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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

Page 24

by Mia Moore

  Her fingers curled around the large dark tray laden with appetizers, cold meat, cheese, grapes and a creamy dip. She picked it up and walked back through the hallway to the elevator. Just as she was about to enter, the door to the Great Room opened and Liam appeared. Their eyes met for a second before she stepped into the elevator and pushed the button with her elbow.

  He stepped inside.

  Oh God. Now she was trapped with him. She sniffed and looked straight ahead.

  “You left too soon yesterday. You never gave me a chance to finish what I was saying.” He stepped closer, his face just inches from hers.

  She took a step to the side, straining up against the wall of the elevator. “I heard enough. Enough to know we want different things out of life.”

  The door opened and she stepped outside, striding to the heavy wooden door of the pool room. Great. Her hands were full with no way to turn the handle. She glanced up at him and jerked her head towards the door, blowing out a puff of exasperation.

  “Oh yeah? Just what do you think I want out of life Miss Know it all?” He folded his arms across the expanse of his chest and leaned against the door.

  “Babies. You want to leave a legacy, someone to carry on after you. You’ve left that a little late in life, haven’t you?” Her teeth clamped shut while she nodded to the door once more.

  “I never wanted kids. I was married once and that’s why we broke up. She wanted a family; I didn’t.” He had the nerve to grin at her, still ignoring her gesture to open the door.

  Her eyebrows drew together and she glanced up at him. That didn’t make any sense. Or did he have a change of heart, realizing his own mortality?

  “I didn’t want a family or kids till I met you. You’re different than other women I’ve met. Most women have an agenda. They want something from me. You’re not like that. With you, it’s what you see is what you get.”

  She shook her head and glared at him. “You don’t know me. You don’t know what I’ve been through or what I want out of life. You see an attractive young woman, who works for the Baders. Someone naive who can be molded to fit your needs.”

  The elevator door opened once more and Martha stepped out.

  Brie’s face became hot and she looked away.

  “There you are, Liam. Fraternizing with the staff. At least I hope it’s just fraternizing. I’ve got some plans for you later. I wouldn’t want you to waste your energy now.” She smiled but her eyes were cold when she looked at Brie. “We’ll take that tray in, dear. Claire is looking for you downstairs.”

  Martha reached for the tray and took it from Brie’s hands.

  Brie took a deep breath and muttered thanks before turning and walking quickly back to the elevator. The phony bitch, calling her ‘dear’ for Liam’s benefit. Just two more days to put up with her.

  She risked a peek at the entrance to the pool room before stepping into the elevator. Liam was holding the door for Martha, who was burdened with the tray. If he really wanted to talk to her, he would have left Martha, wouldn’t he?

  The elevator arrived on the main floor and she went into the Great Room again. Two other couples had arrived, one of which was the silver haired man and his wife Lorraine. They stood near the wall of window, drinks in hand talking to Alex. Claire was with the other couple. They were younger, probably in their early thirties, the man tall and thin while his dark haired partner was shorter and a bit on the curvy side, her body poured into a black spandex dress.

  Claire looked over and patted the woman’s arm before gliding over to Brie. A sleek length of thigh showed from the slit in the side of the sheath-like blue dress--a sight that appeared all the more erotic beneath the form fitting but demure bodice and mandarin collar. She patted Brie’s arm and spoke softly. “Would you take over watching for guests and serving drinks? I’m going to the pool room. Alex will join me there after a few more guests arrive.”

  Brie nodded and glanced at Alex as she walked to the bar. He and the other couple were on their way over. Lorraine’s dress was green, the sequins flashing silver with each step. But it was the plunging ‘V’ neckline that made Brie’s eyes widen. Holy cow, the opening of the dress reached down to the woman’s naval! It seemed that the only part of her breasts that the dress covered were her nipples.

  Alex and the husband walking on either side of her were so casual, looking at the young couple and then to the bar. Brie’s face became warm recalling Lorraine stretched out naked at the edge of the pool while Charles...Would he be there later?

  “Brie, would you pour me another scotch, please? Lorraine’s drinking white wine and Kirk needs another bourbon.” Alex set his glass on the bar.

  The buzzer rang, announcing the arrival of more guests.

  “I’ll get that.” Alex winked at her and walked to the small screen next to the door.

  Brie turned and got the bottle of wine from the fridge. She poured a glass, purposely keeping her eyes on the task. Lorraine was pressed up against the edge of the bar, her almost bare breasts high and full.

  “You’re new here.” Kirk leaned on the bar and smiled at Brie. “But you look familiar. Were you at the last party?” His face was long and gaunt, his gray eyes intense under a line of thick dark eyebrows.

  She glanced at him and then reached for the bottle of bourbon. “Yes. I’m Brie. I took over from Rose.” There was no way she was going to admit to being at the last party, especially after racing out of the pool room. Her gaze flitted to Lorraine, whose green eyes were watching her above the rim of the glass.

  “Rose was nice, even if she never participated in the fun. How about you, Brie? Will you be upstairs later?” Kirk watched her hand as she poured the amber liquid.

  Lorraine shook her head and slapped her husband’s arm. “Stop. You’re embarrassing her. There are enough women at the party without you encouraging Brie.”

  Brie looked at Lorraine. Her eyes were kind and her smile genuine. She might be an exhibitionist, blatantly sexual, but she seemed like a nice person.

  Lorraine turned to the couple that Claire had been chatting with, drifted over to the bar. “Lorraine, Kirk. Nice to see you again.” The tall guy reached forward and shook Kirk’s hand before turning to Lorraine and giving her a warm embrace and kiss on the lips.

  “You weren’t here the last party. We missed you, Cerise.” Lorraine stepped over to the young woman and hugged her.

  Cerise shook her head and smiled. “It was Jason. He had a cold and you know, being a new mother, I couldn’t leave him.”

  “Aw...He’s okay now, right? You’re really losing the pregnancy weight. What? You must be ten pounds lighter than the last time I saw you.” Lorraine’s gaze took in all of Cerise, from her toes to her shoulders.

  Brie watched the exchange with a small smile on her lips. There was genuine friendship between the four of them. They might be screwing each other like rabbits later, but for now, it was obvious that they were interested in each other’s lives.

  “Lorraine! Kirk!”

  Brie turned to see Charles and a slender, middle aged woman approach the bar. Once more her face heated up recalling the last time she’d seen Charles...well actually the back of his head would be more accurate. Would he and Lorraine be getting it on later? There was warmth between her legs as she pictured it.

  Damned Martha!

  Her gaze dropped to the bar and she sighed. But Liam was at the party too. Maybe it was just as well that she’d been relegated to this room. She didn’t need to spend any more time around him with his bullshit stories and explanations. Besides, if he got together with Martha, she wouldn’t want to watch that.

  “Hi honey. Will you get a glass of white wine and a gin and tonic for us?”

  Brie looked up into Charles’ florid round face. His wife was in the process of greeting Cerise and Lorraine.

  She poured the wine and then turned to get the bottle of gin. Liam’s was there, standing at the end of the bar watching her. Her breath caught in her throat a
nd she paused for a moment. Thank God there were a bunch of people standing there. Whatever he had to say, she wasn’t interested. Her fingers gripped the bottle of gin and she reached for a tumbler.

  As she poured, Alex’s voice boomed. “Hey! Claire and Martha are upstairs. They’re waiting.”

  “Oh my God! Martha’s here? Why didn’t you say that in the first place? I would have gone straight up!” Charles grabbed the glasses of bourbon and wine and nudged his wife. “C’mon, Daphne, let’s go.”

  They were followed by the other two couples, leaving Alex and Liam alone with her.

  She turned and did an eye roll putting the wine back into the fridge. Everyone seemed to really like Martha. She didn’t get it.

  Liam cleared his throat loudly and held up an empty glass. “Brie? Why don’t you join me? I’m sure Alex wouldn’t mind if you had a glass of wine.”

  Alex held his hands up, surrendering to Liam’s request. “Fine by me. One glass will take the edge off. I won’t tell Claire, if you don’t.” He downed the scotch Brie had poured for him and set it on the bar.

  Brie sighed and shot a look at Liam. What the hell did he have to look so smug about? If he thought she was going to have anything to do with him, he was crazy. She reached for the bottle of wine and poured half a glass, just to relax.

  Alex stepped over to Liam and put his arm over his shoulder. “Would you mind playing host for a while? I’m going to go upstairs and see what’s happening. I think there’s only the Bradley’s and Wolfowitz’s who haven’t arrived. They’re always late.”

  “No problem. I’ll keep Brie company.” Liam flashed a wide grin at her.

  Chapter 20

  After Alex left the room, Brie turned to Liam. “Martha is probably missing you. You can go up if you want. I’m perfectly fine with greeting the other two couples.” The way he was staring at her was getting to her. She took a sip of wine, gazing out at the lights of the city.

  He rose to his feet and walked around the bar.

  Good, he was leaving. She sighed. If it was so good why did her stomach drop to the floor?

  He stopped at the break in the bar and stepped in behind it. Her mouth fell open, and her breath stopped looking up at him. She tried to step back. He was so close to her, she could feel the heat of his body, smell the sharp scent of his cologne. His hands gripped her shoulders, pulling her towards him.

  “Now, you’re going to listen to me, Brie. I’m attracted to you but there’s more than that.”

  Her mouth snapped shut for a moment. “I know, the whole baby--”

  His finger pressed across her lips, silencing her. “Listen. I never liked kids. Never wanted them until I met you. For the first time I met a woman who...Hell, maybe we could have a future.” He scowled and his fingers dug into her flesh. “I don’t want a baby machine! How could you think that?”

  Her eyes became wide, staring up at him. How could she have been so wrong about him? He’d been nice the first time she’d met him and had been trying to be nice ever since. But, he didn’t know her, not really. That much of her argument had been true. If he knew her better, would he still feel the same? They were from totally opposite sides of the tracks.

  “Liam, I don’t know. This is awfully fast.” Her gaze fell to the open collar of his shirt, a few dark hairs peeking up.

  “Don’t you think I know that? All I’m asking for is a chance to get to know you better. There’s something about you...a softness and vulnerability that...well I want to take care of you. I know your background. I know about your husband and family, even your Dad’s prison record. Yet still...” He shook his head and sighed. His eyes met hers and she fell into their depths.

  “Liam.” She started to turn away but he pulled her to him, his mouth pressing hers. It was a kiss like no other she’d ever had--tender yet urgent, his warm breath infusing her nostrils. Her lips parted softly, hands cupping the back of his neck. The tip of his tongue played along the inside of her lip before seeking hers.

  Oh God, the movement of his mouth and tongue caused a spark of lust deep in her core. Her muscles took on a life of their own, contracting, sending further wet warmth through her pussy. She pressed her body close to his, felt his arousal against her tummy. Her knees became weak. Oh God, he was everything she’d ever dreamed of in a man--hard yet with a tender heart.

  His hands grazed over her back, pulling her body even tighter into his embrace.

  Their minds and bodies melded hotly, blood racing, hearts beating fast.

  They didn’t hear the door open.

  “Liam!” It was Martha’s voice.

  Chapter 21

  Brie pulled back and turned away to face the windows. Oh no. Of all people to catch them, it had to be Martha! It was so unfair. Even Claire or Alex would have been better, than MARTHA!.

  Liam turned and answered. “Martha? Did you need something?”

  “Not anymore.” Her footsteps clacked on the wooden floor and then the door slammed shut.

  “What the hell?”

  Brie turned and there were tears in her eyes. “Don’t you get it Liam? For such a smart investigator, you can be so thick!”

  He stepped towards her and once more folded her into his arms, stroking her head against his chest. “I know she wanted to be with me tonight.” He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “But that was never going to happen. I’d rather be with you.”

  She sighed. He still didn’t get it. This was something that would eat at Martha and she’d get her revenge. Brie would be lucky to have a job after tonight. “Liam, Martha hates me. She’s done everything she could do to make my life hell, since she arrived. Claire just loves her and lets her away with all kinds of things. Even Alex puts up with it.”

  “What can she do? Claire knows I’m attracted to you, not Martha. Hell, look at the night I came to dinner! I know what was going on. I asked them about your days off so I could take you out. Don’t worry about Martha. She can’t do anything to hurt you.”

  The buzzer rang and he turned to walk to the door. “It’s the Wolfowitz’s and the Bradley’s.” He pressed the button. “Hi Hank. C’mon up.”

  He walked back to the bar where Brie was finishing the glass of wine. When she set it down he lifted her chin to gaze into her eyes. “I want to resume this conversation after they go upstairs. I don’t understand why you’re so frightened of Martha.”

  Brie wiped the tears from her cheeks and took a deep breath. She’d have to pull herself together to serve the newcomers. Maybe Liam was right. Really, Martha would be gone in a couple of days. What harm could she do? But she’d try to get Claire alone and talk to her. It couldn’t hurt.

  The door opened and a heavyset, bearded bear of a man entered, followed by a petite blond woman. On their heels was the couple she’s seen the night of the first party. The academic looking guy and his blowsy, red headed wife.

  “Hank! Vera! What can we get you to drink?” Liam walked over to Hank and clapped him on the back before planting a chaste kiss on Vera’s cheek.

  “Vodka of course. Wine for Vera.” He turned to face the other couple. “Josh? Beer? And you Candace? Is it wine?”

  Within moments the four newcomers stood at the bar and Brie was reaching for the bottles of wine and glasses. Liam stood beside her, pouring vodka in a glass and then brushing her shoulder as he took a bottle of beer from the fridge.

  The four people chatted about the traffic and babysitters and politics as she stood next to Liam. For a moment, it seemed so right, them serving the guests, almost like a couple hosting a party in their home. She glanced up at Liam and he winked at her. Yes, it could be possible. They’d have to wait and see.

  Chapter 22

  Twenty minutes and two drinks apiece later, the two couples left the Great Room to join the party at the pool.

  Brie wiped the bar clean and stacked empty glasses onto a tray. She was about to pick it up to take to the kitchen but Liam grabbed it first. “Here. Let me help you. I’m no slouch
when it comes to stacking a dishwasher.”

  She laughed. “Thought all you rich people had maids and cleaners looking after you.”

  He led the way to the door, answering her, looking over his shoulder. “Not me. I do my own dishes and make my own bed. Sure, I have a cleaner come in a couple times a week, but I don’t really need a full time maid.”

  She held the door open for him. He leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. “That is, unless you want the job. Hell, maybe it would be a good thing if Claire and Alex sacked you. You could come work for me.”

  He walked down the hall and turned into the kitchen, seemingly oblivious to her gaze on his body. He was so tall, with shoulders a fullback would envy and a tight end. She chuckled softly. THAT was the extent of her knowledge of football terms.

  He set the tray on the counter and set to work loading the dishwasher with the empty glasses. “I don’t think your services at this party will be needed much longer. They’re likely to stay up there the rest of the night.” He turned to her and there was puzzlement on his face. “Why aren’t you serving up there? The first time I met you, you were checking it out to see if you could handle all the nudity and sex.”

  Her mouth pulled to the side and she rolled her eyes before answering. “Martha. She wasn’t comfortable with me being up there, so Claire asked me to serve down here.”

  He stood up straight and looked past her at the doorway. “Probably had more to do with me being up there.” He smiled and stepped towards her, pulling her closer. “Why would I look at her scraggly ass when you’re around?”

  She placed her arms around his neck and rose to her tiptoes to kiss his lips. This time she made no attempt to stop the tightening of her kegels. Blame Claire, but looking at Liam, hell TOUCHING Liam while doing this was hot.

  Not breaking the kiss, he spun her around, so that the counter pressed into the small of her back. As easily as lifting a doll, he set her down on the counter. His tongue explored her mouth, thrusting softly against her tongue, mimicking what he’d like to be doing to her other opening. A soft sigh left her lips, the pulse of lust urging her legs apart. Immediately he stepped into her, so tight the bulge of his cock nestled against her panties. She wiggled against him. This was one of the benefits of wearing thigh highs. That horrid girdle of pantyhose wasn’t there.


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