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Smooth: The Sons of Victor Black: A BWWM Romance

Page 15

by Cassie Verano

  “Trying to get my fuck on, big sis, if that’s okay with you!” Madison shouted back.

  “No, you’re not! You’re going home with me, right now!” Nicole shrieked, walking up to us, tugging on Madison’s hand.

  “Stop, Nic! What’re you even doing?”

  “Where are your clothes? You’re getting dressed and leaving with Grey and me! You have no business here! I’ve told you I wouldn’t let you ruin my little sister’s life.”

  I was still holding Madison in my embrace, shielding her from everyone’s view.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Nic!”

  “Grey, please take your wife home. Now!” I shouted, over my shoulder, looking at my brother.

  His gaze still averted, Greyson side shuffled to my sister-in-law and grabbed her hand.

  “Come on, babe. We need to go.”

  “I’m not leaving until Madi comes with me!”

  “No, Nic, you’re leaving. Madison’s a grown woman, and she’s allowed to make her choices,” Greyson argued.

  “Yeah, Nic. Listen to your husband. I’m grown! Thirty-one!” Madison shouted over me.

  “Shhh, baby, chill. Grey’s got it,” I muttered in her ear.

  Her chest was heaving up and down in anger. My girl could get feisty when she wanted to.

  “No, Grey, that’s my little sister, and it’s my right to protect her. You can stand by and let your brother be a dog to all the women in his life, but my sister won’t be a victim. I can promise you that! I’m not going anywhere without her, Grey. And nobody’s going to make me!”

  Greyson sighed loudly, growling “Nic,” under his breath.

  “Oop!” That was Madison, her eyes growing wide.

  When I looked over my shoulder again, Nicole was hanging upside down, beating on Greyson’s back and pleading with him to let her down.

  He had scooped his wife up, tossed her over his shoulder, and was on his way out the door.

  “Talk to you later, lil bro,” were Greyson’s departing words before he closed the door.

  I rushed to the door, locking it behind them and turned back to Madison. She had slumped against the wall, looking defeated.

  Walking up to her, I moved her hand from her forehead.


  “I’m so fucking embarrassed. I can’t believe your brother saw me like this,” she said, looking down at her sexy lingerie.

  “Yeah, well, now that he did. Let me mark my territory again.”


  “I want there to be no mistaking who this belongs to,” I said.

  With one hand, I grabbed the material and ripped it off her body.


  “Pizza’s done. And I’m still hungry!”

  Dropping to my knees and pulling the panties with me, I hungrily feasted on her pussy.


  I did my best to avoid my sister’s gaze throughout the dinner, but it was difficult to ignore the energy pulsing off her in waves towards me. We had not spoken since she’d busted Kent and me at his place three weeks earlier.

  Although I didn’t owe her an explanation for my decisions, I felt I needed to explain myself. I wanted her to understand my choices, and if she couldn’t, I wanted her to support me anyway.

  We were all gathered at Victor and Megan Black’s Atlanta home in Buckhead for dinner. They had thrown a quiet little party for the family and close friends to celebrate Kent’s purchase of his first property. I was so happy for him and the growth he was making in his career, becoming an independent brand in his own right.

  He’d purchased the property, and from what I understood, plans were underway to begin building the new condo complex. I couldn’t wait to see the plans for what this new facility would look like and all the amenities it would offer.

  But for as excited and proud as I was of him, at the same time, I was sad about my situation. My heart went out to my students. There was one week remaining until we had to close down.

  Victor Black didn’t permit me to linger on my woes for long. He stood at the center of the room and held his champagne glass aloft.

  “It is with great pride Meg and I announce tonight that our youngest son, Kent, is building his first condo complex, one of many to come I might add, right here in Atlanta.”

  Thunderous applause sounded in the room. I smiled at Kent as he beamed proudly, looking at everyone around the room before his gaze rested on me. That was a familiar gaze, one I’d seen just before he tore into me, ravishing my body.

  Unfortunately, no way would that be happening any time soon. Not while we were holed up here at his parents’ house with all the guests gathered to celebrate him tonight.

  “I can imagine what a significant impact this will have on the city of Atlanta, helping to transform this community into something greater than it currently is. Giving the current residents hope that there is better quality in life, and they too could attain that. I understand that housing will be affordable, and there will be jobs created through his new plan.”

  Everyone applauded to that, as well, and there were smiles and murmurs of agreement throughout the room.

  “But with that great news, also comes the sad news that he’ll be leaving the Black Hospitality Group. As you can imagine, with his line of clothing, fragrance, watches, and now a new construction project added to his roster, there’s no way he’ll have time to work for dear old Dad anymore,” Megan chimed in.

  Everyone laughed at the sad look on Victor’s face as he shook his head, but then turned and smiled proudly at his son. I glanced away to catch the look on Grant and Greyson’s face as they stood near one another.

  Too bad they hadn’t received that same support when they’d wanted to venture off on their own. Victor expected them to take on the mantle of the company as their priority. Both men had to find ways to manage that and still eke out a dream of their own. That’s where their beautiful and supportive wives came in.

  My sister stood underneath Greyson’s arms, wearing a strained look. I know she was probably pissed that she even had to be here tonight celebrating Kent, but she would never leave Greyson’s side. She loved that man with her every breath.

  Greyson was a good husband and father. I thought about my niece, Gabby, who was with my parents tonight. I couldn’t wait to see her again. It had been a few weeks since I’d seen her because my sister and I weren’t speaking.

  I looked at Alexandra, who held Grant’s hand. She and Victor barely spoke, but she didn’t hesitate to give him a piece of her mind when necessary. Surely, she was recalling the hell he had given Grant about venturing out on his own. The father and son had fallen out for a while and quit speaking to one another.

  My gaze dropped to Alexandra’s hand. She was rubbing her belly, and a gasp slipped from my own throat. She was pregnant! They hadn’t announced it yet, but I was so happy for them.

  Damn! Grant worked quickly. They hadn’t been married a year.

  I tuned out Victor Black as my gaze wandered to Mitch and Blake, who were standing a few feet away from me. Blake stood in front of Mitch, whose arms were wrapped protectively around her body, his chin resting on her head, his hands holding onto her belly bump. We all knew she was pregnant. At five and a half months along, she was so cute.

  When Victor finished his toast, I moved to Blake and Mitch.

  “Hey there, Mommy,” I greeted her with a wide smile.

  “Hi, gorgeous! I swear every time I see you; you’re more beautiful than the last time, isn’t she, Mitch?” Blake said, looking up at her husband.

  Mitch smiled that ruggedly charming smile. All the Black brothers were sexy and good-looking as hell, including my brother-in-law, Greyson.

  “That’s what happens to a woman in love,” Mitch said.

  My jaw dropped, and my eyes widened. “Wh...wh...what are you talking about?”

  “You and Kent. You two are a couple, right?” Mitch asked.

  “Mitch, that was a secret. You
weren’t supposed to say anything. Nic told us that in private,” Blake chastised.

  My brows dipped down, I huffed a breath out and pursed them together.

  “So, she can talk about me to everybody, but she can’t talk to me?” I complained.

  “Um, sweetie. I don’t think she meant any harm. It’s just the night that she popped up over Kent’s house, they were heading over here. We were already here, and I noticed something going on. I pulled her to the side, and she was telling me the story when Mitch walked in. I don’t think she planned to tell anyone, but everyone could see how agitated she was that night. She was quiet, and I haven’t breathed a word about it, but yeah, we do know baby doll,” Blake explained.

  I shook my head, crossing my arms over my midsection.

  “Look,” Blake said, “don’t count him out just because others have.”

  “Listen to the woman. She knows what she’s talking about,” Mitch said with a wink, releasing his wife from his embrace and tilting her head to kiss her chin.

  “Seriously, that’s what they did to Mitch. In so many other ways, though. The way you see Vic up there bragging about Kent, he’s never done that with any of his other sons, especially not Mitch. Even after all Mitch has done with the company, Vic still doesn’t give Mitch the credit he deserves.”

  “Babe, I don’t do this shit for my dad. You know that.”

  “Still...” Blake said in a firm voice.

  The sister didn’t take crap from anybody.

  “So, you don’t give up on Kent. I know that he loves women. All of the brothers did at one point; they just all went about it in different ways. Mitch was probably the one that was most like him. He blew through women like men blow through condoms.”

  I sputtered at that comment and laughed hysterically for a few seconds before I felt his presence.

  Nothing he did or said alerted me to him. Just the subtle scent of him had me on high alert, my nostrils flaring, and my body reacting.

  “Blake, how’s my little nephew coming along?” Kent asked.

  “He’s baking to perfection,” Blake replied.

  Mitch and Kent started talking to one another about the baby, and I used that as my cue to depart.

  “Hold up a sec,” Kent said, stepping away from them. “Meet me in the music room. Five minutes.”

  Kent turned away from me and resumed his conversation with Blake and Mitch. I made my way to Alexandra and Grant. I noticed she was drinking bottled water while Grant had a glass of wine.

  “Hey, you two lovebirds. How’s married life going?” I asked.

  Alexandra’s cheeks turned red as she looked up at her husband, blushing.

  “It would be going well if I could convince this one to stay at home. There’s no need for her to work,” Grant explained.

  “And this one is sooo old fashioned,” Alexandra said, laughing.

  “I’m sure the two of you can come up with a compromise. How’s life at the CDC anyway?” I asked.

  Alexandra was a researcher for the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.

  “My career is great. I love what I do, and there’s always so much to learn,” Alexandra gushed.

  “Sure, for now. But you’ll have to stop soon anyway,” Grant muttered.

  Alexandra cast a sharp glance at him before turning back to me and smiling. When she cast her gaze away to turn her bottled water up, I decided to let them off the hook.

  “You’re expecting, aren’t you?”

  The poor thing choked on her water, and Grant had to tap her gently on the back. I loved how delicate he’d always been with her. As though she were a precious treasure, he had to preserve.

  “How did you know?” she asked after she had regained her poise.

  “Mmm, bottled water, and I know you love a nice red wine, but the dead giveaway was earlier when I was over there,” I said, nodding my head in the direction of where I had previously stood.

  I saw Kent moving towards the music room but continued my conversation, despite the heat growing down below.

  “And your hand went to your belly. It was something about the way you were rubbing it. Your movements were so tender, and you had such a loving smile. I knew it couldn’t be a tummy ache, so I guessed you were expecting. How far along if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Nine weeks,” Alexandra said.

  “That’s amazing.”

  “We haven’t told anyone yet, because Dad’s celebrating Kent tonight. We wanted to wait a while before we shared it with the family. Alex didn’t want to steal his thunder,” Grant said, looking lovingly at his wife.

  “I will respect your wishes,” I said, with a smile of my own.

  “Thanks, sweetie,” Alexandra said.

  “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom,” I said, walking away from them.

  I confirmed everyone was preoccupied with a glance around the room. No one noticed me slipping away.


  She was open for me like a fully blossomed flower in spring.

  Down on my knees, my head under her dress, I slurped and licked her slit like there was no tomorrow. And Madison willingly poured out all her juices for me.

  Hips gyrating, she held onto my shoulders as she squatted on my face.

  I’d been watching her all night long and couldn’t wait to get at her. Lately, I’d been traveling a lot trying to coordinate the final plans for my new watch collection that would be launching next spring.

  The cute little black dress she wore was elegant and demure as my mother would say, but sexy enough to get my imagination going. All night I’d thought about how easy it was to pull down those off-the-shoulder short sleeves to suck her sweet breasts into my mouth.

  The high-low flare of her skater dress made it easy for me to slip underneath without undressing her, as I’d suspected. Her panties? Those black lace thongs had been pulled off minutes ago and tucked away in that little black clutch she carried.

  “KB! I’m about to cum!” she shouted, jerking her hips in an unchoreographed dance as she spilled into my mouth.

  My fingers clenched tightly on her hips to keep her connected to my mouth.

  Licking her slit from the rear to the tip, I suckled at her clitoris before standing up.

  “My sweet girl, it’s my turn,” I said, leading her to the piano in the middle of the room.

  When I’d backed her up against the piano, she began to kneel.

  Grasping her wrist, I pulled her up.

  “No, I’ll let you get on your knees another time. Tonight? I just want to run up inside of you. See how that little black dress accommodates me from the back. I’ve been dreaming about it all night.”

  “You have?” she asked, laughing as she turned around with her back towards me.

  “Mm-hmm. And I’ve been dreaming about punishing you all night, too.”

  “For?” she asked with a naughty grin at me over her shoulder.

  “The way you’ve been sashaying around in that dress, teasing the fuck out of me knowing I couldn’t have you. I guess you thought because we were at my parents’ house, I’d behave.”

  “Something like that,” she admitted.

  “Well, I got news for you, baby,” I muttered, kissing down the side of her neck.

  “What’s that?”

  “I never behave,” I said, whipping my dick out.

  I pulled Madison away from the piano enough to arch her back, so she was close to me. Sliding inside of her depths was the sweetest reward.

  How wet this girl was for me. How warm her cavern was around me. Soft? Shit, I couldn’t think of a thing in the world that was softer than her pussy.

  I sunk deeper inside of her.

  “Baby,” I moaned in her ear.

  “KB, you feel sooo good,” she cried out, resting her head on the piano.

  “Not half as good as you do, Mads. It’s about to be me and you, baby. Me and you on top of the world,” I groaned in her ear.

she moaned.

  Slowly I took my time, sliding in and out of her. Making sure my dick was coated with her pussy juices from the tip to the base. I wanted her all over me.

  The sounds of the party outside these walls were a distant memory. The sounds of Madison’s soft moans and my throaty growls echoed through the room.

  If anyone were to sneak up on us, they’d hear a chorus of “mmm’s” and “oooh’s.” That was the extent of our vocabulary at the moment.

  I didn’t mind because those sounds said a mouthful. Nothing else had to be said.

  It occurred to me that of all the women I’d been with, I had never felt the way I felt when I was inside of Madison’s body. I could get lost inside of her for hours and never think about or want another woman. When we made love at my place, or hers, I could hold her and fall asleep peacefully. Or we could stay up talking about nothing and everything.

  That wasn’t shit I’d ever done before. When other women suggested it, I’d found it corny as hell. But with Madison, I found I didn’t want to leave her presence after being inside of her. When the two of us came together, it was like a deep communing of our souls.

  Talking with her, kissing her, making love to her was sometimes a cleansing or healing process for me, depending on what I needed at the moment. Whatever I needed, she was that. And I was good with that.

  I loved that shit! I loved everything about this girl who I was sliding in and out. The way she took my deep strokes. The way she spread wide around me until I was buried to the hilt and then clenched tightly around, stilling my movements. The way she pulsed on me, making my ass dizzy and on the verge of releasing.

  I loved the way she laughed at my jokes, my attempts at jealousy, and how she got on me when she felt as if I were tripping. I loved how she danced to music, and how silly she was, and how she could freely rock out to any tune on the radio.

  I loved how we could be silent together.

  Fuck! I loved her!

  That thought sent my brain reeling, throwing off my stroke game, interrupting my smooth and even flow. It sent my mind and emotions in a conflicting whirlwind.


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