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The Secret Weapon

Page 11

by Bridget Denise Bundy

  Coraset disappeared into the gardens beyond the pool. It was quiet and seemed far away from the chatter of the excited concubines. She slowly walked through the colors of nature, taking in the blooming spirea as they took up an entire section, and the flowering carpet scarlet grew around them in splendid red. The nerium oleanders were on the other side mixed in with velvet cloak smokebushes. Even the bees danced around the blooms barely noticing Coraset. She continued through the stone path and saw a granite bench. In the center was a white dendrobium orchid sitting in a handcrafted red pot. It seemed like it was out of place, even in its natural beauty, among other flowering plants, it pulled her attention. It looked like the many orchids she used to grow back in the greenhouses in the Barat Region. She went to the bench and sat down beside it. It was tall and gorgeous.

  “I was told you grew orchids.” A male voice spoke. Chancellor Erato strolled from behind a tall rose bush. He stopped and pulled at a delicate petal. “My mother loved them.”

  Coraset curtsied respectfully without speaking.

  “Your name is Coraset Prescott?”

  “It is.” She answered with a guarded smile. “How did you know I would come out here?”

  “I didn’t. I just happened to see you from my bedroom. I have a view of the garden and the harem, of course.” Chancellor Erato pointed towards his window on the other side of the garden.

  Coraset looked in the direction he pointed at. His window was in another building, but it had a perfect view of everything.

  “You like orchids?” He asked.

  “Yes, I do. They’re my favorite flower.”

  Chancellor Erato stared at Coraset from head to toe. She didn’t think very much of him, but she knew he was finding his amusement simply by staring at her.

  He cleared his throat and said, “I have a session with the Senators this morning. I will send for you afterwards. We’ll have lunch in my personal quarters.”

  Coraset smiled and remarked, “I will be ready whenever you are.”

  “I love that dress.” He put his hands in his pockets as he moved around her.

  “I won’t change.” She turned so her back wouldn’t be to him.

  Chancellor Erato smiled and walked away.

  Coraset waited until he was out of sight, and she stepped into the grounds where the oleander was planted. She looked around making sure no one was watching her. Quickly, she removed her underwear, and she laid the biggest part of the fabric over her hand and fingertips. She broke off a piece of the flower and wrapped it in her underwear. Coraset placed it in the orchid pot. She held the orchid as close to her chest as possible as she went back towards the harem. She rushed passed the pool area hoping no one saw what she had, and she went inside to prepare for her date with Chancellor Erato.


  Sekai entered the harem. Everyone that was inside the great room turned their attention to her. Katarin stood and rushed over to Sekai before the other women could reach her. Coraset remained in her seat, knowing full well why Sekai was there.

  Katarin asked in an excited tone, “Where is the Chancellor?”

  Sekai saw Coraset sitting, with her back to them. She excused herself through the small crowd of ladies and went directly over to her. She rounded the sofa and said, “The Chancellor wishes to see you.”

  Coraset looked at Katarin who was now standing behind Sekai. She looked disappointed. Katarin pulled at Sekai’s shirt sleeve and asked, “When will I get to see him?”

  Sekai turned impatiently and said, “When he asks for you.”

  Katarin ran around Sekai and slid beside Coraset. She grabbed her arm and pleaded, “Tell him about me, okay, Coraset. Tell him everything about me, okay. So, he’ll want to see me next.”

  Coraset didn’t know anything about her really. Only that she was obsessed with seeing the Chancellor, and she was childish and impatient.

  “Okay,” she agreed as she patted her hand and rose from the seat.

  “Tell him what I’m wearing, and tell him how much I love him.”

  She smiled assuredly at Katarin and slipped her arm out of her grasp.

  “We’ll walk through the gardens.” Sekai revealed.

  Aisling bumped into Coraset when she walked out the entryway. Coraset turned quickly back to her. Sekai wasn’t expecting Coraset to react at all, and she watched to see what was going to happen.

  Aisling faced Coraset angrily when she approached. Coraset was close, almost nose to nose, when she threatened calmly, “The last thing you want to do is mess with me. You don’t know me, and you don’t know what I’m capable of. Bump me again, and I will show what you don’t know. If you think I won’t follow through with my threats, try me again.”

  Aisling cut her eyes from side to side to see who was watching. She was shaken, embarrassed to have the wrong kind of attention. Most of the women were watching. Some of them holding their mouths, others smirking wishing for the two to fight, and there was one that simply shook her head, thinking it was total nonsense.

  Sekai approached the two women carefully, and she stood between them, facing Coraset. She said in an easy tone, “The Chancellor is waiting, Coraset.”

  “This is your last warning.” Coraset warned and stepped back to allow some breathing room between them.

  Sekai motioned her hand towards the stony path that led out to the garden, and Coraset walked away first slowly. Sekai gave one last look to Aisling, and she saw her fear in her eyes. She smirked at Aisling before leaving her standing alone. The two walked slowly out of sight of the pool and harem area.

  “You have a short temper.” Sekai noted.

  “Only with immature people,” Coraset commented as she brushed her hair back.

  The women walked side by side through the garden. Coraset had a feeling Sekai had something to say, but she didn’t push her to ask. She simply prepared herself mentally for what was to come. There was no question the Chancellor was going to make her sleep with him, and Coraset knew she couldn’t deny him. When they got to the stained glass arched doors, Coraset stopped to really think about what she was about to do.

  “Are you ready?” Sekai asked as she reached for the gold latch.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Sekai opened the glass door and remarked, “Go up the flight of stairs, and you’ll be in his bedroom. I’ll meet you down here when you’re done.”

  Coraset walked into the foyer and slowly up the steps. She breathed in deep trying to calm her nerves and prepare her mind for his presence. She had to show that she wanted his company, that she respected him and wanted only to make him happy. It was hard to get to that point, but when she finally got to the top of the steps and saw him standing in his crisp blue suit, looking debonair, she was ready.


  “Come, Coraset, have a seat.” Chancellor Erato stepped aside revealing a small round table with a large salad bowl, small bread squares, and champagne.

  She sauntered over to him, making sure her hips swayed. The Chancellor met her halfway, and he took her hand gently into his. He pressed the back of her hand to his lips gently. Chancellor Erato kept eye contact with her as he led her to the table and pulled out a chair. Coraset moved slowly and deliberately into her seat.

  Chancellor Erato pulled his chair closer to her and sat down. He eyed her neck and soft shoulders. The dress she had on was sleeveless and strapless and just the top of her breasts were showing.

  “Shall we have a toast?” He offered.

  Coraset raised her glass and asked, “What shall we toast, Chancellor?”

  “To new and exciting beginnings,” he proclaimed.

  “I say we should toast to you.” Coraset remarked.

  Chancellor Erato liked that idea better, and they clanked glasses together. Both of them took a sip, and Coraset could feel the liquid tingle through her senses.

  “So, how has your stay been so far?” He asked after he swallowed half of his drink.

ery relaxing,” She answered as she rested her hands in her lap. She made sure her attention was completely on him.

  “I’ve read about you. You were trained by the Federation to be a gardener. You tested high, and you chose to work in the dirt.”

  “I guess you can look at it like that, but it’s not a bad job.”

  “What’s so good about it?”

  “It’s easy, no stress, no worries, and no one hanging over my shoulder. The plants don’t talk back. They do not cause problems. They simply grow.”

  “You weren’t being utilized to your full potential, Coraset. This is what this society is about. Making sure everyone works and does their part to their fullest capabilities for the greater good.”

  Coraset watched him as he downed the rest of his drink.

  “Well, you’re here now with me, and I will make sure you’re used to the fullest.” Chancellor Erato laughed thinking he was pretty clever. She didn’t like his humor, but she pretend like she did.

  “So, what does your name mean? I’ve never heard of it before.”

  “It has no meaning. It’s just a name.” Coraset answered.

  A waiter dressed in a black suit walked into the room. He placed a healthy portion of salad on the Chancellor’s plate, and he fixed Coraset’s plate, as well. She declined the bread with a lift of her hand over the plate. The waiter walked back out. She thought that was a complete waste to have a waiter come in just to prepare their plates, but she didn’t voice her opinion in the matter.

  Coraset waited until he started eating before cutting into her salad. She wasn’t hungry, but she didn’t want to be rude. She ate small pieces. They continued their lunch hardly speaking. Chancellor Erato wiped his mouth when he finished, and he tossed the napkin on the table.

  He lifted Coraset’s hand, and he breathed, “I got a feeling you’re going to be a sweet dessert.”

  Chancellor Erato led Coraset across the room to his bed. She wasn’t too excited about sleeping with him, but if she denied the Chancellor, she knew it wouldn’t end well for her. He pulled her close when they were beside the bed, and he kissed and sucked on her neck. Coraset tried to act like she wanted him, but inside she cringed. She was not turned on by him, and the fact the he was touching her with the same lips that he kissed Aisling with made her skin crawl. His hand worked feverishly up and down her back.

  He pulled her dress down to her waist, and he pulled at one of her breasts roughly. Coraset was feeling the tingle deep within, the natural want, but in the midst was an utter disgust for him. The Chancellor stripped down quickly as he continued kissing her from the neck to her breasts. When he was completely naked, he grabbed Coraset by the waist and pulled down the rest of her clothing including her underwear. He moved her to the bed.

  Chancellor Erato breathed heavily into her ear as he settled on top of her. He was restless, barely able to contain his need. He’d already begun to push, and she lay there like a dead weight. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him. At least, trying to pretend it felt good. It wasn’t long before he sped up. He moaned a name, the wrong name. He said Aisling as clear as day. She asked herself if he was blind or stupid or both. She didn’t have red hair, and she sure wasn’t white. Coraset rolled her eyes wishing he’d hurry up and finish.

  Chancellor Erato’s body eventually tightened as he peaked, and he yelled and pushed deeper into Coraset. She faked a cry like it felt amazing, but nearly started laughing. He didn’t even notice. He gently kissed her on the mouth, and she gave a dry smile. He moved off of her to catch his breath. Coraset got off the bed quickly.

  He lifted his head and asked breathlessly, “Where are you going?”

  “I need a drink.” Coraset responded as she slipped on her underwear and dress.

  She made sure her back was to him as she reached to get the vial hiding in the top hem of her dress. Coraset shook the ingredients into his empty glass and put the vial back in its hiding place. She poured drinks into both flutes and turned to him with her hips posed sexily to one side.

  The Chancellor got off the bed and walked over to her. He wasn’t shy about his naked body. Coraset noticed he wasn’t muscular, but he wasn’t lean, either. He had a flat stomach and was showing signs of age with speckles of grey hair above his member.

  She handed him the other champagne glass and asked quickly, “Shall we toast?”

  “And what shall we toast to this time?” He asked as he stared at her chest.

  “To you, of course,” Coraset said with a smile.

  They emptied their glass in one swallow. Chancellor Erato was about to kiss her, but Coraset grabbed his penis. He shuddered as she moved her hand back and forth. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and a smile appeared on his face. He dropped the champagne glass, and it shattered on the floor causing both of them to jump away.

  Chancellor Erato laughed. His devilish smile brightened his entire face. He complimented, “You were so good.” He glanced down at his huge gold watch and cursed under his breath. “It’s too bad I have to go back to work. I was going to let you have me one more time.”

  “Ah, that is too bad,” she commented with an underlying happiness.

  “You can go now,” he remarked dryly as he started for the bathroom.

  She couldn’t believe he just turned himself off like that. Then again, the way he had sex, she could believe it. Coraset watched him saunter across the room. Deep down inside, she was glad that he disconnected with her so quickly. She went back down the steps and back into the garden where Sekai was waiting for her.

  They eyed one another. Coraset wondered what Sekai was thinking as she smirked at her. She thought Sekai’s expression was a little off, but she didn’t ask why she was smiling. They walked back towards the harem together in silence.

  Once they entered the pool area, Sekai asked, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Coraset answered as she tried to read her. She gave it up, not really knowing Sekai in the first place, and she went inside.

  Aisling and the other girls eyed Coraset, but she kept right on going to her room. Katarin was sitting on Coraset’s bed when she walked in.

  “How did it go?” Katarin’s eyes were wide.

  Coraset didn’t answer. She took off her clothes, removed the vial, put on a robe, and she went to the showers. Katarin tried to follow her, but Coraset made her stay in the room. Katarin didn’t understand why Coraset was so put offish, but she did as she was told anyway.

  She went into the shower room and removed the drain sieve. She dropped the small vial into the pipes and put the sieve back in place. She took a long shower and washed her hair. She put her hair in a bun and dressed in a long blue tunic dress. Coraset went back to her room hoping not to find Katarin there, but she was back on Coraset’s bed again waiting for her.

  “Get off my bed,” Coraset ordered.

  “What’s wrong?” Katarin feelings were hurt as she moved off the bed.

  She exhaled, feeling bad about being snappy towards Katarin. “There’s nothing wrong. I’m just tired.”

  “Can you tell me how your date went? Did you tell him about me?”

  Coraset smiled and lied, “Yes, I did.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He said that he already knew about you, Katarin. I couldn’t tell him anything.” She moved to sit down on her bed.

  “You think he’ll choose me next?”

  “I’m not sure. I should have asked him for you. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay, Coraset.” She went to the door and peered down the hallway. “I wonder what he’s waiting for.”

  “He told me he had to go to work.”

  Katarin nodded and sat down on the bed with her hands on her lap. She was clearly disappointed.

  Coraset asked her hoping to change the subject, “Katarin, where are you originally from?”

  “You mean before the outbreak?”

  “Yes,” Coraset said as she sat down across from her.

>   “I lived in San Diego.”

  “Anyone in your family survived the outbreak with you?”

  “It’s only been me.”

  “You’ve been by yourself this entire time?”

  “Yep, I think I was ten years old when my mom died. I guess my dad is dead, but he left us before the outbreak. So, I’m not really sure what happened to him.”

  “How did you survive? There was so much looting and people getting hurt and killed over food and water. How did you make it being so young?”

  “I stayed away from people. I hid a lot.”

  “So, how did you get to Erato?”

  “I found a flyer in San Diego.” Katarin answered. “I followed the old highways to L.A. to get here. I was so scared, Coraset, but that piece of paper promised hope and a safe place to live. I had to come. I’d been out there by myself for so long. I was tired of being afraid, of being alone.”

  “I remember seeing those flyers, too. The Federation made Erato sound like it was the promise land.”


  Before Katarin could finish what she was about to say, someone started screaming from the great room. Katarin instantly took off running to see what was going on. Coraset had a feeling the fuss was about the Chancellor. She walked out slowly. She entered the great room and saw girls huddled around Sekai and the other women that brought them all there originally.

  By the time Coraset reached the small group, Sekai and her constituents left the room. They locked the doors to the garden and pool area, and the other set of doors to the hallway. Some women were whispering and others cried. She looked for Katarin hoping she heard what was going on.

  Coraset found her sitting on the sofa, staring straight ahead. She joined her and touched her hands. Katarin didn’t respond. Tears rolled down her eyes. Coraset stood and got the attention of another woman.

  “What’s going on?” She asked her.


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