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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

Page 23

by Mia Moore

  A broad smile lit his face, from his lips to the lines framing his nose under a shadow of dark beard. His eyes met hers, drawing her in with the intensity of his gaze. “Brie. You look lovely. I’m glad you wore a dress.” His hand clasped hers and he leaned forward to plant a chaste kiss on her cheek.

  Her heart pounded in her chest and her neck flushed warm. The clean scent of his aftershave drifted into her nostrils and her knees became weak. Oh God, he was every bit as hot and charming as she’d remembered. She took a deep breath and grinned. “Liam. It’s just the kind of day for a dress. So warm and sunny. What a great idea to picnic in Central Park.”

  He placed her hand in the crook of his arm and led her through the large glass door to the street. “I’m taking you to my favorite spot, the reservoir.”

  A cab was parked at the curb waiting, its engine idling. He opened the rear door for her and climbed in after. He reached for her hand and placed it in both of his, sitting so close their hips rested against each other’s.

  There was a large brown grocery bag on the seat next to her. Her eyes widened. It was immense, packed full with items. Her fingers reached for it and she looked at him with questions in her eyes. “That’s ours? Our lunch?”

  He grinned and gave his head a little shake before answering. “I didn’t know what kind of sandwich you liked or if you were a vegetarian or something, so I bought a dozen different kinds. There’s water, wine and soda as well.”

  She laughed. “Were you in the Boy Scouts? You certainly came prepared.”

  He squeezed her hand gently, looking down at her hand before gazing once more into her eyes. “That’s me. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth over-doing. I had to get it right didn’t I? Our first date?”

  She smiled and a flash of Martha’s words rang in her ear. “But wouldn’t you know what kind of food I liked? I thought being a private investigator, you’d know that.”

  “Oops sorry. I know a lot of things about you but your choice of sandwich...not so much.” He forced a scowl on his lips for a second. “Smart ass.”

  The car sped through traffic, swerving around a bus, the driver nonchalant, one hand on the steering wheel. She glanced out at the throngs of people on the sidewalk before turning to him once more.

  “Oh yeah? What do you know about me, Liam? Do you have a file on me somewhere?” She grinned to let him know she was teasing.

  His eyes bored through her, to her very soul. “I know that you’re beautiful and brave. That you have a kindness about you as well as an impish side.”

  Her face became warm listening to his words. He was being sincere but... “What do you mean brave?” The intensity of his eyes was getting to her. Time to lighten this up. “Brave, as in coming on this date with you? You’re not going to mug me or anything are you?”

  He looked down at her hand and let out a small chuckle. “No. Not with you taking self defense classes.” Once more he looked up at her before speaking. “The first night I met you...You’d never been to anything like that before, yet you went up to the pool room on your own. I know that you’re from a small town in Ohio, so coming to the Big Apple was brave too.”

  She sighed and looked out the window once more. Did he know what she’d left behind? How much of her past did he know and who had told him?

  The cab pulled up to the sidewalk and Liam leaned forward to slip a fifty in the driver’ hand. “Keep the change.”

  He opened the door, helped her out before reaching in for the sack of sandwiches and drinks. The grass at the edge of the park was already green and there were small buds of leaves on the trees bordering the open area. In the distance the reservoir could be seen, like a lake in the countryside back home. A running path surrounded it.

  Liam hefted the bag in one arm and reached for her hand with his other. “This reservoir is named for Jackie Onassis-Kennedy. Bill and Hilary Clinton have jogged here as well. It’s more than a mile and a half around.”

  “It’s beautiful.” Her head turned looking behind her. “You can see the skyline, all the tall buildings in the city but here, it’s so green and quiet.”

  “That’s what I like about this spot. A bit of country within the city. Let’s find a bench and we can have lunch.” He led the way to a wooden park bench about fifty feet away, overlooking the lake.

  She sat next to him and watched as he opened the sack of food. He was older that much was certain. The sun shining down, highlighted the lines crossing his forehead and around his eyes. But he exuded a confident male sexuality. Or maybe she saw this because of what Martha had said. An American James Bond type guy. She closed her eyes and shuddered trying to dispel any thought of Martha.

  “If you have ham and cheese, that would be nice but just water to drink.” She leaned forward peeking down into the bag. Oh my God! He hadn’t been kidding about the assortment of sandwiches. There had to be twenty packages.

  “Do I have ham and cheese? What do you think? That’s a staple. And after seeing you the other night at Claire and Alex’s, not eating and then almost fainting away, I’m going to make sure you eat every bite.”

  She looked away quickly to hide the embarrassment in her burning cheeks. That hadn’t been hunger that night. Did he know and was making a joke to draw her out? “Don’t worry. I’m starving. I’ll probably eat half of a second sandwich.”

  He handed her a cellophane wrapped triangle and a napkin.

  As she pulled the wrapping away, she spoke. “How well do you know Dr. Whitney? You guys seemed pretty friendly on the phone the other night.”

  His head pulled back and his eyes were question marks. “Who?” A spark of recognition eased the lines of his forehead. “Oh, Martha. A few years I guess. She started coming to the parties after her husband died. She’s okay. A bit pretentious sometimes but that’s to be expected considering her background and what she does for a living.”

  Brie bit into the sandwich and sat silently eating for a minute. If he was interested in Martha, he wouldn’t have called her pretentious, would he? Martha’s sneering comment about him only being interested in one thing played in her mind. She swallowed hard and her eyes narrowed. “She doesn’t like the fact that you asked me out. She thought you were too good for the likes of me.”

  His eyes went wide and his head jerked towards her. “What? She actually said that to you?” He shook his head and his mouth was a tight line. “Oh my God. I knew she could be caustic but that’s just... wrong.”

  Brie couldn’t help the smile that twitched on her lips. It was time someone saw Martha for what she really was. If Martha thought she had a chance with Liam, that chance just decreased by a ton. “She said that you were only interested in me for one thing.” She took another bite, purposely silent, waiting for his reply.

  He snorted and there was a smile on his face when he looked at her and replied. “She was right about that...”

  Brie stopped chewing and sat looking at him, her eyes round.

  “But there’s more than that, of course. True, you’re pretty and young but...I want kids, Brie.” He reached for her hand and held it looking down for a moment.

  The food in her mouth was dry and tasted like sawdust all of a sudden. THAT’s what he wanted? She was a baby factory to him? A young woman in her child bearing years unlike his menopausal contemporaries or women like Martha, so career oriented that children were out of the question!

  She managed to choke back the morsel of food and rose to her feet, setting the half eaten sandwich on the bench. “I think you’re looking at the wrong woman, Liam.” Her eyes were slits as she spat the next words. “I’m not a baby factory. I’ve got plans to finish my education, and start a career. If that’s what you want I suggest you find someone else.”

  His eyes were wide watching her step away. She turned to leave a parting shot. “It shouldn’t be a problem for you to find a willing vessel, rich as you obviously are.”

  “Brie! Hey!”

  She strode to the sidewalk next to the park
, where a cab had just pulled up. She could hear him in the background, calling to her, trying to follow. With a hard yank she opened the door of the taxi and climbed inside. Fuck him and wanting a baby machine. Martha had been right but she hadn’t taken it far enough.

  “Take me home. Sullivan St., number ten.” She turned at the tap on the window beside her. But it was too late. The cab pulled away from the curb, leaving Liam, standing with his hands on hips, scowling after her.

  Chapter 18

  When she arrived back in the condo, she strode from the elevator to her bedroom. Once inside, she let the tears fall freely. What a fool she’d been, thinking that someone like Liam could actually be interested in her. She’d almost been taken in by his charm. A baby machine!

  Even Rob hadn’t treated her this badly, using her like she was just a piece of equipment, a fertile uterus. There had been a time when he’d actually cared about her. What was it about her that brought out the ‘pig’ in guys? The only guy who’d ever treated her well, like she was a human being instead of some sort of looser had been Chris, and he was GAY!

  But Chris hadn’t been too sympathetic when she’d seen him last. All that talk about tough love. Well, if that was tough love, being treated like a piece of low rent trash by the likes of Martha and then a piece of fertile meat like Liam wanted, then they could take it and shove it. Even Claire had turned out to be a user and fake. All that talk about being like a sister. Bull-fucking-shit.

  She tore the dress pulling it off her body. Well that figured. Like everything else in this snobby city, the dress was over-priced and...and...weak. She tossed it in the corner of the closet and marched out to the bedroom, looking for the pants and white shirt. THIS was more like it. A maid’s clothes, serviceable, meant for the likes of her.

  She flopped onto the bed, her shoulders hunched staring at the floor with tears in her eyes. This was all a mistake. She had no more place living in this condo than a bag lady. Chris had led her down the garden path, making her think she could get through school and make something out of herself.

  No. Martha and Liam had the correct view of her. A twenty-four year old woman who barely got through high school. The only thing she was good for was cooking and cleaning up after other people...oh, that was, when she wasn’t having babies for some rich older guy.

  A knock on her door caused her to jerk upright. She wiped the tears from her cheeks with her palms and stood up. She walked to the door and opened it. Her head fell to the side and she frowned. Maria? The cleaning lady she’d met the other day?

  The woman’s dark eyes looked down, shying away from a direct look. “So sorry to bother you. But have you seen the bottle of bleach cleaner? Did you move it or...”

  Brie shook her head. Bleach cleaner? Aside from making the beds and doing laundry, why would she ever need the bleach? “Sorry. I haven’t seen it.”

  The woman shrugged a smile and wandered off. Her soft soled shoes padded the marble floor below ankles that looked tight and swollen. Brie watched her and her chest fell. Would that be her someday? She was only one step above this woman in that she didn’t have to clean the toilets and floors.

  She closed the door and noticed the laptop sitting on the desk. That was her chance to escape a life like this. Finish her education and become a teacher. It wasn’t as glamorous as being a doctor or lawyer, but it was something. A career where she’d have enough money to get a place and enjoy some sort of life.

  She wandered over and booted it up, taking a seat at the desk. She should have spent the afternoon studying instead of cavorting around with Liam. THIS was what was important, not getting hung up on some guy that would never respect her.

  Her hands paused as she typed in the password.

  He had said that she was brave though. That was something true. She wouldn’t be here if she was a wimp.

  She sniffed. Probably Chris’s comment was more accurate though. She wouldn’t be there if she didn’t choose to run away.

  Her shoulders rose and she inhaled deeply. Well, she wasn’t running now, was she? She’d stick this out and get her education, if it killed her.

  Chapter 19

  It was late the following afternoon when Claire button-holed her in the kitchen. She’d raced through the chores, making sure the pool room was stocked for the party, preparing hors d’ouevres and pastries. She hadn’t even had time to think that Liam would be there that night and she’d have to face him. Well, almost no time to think of that. Never mind the fact that it was the first party where she’d be serving, seeing all kinds of sexual things.

  Claire wafted into the room like a dark cloud, her mouth set in a straight line, as Brie finished rinsing her hands. “Brie. You won’t be serving upstairs tonight. Martha isn’t comfortable having you around for that part of the party.” Her fingers grazed Brie’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, there’ll be plenty to do down here, serving in the Great Room and sending up trays of food.”

  Brie’s mouth fell open and she blinked a few times. She’d been steeling herself for seeing Liam and the party upstairs. It was odd, but her stomach fell looking into Claire’s eyes.

  Claire’s head drew back and a smile played at the corners of her mouth. “What? I thought you’d be relieved to hear that. You look like you lost your best friend.”

  Her eyebrows drew together and she took a step back. “Well...I guess, that okay. It’s just that it’s just a bit of a shock that’s all. I mean you hired me for my discretion and to serve at these parties and...”

  Claire stepped forward and placed her hands on Brie’s shoulders, staring straight into her eyes. “I know. There’ll be lots more parties where we’ll need you. It’s just that with Martha here...and well, you two haven’t exactly hit it off.”

  A sigh left Brie’s lips and she looked down at the floor. THAT was an understatement. Once again, Martha had made her move. She looked at Claire with wide eyes. “But who will serve upstairs?”

  Claire shook her head and she shrugged. “Alex and I will have to look after things. I’ll call down when we need more hors d’ouvres and you can send them up in the elevator. Alex is none too happy about this, let me tell you.”

  Great. It was good to see that they were uncomfortable with Martha’s commands. But not uncomfortable enough to tell her to stow it.

  “Alex isn’t happy about what?” Martha appeared in the kitchen doorway. She wore a white robe and a towel turban on her head, fingers lightly touching her bare neck as she lifted her chin higher. Her eyes were glittering, narrow and hard.

  Claire shot Brie a look and shook her head slightly before a wide smile appeared on her face. She turned to face Martha. “Oh you know Alex. He’s always fussy before a party, wanting everything to be just so, the perfect host and all that.”

  “Yes. He can be a worry-wart sometimes. Claire, come with me. I was shopping earlier and I bought the cutest little G-string. The straps are studded with rubies. It will look positively decadent on you. I want to see you in it before everyone gets here. C’mon. We can do each other’s make-up, just like in school.”

  Claire squealed and scurried over to Martha, placing her arm around her waist as they turned to leave the kitchen.

  Brie rolled her eyes and turned back to the sink. If that was what sororities were like, then she was glad to be doing on-line schoolwork. So silly. Grown women acting like teenagers.


  Liam was the first to arrive at the party at eight that night. Brie’s heart pounded in her chest as she pushed the buzzer to let him into the elevator area. She straightened the skirt of the uniform dress that she wore as she waited for the elevator to open. As far as uniforms went it was flattering in the dark blue color, the waistline cinched flaring out to a full skirt. Still, it was a uniform and the guy she’d run from yesterday would soon be there.

  When the door opened, his dark eyes flashed wide and then narrowed staring straight at her. His mouth was set, the muscle of his jaw working. He stepped out and grabbed her arm
, pulling her body close. “We need to talk.” His voice was low and harsh.

  She looked up at him and turned slightly, shrugging his hand off. “There’s nothing to talk about, unless you’d like me to serve you a drink or appetizer. I work here, remember. I’m not a guest at this party. I can’t really ignore you, can I?” She spun around and entered the Great Room, leaving him in her wake.

  Claire, Alex and Martha were standing elbow to elbow at the bar when she entered. They turned and smiled, looking past her at Liam.

  “Liam, darling. It’s been too long.” Martha’s voice trilled as she walked towards him, arms extended in front of her.

  Brie continued walking, brushing past Martha, on her way to the bar. There was no way she wanted to see the kiss and hug that Martha would bestow on Liam. But what the hell. They were birds of a feather, rich and privileged. They belonged together.

  She looked at Claire. “The trays are ready to be taken upstairs. Would you like me to do that before anyone arrives. I’ll just leave them there and come back down.”

  She couldn’t miss the gush of exasperation and look of annoyance that crossed Alex’s face.

  Claire cleared her throat before answering. “Yes Brie. That would be fine. If anyone else arrives, I’ll let them in.”

  Brie stepped away from the bar, choosing a path between the furniture that would give as much space as possible between Liam and Martha. Her hands were all over him it seemed, touching his arm and then fluttering to his chest. The dress that she wore left little to the imagination. A sleek, satin sheath that barely covered her ass or small tits.

  She could feel his eyes on her back as she passed by and opened the door to leave. What the hell did he want to talk to her about? He’d said everything yesterday in the park. Now with her doing her job, the maid, surely he could see how impossible everything was.


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