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A Gangsters Melody

Page 4

by Wright, Sean A.

  “Oh for real? That’s what’s up. I like they new song. They really want us to hold down the V.I.P?” I asked. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “Hell yeah. They already know how the SD’s get down. That’s why they call us whenever there is a baller event going on. So it’s a good thing we did some shopping and got our hair and nails done. So pay attention because tonight will be lesson number one on how to bag a baller.” She advised me. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “The only problem is my Grandmother. If I stay out all night she is going to flip out.” I said, now sounding depressed.

  “Well I can’t help you with that, and I damn sure ain’t cutting my night short to bring you home so you better handle your business.”

  We put the bags in the trunk and got in the car. I slumped down in the passenger’s seat no longer excited, and no longer in such a good mood. How was I going to get around arguing with Mama Belle about going out tonight? It was times like this I really missed mommy and daddy. Monica was on her cell phone alerting the rest of the crew when we pulled up in front of my house. She finished up her call and turned to me.

  “Look I’ll be back to get you at 10:30. If you ain’t going then call my cell phone.” She instructed.

  “Okay girl, let me go in and deal with the bullshit. I’ll holla at you. Where you going anyway?” I asked curiously.

  “Shit. We spent a lot of money today. I’m going to get some more and switch up whips.” She stated as if it was a part of her everyday routine.

  “Girl you are something else. Thanks for the shopping spree.” I said very appreciative.

  “It ain’t shit. You can repay me by just being a down ass loyal bitch. Anyway I’ll holla.” She drove off and I watched her head get smaller going down the block.

  When I got inside the house I headed stra’ight for my room. Once inside my room I emptied out all of the bags from the mall onto that little ass bed. I had so much stuff that the bed couldn’t hold them all. I picked up the Juicy Couture outfit held it under my chin, and thought to myself “I’m going to kill them in this, especially with the matching shoes and belt.” I was just in the middle of making myself feel good again when Mama Belle walked in. She noticed the makeover and all the clothes and immediately started preaching.

  “You know child, I came in here to have a talk with you woman to woman, but now I see all these fancy clothes, the hairdo and the nails, and I know you ain’t got no damn money. You wanna explain this shit?” She asked with a sarcastic attitude.

  “Grandma, Monica bought me all of this so I would look nice when we went out tonight. She knew I didn’t have anything so she treated me. And I happen to think it was very nice of her.” I stated matter of factly.

  “You know you’re about as dumb as a bag of bricks if you think that a total stranger is going to spend a bunch of money on you for no reason. There ain’t that much niceness in the world. That damn lesbian ain’t nothing but trouble. Jumping in and out of all those fancy cars. Her and all her fast ass friends. And if you think you gonna run the streets all times of night and come in here when you feel like it you got another thing coming.” She said, shaking one finger in my face with her other hand on her hip

  “Look grandma, I’m just going out for a few hours with Monica and a few of her friends. I can take care of myself and I know right from wrong. You are just going to have to trust me.” I responded.

  “Trust you? You know right from wrong? Girl this is Baltimore, Maryland. These fast ass streets will eat your little country ass up and spit you out. But okay, Miss know it all, you go on ahead. You been here 24 hours and you think you got Baltimore all figured out huh? Well I’m going to sit back and watch the show but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She said, with a sinister smile on her face. Then she closed the door and left.

  I closed my eyes and plopped down on my bed. I looked at the clock and realized it was 8:30 and decided I better get myself ready. I grabbed my washcloth, underwear and robe and headed to take a shower. While in the shower all I could think about was how much fun I would have later on that night. I also made a mental note to be responsible and come home at a decent hour. Even if it meant leaving the girls and taking a cab home. Monica had given me some spending money to put in my pocket. Although she swore up and down that as long as I was with her I wouldn’t need to spend it. I was very appreciative, but I hated being dependant on people but what other choice did I have? Daddy’s life insurance policy was null and void since it was a suicide, neither he or momma had a will and the money they had saved up paid for the double funeral. So I was left with absolutely nothing. And although I hated taking handouts, at this point I had to do what I had to do.

  I was dressed and on my way out the door when I was stopped by Mama Belle. She handed me some house keys.

  “Here, this is so you don’t wake me up when you get back here. And even though I’m giving you a key, you better bring your ass back here at a decent hour.”

  “And what’s a decent hour Grandma?” I asked, fearing the worst.

  “You’re grown remember? Figure it out.” She responded sarcastically.

  With that being said, she turned and left me standing right there, I hurried up and left before she returned with more of her ranting. When I got outside Monica was waiting in a brand new candy apple red Range Rover with Big black rims.

  “Girl hurry up, we got a tight schedule to keep.” She yelled, out of the window.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming.” I answered back, rushing to the car.

  “Damn girl, You are wearing the hell out of that outfit.” She said, complimenting me on my attire.

  “Thanks Monica, but I owe it all to you. I’d still be in those country rags if it wasn’t for you.” I stated, very appreciative.

  “I told you girl. It ain’t nothing but dough, you can’t take this shit with you. And besides it ain’t mines anyway.” We both shared a laugh.

  Friday night’s in Baltimore was like nothing I had ever seen before. The streets were alive and buzzing with an energy that was out of this world. As we drove to the club we pulled up alongside a lot of fancy and expensive cars that played loud music and had passengers that appeared to be just as expensive and fancy as the cars they were in. I was shocked and amazed yet again as we cruised through the streets of Baltimore. As we went from block to block, each one looked as if it hosted its own after party. There were people everywhere. Monica must have noticed the tourist look on my face.

  “You’re a long way from Kansas ain’t you Dorothy?” she said, jokingly.

  “Yeah girl, this shit is crazy. I think I’m going to love Baltimore.”

  “Uh Uh. That’s where you are wrong. Rule #1 don’t love nobody or nothing but yourself. Follow that rule and you will make it a lot further in life.” She stated, firmly. Almost as if she was scolding me.

  “Okay. I got you.” I said just agreeing with her but not really understanding how you could go through life not loving anything or anyone.

  When we pulled into the club parking lot it, it was like I was at one of those car shows I would see on the news or on the internet. There were ballers everywhere. And I had never seen so much jewelry in my life. If I had to take a guess I would say there was well over a million dollars worth of jewelry just in the parking lot alone. And I’m not just talking about the men. I ain’t no hater, the women were all dressed to impress. And even they were flooded with platinum and diamonds. And even they were driving exotic cars. Some of them were even riding motorcycles. There was a crew of female riders whose motorcycles were all pink and they had on pink leather riding outfits. They looked really nice. They were in the parking lot doing tricks and everything. I was hooked and didn’t even know it.

  “Damn it’s poppin’ out here.” I said, sounding like a true tourist.

  “Girl this ain’t shit, it’s still early. Give it about another hour and motherfuckers will be asshole to elbow. Here spark this so we can get our mind right befor
e we go in.” She said, handing me a blunt before continuing.

  “Now once we get inside, you just follow my lead and I’ll point out all the prospects. I’ll show you all of the money makers and all the fucking fakers.” She instructed, as I passed the blunt back.

  “So how do you know who’s who?” I asked, ready to learn.

  “Well that’s easy for me, because I know almost everybody in B-More. So I know all the major players in town. Now we have to have a few ground rules to go over. #1- Stick by my side all night. The Stiletto Divas always stick together because we got some bitches hating on us. #2- Don’t give no nigga the time of day without checking with one of us first. Reason being, it might be somebody man, baby daddy, or just a plain old no good nigga. And last but not least, you don’t leave with no nigga. We come together, we leave together. If you want to hook up with a nigga you have him meet you later.” She instructed.

  “Okay. I feel you….Damn. I’m high as fuck.” I slurred with my eyes half closed.

  “Well don’t get in there and act all crazy and shit. Just chill and do the weed, don’t let the weed do you.” She said.

  After a brief moment of silence Monica’s cell phone rang.

  “Yeah what’s up?...yeah me and my girl Tiffany is in the parking lot right now getting blowed. Nah. You don’t know her. She’s a new edition to the click. She only been in town a day and already she running with the baddest bitch. Yeah she stra’ight from Ohio. Hold on Sincere, that’s Terri and them on the other line. As a matter of fact I’ll hit you when we get to the door. Hello? Yeah Terri what’s up? Yeah we in the back by the gate. I got Pooda’s truck. Alright bring the L’s and whatever ya’ll got to drink.” She hung up the phone and pulled down the mirror to fix her makeup.

  “Yo. I’m excited as shit. I ain’t never really been to a club before.” I said, breaking the silence.

  “Well look. Don’t go in there acting like no tourist or no groupie because best believe if you act like a nut I will leave your country ass right here.” She responded jokingly, but I sensed that she might have meant it.

  Within minutes Terri and Lashawn pulled up and got in the car with us.

  “What’s up bitches?” Terri asked. She was the one who pulled the blade on me in the diner.

  “Ya’ll bitches get in and shut the door, you letting the smoke out.” Monica demanded.

  “Aww bitch, shut up. We got plenty of weed and something to wash it down with.” Lashawn responded, holding up a bottle of some sort of liquor. I think they were calling it Patron.

  “Well hurry up and put that shit in rotation before it’s time to go in.” Monica said, looking in the rear view window.

  “Ya’ll remember Tiffany right?” she continued.

  “How can I forget little miss waitress? I almost had to cut her ass.” Terri said, looking at me and rolling her eyes. I was feeling the effects of the weed so the timid and shy Tiffany from earlier went right out the window.

  “Yeah, well try that shit again and you will eat that fucking razor.” I snapped back at her.

  “What?” She responded in astonishment.

  “Hey ya’ll bitches fall the fuck back. Now Tiffany is cool and she is going to be one of the girls from now on, so ya’ll squash that bullshit. Now ya’ll take ya last pulls and ya last shots and let’s head inside.” Monica jumped in.

  As if Monica was the General leading this army of bad bitches, we all followed her instructions and piled out of the car. As we headed towards the front of the club dudes tried to holler at us and chicks gave us the evil eye. But one thing is for sure EVERYONE knew the Stiletto Divas whether they loved them or hated them. When we got to the front of the club I noticed that the line seemed to be never ending. Men were claiming that they knew the owner and women were complaining about their feet hurting from standing on line so long. But following Monica’s lead we went stra’ight to the front of the line. We just kept going and paid no attention to the haters as the bouncers unhooked the red velvet rope and ushered us inside. Once we were inside Monica’s friend Sincere came to the lobby to meet us. Sincere was tall and slim. About 6 foot 2 and fair skinned. He was dressed nice and had an aura about him that just said money.

  “What’s up ladies? Damn. Ya’ll are looking good tonight.” He said, giving us the once over.

  “Don’t we always baby?” LaShawn answered, stroking his chin.

  “Girl, don’t start nothing you can’t finish.” He responded flirtatiously.

  “Nigga you already know. Get your paper right and get back at me.” LaShawn fired back.

  “It ain’t about the money baby girl, it’s about being labeled as a trick. And you know my stats are way too high for that. Now ya’ll come on.” Sincere responded, ending the verbal cat and mouse game.

  We followed Sincere through the club and headed to the V.I.P. section. In between the front door and the V.I.P. section Monica, Terri, and LaShawn each stopped briefly to talk to men and women that they knew. When we finally made our way through the crowd and got to the V.I.P area two very large bodyguards stepped to the side and allowed our entrance. Once inside I could see that it was packed with wall to wall ballers popping Kristal, taking pills, and smoking weed. There were females hovering over any man they could get a hold of. Sincere led us over to a very private section of the V.I.P.

  “Ya’ll ladies make yourselves comfortable. We’re going to get this party started in a few.” He instructed as he walked off.

  “C’mon ya’ll let’s take this table over here where we can get a good view of whose coming and going.” Monica said, directing us to a table with a good view.

  “Damn. There are some good looking guys in here. I ain’t never seen so many ballers in my life.” I said, sounding like a kid in a candy store.

  “Girl please, we damn near know every guy in this room and all of them ain’t no damn ballers. I can personally point out a few fakers right now. For example, see the high yellow nigga over there in the white Armani linen suit with the platinum chain and platinum grill going a little too hard at that ghetto bird?” LaShawn asked.

  “Hell yeah. That dude looks good as hell.” I responded a little over excited.

  “That’s Leroy. He’s a faker. The Armani suit is boot legged, that’s white gold around his neck the diamonds are Cubic Zirconium, his grill is silver and that bitch is too low class to know the difference.” She said, schooling me.

  “Damn. He had me fooled.” I said, feeling stupid.

  “Yeah. But you don’t know no better. Now that guy over there in the blue… the green..faker..I could go on forever pointing out the scrubs in here.” LaShawn stated, still giving me my lesson.

  “Well who is that over there?” I asked, pointing to the guy who just walked in.

  “Shit. I don’t know. I ain’t never seen him before but I’m damn sure going to find out.” LaShawn answered, sounding just as eager as I was to find out who he was.

  The guy was averaged sized. About 5’8 or 5’9 with a smooth caramel complexion. His hair was cut low and his waves were making me sea sick. He also had a goatee that was well groomed. His physical stature was that of an NFL running back. He was stocky and the tight fit black muscle shirt that he wore accentuated every cut of muscle that he possessed. He also wore black designer jeans and a pair of black Gucci shoes. In his ear there was a diamond earring that reflected off his watch and small diamond encrusted pendant that hung from the Platinum necklace that hung from his neck. Whoever this man was, all eyes were definitely on him.

  “Hey, ya’ll see that?” LaShawn asked, talking to Terri and Monica.

  “Yeah we see.” They both responded in unison.

  “I don’t know who the hell he is, but I smell money. And lot’s of it.” Monica said, not taking her eyes off of the mystery man.

  Just then the music cut off and the lights got low. The D.J. was ready to make an announcement.

  “Okay. Now for the moment you have all been waiting for. Get up and put your
hands together for The Realm Squad.” The D.J. announced.

  The crowd was going crazy as the hottest rap group out hit the stage. I still couldn’t believe I was watching the whole thing from the V.I.P. area.

  “What’s going on B-More?” The lead rapper D-Boy, screamed into the microphone.

  “I love you D-Boy.” A girl in the crowd yelled out.

  “I love you too baby.” He responded. “But before we get this party started let’s show some love to my man who made this all possible. B-More give it up for my man, the Prince of New York. Mr. Travon Outlaw.”

  The spotlight was put on the mystery man who was now no longer a mystery. The crowd gave him a standing ovation as he waived his hand in acceptance and quieted the crowd.

  “Looks like we got us a business man ladies. Good luck to whoever gets that motherfucker.” Monica said, sipping on her champagne.

  “Okay. Now let’s set this motherfucker off.” D-Boy yelled to the top of his lungs.

  Once again the crowd went crazy as the Realm Squad went into their new hit single “Real thug shit”. They were like pied pipers as the crowd moved to the music and headed to the dance floor and the stage area.


  TRAVON “Yo Sincere where the chicks at?” I asked, looking around. “Right over there.” He responded, pointing to a table full of dimes.

  “Gotdamn son, them bitches is bangin.” I responded, showing my approval.

  “C’mon baby. You already know how I get down.” He replied,

  “Yeah you a beast out here I’ll give you that. I mean they all dimes at that table, but who is the one in the baby blue?” I asked, now not really caring about the rest.

  “Oh. I’m not sure but I think she’s the new girl. Monica told me about her. Her name is Tiffany or Veronica or some shit like that. Today is her first day in BMore. She just moved here from somewhere.” Sincere informed me.

  “Well these other chicks are hot, but I’ve got to have her. Make it happen fam.” I instructed.


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