Book Read Free

Mind and Flesh

Page 23

by 8Loki

  Another gunshot. The government asshole was shot. The first goon was not dead and had finally reached for his weapon. He shoots in the direction of the government guy multiple times. My ears are getting deafened and each gunshot seems fainter than the next. The government guy has blood stains on his right arm and his chest. The gun falls on the floor and he instantly follows it down.

  The door opens and two of the black masked men enter and raise their guns at me.

  “Sir?” says one of them near the body of the government agent. The other one screams “What the fuck is going on here!”

  As they are probably surprised to see that the only threat is still tightly bound, they fail to notice the first goon taking aim.

  Several new gunshots and both men have barely enough time to turn in the direction of the shooter when some of the shots hit them in the head. Their bodies collapse.

  The first goon slowly stands up and smiles at me.

  “Are you me?” I ask him with tears of relief in my eyes as he gets closer. This is the only way for this situation to make sense. The other one was having a headache…

  “Yes,” he replies as he gets closer. “From the female us, the intern. I started a fire in the office of the sixth floor so she could get the machine and some chloroform while you were out. Thanks for reassembling it, by the way! I thought I would have to mix all the parts in a bag, but you just made it easier for me. Fuck, it hurts.”

  He is clenching his teeth. Blood is pouring from the side of his left shoulder. Small pools of blood are spreading around the various corpses, and the walls are covered in red spots. A metallic smell fills my nostrils. He starts to unshackle me.

  “Fuck you… That is why he was after me… You didn’t even help…”

  “Yes, sorry. After your behavior last time, I thought that you were a rotten branch of the tree. So I grew some new branches. I figured that I was sick of caring for other people. Well, you made me figure that out. Screw everyone. Screw you, screw humanity. Everyone for himself.” His eyes look fierce and intimidating. “The only way to be definitively safe is to actually kill or convert the asshole, and the other people here that know about us. This is time for fucking revenge. So since today, I am infiltrating this place. I started by seducing a higher up so then he could just order all those dumb people to put the neuro-helmet on. The body I am in was one of those dumb fucks.”

  He helps me down the board. I feel the blood leaving my brain and finding its normal flow again. I feel better, even if my intestines feel watery and water keeps leaking out of my ass. This is so fucked up. I was fucking raped again. And now there are multiples me… So many things are happening, my head will explode, if my stomach does not liquefy. “So there are multiple others?”

  “Yes! About five or six as far as I know.”

  “An army of me…”


  “We are building an army of me.” I pick up my clothes and start to dress.

  “Yes, exactly. We find our sister, clear evidence from this place, everything that they used to track and spy on us, and then we are free to do whatever the fuck we want without fear. And fuck anyone that goes in our way. Actually… At first we decided not to help you because we didn’t want to attract attention as long as the place is not safe for us. But that fucker figured us out…” He points at the body of the government guy… That is not here anymore. We both look at each other and say “Fuck!” in unison.

  Shit shit shit. He runs to the door. I can see the trail of blood left by the government asshole leading to the door that was left open by the two black masked men.

  I follow the goon.

  “Stop,” he says, “He is gone. We need to get weapons. I am sure that my gun is empty, and you need something too.”

  We both grab a rifle from the black masked men. The weapon is fucking heavy! I feel my arms dragged down when I try to hold it. I really do not feel comfortable with that. Perhaps it is better for the goon, as he is more massive, but this doesn’t work for me. I drop the rifle and walk over to the body of the second goon. He seems to have been hit in the heart. I take his gun. It is heavy, but less than the rifle. More practical. I look on the side of the gun. The safety is off.

  This is my first time holding a gun. A real one. I have already played with fake ones, but I was never really much interested in guns. Now that I have a real heavy one in my hands, I feel its deadly power. If I pull this trigger, I can get another human being to die. I look at the first goon, waiting for me at the door, glancing from side to side.

  I take aim. Fucker, you caused me to get caught, and then you did not help me when I was tortured. I try to hold the gun as tightly as possible, and then I pull the trigger.

  Loud noise. My hands are slightly moved by the recoil. I see his body bend down. He is turning around. I shoot again. And again. He is now in the middle of the corridor, the rifle behind him. He barely moves, but he tries to turn and to reach for the rifle, with rage in his eyes. His arms seem limp and slow. I take aim with the sight. I hold my breath. I shoot. A disgusting hole in his forehead. His body falls flat and shakes for a few seconds.

  Die, asshole, die.

  Now I will kill them all. The government agent and his penis tongue. The female me that was my intern. The army of me. Every last one of them. They are nothing more than rabbits to the slaughter, and the rabbit king is here to end them all.

  I can see the walls collapsing to my will, revealing the worms I will squish. My wings will take me to the wolf and I will enter my arm in his ass until I reach his heart. I will not find a heart but a pair of testicles that I will tear off his chest. Once the balls will have exited through his ass, I will put them in his mouth and ask him to lick and chew. His penis tongue and his balls will be shredded by his sharp teeth. I will then smash his head against the wall until all I will be holding will be a lifeless lump of flesh, broken skull and teeth. Then the rabbits will gather around me to celebrate, and I will burn them, burn them all. As their skin will melt and falls like a glove, they will reveal themselves as dogs. Then the fur will also tear and fall to reveal pigs. They will fuck each other in the fire, and I will gut them, I will gut all the pigs and then I will rest in their spilled organs. I will finally sleep, in a world where there is no one left to squeal.

  I shake my head. I am walking in the corridor, following the blood trail that the government guy left behind him. He will lead me to my sister and I will kill him. He is my prey now. I hope that he is afraid, shitting his pants. Although I am no better with my bowels disgustingly full of liquid. He will pay.

  I never stray off the path, glancing in each corridor before entering it, glancing at each opened door that is on my way. Surprisingly, there does not seem to be anyone left there. Did he have time to ask for an evacuation of the building?

  Suddenly, I am startled by the sound of gunshots coming from the direction where I am going. I slow down, reach the end of the corridor and peek at the corner. About a dozen black masked men are lined up on each side of a door. In front of the door, three of these men are on the ground, immobile and probably dead. The plaque next to the door reads “conference amphitheater”. And then I see him. The government guy is behind the other men. He is holding his right arm with his left, his white shirt completely stained with blood on the right side. He is not suffering enough for my taste. He yells “Throw a fucking grenade!”

  As one of the armed men next to the door reach for a grenade in his belt, I ponder if I should help the army of me. Right now, I could just turn tail and leave all these fucks to kill each other. Leave my sister to die. However, I can’t. The goon was right, as long as the government guy and this agency are on my back, I will never be able to feel safe. I will always be tracked and my every movement will be watched. And then he could capture and torture me again if I do not do obey. Moreover… Maybe if I rescue my sister, she will see me as her savior and date me. And we will fuck.

  I also do not have the machine, I cannot change identit
y. And the machine is very likely to be with the army of me. Those fuckers. My initial plan still stands then. I will kill everyone. I took too much time to decide, as the armed man pulled the pin on the grenade and threw it through the door. Shit, I hope that my sister is not in there.

  There is a flash of light and a loud noise. Dust and debris fly out of the room.

  “Storm in!” orders the government guy.

  The two men at the side of the door rush in, quickly followed by the two next.

  Gunshots. My heart is beating very fast. All those death machines make me really anxious. Fuck.

  The next men are following suit. Just at this moment, on the other end of the corridor a group of three black masked armed men and one man in a military uniform appear. I move backwards as fast as possible towards the door of a room on the side of my corridor, perpendicular to theirs. My head is starting to hurt again.

  I hit my hip hard against the door frame, but I don’t think that they noticed me. I see them passing my corridor and reaching the other men as gunshots are still being fired inside. Now that they have passed me, I take back my position near the corner, holding my gun tightly. Shit, there are too many of them. This is so stressful.

  Fuck, pain, pain, pain. My head is being squeezed by invisible hands.

  I need to… pill, in my pocket.

  I get a pill and try to swallow it without water. The man in a military uniform seems old, with a lot of pins and stripes on his uniform. He asks “What is going on?”

  As the government guy starts to answer, the armed men flanking the military officer raise take aim and start to open fire on the armed men that were still around the door. The ones still standing retaliate. Chaos ensues as both sides shoot at each other. Yes, fucking yes! Those new arrivals were clones of me.

  I see the government guy quickly leap on the floor to avoid being shot at. He crawls next to a body and grabs a rifle to shoot at the army of me. Gunshots are making my headache worse. I can’t even swallow the fucking pill. No, finally, I swallowed.

  I clench my fists hoping to have a reading of the situation. There are bodies everywhere on the ground, blood sprayed on the walls and the floor. Bullet impacts making patterns on the walls, thankfully not in my direction. Dust gets continually released from the damaged walls.

  The government guy stopped shooting, now the only sounds of shooting come from inside the amphitheater. He is still holding his rifle on the top of a body, looking in the direction of the army of me.

  My clones are all down, two of them wiggling in agony. The military officer is sitting with his back against the wall, his face almost completely blasted off. I can see the muscles of what remain of his jaw still moving. He falls on his side. The armed men from the government guy are also all dead. Except the asshole that leaped on the ground, no one had enough cover. It was a massacre on both sides. Which is exactly what I needed.

  I take a step backward and aim down the sight, straight at the government guy. I hold the gun firmly and pull the trigger and shoot. He screams and rolls on his side, releasing the rifle. I shot him in his left arm.

  I slowly get closer. He is in pain. He tries to get up on his knees.

  I finally cornered my prey. I kick his back and he falls on his belly, on top of another body.

  “My turn to have some fun with you, no?” I tease him.

  I get behind him, put the safety on my gun and place it between my pants and underwear, right under my belly.

  I unshackle the government guy’s belt and drop down his pants. I feel the hate and anger rising in me.

  Finally, this asshole is mine. Literally.

  “The fuck are you doing!” he screams.

  “So you liked to play with my ass? I will play with yours. Enjoy being powerless now.”

  He shakes his legs. I kick his left heel as hard as I can. I hear a moan of pain. He stops moving.

  I grab the rifle he was previously holding. I get it closer to his ass. I try to enter the tip of the weapon in his ass, but it does not get in. I insist until it gets inside.

  “Fuck you!” he yells in pain.

  I move the tip of the rifle back and forth in this ass. He starts to struggle again, and screams in pain as I forcefully match his moves.

  “Stop it… Stop it…” he starts to cry.

  “Prepare for the moment where I come.”

  “No! No!”

  Now that I think about it, my penis is indeed hard in my pants. I am very excited. I pull the trigger. The gunshot is resonating in the corridor, and my arm is projected backwards by the recoil. I drop the rifle. As he screams, blood starts pouring out of his ass.

  “Aaaaaaah!” he shouts, and cries.

  My heart slows down. My breathing is quieter.

  I turn him around. He is still alive, his eyes squinting and his face contracted. His penis is retracted and covered in blood. I grab my handgun from my pants, remove the safety and aim at his head.

  I wait for the moment where he opens his eyes. He has a look of both fear and relief. I shoot. The hole is right between his two eyes. His head jerks backward and stops moving. His legs and feet get tense for a second, then stop moving.

  I feel so good. So relaxed. I killed this motherfucker that made my life a living hell.

  Geese are flying. Everyone in the kingdom is celebrating the victory of the king. Some rabbits are dancing on top of a mount of dead dogs. Some rabbits are fucking inside the chest cavity of pig carcasses. Semen and blood intertwine to form a beautiful flow of life and death. I put the head of the bunny costume on my own head.

  Someone punches me in the thigh at the same time as a loud noise. I feel displaced forward and fall on the dead body of the government asshole. Due to the shock, I feel completely out of energy. I turn around to see who attacked me.

  The female me is standing right in front of the door to the amphitheater. Her whole right side is deeply burned with her clothes ripped and her skin dark and scorched. She is holding a gun with a left arm, pointing it at me. “Oh, it’s you,” she just says.

  I look at my thigh. Fuck! It is completely covered in blood! She fucking shot me!

  My heartbeat starts accelerating.

  I roll as fast as possible to the side and shoot at her while she shoots at me.

  I feel a punch on the side. Shit! I keep shooting at her. No time to aim, just shoot. Several impacts on her chest and arms. She falls backwards and screams. I try to stand up.

  Fuck it hurts! I can’t control my leg!

  I crawl to where she is. She stopped screaming and moving, but I see her breathing. She sees me slowly approaching.

  “Fuck you… it hurts…” she simply comments.

  I can still survive. The machine! I just need the machine.

  “Where is the machine?” I ask her.

  “Inside,” she replies while looking at the door. “With her.”

  “With her?”

  She nods and stops moving.

  I feel so exhausted. I grab a rifle. I put the safety on, and then use the rifle to get up. I use it as a crutch to enter the amphitheater. I feel the blood running down my feet. I look down and see that my clothes are drenched in blood.

  As I as walk in the room, a massacre greets me. Where the grenade exploded there is a hole that seemingly pushed benches outwards and painted them black. Among the benches, one body split in three parts and one person crushed. Near my feet, several bodies of black masked men. Further away, more bodies of the armed men among bodies of people in suits, all of them dead in different positions. Bullet impacts everywhere. And lower down, in the middle of the room, a desk. With the machine sitting on top.

  I slowly limp towards the machine. Each movement makes my thigh hurt, and the rest of my leg feels completely numb. I am so cold, almost out of energy. Am I going to die?

  I reach the machine and touch it with my fingers. What a relief. I feel so fucking cold, but it is heartwarming to finally get my machine back. I feel tentacles emanating from my mac
hine and gently caressing my brain. So sweet. I smile.

  Then I notice the woman right on the other side of the desk, ducking behind it. I limp a bit more and see her.

  My sister! Finally!

  She looks scared to see me.

  “Don’t be afraid…” I whisper. “I am your brother.”

  I can finally tell her the truth. I already feel better. All the animals are dead, and I am reunited with my sister. She will open her legs for me. I will feed off her sexual energy and be rejuvenated.

  “What? You are not my brother!” she loudly exclaims with an air of incredulity.

  “I am your brother! I am in the body of someone else because of the machine I invented, but it’s me!” I smile, trying to look reassuring, but moving is more and more difficult for me. I feel like lying down and letting go.

  She stands up. “What nonsense are you saying… Please just let me go…I just want to go home… But everyone is dead… I don’t even know if I will get shot if I leave this room… Is it safe know?”

  I feel rejected and hurt. I told her the truth but she won’t listen! Why is she not happy to see me? Why is everything so difficult and against me?

  My body cannot keep up anymore. It is failing me. I have lost too much blood. Fuck her. I can’t die. I always save myself. I am a survivor and a conqueror. I am the king of the mind. Bodies are mere vessels for me.

  I painfully plug the machine to the power socket. I put a neuro-helmet on my head. She is eyeing the gun in my right hand. I take the second neuro-helmet and reach out to her.

  “Put that on your head,” I whisper while pointed my gun at her, “and everything will be clear. You will be reunited with your brother.”

  I am feeling colder and colder. I need to switch to her body as quickly as possible, or I will be dead. This is the only way that I can survive.


  I look who hit me.

  No one did. The migraine is already back. My brain is being squished and mashed.


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