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A Gangsters Melody

Page 5

by Wright, Sean A.

  “Okay, but remember she’s new so I don’t know if she gets down like the rest of them.” He warned me.

  “I don’t care. She’s fucking beautiful, and if she doesn’t get down like them then that’s even better.” I replied, with my mind set on meeting this woman.

  “Okay. I’ll put the word in.” Sincere said, pulling out his I-phone.

  I can’t even describe her beauty in words. She was about 5’6 light skinned, about 135 pounds. She had long hair that came to the middle of her back. And the form fitting Juicy Couture outfit that she wore accentuated her beautiful and flawless body. And while all of those things would grab any mans attention, none of it compared to her face. She had the face of a supermodel. I mean I had been with plenty of women from all over. But she was the true definition of a dime. And I had to have her.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, as Sincere typed away on his I-Phone.

  “I’m putting in a good word for you. Just the push of a button and presto. Now sit back and watch the magic happen.” He instructed, as he pointed to the table of dimes.

  “Well I’ll be damned. Ain’t this about a bitch?” Monica said, out loud looking at her Blackberry.

  “What?” we all said, at the same time.

  “Mr. Music mogul wants to meet Tiffany. I guess you’re the lucky bitch tonight.” Monica said, winking her eye at me and giving me a high five.

  “Ain’t this some shit? Your first night out and you score big. You lucky heffer.” Terri added, jokingly.

  “I’ll drink to that.” LaShawn joined in.

  “I can’t believe he picked me. Why me?” I asked, still a little shocked.

  “Because you are a bad bitch that’s why. Now stop questioning shit and get your confidence level up.” Monica instructed, before we were interrupted by the waiter.

  “Hello ladies. Mr. Outlaw asks two things. First, he’d like you to enjoy this bottle of Louis the 13th.” He said, before being cut off by Terri.

  “Louis the 13th? That nigga can’t send no Kristal? I hate a broke nigga.” she stated proudly.

  “As a matter of fact maam. Louis the 13th is the club’s finest Cognac. It retails at $3000 a bottle. Kristal on the other hand, is only $375...” The waiter stated matter of factly before continuing.

  “He also asked that you be his guest at the private after party for The Realm Squad.” He stated, politely.

  “Hell yeah, tell him we’ll be there.” Monica stated. “However maam. Mr. Outlaw requests your presence at his table now if you don’t mind.” The waiter stated, directing that statement to me.

  “Damn. Private request and shit?” go ahead miss thing.” Terri said, playfully hitting me on the arm.

  “Oh, I don’t know, um.” I stuttered, until Monica cut me off.

  “Girl if you don’t get your silly ass up and go over there.” She snapped.

  I looked over in Travon’s direction and he waived me over. As I reluctantly got up from my seat, Monica grabbed my hand.

  “Remember everything we talked about.” She reminded me.

  “Okay I got you.” I reassured her.

  “Represent the SD’s to the fullest girl.” LaShawn yelled out.

  As I walked over to his table, I could feel the butterflies doing 360 degree aerial stunts in my stomach. When he looked up and saw me approaching he dismissed the company that he had at the table and pulled out a chair for me.

  “Hey what’s up? My name is Tiffany” I said, nervously.

  “Hey, how are you doing? My name is ..”

  “Travon Outlaw, I’m sure everybody in the club knows that by now.” I said, cutting him off.

  “Okay. You got jokes huh? That’s what’s up, beauty and a sense of humor.” He replied, flashing a smile showing his white perfectly spaced and shaped teeth.

  “So let me ask you something, out of all the women in here why did you ask me over to your table?” I asked, now loosening up a little bit.

  “Well I could ask you the same thing, out of all the dudes in here why did you accept my invitation?” he replied, making a valid point.

  “I guess we could be here all night going back and forth.” I replied, avoiding his question.

  “Okay. Well moving right along. So I hear you’re new in town. About 24 hours now huh?” He asked, being inquisitive but hitting the nail on the head.

  “Damn. How did you know that?” I asked, wondering how he had any information about me.

  “Well when I’m interested in something or someone for that matter, I do my research.” He responded, while pouring us both a drink.

  “So why are you interested in me? How could you be interested in me? You don’t even know me.” I stated.

  “Well since I don’t know anything about you, all I have are a few things to go on right now. First and foremost are your looks. I mean I’m sure you hear that all day everyday all day but it is what it is. Second thing is I watched your reaction when the waiter asked you to come over here and you didn’t jump at the opportunity and act all star struck and shit. You looked like you really ain’t want to come over. And last but not least, you’re new in town so you didn’t have enough time to be corrupted by the local hood rats.”

  “Well I see you have done your research.” I said, with a smile.

  “Just a little. Now it’s your turn. Why did you accept my invitation?” He asked, smiling back.

  “Well I saw you when you walked in. I mean you just stood out. You look different, you dress different, and you carry yourself different. You just commanded so much attention when you entered the room and that’s before anyone even knew who you were.” I said, still blushing.

  “Okay. So I see I’m not the only one that’s been doing their research. That’s what’s up. So are you and your girls accepting my invite to my private after party tonight?” He said, taking a sip of his drink.

  “I mean, I’m with it but if my girls don’t go, then I don’t go.”

  “So it’s like that?” He asked.

  “Yeah, stra’ight like that.” I answered.

  “I have a feeling your girls won’t mind. D-boy and them can be pretty persuasive.”

  “Well like I said, it’s up to them.” I repeated.

  “Well why wait? The guys are finishing up. Let’s bounce.”

  The Realm Squad had finished their performance and headed stra’ight to our table after being swarmed by fans and groupies. I looked over at the table where the rest of my girls were sitting and noticed that each of them where engaged in a conversation with a man of their own. When D-boy and L.V. got to our table Travon stood up and congratulated them on a job well done.

  “Ya’ll niggas killed that shit as usual.” Travon said, giving out dap and hugs to the group members.

  “Yeah alright. Nigga how would you know? You was too busy politickin’ with shorty.” D-Boy said, giving me the once over.

  “Yeah whatever son, I’m a business man, I can multi-task. Anyway, ya’ll niggas ready to head back to the suite? ” Travon replied.

  “Nigga are you crazy? You see all these tricks and treats up in here?” D-boy replied, looking around at all of the scantily clad women.

  “Don’t worry, I got that covered.” Travon reassured him.

  “Alright man, you better have it covered.” D-Boy replied.

  After that was said we walked over to the table where Monica and the girls were sitting and they were still surrounded by men as if they were superstars. I mean they were literally hovering around them like a bunch of male groupies. I had never seen women garner so much attention in my life. I knew that being part of the Stiletto Divas would get me the same type of attention but I had mixed feelings about it. While I knew that it would have been very flattering I don’t think I could have handled all of that attention. When Monica saw us approaching she dismissed the male groupies with a wave of her hand. And as if she were the black Queen of England the crowd dispersed on queue.

  “So what’s good?’ Monica asked, looking
Travon up and down.

  “Well we were about to ask you and your girls the same thing.” Travon replied.

  “We’re trying to hit up this after party that we keep hearing about.” Monica said, pouring another glass of champagne.

  “Good then. It’s settled; let’s get up out of here.” Travon instructed.

  We all gathered our belongings and headed outside to the parking lot where there was a white stretch limousine waiting with the chauffer holding the door open. Sincere, D-Boy, and L.V. ushered Monica, LaShawn, and Terri inside and just as I was about to climb in Travon stopped me.

  “Why don’t you ride with me in my car?” He asked, smiling at me.

  “Oh no. I can’t do that. I have to stay with my girls.” I responded, remembering Monica’s set of instructions. “Girl, it’s all good. Go ahead. We will meet you at the hotel.” Monica said, totally contradicting the set of rules she had given me earlier.

  “Well then I guess it’s a done deal.” Travon said, grabbing a hold of my hand.

  “Okay. Where is your car?” I asked, nervously looking around the parking lot.

  “It’s right over there.” He replied, pointing to a white Rolls Royce Phantom.

  “Okay man, we’re headed to the suite. We’ll meet you there.” D-Boy said, as the limo drove off.

  As we walked across the parking lot towards Travon’s car, I noticed all eyes on us by both haters and admirers. I even heard whispers of “Who’s that bitch.” But I paid it no mind I just smiled as Travon opened up the door of the Phantom so that I could get in.

  “So why didn’t we ride with them?” I asked, being curious.

  “Because, I’m trying to get to know you. And with everything that’s going to be going on later I might not get the chance to do that.” He replied, climbing into the driver’s seat.

  When he started the car the soothing, sensual, sounds of R.Kelly came purring from the expensive stereo equipment in the Phantom. The first couple of minutes we drove in silence. I could also see that we didn’t take the same route that the limousine had taken. I was a bit nervous but I tried not to show it. I was forced to break the ice when the fourth R. Kelly record came on in a row.

  “Umm. Excuse me, but what does a thug nigga like you know about R.Kelly?” I asked, being funny but really wanting to know.

  “Thug? What makes you think I’m a thug? And just for the record I might be R.Kelly’s number one male fan. I mean come on; he’s a musical genius. Now I’d never let him pick my daughter up from school, but he can work with my artists anytime.” He replied, as we shared a light chuckle.

  “So you have artists? What exactly do you do?”

  “I manage singers, rappers, DJ’s etc.”

  “Okay. That’s what’s up, so you know a lot of famous people huh?”

  “I know a few people” he answered, modestly.

  “Hmm. A nigga in your line of work must have pussy lined up around the corner.” I stated matter of factly.

  “Honestly, sometimes it’s like that, but for the most part I don’t pay those chicks no mind. I’ll be honest, the whole groupie love thing, I’ve been there and done that. And that shit got real old, real fast. And I’m at a point in my life now where I want more than an occasional fuck or a one night stand.” He replied, with sincerity seeping from his beautiful lips.

  “Well it’s good to know that you don’t fit the stereotype.” I responded.

  “Well what about you Miss twenty-one questions. Where are you from and what brings you to the jungle?” He asked never taking his eyes off the road.

  “There’s not much to tell. Let’s see, I’m from a small town in Ohio called Marion, I love doing hair and I just moved here yesterday to live with my grandmother because I just recently lost both of my parents.”

  “Damn shorty. I’m really sorry to hear that. But at least you still got your grand moms.”

  “Yeah right. I never really knew her too well. I mean I stayed a couple of summers as a kid but that was it. Now she’s acting like I’m a total fucking stranger. We have been fighting since I got off the bus yesterday.”

  “Wow. That’s crazy. Well how do you know those girls you were with?”

  “Well you don’t really want to know how we met, but Monica lives next door to my grandmother so we just clicked.”

  “Okay. Well hopefully me and you can click too.” He stated, with a smile on his face.

  “We’ll see Mr. Music Man.” I responded, returning the smile.

  For the next hour or so, Travon drove me around and gave me a tour of Baltimore. We talked and got to know each other. I liked him so far. He was handsome, smart, and successful, but most of all he had a good sense of humor. I can’t count how many times he made me laugh as we drove around the streets of Baltimore. And I was in desperate need of a good laugh. My life seemed to be in shambles these past few weeks and I needed a good laugh to take the edge off. Talking to Travon made it seem like we knew each other forever. He told me about his childhood and I told him about mines. He was completely honest with me, and I was completely honest with him. Except for the story of how mommy and daddy died. I wasn’t ready to tell anyone about that. And I probably never would. Travon went on to tell me how he and D-Boy had known each other since the fourth grade. And how they were more like brothers than friends. According to him, he was cool with the rest of the group too, but he and DBoy had undying loyalty for one another. He even told me how D-boy jumped in front of a bullet for him a few years back when some haters tried to rob him for his necklace. He went on to say that D-Boy almost died, and that is why as long as he lived he would always take care of D-Boy. By the time we pulled up to the hotel, I was convinced that I wanted to see Travon again. And I swear it had nothing to do with his money, or his fame. He was genuine and I liked that. As we pulled into the hotel parking lot I automatically knew which suite was his from the loud music and all the noise that was coming from the room. When we entered the room, there were our friends indulging in weed, alcohol, and God knows what else.

  “It’s about time you got here nigga.” Sincere yelled out, with a blunt in his hand.

  “Tiffany are you good baby?” Monica shouted, also inhaling a puff of weed smoke.

  “Yeah. I’m stra’ight. I didn’t have to smack him up.” I responded, playfully punching Travon in the arm.

  “Yo Tray, let me holler at you real quick.” D-Boy said, getting Travon’s attention as they both disappeared into the kitchen area.


  “What’s good fam?” Travon asked.

  “Yo. I just spoke to homeboy in D.C. and he’s going to need another one of those packages.”

  “Damn. I just gave you that package earlier.”

  “Yeah I told him that. He said that one is gone already.”

  “Ya’ll niggas is killing me.”

  “Shit, you should be happy that they’re selling this fast.”

  “Yeah I guess you’re right. I’ll square you up tomorrow before I leave, but this is a big order. Don’t fuck this up.”

  “Nigga do I ever fuck up? Now let’s get back to partying with them hoes. You know them bitches is some freaks right? The girl Terry already gave me and L.V. some head. And Sincere was sucking the other two’s titties and shit. You better go get you some.”

  “Nah, I’m good. I already got the one I want. Ya’ll niggas have fun.”

  “I feel you. The one you bagged looks way better than the others. Let me know when you done. I want to get a crack at that.”

  “Nah, Chill. She ain’t like that. Trust me.”

  “What you mean she ain’t like that? She down with them bitches ain’t she?”

  “Yo nigga. She ain’t like that alright?”

  “Alright nigga, whatever. But I ain’t never known you to handcuff no bitch.” D-Boy stated, before leaving and returning to the party.

  “So what does a girl have to do to get a drink around here?” I yelled, jokingly.

  “I got you ma. What you w
ant?” D-Boy said, jumping in front of Travon.

  “It don’t matter, surprise me. Just don’t make it too strong.” I said.

  “Alright ma. I’ll be right back.” He said, smiling flirtatiously.

  While I waited on D-Boy to bring my drink back, I just mingled and laughed with everyone else that was in the room. I saw Monica disappear into one of the bedrooms with L.V. and lord only knows what was about to go down. These girls were definitely wild and crazy. But hey, who was I to judge? We were all enjoying ourselves, and while I was now an honorary Stiletto Diva member, I was still so much different from them. I knew I was way out of my league, but I refused to let the company that I kept define who I was as a person. Besides, like I told Mama Belle, I was old enough to know right from wrong. And as long as I could kick it with the “in” crowd and have fun without getting into any trouble, then there was no harm, and no foul. And with that being said, I accepted my drink from D-Boy and continued to party the night away.

  As the night progressed I drank and enjoyed myself like I never had before. We all laughed and joked on one another. All except Travon, who had been in his bedroom by himself for the past hour or so. The rest of us drank, smoked and just had fun. D-Boy kept me company while Travon’s rude ass was in his bedroom on his damn cell phone. But so what? I was having way too much fun to give a shit. D-boy and I were laughing and dancing, and I could feel the room starting to spin as he continued to make me drinks at my request. D-Boy had grabbed me by my hand and was leading me somewhere when Travon came out of his bedroom and stopped us.

  “Where are ya’ll going?” Travon asked, looking at the both of us.

  “We are going to get a little privacy.” D-Boy responded, sharply.

  “Oh word? It’s like that? That’s what’s up?” Travon said, shooting me a cold stare that showed his disapproval.

  “Travon wait.” I said, subconsciously slurring my speech. Before taking a step towards him and falling flat on my face.

  “Oh shit. That bitch is fucked up.” Sincere said, laughing and coming out of the kitchen.

  “Come on ma. You had a little too much to drink.” Travon said, picking me up and carrying me into his bedroom. Once inside his bedroom he laid me down on the bed and got a cold washcloth from bathroom and wiped my forehead gently.


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