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Into the Blackness (Blackness Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Norma Jeanne Karlsson

  He’s refined in a tailored three-piece suit with a Cuban hanging from his teeth. His hair is salt and pepper, heavier on the pepper. I’m guessing he’s close to fifty, but can pull off forty in a push. There’s something about his eyes that lets me know he may live in the affluent world now, but he doesn’t come from here. It’s like looking in a mirror fifteen years into my future.

  “Phil, this is our new neighbor, Nick Johnson,” Tony finishes.

  I slide my palm into his and respect the firm grip he offers. He holds my eyes for a moment before smiling around his cigar.

  “Hear you’re beatin’ the pants off these boys every week,” he says in a deep gravelly voice.

  “Don’t believe everything you hear,” I say through a chuckle retrieving my hand.

  “Never do. I will tell you I’ve heard you’ve got yourself a looker for a wife,” he says with a brow raised.

  “That you can believe.”

  He lets out a loud bark of laughter before clapping me on the back.

  “Make sure you hang onto that. Women in this town have a tendency to upgrade,” he informs me with a knowing look.

  I notice a few mumbles from behind me and realize that some of these men must have been downgraded at some point. Maybelle is a cut-throat world in every facet.

  “Thanks for the advice,” I respond through a smile before moving to the table.

  The evening progresses normally with me kicking everyone’s ass, including Phil’s.

  “You sure he’s not a professional player?” Phil asks after he loses yet another hand to me.

  “I grew up playin’ a lot. You get good after a few decades,” I reply nonchalantly.

  That’s a true statement. Growing up in a crime family, poker was a part of my life as long as I can remember. I’m good, really fucking good. I take it easy on these guys most of the time. They all have horrible tells and no strategy. I think they like losing their money.

  “How long you been in security?” Phil asks as Tony deals another hand.

  “Since college, about eleven years.”

  I peek down at my hand. Pocket kings. I’m not even going to have to pay attention this game.

  “How’d you get into that?” Tony asks. This is the most these guys have asked about my past making me somewhat wary and very excited.

  “It was my father’s business. When he retired I took over and expanded it beyond the Midwest.”

  “Expanded your bank account too,” Phil scoffs before throwing back two fingers of whiskey. His sixth by my count.

  “That was the intended goal,” I say through a sly smile.

  “Get your woman before you got your money?” he asks slightly slurred.

  “Met Kat in college.”

  “That’s good, she’ll be less likely to upgrade.”

  I don’t respond because I’m not liking the direction of the conversation. I push all my chips to the middle of the table and win the hand because they all fold. Pussies.

  I need to get a bug in this house, but the only room I’ve ever been in is this one and I doubt they’re doing business down here. Slow and steady wins the race. It’s killing me.

  “Why don’t you come by my office next week? I could use some added security,” Phil suggests nonchalantly.

  “Sure. I’ve got some availability on Tuesday if that works for you. Here’s my card. Give me a call.”

  Supposedly, Phil’s in marketing and advertising. I’m not sure why he needs more than basic security, but I’m willing to check out everyone that spends time with the Bookers.

  “Will do,” Phil says, placing my card in his inner jacket pocket.

  We play a few more hands before calling it a night. I’m up six grand, so I say the evening is glowing success with Phil being an added bonus. Progress.


  I walk across the street and am surprised to find an Audi SUV in my driveway. Who the fuck is at my house at midnight? I pick up my pace and enter my front door to be knocked in the face with the full belly laughter of Kat along with that of a man. Not one of the boys, a man.

  I remove my coat and head in the direction of the jubilation, which is coming from the kitchen area. I enter the room and find it empty, but hear more chuckles coming from the family room. The sight that my eyes find makes my stomach drop.

  Kat is sitting on the couch with her back to me, her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun still dressed in her skin tight pants with a black sweater that even though I can’t see, I know has a low-hanging cleavage-revealing neck-line.

  On the same couch is a man facing her dressed in jeans and a button down, rolled at the sleeves and unbuttoned exposing a bit of his chest. He has lust in his light blue eyes and his brown hair is messed in a way that says he runs his fingers through it a lot. I’m not entertaining any other way it got that fucked up.

  Kat’s blocking his view of me and I’m currently breathing slowly, schooling my features. I’ve had too much whiskey to get it completely together.

  “I’m back,” I announce loudly.

  Kat leans her head all the way back so I get a view of her face upside down, it also allows the man a better view of her tits where his eyes are currently fixed.

  “Did you win?” she asks, again the right tone with the wrong look.

  “I did all right,” I lie.

  Kat sits back up and continues talking to her guest. I move to the fridge and grab a beer.

  “Who’s your guest?” I ask making my way to them, done with this shit.

  “This is Jason Ross, the boys’ coach,” Kat explains.

  “Are we havin’ late night practice?” I ask moving into the family room standing behind Kat, glowering at Jason Ross.

  “He offered to bring the boys home after the play. I guess we lost track of time,” she replies nonchalantly.

  “I should get outta your hair,” he finally speaks, climbing to his feet.

  The guy is in great shape and has a few inches on me. I’d kick the shit out of him before he’d know I was coming.

  “Thanks for the nightcap,” Jason says offering Kat a panty-dropping smile.

  “Thanks for keepin’ me company and makin’ me laugh my head off,” she responds while rising to her feet.

  “Any time,” he responds with a promise of more masking his features.

  This motherfucker has balls. I’m so shocked I’m just standing here like a fucking idiot.

  He smiles at her again before hugging her. Hugging her! He’s fucking hugging my wife two feet from me. Then, while she’s in his arms, he opens his eyes and smiles knowingly at me. Before I launch at him he lets her go.

  “See you at five tomorrow,” he purrs and then moves away from us.

  Kat goes to follow him catching my eyes for the first time and stops in her tracks. Jason continues on his own as I keep her pinned with my gaze until I hear the front door open and shut. The blank mask is gone from Kat’s face now. She looks terrified.

  She moves her mouth to talk and I stop her with a small shake of my head. If she starts with her shit right now I can’t be held responsible for my actions. I would never put my hands on a woman, but I will wreck this house in a rage I’m certain she’s never experienced.

  Kat tries to move around me and I take a step, blocking her path. Her chest is heaving in deep labored breaths. She’s scared of me. I know what my face and posture look like right now. This is not Agent Nick Cooper. This is the monster that murdered and tortured people for a decade and he’s feeling homicidal.

  “Nick,” she whispers, pleading with me to stop.

  I move into her space and she steps back. I follow. We continue this dance until she backs herself into the wall and panics when she collides with it.

  “You’re scaring me,” she says in a shaky voice.

  “Good,” I growl and her face pales. “I feel fuckin’ scary right now.”


  I cut her off. “Don’t you fuckin’ think about it. You’re not talkin�
� your way outta this so just stand here and keep you goddamned mouth shut.”

  Her mouth snaps shut, her eyes remain huge.

  I breathe. I breathe and breathe, trying to get my shit together. I can do this.

  “You’ve given me nothin’ for a month. I walk in just now and you’re givin’ him everything. What exactly did you wanna accomplish with that?”

  “I wasn’t.” She stops speaking when I spin and hurl my bottle of beer across the room shattering it against the wall.

  “You wanna lie to me? I swear to fuckin’ God,” I mutter running my hand over my head. “Tell me the truth!” I roar.

  “I don’t know. He was bein’ nice to me,” she whispers, tears pricking her eyes.

  “Am I not nice enough to you? I take your shit at every fuckin’ corner. What the fuck do you want from me?!”

  “Nothing,” she lies.

  “I warned you about lyin’. I’m at my motherfuckin’ limit tonight, Kat.” My hands begin to shake at my sides and I know I’m going to have to walk away from her soon.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” she pleads with a tone that I haven’t heard from her before.

  “You just gutted me. You’re not the one in danger.”

  “I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

  “Yes, you were and you know what? I’m fuckin’ done. I don’t need this shit. I’ve got an op to run and I don’t need your emotional shit hangin’ over my head. You wanna fuck Jason Ross or half the town, be my guest. You’re not my wife. My wife would never let another man touch her, much less eye fuck her for hours in my home.”

  She flinches like I just hit her, but I see a fight building in her eyes.

  “You hurt me,” she states indignantly. “A month ago you fuckin’ gutted me in the bathroom. How does it feel, Nick?”

  “What?” I ask in disbelief.

  “You ranted about me bein’ your wife and then gave me a glimpse of what that would actually be like and acted as though it was the most disgusting thing you’d ever experienced, kissing me. I’ve had men make me feel like trash before, but I’ve never had a man discard me with the ease you did that day.”

  “Kat,” I whisper.

  “So when an attractive man showed me some attention I fuckin’ liked it. He made me feel good when I’ve spent weeks feeling repulsive. I’m human beyond anything else. I have feelings and you crushed them. Jason made me feel better,” she sneers.

  “What do you want from me?” I snarl, feeling infuriated at a level I didn’t know I could reach. I’m pissed at her for not talking to me. I’m livid at Jason Ross for existing. But more than anything, I’m enraged at myself for not seeing this.

  Panic sweeps across her face and her voice shakes as she answers me with, “Nothing.”

  “What do you want from me?!” I bellow and move further into her face, her breath brushing across my throat.

  “You,” she says as a sob breaks from her chest and a tear runs from one glimmering hazel eye.

  I watch that tear roll down her perfect face until it drops off her jaw. When I meet her eyes, I see it. The vulnerability I’ve been begging her for since day one, she’s giving it to me. There’s no mask, no running into the blackness. She’s here and present with me in this moment.

  “You have me,” I say softly and her breath hitches. “As long as you give me you, you’ll have me.”

  Another sob breaks from her chest as she nods.

  “Kissing you was one of the best things I’ve ever experienced. I stopped it because I felt like I was attacking you. I wasn’t disgusted by you. I was disgusted with myself for molesting you. I didn’t want that for you…not after the other ops you’ve been on. I’m fuckin’ sorry I hurt you that day. I was pissed at myself and then you went blank on me. If I ever hurt you again, you tell me. Straight up. No runnin’.”

  She nods again, unable to speak through the tears that are running down her cheeks. I run my thumbs over her face, wiping away the wetness as she closes her eyes at my gentle touch.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you tonight,” she says softly.

  “Don’t do that again, Sunshine. If we do this, it’s my way and I don’t fuckin’ share. You’re mine. I don’t think I need to explain this to you, but I need to know you get how I work. I know that’s intense, but that’s me. Can you do that?” I’m soft with her even though the words are extreme.

  “Yes,” she says her voice quivering as she opens her eyes to meet mine.

  She can do it. I see the tenacity in her eyes that says she can be everything I need in life. Fuck me but it looks better than anything I’ve ever seen.

  I tip my head an inch and press my mouth to hers, tasting her tears mixed with wine and the sweetness that’s just Kat. She melts into me so much so that only my body being pressed against hers is keeping her upright. I reach my hands under her arms and drag her up the wall until her face is level with mine, never breaking our kiss. Once I have her positioned where I want, she encapsulates me with her arms and legs. I slant my head and as I do, Kat opens her mouth without hesitation.

  I slowly pass my tongue between her soft lips meeting the tip of hers as she moves to enter my mouth. Our tongues tangle and massage each other’s as I grab a hold of her ass and knead the supple cheeks. A moan filters into my mouth from hers causing a growl to rattle in my chest. I’m not fucking her up against a wall. I want her in our bed, laid out beneath me to worship every inch. So I move in that direction.

  As I begin to walk with Kat still wrapped around me she releases my mouth, dragging her teeth along my jaw before moving to my ear. She teases the shell with her tongue and teeth as I pick up the pace. When I hit the stairs her warm breath tickles my neck before she suckles and nips the sensitive skin. My dick is straining against my zipper, begging to be released.

  I enter our room and quickly shut and lock the door before depositing Kat on the bed, crawling on top of her. I grab the hem of her sweater and pull it off before reaching behind my head yanking mine off. I snake my hand behind her back and unclasp her bra dragging it from her arms. I draw in a hissed breath at the beauty in front of me. She’s fucking unbelievable. Perky tits with pink peaked nipples, a slight flush decorating her chest and cheeks. She’s a vision of perfection.

  I hook my fingers in the waist of her pants pulling them down her legs, leaving her in a scrap of a black lace thong. Up on my knees I quickly get free of my slacks before covering her body with mine, her soft delicate skin warming beneath me, as I capture her mouth and palm her tit.

  Her back leaves the mattress as I roll her nipple between my forefinger and thumb with gentle pressure. I leave her mouth trailing my tongue down the slope of her neck to the valley between her tits. I lick my way across the soft flesh before devouring her nipple. I suckle and nip while she moans and thrashes, her nails digging into my scalp.

  I switch my mouth and hand and I swear to God she’s about to come. Her body is trembling and her hips are rocking against my thigh trying to relieve the pressure that’s building.

  “Nicky,” she whispers.

  My dick twitches and I increase my pressure and action with my fingers and my mouth. Her chest is heaving with short labored pants as her head falls back and her breathing stops while her orgasm rips through her.

  Her nails bite into my head while I slow my motion and let her come back down to earth.

  “Fuck me,” she gasps.

  “Gettin’ there, Sunshine,” I purr.

  A deep guttural moan flows from her lips as I drag my teeth down the plane of her stomach to the edge of her thong. With delicate fingers, I slide the fabric over her hips letting the lace tickle her legs all the way to her ankles. Then I kiss my way back up her long stems until I reach her bare pussy before placing a chaste kiss at the top.

  I push her knees all the way back planting them on either side of her chest. She keeps them there as I run my hands down the backs of her thighs until I round her ass and tip her up for me to feast.

  One long s
low sweep of my tongue from back to front and Kat cries out, her body shuddering. I continue to lick slowly building the pressure in her once again before settling on her clit. I harden my tongue to flick firmly before plunging a single finger in her tight pussy. She clenches around me and rocks her hips to get more.

  I match my tongue’s pace with my finger before adding a second and with that she drenches me in come, thrashing her head from side to side whispering my name, “Nicky.” I don’t let her come down this time. I rip my boxer briefs off, palm my dick and slowly ease it into her.

  Kat’s eyes pop open and she leans up on her elbows to watch my cock disappear inside her. I’m stretching her so I go slowly, enjoying the show of her taking me. Once I’m seated to the hilt I cover her with my body and enjoy the feeling of her warm wet pussy squeezing my dick trying to accommodate my size.

  “Your fuckin’ big,” she groans with pleasure.

  I offer her a seductive smile before taking her lips. She hungrily licks her come off my mouth and chin before ramming her tongue into my mouth and moving her hips to let me know she’s ready.

  Slowly, I slide out before pounding back in, causing her to convulse in ecstasy. I continue to power into her wanting more, needing to get deeper. Kat wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my shoulders, clinging to me with desire.

  I release her mouth and bury my face in her neck increasing my thrusts, growling like an animal as her pussy closes around my cock and her nails score my back. “Ahhhh,” breaks from her lips almost silently before she starts to go limp from the exhaustion of her orgasms wracking her body.

  I savor the moment. She’s here in our bed, giving me everything. There’s no mask, no mark. This is us entirely. I rest my forehead against hers and lock my gaze with fiery hazel eyes that set my soul alight. I’ll never lose this again. Fuck the op. Fuck the DCA. I have a treasure in my arms, she’s mine. Mine.

  As this realization hits me I drop my head back to her neck and surge forward with intensity. Her pussy clamps down on me as she whimpers with passion. Kat’s heavenly scent mixed with citrus and sandy beaches envelopes me as I thrust purposefully. She’s mine. With her juices drenching my balls one last time, I slam into her, filling her with months’ worth of come, smothering my own screams of release into her neck.


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