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The Secret Weapon

Page 12

by Bridget Denise Bundy

“Chancellor Erato is dead.” The woman answered.

  Coraset nodded, secretly smiling within. She turned back to Katarin, who had her face buried in her hands. Coraset remained with her. She wished things could have been different for Katarin. It was more than apparent how important it was for her to be in the harem. She felt like she had nothing else. Coraset didn’t know what to say to comfort her. She simply sat beside Katarin as she wept.

  “What’s going to happen to us now?” A voice sounded from the crowd of women.

  Aisling announced as she crossed her arms, “Well, he already said that he was going to marry me. So, I’ll definitely get to stay in the palace.”

  “He never said that,” another woman objected.

  “You weren’t there. So, how would you know?”

  “Did he put a ring on your finger? I don’t see a ring.” Another lady joined in the crowd that was growing against Aisling.

  “I don’t need a ring to prove anything. He took me to the ball. I stayed the whole night with him while all of you were in here. All of you just better get your stuff packed because you’re out of here.”

  Everybody started arguing and fussing, and Coraset grew tired of the cattiness. She helped Katarin to her feet, and she walked her back to their bedroom. She didn’t want to see or hear any more noise. In her opinion, their argument was ridiculous. The man was dead, and they were his harem. Therefore, there were two possible outcomes. Either they were going to be all sent home or the Elite Guard was going to kill them.

  Coraset put Katarin to bed. She was really worried about her. She wasn’t reacting in a normal way. She never truly got to know Chancellor Erato, and she was absolutely devastated like she’d known him for a lifetime.

  The question Coraset asked herself was killing him worth it? Was the human race really that bad off with him in charge? The simple truth was that it didn’t matter now. He was dead, and there was no turning back. Now, Coraset simply needed to wait and see what happened next.


  The next morning, the doors to the harem were unlocked. Most of the women were already in the great room. Sekai sent Jorda and Lacey to get the other ladies out of bed.

  Once everyone was gathered, Sekai stood in front of the ladies and announced, “Chancellor Erato is indeed dead. The cause is unknown at this time. A new Chancellor has already been named, and it’s his brother, Frederick Erato. The inauguration will take place this afternoon.”

  The choice of Chancellor surprised Coraset. Xavier and Malie thought that Sergei would be chosen. What happened to their plan?

  “Since Chancellor Dominic Erato is gone, you’re not allowed to stay in the palace.”

  “Now wait a minute!” Aisling objected.

  Sekai kept right on talking like she didn’t say a word, “You must go back to your life as it was before you came here.”

  Aisling stepped forward quickly and said, “You can’t do that.”

  Sekai looked at Aisling and asked her calmly. “Are you disputing the orders of the new Chancellor? That’s who I’m speaking for.”

  “No, I’m just-”

  “You are disputing the orders. Let me wake you up to a couple of facts, Aisling. Number one, Chancellor Frederick Erato has a wife, and number two, he doesn’t want you.”

  Aisling stepped back with defeated pride. Her confidence turned to worry quickly. She crossed her arms and looked away.

  Three women entered the room carrying folded clothes. They placed them on the nearest couch, and they walked right back out.

  “These are your new clothes. The garments that were given to you must be left behind, including what you’re wearing. You have five minutes to change.” Sekai stood by the settee as the women grabbed the one size fit all grey t-shirts and grey sweat pants.

  The women stripped down and dressed quickly. Clothes were left all over the floor. Several guards walked in and gathered behind the nervous women.

  “Sequester Katarin, Pili, Coraset, and Aisling. Escort the others to the palace gates.” Sekai ordered the Elite Guards.

  The four women were marched out of the great room, and when they reached the end of the hallway, the guards separated them. Coraset heard Katarin’s calls. She wanted to help her and but two Elite Guards held on to Coraset tightly. She knew it wouldn’t do any good to try and fight them. The Elite Guards were trained killers, and they wouldn’t hesitate to put her down if she tried to resist them or getaway. She heard one last cry from Katarin before a door slammed closed.

  Coraset was taken to Sekai’s office, which surprised her. The Elite Guards stood on either side of the door. She fearfully sat down in the nearest seat and waited.

  Sekai arrived shortly afterwards.

  “Why am I here?” Coraset asked.

  Sekai leaned on the front side of her desk with her hands together. She asked, “What happened when you were with the Chancellor?”

  Coraset stated nervously, “We ate.”

  “You did more than that,” Sekai commented.

  “That’s all we had time for.”

  “Do you think I’m stupid, Coraset?”

  “No, not at all,” she answered quickly.

  “You and I both know what happened in that room.”

  “Were you watching us, Sekai?” Coraset tried to appear calm, but she was a ball of nerves inside.

  “The Chancellor is always being watched.”

  Coraset didn’t need further explanation. She had to ask. “Why didn’t you stop me?”

  “There are many others, including myself, who wanted him out of office. There was a plan already in the works, but you took the task right out of our hands. What was in the vial, Coraset?”

  “Poison,” she answered smartly.

  Sekai asked impatiently, “Who do you work for?”

  She stared at her, a clear indication she wasn’t telling.

  “It’s the same person that altered your history, and I could easily track that person down.”

  “Well, have at it. I’m not talking.”

  Sekai nodded with a smile. She went to sit behind her desk and said, “I knew you had another motive for being here. I just didn’t think that was it. Whoever your handler is, he or she will be proud of you.”

  “Whatever,” Coraset stated with disgust.

  “You will be allowed to leave the palace, but you are no longer allowed to leave Erato for any reason. If you try, you will be arrested and brought back to the palace.”

  “I have no real reason to leave in the first place. Why are you telling me this?”

  “You might be pregnant.”

  “I can’t get pregnant. Nobody can.”

  Sekai leaned back in her chair and asked in a smart manner, “Do you remember the question you asked me the last time you were in here?”

  Coraset couldn’t recall any question at first, but then she remembered the shot. She asked the doctor about it, but he left without answering her question.

  Sekai revealed, “The shot you were given promotes fertility.”

  Her heart began to flutter. She had sex with the Chancellor without protection. He ejaculated inside of her. Coraset swallowed hard. She asked, “Are you serious?”


  Coraset was speechless. She didn’t know what to say. She could feel the heat rising in her face. The truth of the matter is that she didn’t want to have Dominic Erato’s child. She didn’t want any children at all.

  Then another thought popped in her head. She asked, “What about the other girls? They got the shot, too?”

  “You, Aisling, Katarin, and Pili were administered the shots.”

  “Do they know?”

  “Aisling knows. The Chancellor told her the night he slept with her.” Sekai answered dryly.

  Coraset figured that’s the reason why Aisling thought she was going to stay in the palace, even though the Chancellor was dead.

  Sekai commented, “She might be pregnant, as well. She is being held to the same set of rules.�

  “What about Katarin and the other girl? If they can get pregnant, and they-”

  “They will not be released.”

  “What are you going to do with Katarin?”

  “She is no longer your concern.”

  “You better not hurt her, Sekai!”

  “Or you’ll do what, Coraset? Your threats mean nothing to me, and I’m not Aisling. I would recommend you keeping the possibility that you’re pregnant to yourself. Rumors like that spread fast, and you could be putting yourself in danger.”

  “Is that a threat?” She asked angrily.

  “Oh yes, it is very much a threat.” Sekai stood and nodded to the Elite Guards at the door. They walked up behind Coraset and made her stand.

  “You will be escorted to the gates of the palace. You’ll have to find your way home from there. Remember, Coraset, you are being monitored.” Sekai watched as she was marched out of her office.

  The Elite Guards escorted Coraset to the western gates of the palace. She didn’t want to leave without Katarin, but she saw no other choice. She couldn’t stay at the gates forever.


  Coraset started her trek through the Erato Government Center. There were long flights of steps leading to marble and stone buildings. All of the lawns and parks that adorned the area were perfectly manicured and decorated with floral bushes and statues of Erato leaders. Coraset barely noticed as she rushed to the western gate of the Erato Government Center. She simply wanted to get home.

  A familiar black car pulled up beside her and she stopped. She got into the back seat knowing full well Xavier and Malie would be in the car.

  “You completed the mission quicker than I thought you would.” He commented with a reserved demeanor.

  “Why wasn’t Sergei chosen?” She asked not really having anything to say about his last statement.

  “He declined.” Xavier answered with clear annoyance.

  Coraset laughed and shook her head. “All that planning and the man you wanted in office declined. Does Frederick Erato want a democratic government?”

  “No,” Xavier answered. “The current form of government will remain.”

  Coraset just wanted to slap the both of them. The exercise was futile. She crossed her arms in pure disgust. “I warned you both. I told you that change wouldn’t come so easy. Oh no, you wouldn’t listen to me.”

  Xavier rubbed at his forehead in aggravation.

  “How did you switch the vial?” Malie asked as she leaned forward.

  “I didn’t. I poisoned his drink with oleander.”

  Malie looked at Xavier confused and asked, “Oleander?”

  “It’s a flower. It’s very poisonous.” He answered with a short attitude. “What did you do with the vial Brecco gave you?”

  “I dumped some of it, and I mixed the rest with the oleander.”

  “Why didn’t you follow the plan?” Malie asked out of curiosity.

  “Because there was no way I could switch his insulin, and I wasn’t about to start searching for it, either. What are you going to do now?”

  “We will continue to move forward with our plans to change Erato.”

  “Don’t expect me to help. I don’t believe in what you’re doing, and I don’t care. Brochudo, make sure you drop me off at my apartment.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered cheerfully.

  He drove slowly through the Erato Government Center to the western gate. They were allowed through into the Barat Region after everyone’s card was scanned.

  When the car stopped in front of her building, Coraset didn’t get out right away. She stared at the both of them. Her face was hot as she considered what she’d gone through the past year and a half. It all started with Xavier and his wife lying only to protect themselves, and now, Coraset could be pregnant as an ultimate end result.

  Coraset said to them in a subdued angry tone, “Your lies have ruined my life.”

  Xavier and Malie couldn’t make eye contact.

  “Hand me your tablet.” Coraset demanded of Malie.

  She looked at Xavier and then at Coraset unsure if she should do as she requested.

  “Hand me your tablet!” Coraset demanded again.

  “Give it to her,” Xavier said as he dropped Malie’s purse in her lap.

  She unzipped it, reached in, and handed Coraset her glass tablet. She pulled up the citizen database and typed in an ID number. Rudy’s face appeared, and Coraset turned the table around to show his face.

  She remarked, “This is Rudy Remald. He wants to be a helicopter pilot. Xavier, I want you to make sure that happens for him.” Coraset turned the table back around, and she typed in Katarin’s full name. Her picture came up, and she gave the tablet to Xavier. She continued, “Katarin Augustine is in the palace. They are holding her there against her will, and her life might be in danger. I want you to get her released as soon as possible, and I want you to give her whatever job she wants.”

  “We’re not doing that,” Malie stated with an attitude.

  “If you don’t, I will tell the Erato Constabularies and the Elite Guards about your secret house in Bel Air, and the island getaway in Barbados. I will also tell them about your involvement in the plot to assassinate Dominic Erato, and I will also tell them about your agenda to overthrow the government.”

  “You’ll be putting your neck on the line, too. You were the one who carried out the plan.” Xavier reminded her.

  “True, but your punishment will be no different from mine. I’m not scared of dying. What about you?”

  Malie pointed out irately, “Making demands and threatening a Federation-”

  Xavier stopped Malie by raising his finger and stated, “I will see to it they both get what they want.”

  “You better work fast. I will be checking on them in a couple of days.”

  He nodded understanding.

  Coraset continued, “And Malie, if you threaten my stepfather again, I will come after you.”

  Without a single hesitation, Coraset got out of the car, slammed the door closed, and never looked back.

  PART 4


  Before going back up to her apartment, Coraset stopped into the store in the basement levels of her apartment. She bought a bottle of Chambourcin Reserve and slowly rode the elevator back to her apartment floor. She recalled fighting and running for her life the last time she was in the building.

  Even though she was back in familiarity, it was hard to feel like her troubles were over. She had no idea what happened to Katarin, and then there could be a possibility that she was pregnant. Both things were out of her control for the moment, and she didn’t like feeling helpless.

  Coraset went to the kitchen and placed the bottle on the counter. At least, she could celebrate being home. She popped the cork, rinsed out a dusty glass, and poured the wine until it was close to the rim. She went over to the refrigerator and pulled the door open. Inside was the old Chambourcin Reserve she had drunk the day she was arrested. She laughed. It sure seemed like her life came full circle as she looked at that old bottle of alcohol.

  Feeling somewhat relaxed, Coraset sat down in the panoramic window and leaned against the edge of the window. She sipped on her drink looking out onto the distant afternoon sun.

  A soft knock came from the door. She crossed the room, uncertain of whom her visitor might be. She opened the door to find Brecco standing in the hallway. He was holding an old brown hat, smiling at the only family he had in the world. He was glad to see her. He was relieved to see her.

  They gave each other an embrace. Tears escaped Brecco’s eyes. Coraset pulled him into her apartment and offered him a drink. He accepted, and she poured him a glass before joining him on the sofa. Brecco felt joyous looking at his stepdaughter. He wasn’t expecting her to get out of the palace alive. He had come to terms that their prior meeting in his apartment was the last time he would see her, and now, he could barely contain his joy.

  Coraset explained what happened at the palace. She didn’t tell him she slept with Chancellor Dominic Erato. She felt ashamed and wasn’t ready to reveal that specific detail.

  Brecco asked, “Do you think that woman will pin the death to you?”

  “She didn’t give an indication she would. What do you think I should do?”

  “Get back to your life. That’s how you feel normal again.”

  She asked him another question, “Do you think Xavier will help those kids I told you about?”

  “Oh yes. You haven’t given him much of a choice.”

  “Everything that I’ve gone through is just so crazy, Brecco. It all started with Lea Cassis, and I’ve never done a wrong thing to her or Xavier. I don’t get it.”

  “Sometimes life is unexplainably crazy, and that’s all you can do is the best you can. You’re a strong woman, Coraset, and you’ll be fine despite the Senator, Malie Levendro, and all the other folks you’ve dealt with.”

  “I hope so, Brecco.”

  “I know so.” He spoke with a sweet confidence, and Coraset couldn’t help but to smile.




  Fragile But Strong

  Bruce Family Series

  Burdens of the Bruces: Book One of the Bruce Family Series

  Betrayal of the Bruces: Book Two of the Bruce Family Series

  Battle of the Bruces: Book Three of the Bruce Family Series

  The Ex Killer Series

  The Ex Killer [The Ex Killer Series]

  The Hidden Murderess [The Ex Killer Series]

  The Deepest of All Sacrifices*

  The Killer Consequences [The Ex Killer Series]

  *The Deepest of All Sacrifices is a sister novel to The Ex Killer Series of books. It is recommended to read before starting The Killer Consequences.

  Women Sleuths

  Gabrielle’s Promise

  Fantasy/Science Fiction

  The Sins of Wishes

  The Secret Weapon


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