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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

Page 25

by Mia Moore

  She shouldn’t be doing this. But she couldn’t stop. Her body ached for his...for his kiss and caresses. Her lips closed on his tongue for a second and she gently sucked. He groaned and his hips arched hard against her. If only there wasn’t the cloth of his trousers and her panties between them!

  His hand slid down her back and onto her breast, filling the palm while rolling it softly. “Fuck Brie, I want you.” His lips were on her ear, trailing kisses along her throat.

  Her heart thundered in her chest as her head fell to the side, giving all of her flesh to his lips. “We can’t. I’m supposed to be working.” Despite the words of protest, her hand slid down his body until her fingertips rested on the fabric covering his hard shaft.

  He kissed the hollow of her throat, tasting her softly with his tongue. “You DO know what’s going on upstairs don’t you? Think Alex or Claire would mind if we ended up making out?”

  She pulled back and a giggle erupted from her throat. “They might mind if we did it on the counter. I prepare breakfast here.”

  He scooped her into his arms, carrying her out of the kitchen. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  She hugged his neck and whispered in his ear. “We can’t. Not there. What if they ring that they need something? I should be in the Great room in case that happens.”

  “Oh God woman! You’re driving me crazy.” His feet moved fast, carrying her to the door of the Great Room. Holding her against his hips with one arm, he pulled the door open and entered the room.

  She looked over at the bar and windows. Great. There was no one there. Actually, aside from Martha, no one would care if they walked in and saw her with Liam. There was a sex party going on upstairs and from the sound of Martha when she left the room earlier, SHE wasn’t likely to come back.

  Liam carried her to the leather sofa and set her down, so that she stood before him. His hand reached around her back and tugged at the zipper of her dress. She stepped back. “No. Leave it on, in case they call or come in.”

  She pulled the hem of the dress up and hooked her thumbs into the elastic of her panties, feeling wanton as his gaze became riveted there. He fell to his knees before her, leaning close to kiss her mons. Her eyes closed and lips fell open in a soft gasp as his silken fingers traced a path on her inner thigh. With his other hand he nudged her knee, urging her body around to sink down onto the sofa.

  It was like in the kitchen, the way her legs drew apart to allow him to edge closer.

  He lifted her calves and placed them on his shoulders, glancing up to her eyes before dropping his gaze to her pussy. “I’ve wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest watching him ease forward...his finger spreading her woman lips apart. Oh God, he was so ruggedly handsome, claiming her body with his eyes and mouth. She jerked away when the tip of his tongue stroked her clit. But it was glorious, the soft jolts of pleasure that flooded through her body. The muscles in her legs loosened while she tightened her buttocks, pushing her pelvis and clit harder onto his mouth. Slowly, he teased her hot bud of lust, circling it, then flicking the tip of his tongue across the top. The roughness of his beard scraped the inside of her thigh, sending a thrill through her. The orgasm was close, building slowly.

  He stopped and kissed her thigh, his finger sliding lower through her pussy lips until it rested against her opening. Her back arched, pushing her pelvis higher. Oh God, it was so good...waiting and wanting.

  Once more his tongue stroked her clit, flattening and pressing against her while his finger slid inside her wetness. Her muscles tightened on his finger, rocking her hips against his tongue. “Oh fuck, Liam. You’re so good at this. Don’t stop.” The pleasure was once more close...

  Again he drew back, leaving her quivering on the cusp of hot lust. The pressure in her cunt increased, his fingers rolling in and out of her. “That’s it Baby, just relax and enjoy this. Don’t come yet.”

  Her hand thrust out and grasped his hair, pulling his face back down where she needed it.

  There was a snick like a zipper being lowered and he rose higher, bending over to kiss her lips before pressing into her. She reached for his cock and gasped when her fingers circled it. Oh fuck! No wonder Martha wanted him so much! He was built like a fucking bull--thick and long.

  The pulpy knob of his cock pressed into her, slowly gaining entry, expanding her till it was like she was being torn in two. His hand slid between them, finger firm on her clit, torturing her with pleasure. Oh God, he kept pushing deeper! It was almost painful, the fullness of his shaft.

  She needed all of it! Her hips bucked hard under him, straining to claim all of his manhood.

  “Oh yeah...that’s it. Fuck me hard.” Her hips rocked up and down, his cock sliding into her swollen flesh.

  “Slow down, Baby. Make it last.” His hips eased back, drawing his rod from her depths.

  With fingernails clawing the fabric of his pants, she pulled him hard against her. Oh God, she needed all of him, to be fucked hard. The first orgasm flooded through her, making her legs tremble, squeezing his ass hard into her.

  “Jesus Brie! I can’t hold off any longer. You’re fucking hot!” He thrust hard and fast, the two of them clinging and straining into each other, lost in a rut of pleasure.

  They were one with each other, hearts pounding in rhythm, hands clawing, pulling pleasure and pain together.

  “Oh God, Liam! I’m coming! Don’t stop! just like that, harder. Fuck me harder.”

  His lips were loose against her forehead, a series of animal sounds erupting from his chest. “Unh, unh...” One final hard, deep thrust and his body stiffened, small jerks of his hips pushing deeper still.

  “Oh fuck...that was good, Brie.” He kissed her lips, a long, slow, gentle kiss.

  “Oops! I guess that explains why you didn’t answer the intercom.”

  Brie’s eyes flew open at Alex’s words. She looked over at the doorway, where he stood wearing only a burgundy satin robe.

  Liam rose and rolled off her, tucking himself in and zipping his fly.

  “Don’t let me interrupt you. I only came down to get the last tray of appetizers. People upstairs have been working up an appetite.” He chuckled. “But it looks like you have too.” He stepped back through the doorway and closed it.

  Chapter 23

  The next morning, Brie’s cell phone woke her with its persistent buzz. She reached for it, her hand fumbling on the surface of the night stand.

  She managed to pry one eyelid open. Five thirty! Who would be texting her at that hour of the day?

  After pressing the small button below the screen her eyes opened wide. Liam! She sat up and read.

  Good morning! Hope I didn’t wake you but I woke up thinking of last night, how it ended. Wonderful, dirty thoughts. What are your plans for the day? Can you get away for a couple hours this afternoon? Maybe second attempt at lunch in the park?

  A smile lit her face for a moment. That would be fun. But she’d have to see if Claire and Alex needed her. It was Sunday and there’d probably be extra work cleaning up after the party. Plus, she hadn’t had a chance the day before to do any school work. If there was any spare time at all, that had to be the priority.

  She threw the covers back and sat up, wincing at the tenderness between her legs. Oh God, it had been so worth it! The fact that he’d suggested the park for lunch was a positive sign. Martha was wrong about him being interested in one thing. He had THAT last night and still he’d called and suggested a neutral date. He DID like her and want to get to know her better. It wasn’t just sex.

  Her fingers and thumbs texted a reply:

  I’d love that but I have tons of work to do, not the least of which is getting ready for my next test in English Lit. (still trying to get my head around the difference between a simile and metaphor) I’ll call you this evening when I get a minute to myself. I AM off on Tuesday, hint, hint.

  She rose from the bed and set the phone
on the night table. It was early but now that she was awake she might as well stay up. Besides, she’d probably have some peace tidying up before the rest of them woke.

  When she left the shower draped in a soft bath sheet, she checked the cell phone again. She grinned. He HAD gotten back to her!

  Metaphor - Brie’s lips were soft rose petals, full and rich with the promise of sweet nectar.

  Simile - Brie’s lips were LIKE rose petals, Liam longed to touch. Think of California when you think simile- (it makes me chuckle to hear teenage girls describe something)- She was like so sweet and then he was like angry or something. You get my poin? I’m like on the edge of my chair waiting for you to like,call me later! LOL

  She smiled and shook her head. With his explanation, how could she not, like, remember that?


  Four hours later, she stood at the dishwasher unloading all the glasses from the party the night before. She was about to pick up the tray to take it to the pool room when Alex walked into the kitchen. Even though he was dressed for the day in a white Polo golf shirt and jeans, he was bleary eyed and there was a shadow of beard on his face.

  She looked down at the tray unable to meet his eyes. He was bound to make some sort of smart ass remark about walking in on her and Liam. She poured a mug of coffee and set it on the island counter before he’d even had a chance to take a seat.

  “Thanks.” He slumped down onto the stool. “I guess I’m the only one up. No sign of Martha yet?”

  She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly in a soft sigh of relief. “Not yet. Would you like some breakfast? Bacon, eggs?”

  He gulped some coffee and shook his head. “I’ll wait and have brunch with Claire and Martha when they get out of bed.”

  She nodded and picked up the tray of glasses. Just as she was about to step away, he spoke. “Liam’s one of my best friends. He’s been single a long time, kind of a confirmed bachelor type, if you get what I mean.”

  Brie’s eyes became round and her mouth set in a straight line as she listened to Alex. He was warning her off, not to put much stock in any sort of future with Liam. Or was he? He was deliberately being obtuse and she wasn’t sure if she wanted a fuller answer. That was completely opposite to what Liam had said last night, all that talk about kids and a possible future.

  Oh God, maybe Martha was right. Her heart fell down to her stomach. On a rational level, it made sense. Why would a man as wealthy and smart as Liam, fall for a working class stiff who was just starting college, a maid for one of his friends?

  Alex’s eyebrows pulled together, his eyes darkly staring at her. “Don’t get me wrong. He’s a nice guy, lots of fun but--”

  “Don’t give up the day job.” She inhaled deeply and her chin rose. “Don’t worry. The only hand that will help me secure a future is my own. I’m not looking for any ‘sugar daddy’.” She stepped away from the counter, walking quickly to the doorway, to escape the look in his eyes. He probably thought she was a fool, about to be taken in by a rich, older man. He meant well, but it still stung.

  Her face grew warm as she rode up in the elevator. This was a whole other world for her. The people she’d met were rich and they all seemed to have some sort of agenda. First Chris and his hobby of making poor people his personal project...then Claire leading her to believe she cared, thought of her as a sister when all she wanted was a sexual dalliance until Martha arrived, her true friend. They were probably lovers as well as friends and that was why Alex didn’t really care for Martha.

  Her hands gripped the tray so hard her knuckles were ivory. Shit. And now Liam, just another silver spooned guy taking advantage of her. Why would Alex lie about that? They must really think she was a fool. Someone to toy with and use.

  She had been a fool. She needs to remember her PLACE.

  The elevator opened and she stepped out, striding to the pool room to restock the bar. Well, she’d show them. She could put up with this until she completed her education. She snorted, balancing the tray and opening the door. Maybe Rose had been the smart one. She’d never got involved with them other than doing her work. She’d finished her education and now lived far away with a husband and plans for a family. That was the route to take.

  She emptied the tray and then wandered around the room picking up used towels. After loading her arms she left the pool area and entered the utility room to throw the laundry into the washing machine. She opened the small cabinet to get the detergent and bleach. The detergent was where she left it but the bleach was nowhere to be seen. That was odd.

  The cleaning woman, Maria, had asked her about the bleach the other day. She hadn’t been able to find it either. She sighed and turned the washing machine on. She’d put it on the grocery list when she went downstairs. For now, the detergent would have to do the job alone.


  It was almost noon when Claire appeared in the kitchen. She was dressed for the day in a pale peach linen dress, a colorful flowered scarf accenting it softly. Her eyes were a little puffy but other than that, she was none the worse for wear following the evening of debauchery.

  “Good morning Brie. We won’t be needing breakfast today. Martha, Alex and I will be going out for brunch. There’s an art exhibit that we’re going to take in afterwards.” She flashed a smile. “I’ve forwarded your pay for last night. Other than dinner at seven, you’ve got the condo to yourself.” She looked around the kitchen and her eyebrows rose. “Everything looks neat and tidy. You must have been up for hours cleaning.”

  Brie’s returned the smile, feeling lightness in her limbs at the news and compliment. The condo to herself, all afternoon. “Thanks. I’ve been up for a while.” There was no way she was going to let her know that Liam had woken her with a text.

  “Maybe you’ll be able to take a nap later.” Again the bright flash of teeth in a wide grin.

  “Actually, I’ll probably finish reading the next unit in my course. Since it will be quiet and you won’t need me, I’ll get the test out of the way.” She turned and flipped the switch on the coffee maker. This was great! Her work day was free for the next five hours at least.

  “Good for you. See you later.” With a flutter of her fingers Claire left the room.

  Brie turned and rinsed the coffee pot under the tap. In the background, Martha and Alex’s voice drifted in from the foyer. She turned off the tap and strained to hear but everything became silent. They must have left already.

  She raced to her bedroom and booted up the laptop. There were only ten pages to read for this section. She’d be able to do that in no time. With the quiet in the condo, there’d be no distractions during the second test. She crossed her fingers. With luck, she’d pass this one.

  Chapter 24

  Brie got up from the desk three hours later and wandered into the kitchen to get a drink of water before starting the test. She’d read and re-read the material three times. If she wasn’t ready for the test now, she never would be. There were still a couple of hours until the Baders would be back.

  Standing before the refridgerator, letting the water pour into the glass, she glanced over at the counter. Her lips pulled to the side and she sighed, recalling how Liam had lifted her up and set her there the evening before. It had been romantic and hot kissing him, aching for his body. But that was then. Now, after Alex’s warning, it would probably never happen again.

  She gulped the water and straightened her shoulders, before setting the glass down with a firm thud. THIS was important, doing well on the test. It was the only way she’d ever get ahead.

  In a few minutes she was seated at the desk, the cursor of her mouse hovering over the ‘Start’ icon. She could do this. She clicked the mouse and once more a series of multiple choice and short answer questions appeared before her.

  She smiled reading the first question. Of the choices given, the answer was obviously ‘C’.

  Halfway through the fifty questions, there was a noise outside in the foyer. Her eyes narrowed. It coul
d only mean they were back. Shit! She started reading the next question when there was a light tap on her door.

  She got up and ran to it, opening the door a crack.

  Claire stood there, a frown on her face. “I’m sorry to disturb you but I brought Martha home. She’s ill. Do you know where the anti-histamine is? There must have been peanut oil in the salad at lunch.”

  Oh God. Where else you would keep medicine? In the medicine cabinet! Brie sighed. “Try the cabinet in your bathroom. I think I saw it there, when I was checking supplies the other day.”

  She closed the door and raced back to the computer, fighting the urge to scream with frustration. Now that the test was started, she had to finish it and there was only thirty two minutes left!

  She puffed out exasperation reading the question a second time. The multiple choice answers were tricky this time. It could be ‘A’ but ‘D’ was also close.

  A loud knock on the door sounded. “Brie?”

  This time she rose slowly. Oh God. A repeat of the last exam? Why hadn’t she done what she’d planned, wait and take the test in a library? She opened the door and her shoulders slumped for a moment. Claire looked worried. Faint lines threaded the skin on her usually smooth forehead and her eyes were wide.

  “Have you seen my diamond tennis bracelet?”

  “What? I mean, pardon? Your tennis bracelet...”

  “It was there a few days ago, in my jewelry box. Now it’s gone. Did you move it when you dusted?” Claire was out of breath, the words flying fast.


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