things for Velham.

  “She smoothed her dress down while Velham was talking. Did anyone else notice?” A red-haired wolf with bright green eyes smiled.

  Jasper returned the smile. Of course he’d noticed. Vivian had made sure that he did. “Yeah, Saturday night at seven, we take the Luna Nation back.” Jasper’s
voice rang loud with pride.

  Ms. Joy and Ms. Angela rushed into the room smiling. Ms. Angela stopped dead in her tracks as she took in the wolves sitting and standing around the room. Fear poured from her mind. Jasper strode to her side, placing an arm around her shoulder. He glanced at Ms. Joy, who showed no signs of fear, only interest. God help any wolf who dared look twice at the woman who’d raised him. He’d be forced to make some noise about that.

  “Wolves, this is the woman who raised our Alpha female, Ms. Angela Brighton. Show her respect in the highest form. Doc is currently her guard, but I would like four wolves to stay behind with her and Ms. Joy Montgomery, the lady who raised me after Velham destroyed my family.”

  Ms. Joy smiled her brightest smile and all wolves returned it. A few inched closer until Jasper growled. “While I would love for Ms. Joy to find a wolf to protect and care for her, I will warn you all now: touch her inappropriately, and I’ll have your throat.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, Jasper. Maybe someone should have made that threat to you before you had Sidda on that sofa.” Her voice was cold and daring.

  Jasper looked away from her, hiding his smile and tamping down the urge to fight them all over their thoughts. She’d meant to embarrass him, but little did she know every male there except himself was currently thinking about her on that sofa.

  “Ms. Joy, if you only realized what these wolves were thinking.” He growled. “Now respect both these women. They are essential to our pack.”

  Ms. Angela glanced around the room. Jasper motioned for them both to take a seat on the opposite couch where he’d made love with Sidda. The memory tipped his lips into a quick smile. He ached to be inside her again. He looked up to the faces of the two women across from him. Both frowned with worry.

  “Sidda is going to be fine. We all are. But I do have a huge favor to ask of the two of you.”

  Ms. Angela sat up straighter. “Anything, Jasper.” Her voice held more strength than most of the wolves in the room.


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