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Page 16

by Wanda Boyd

  - Ceci! - I listen to Mari scream my name, but I try not to look at her, missing a few meters to reach the fence.

  I feel my body being thrown into the air and then the impact on the ground and is the last thing I remember.


  I hear an annoying noise, whistling to me and I open my eyes slowly.

  - Hi, Cecilia. - A redheaded woman smiles at me. - I am Cybele, his nurse. In pain?

  I try to process her question and analyze my body, taking a horrible headache, only my leg was hurting.

  - My head and leg - answer.

  - You hit your head hard on the floor and suffered a trauma in the leg.

  - What happened?

  - The bull could reach you and threw it into the air. You hit your head on the ground, and he stepped on his leg later.

  I try to get up a little and look at my leg in a boot.

  - Other than that, I'm fine?

  - The doctors did some tests ... - she starts talking when the door opens and Edgar enters rushed.

  - How are you, darling? - Asks, stopping beside me.

  - The head is exploding and the leg is hurting.

  - I looked at the CT scan they did, it's fine with his head, probably only the pain of the impact it.

  - So my head is not screwed up than it already was?

  - No, you can be quiet - he says and smiles.

  - And the leg?

  - You had a fracture, you must use an orthopedic boot for a while. But apart from that, everything is fine, but you must spend the night under observation. Also, you have to stick with the cervical collar for a while - speech and take the hands to the neck.

  - Shit - I start to complain and he smiles. I see the nurse left the room, and he sits on my bed.

  - Tonight I'm on duty, so I will pass here again and again to examine my favorite patient. - It gives me a peck.

  - I bet you will get tired of looking at me.

  - Never. - Now I need to go. It has an emergency room crowded waiting your news.

  - They are concerned?

  - Let me see. - He returns to sit on my bed and laughs. - Mari threatened to kill someone if they do not see you in the next minutes. A blonde girl started screaming that if we did not give news, she hurt someone. And Anthony's that crazy ran and grabbed me by the collar and said that if I did everything that you were right, I would regret being born - he speaks and let out a groan. - So I guess it's okay.

  He leaves the room and does not take long to get Mari ran to the bed.

  - Are you alright? - She plays on me. - I almost died when I saw her lying on the ground unconscious.

  - I'm all right, friend.

  - Do not ever scare me like that.

  - OK.

  - Ceci? - I hear a sob, and stretch out to Alana.

  - I'm fine baby. It was only a scare.

  She hugs me a little more delicate, as if afraid of hurting me. And begins to sob.

  - She's fine, Alana. - Fatima is a nurturing it and look at me. - You scared everybody.

  - I did not see the bull coming - talk.

  - What went in your head to be in the same surrounded a rodeo bull? - I hear a voice angry ask and look for Anthony. - He is one of the worst bulls, very pedestrian deathly afraid of him.

  - We did not know the owner of the farm said nothing - Mari speaks nervous, and he faces.

  - For should be more careful. Not every bull that accepts anyone on its territory. And the Evil One is one of them - he shouts, and Edgar enters the room.

  - Okay, that's enough, that screaming will do harm to Cecilia, you wanted to see her and have seen. She's fine and out of danger, now everyone out.

  The Antonio sees Edgar idly, and I think there will be a new discussion, but to my luck, the Magno Antonio pulls out of the room and everyone follows them.

  - If you want, you can go - talk to Mari, who lets out a snort and sits on the couch, getting comfortable.

  - I'm not leaving here anytime soon - speak and rolls his eyes.

  Edgar looks at her, then at me and approaches.

  - I had access to their medical records - speak softly. - I'll take a look at it and then we'll talk.

  - Thanks.

  He leaves the room and stares at me Mari.

  - It will look at the records and try to find out what happened to my daughter, where she was buried.

  - I hope he finds out, then.

  The nurse back and applies an injection serum that was attached to my arm and feel a numbness in the body and the head was light. Just handing me sleep, I wanted to sleep and maybe wake up remembering everything.

  Chapter 28 - Ignatius

  I'm feeding the pigs, when I listen to Alana screaming my name. I not had time to stop what I was doing, it did not take long for her to approach with her braids swinging back and forth as he ran as if he were playing the San Silvestre marathon.

  - Toti, Toti! - She calls me, and only then realize that your eyes are swollen and wet.

  - What was it this time?

  - The Ceci, Toti! She was attacked by a bull and is in hospital.

  Immediately drop everything I'm doing and pull Alana arm toward my house.

  - What bull, you can tell me?

  - Mari told me that is the Bull of Lopes. Is not that what everyone calls ...

  - Evil. Himself. - A chill goes down my spine and a cold sweat covers my forehead. An uncontrollable rage seizes me. - Like that crazy could suffer another accident? My God, she is so reckless that I have wanted to strangle her.

  - Calm, Toti! It was not his fault.

  - The hell you did not. It is very unwise, that is. - Breathe deeply to calm down and try to put the head in place. - Go change and call Mom. We go to the hospital for news of that crazy. I take a bath and have step there to get you.

  Alana go away and leave me alone with my fury. I tear off my clothes angry and I get in the shower. Rub me enough to get rid of the odor of the pigsty and the mud dried on my skin. When I am clean and fragrant, seen me quickly and I seek my mother and my sister.

  Do not delay to get to the hospital, and soon discover two nasty surprises that worsen yet but my night: the first is the boring Edgar planted in front of the Ceci room, and the second is the fact that, among many nurses are in the hospital, to be fair Cybele responsible for the health of Cecilia.

  The first I saw was Edgar as soon as I entered the hall where Cicely room is. At the time, my instinct told me to run and caught him by the collar.

  - Listen, little doctor! Since you are the bambambã, the doctor top that says it is, it will take care of Cecilia like you've never cared for a patient before. And I do not care if you're not her doctor, you will give your way, because if something happens to her, the first thing I will do is punch is that his hard-nosed. Then I'll go to his ribs, down to his balls and ...

  - Son! Larga Edgar, now! - My mother and I obey orders, but not look good in the eye of this motherfucker and demonstrate that I was not kidding.

  Edgar is recomposed, but does not depart, there remains the door. It makes me a little uncomfortable. The guy was really worried about Cecilia, but already would have run a long time, and I still was threatening, as a brainless brute.

  Cecilia is the only person who can leave me like this, like a retard. When it comes to your health, I turn an animal.

  Take a deep breath and sit in the chairs where the family should be, when I see a nurse beautiful hair and the color of fire coming out of the Ceci room.

  She turns and when you see me there, then assimilates things.

  - Antonio! For a moment I was surprised to see you here, but just remember that you know it, right? She was karaoke, was not it? - She asks, while pressing the records of Ceci against his chest.

  - It was, yes. It's a long story that must be told calmly, but things do not get weird, I will summarize: a long time ago I married Cecilia. She became pregnant and left me. She ended up suffering an accident and lost our baby. Now, after five years, she returned. We have no
thing to each other, it is up dating this guy, there. - Point to Edgar, who was close enough to hear the conversation, but was pretending he was not paying attention. - But we keep an informal friendship. It works for us, there on the farm. - I look at Cybele and it's look like you just took a shock.

  - Wow! I did not expect this. You were married to her, she dumped you, again, and you are still friends? - I give a weak smile, to be surprised by his candor and see things according to their point of view.

  - It seems a little weird, but ... Oh, I will not deceive you. It's strange even, but she and I have nothing left.

  - You came to divorce?

  - No! There was not time yet, but let's talk about it, so it better.

  - Go? - Edgar question, intruding in history. serious look at it and take a step toward him. He understands the message and leaves, claiming having to make visits to their patients.

  - Well, by the way, you and Edgar do not do very well.

  - He's an asshole. But I recognize that he really likes of Cecilia. - Step hands through his hair and ask: - You are the nurse her, is not it? How is she?

  - She is fine. Throughout its history, we were concerned that suffered some brain damage, but the tests have given it's okay. Only his leg suffered a fracture, but the orthopedic boot to leave brand new.

  - So it does not run the risk of some irreversible mental damage? We were so afraid when we hear that she hit her head. No longer just another accident she suffered.

  - I said I can stay quiet. The tests showed that everything is normal. Well, I need to go. I have to continue my round.

  - You will not go away, now that you know my history with Cecilia, is not it? - She watches me curiously for a few seconds before answering.

  - It is not my intention, but this will only depend on you. See you later!

  I smile and gestured goodbye with my right hand. She is a remarkable woman, but today I have no room in my mind to it. My thoughts are focused on Cecilia.

  The wait for Cicely news was distressing. I, my mother and Alana were already nearly killing one, when medical Cicely called Edgar to enter the room. My blood boiled at this time. They should call me, after all, I'm still her husband. He comes and I watch the door close. Squeeze my hand hard not to punch everything until the hospital come down. The nodes of my hands are white, but take a deep breath and sit down again.

  Luckily, the little doctor then left the room and told us we can go. Once you step through the door, my heart bleeds to see Cecilia in that bed, looking so fragile. My mother and Alana talk to her, but I can not hear what they are saying because the thoughts in my mind speak louder. I can no longer hold my concern and dump into words. Claim your imprudence to enter the enclosure of the evil one, and she answered in a voice so painful, immediately I regret the tone I used.

  Explain how it is dangerous to try to justify my explosion. I can not see her in this situation. I remember my daughter, I remember all my suffering began when she was in a situation like this. I had the opportunity to be next to her at the time, and now I'm here at your side, it is better and do not need me. This twist of fate makes me tell my mother and sister Cecilia need to rest. I'm going home in silence, I do not want to talk. I let my mother and sister in the big house and then follow home.

  When I go home, silence seems to me swallow the grief that I feel makes me realize I need to take action, to make peace and end this anguish of my life.

  I'll call some funeral and commend one coffin and a gravestone. The next morning, I dig a big enough hole for what I have in mind, right next to a rose. When finally ready, I harvest some roses and put inside the coffin that arrived in the morning. Close the coffin and bury before, I hesitate. Set me on top of him and kiss several times, as I like to kiss my daughter. The embrace for several minutes before he lifted me and put in the hole, throwing some dirt at a time. The hole where I should fit the headstone was quick to make. Soon everything was docked, and put a last rose above the earth where the coffin is buried, right in front of the tombstone.

  I sat in front of him and I was staring at that memorial in honor of the lost piece of me for so long that I lost the bills.

  I read one last time the tombstone ordered, with all my soul:

  Clara Ávila Barreto,

  Beloved daughter will live forever in our hearts.

  Its brightness will replace the starlight.


  Finally, I get up and decide to start my day. Only then did I realize that Alana, my father, Caetano and my mother behind me, but a little away for not interrupting me. My mother dried her tears and approaches me to give me a hug. I strong grip on me, but today there are no tears could fall. Today I just wanted to give my daughter a little love and respect.

  And finally I felt really I could follow my life without looking back.

  That afternoon, I called Mari, to hear Cecilia. She said that Cecilia had high that Edgar had just left it at home. I thanked him for the information and hung up. My life would go on, and the life of Cecilia was following. I called Cybele, but she did not answer me.

  I decided that today I would do everything that was pending in my life. I put on my clothes "winner pawn", which was the same one I used during my tests and always won. Today I would make a simple workout, but I felt like a winner. I was turning a page of my life, and return to being the champion was part of it.

  Caetano tried and found taking care of Royalty, my father's horse. When he saw me, he opened a smile from ear to ear and dropped everything he was doing to come in my direction. He put his hands on my shoulders, all excited.

  - That means what I'm thinking? Let's return to training?

  I open a sincere smile and touch the tip of my hat, nodding.

  - Come on, and right now, if you can.

  - You are my priority. Unless I am no longer your squire.

  I look at him and realize that I have been the neglect. Caetano and I met in kindergarten. We studied together for a few years and were friends. His father was a friend of mine, and when my father began to profit from the farm and increased their business and their land was Mr. Haroldo who took care of everything for him. When I started training, Caetano was the guy who helped me with everything, a kind of wizard. We told everyone that he was my squire. His father died months after Cecilia leave, and I had walked away a little of everything and everyone. My father proposed to Caetano take over some of the tasks that were inherent to his father, and he accepted. It was never my best friend, but we were always close enough, and was without doubt the best squire I could have.

  - Of course you are, Caetano! Close the enclosure and arrange for it to be safe enough for the Irate not run away.

  - Angrily? You do not think you spent too much time without training, to account for an ox so angry?

  - Perhaps. But I need to get back on form and nothing better than one of the best bulls to scare me enough as to make me remember everything.

  - You the boss, boss! But I still think it might not be a good idea.

  Caetano do as asked. Do not delay until the Angrily is the security fence, and I approach it cautiously. I reach behind and ride quickly, before it note my presence. Immediately he begins to shake. The darn is strong and tries at all costs, get rid of me. I played to the left, right, left again, then Irate turns and throws me to the right so hard that I am thrown away, and I run before being trampled. Caetano holds Irate and comes running towards me.

  - You are out of shape, did everything wrong.

  - I know, right now I'm not worried about the protocols, just want to train my strength.

  - Dude, your strength is in need of vitamins, if you understand me.

  Bottleneck with your comment.

  - I know that. So I need you. I want to go back to being the best.

  He looks at me with admiration and nods.

  - We will train until you reach the goal. Today I will start by giving you a lower target, but tomorrow I will not give you soup.

  - For me it is great
. Release the Irate again!

  We spent two hours training. Both pingávamos sweat, when I realize that Cybele was leaning on the fence, watching us.

  - You were looking for me, cowboy? - She plays her side hair and eye for Caetano to say that the training would be ended, when I see him awestruck looking at the Cybele. Clean neck with a resounding "Ham, Ham" and the awakened from his thoughts.

  - Pull yourself together, Caetano! Tomorrow we will return to training. Thank you for strength, man!

  - I am the orders, boss!

  - I told you not to call me boss.

  - And I said I'll call always, because I know it annoys you.

  Cybele laughs with this our game and Caetano looks back at her, but this time disguises and goes in the opposite direction.

  - What a delightful surprise!

  - Glad you liked! I thought we could get ice cream and then go to the cinema, what do you think?

  - I think it's the best thing I could hear someone say today.

  I take her to my house and leave my room while I take a shower and change clothes.

  Once it appears, she is watching a number of physicians who goes into a hospital. I smile to see her so amused, and I approach slowly behind her, as I did with Angrily. Advance for your neck and fill of kisses that leave the creeps.

  - My God, better stop right now, but we will not leave this house.

  I look at her with a naughty smile and ask:

  - And why this is a bad idea?

  - Because we know each other yet. Go easy, cowboy!

  - Calm is my middle name. Let's go?

  - Let's go! - She straightens, and then we go to the car. We passed the tombstone Clarinha, and I realize it note this time, but says nothing. Thank mentally, because today it is not a matter which I want to talk.

  Soon we came to the ice cream parlor. I park right outside the door and open the door to Cybele. She takes my hand, and we are about to enter, when I see a familiar face that brings me bad memories.

  And it is not that Cecilia's mother cow was across the street?

  Chapter 29 - Cecilia

  I would say that the night was quiet, I could sleep normally, but I'd be lying, his leg was hurting and head also did not give truce. Twice, Mari had to call Edgar, until he finally gave me a sleeping pill.


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