Book Read Free

Jude Stephens

Page 9

by Touch of a VAmpire

  He broke the kiss and moved his mouth to the side of my neck. “Orenda, I’m so hard I’m in pain. I thought we could have a little fun, but I want you too much. I need you to understand. If I take you, it will be over…the training… everything. I will be letting a lot of people down. Do you understand?”

  Every nerve in my body was screaming out for fulfillment, but I did understand. I wasn’t ready to give up my destiny for a one night stand. “I understand Cheve. I’m not going to give up everything for one night of sexual pleasure. Damn though, it hurts.”

  “Tell me about it. I’m going to the rest room. I’ve got to do something. Stay right here and I’ll be right back.”

  He leaned close and brushed his soft lips against mine and said, “For the record though, it would have been one helluva night.” He kissed me hard one last time and then walked quickly away.

  I needed some air. I made my way to the door. A bouncer standing there stamped my hand so I could get back in. I was only going to stay out here a few minutes to clear my head. There were a few people milling about. I walked to the end of the block to have a little peace.

  I needed to digest what had transpired between Cheve and me. My head was spinning, which is probably why I only heard the whistle of the bullet right before it hit me. Luckily, my training paid off and I was able to move so that it only grazed my shoulder.

  I immediately went into Sensay mode. I kicked off my shoes and took off in the direction of the shooter. I saw a blur of someone dressed in black clothes and black knit cap head into a cemetery. I grimaced...why a cemetery?

  I followed staying low to the ground. I used my sense of smell to get a read on where he was. I thought I detected a trace of strawberry, but it was gone when a more intense smell came swiftly to me. A fucking vampire, I would know that smell anywhere. A vampire was trying to kill me?

  I crouched low behind a headstone, and when I raised my head the bastard shot again. I could see this one was off the mark, so I just kept my head up to see if I could get a fix on the shooter. With my enhanced eyesight, I was able to see exactly were the bastard was.

  He was partially standing behind a large tombstone that read Reilly on it. I went low to the ground again silently crawling towards my prey. I decided to come up behind him. I was within five feet of him when I sprang into action and put a choke hold on…her? Though I was behind the bastard and not able to see the face I could feel from the build that this was definitely a woman.

  “Why are you shooting at me? Do you work for The Guardians?”

  When there was no answer I tightened the hold around her neck. “ANSWER ME!” I said loudly into her ear.

  The scent of a vampire got strong again, and I realized it wasn’t coming from this woman. I felt the air behind me being displaced, and I knew that it was standing right behind me.

  I had to make a quick decision, but unfortunately that decision was taken away when the woman turned the gun on herself. As she pulled the trigger I dropped her and ducked down low and swept my leg out to capture the vampire unaware.

  As the woman’s body slumped to the ground, I tackled the vampire and twisted his arms behind his back. “Who the fuck are you, Vampire? And why are you following me?”

  Instead of answering me I heard him moan. What the hell? A vampire wouldn’t be in pain from the move I just did. I wondered if he had fallen on a branch or something. Maybe I inadvertently staked him.

  “God Baby, let me up. I have an unbelievable erection and your making it hurt.”

  “Alex?” I said my voice filled with disbelief.

  “Yeah, it’s Alex. Now will you get off of me? This is really painful.”

  I jumped off of him, and he stood up brushing some dirt and leaves from his jeans, and there was the huge bulge that he said was paining him. Instantaneously, a rush of liquid warmth spread between my legs.

  “What the hell, Olivia? Why aren’t you wearing underwear? I can smell your arousal as if my head was between your legs.”

  At that thought my body jerked in a painful way, and I found my hand reaching out to grab him when his next words stopped me dead in my tracks.

  “Was it so that guy you were with on the dance floor could fuck you easier? I see it didn’t take all that long for you to get over Roberto.”

  CRACK! I slapped him so hard that his lip split. I started walking away.

  “Wait. Olivia, I’m sorry. It was driving me crazy to watch you and that guy. I could see how turned on you were and I…”

  “Orenda, are you okay?” Cheve came running up and grabbed me. He glanced quickly at the woman lying on the ground and then, with a raised eyebrow, at Alex and his bleeding lip. “Nice work, Sweetheart, but you’re bleeding. Let me see.”

  “You’re bleeding?” Alex asked as he made a move towards me.

  “Stay there Alex. I don’t want to look at you right now.”

  Cheve smirked and led me over to a low tombstone to sit down. “Here, let me see, Sweetheart.”

  I raised my eyes at his use of sweetheart and he just smiled at me. I would have laughed at his attempt to irritate Alex if I wasn’t still so pissed at him. Cheve made a show of finding the wound and ripping a piece of his shirt tail off to clean it.

  “It’s not too bad, Sweetheart. Does it hurt you?”

  This time I couldn’t help but laugh because I’d gotten much worse wounds than this one while Cheve trained me, and if I ever made a peep about them he would tell me to stop acting like a baby.

  I looked over at Alex’s scowling face and said, “A little. I’m still in a bit of shock I think. Can you check and make sure that I didn’t get shot anywhere else?”

  Cheve’s back was to Alex, so Alex didn’t see him rolling his eyes. He ran his hand up my bare calf and said, “I may need to examine you without the dress…just in case.”

  “Oh come on now! She’s obviously fine, and who are you anyway?” Alex asked finally reaching his limit.

  Cheve stood and turned to Alex, “I am the only one who can say if she’s fine or not. I’m her Sensay trainer.”

  Alex’s eyes narrowed “From what I’ve seen tonight I think you’ve crossed a professional line between trainer and molester.”

  Cheve growled and launched himself at Alex. Alex moved to the side with lightening speed but had not counted on him anticipating the move, and they both fell to the ground in a blur of punches. I stood up and sighed. For one minute I thought about walking away. Instead I simply threw myself in the mix knowing that as soon as I did they would stop, which they did.

  “Okay, if you guys are about done here, I’m really tired and truthfully my arm does ache a little.”

  Both of them turned towards me, a little breathless but otherwise looking fine.

  “Alex, what are you doing here anyway?” I asked.

  “I came to talk to you?”

  “You came all of the way from Sweden to talk to me? Surely you’ve heard of a telephone, and how did you find me anyway?”

  “I was at my hotel in Atlantic City, and I needed to talk to you face to face. Babe, you know that I can find you anywhere. You are my bonded”

  I shrugged. “We’re only bonded until we find a way to break it. Okay…say what you have to say and then go. I have a job to do here.”

  “Can I talk to you alone?”

  “No. Whatever you have to say you can say it in front of Cheve. We don’t keep anything from each other.”

  Alex smirked “Sort of like girlfriends, huh?”

  Cheve made a move for Alex, but I grabbed his arm.

  “Alex, stop trying to antagonize Cheve and tell me why you came here.”

  Alex said the one thing that he knew would get me to listen, “Roberto’s missing.”

  Chapter 13

  My heart began pounding so hard that I heard the rush of blood to my ears.

  “Fucking vampires.” Cheve said and glared at Alex.

  “I’m okay. It’s just a shock. Tell me what happened.”

nbsp; Alex ran his hand through his hair. “No one knows. I was to meet with him in Atlantic City last week and he never showed up. He was in Italy ever since you left and he called me a few weeks ago and wanted to meet. I told him that I was going back to the states and that we could meet there. His parents said he was at the estate and the next thing he was gone.

  He didn’t take any luggage, nothing was missing. He was just gone. It’s kind of strange, but it reminds me the way that Annika went missing last year.”

  Cheve cut in, “Could the two of them be together? They are bonded after all.”

  At my pained look he contritely added, “Sorry, Orenda.”

  Alex said, “No. I don’t think that’s a possibility. Besides I don’t think he would abandon his family like that”

  Just thinking about Roberto and Annika being together made me want to vomit. “So you still haven’t told me why you’re here Alex. What does this have to do with me?”

  “I think that you’re the only one who can find him, Olivia.”

  Cheve and I both said, “NO” at the same time.

  Cheve started speaking first “She isn’t ready. She needs more training,”

  Alex sneered at him. “I’ve seen your “training” and she doesn’t need any more of that.”

  Cheve volleyed back with, “Yeah and I’ve seen the heartache you fucking vampires have caused and she doesn’t need anymore of that.”

  “All right, that’s enough you two. You’re giving me a headache. Look, here’s what we’ll do. We’ll talk about this tomorrow. I’d like to see what Onatah has to say.” I looked at Cheve and he nodded. Onatah sometimes “knew” things.

  “Who’s Onatah?” Alex asked.

  “My…my mother.” I said and I couldn’t help notice Cheve’s surprised reaction. This was the first time I had actually said it out loud.

  “Wait a minute. I thought your Mom and Dad were killed by The Guardians?” Alex said.

  “They were my foster parents. Onatah is my natural mother. It’s a long story.”

  Alex came over and took my hand, reminding me of the Alex that I loved. “I’ve got time Olivia.”

  The mood was broken when Cheve said, “No you don’t. The sun will be up in a few hours and then you will be what? Oh yeah. Dead.”

  “Where are you staying Alex?” I asked.

  “There’s a safe house about an hour south of here. You can come tomorrow before sunset and climb into bed with me. Do you remember what it’s like to wake up with a vampire next to you?” Alex teased.

  I shivered remembering how lustful vampires are when they awaken from their topor or death sleep. I steeled myself from Alex’s charm by remembering how he and Roberto manipulated me a few months ago.

  “No. It would be better if you came to the Island and stayed with us. It’s a long commute to and from the Island and it wouldn’t just be me. I’m not stupid enough to leave the Island without backup.”

  Cheve and Alex both began to protest but I cut them off. “That is my final decision on the matter.” I began walking back toward the club hoping I would be able to find my shoes.

  Alex caught up with me, “Olivia, where will I sleep? Will it be safe?”

  I inwardly cringed at his question. A few months ago I had left him unprotected in a motel room and he had been captured and tortured by The Guardians. “Don’t worry Alex. I will keep you safe.” I vowed.

  Alex smiled and Cheve frowned. I rolled my eyes at the two of them. “I’m out training during the day and you’re out hunting at night. And Mark can be your day guard for awhile. We won’t have much contact.”

  “Umm Baby….all I need is a little,” Alex quipped.

  I tried really hard not to smile, but this was my Alex. He was always flirtatious and fun. My life had been sorely lacking these last few months.

  “What do we do about the body? I asked looking at the woman who had tried to kill me.

  Cheve said, “Leave it. I’ve made sure that there is no evidence that anyone else was here. The authorities will only see a suicide, exactly what it is.”

  We walked back to the club and I was happy that my shoes were still there. We started back to the dock. Alex was walking on one side and Cheve on the other. Alex lagged a little behind.

  “Holy crap …Baby got back. I knew there was something different about you. You are buff. Oh my God…look at your calves.”

  “Will you get up here? I don’t want you walking behind me anymore.” Though, I was pleased by his words.

  “Seriously, Olivia. You’re really looking fantastic. I hate to admit it but your trainer is good.”

  “Thanks Alex. I’ve been working hard. And Alex?”

  “Yes?’ he stopped walking at the sound of my serious voice.

  “I go by the name of Orenda now. It’s Iroquois and it means magic power of the earth. It’s my heritage and my destiny.”

  “All right. But I’ll always think of you as Olivia. Can I call you Wren for short? I like that. A wren is a tiny bird but very complex, and it sings the sweetest songs. It can be my special name for you.”

  I smiled at Alex. I liked Wren too. And he remembered how I used to sing. I used to have a bad habit of bursting into song whenever I was nervous, or happy or scared. I’m not sure why, but I stopped singing a few months ago. It could be that Roberto hadn’t found it as endearing as Alex did.

  Before I could give my affirmation Cheve said rudely, “I can’t believe you question the Sensay. Her name is Orenda…it’s a proud name.”

  “It’s okay Cheve. I like Wren. He can call me that if he likes.”

  Alex smiled and Cheve made a kind of snort. This was going to be fun. We made it back to the boat and I settled on the seat in the rear. The September night was quite chilly. I cursed because I left all of my other clothes in the cabin of the other boat. Cheve pulled the boat out onto the river and immediately a cold breeze assailed and I began shivering. Alex came over and sat beside me and put his arm around me. “I wish I had worn a jacket. Would you like my shirt?”

  “No.” I said quickly not wanting to see his muscular chest bared. That could be too dangerous. “I’ll be okay in a minute. I just need to concentrate.” And I did just that. I pictured in my mind that the sun was hitting my exposed skin with penetrating warmth. Soon my shivering stopped and I felt nice and warm. I opened my eyes and smiled, “Mind over matter.”

  From the front of the boat Cheve called back, “That’s my girl.”

  Alex ignored him and said to me, “Baby, that’s awesome. You’ve really come a long way since I’ve last seen you.”

  He took my chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted my head up to look into his eyes. “I’m really proud of you Baby. Do you remember me telling you that this was your destiny?”

  Looking into Alex’s gorgeous green eyes made me feel like melting. I remembered how it felt as he bit me and took my blood. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced. I found myself wanting him to do it again. I broke off contact and changed the subject “Has there been any word from your sister?”

  “No. Nothing. This is all so strange. Neither Annika or Roberto is the type to up and disappear like this.” In his agitation he ran a hand through his blond hair. “I have this feeling like we’re all missing something really simple though. Cristoforo has been going crazy.”

  At the mention of Cristoforo I cringed. I didn’t like Roberto’s brother at all. The one time I met him he was rude and obnoxious. But then again, maybe he didn’t like me because I was sleeping with his brother who had a mate. My eyes began to get heavy. Since training began, I had not stayed up past ten pm.

  Alex noted my drooping eyes and said “Put your head on my shoulder, Baby. You look tired.”

  For one instant I thought about protesting but thought what the hell? I tucked my feet up under me and snuggled against Alex. He smelled nice. A sweet muskiness mixed with the faintest scent of earth. It made me feel safe and happy. The next thing I knew I was being jostle
d awake as the boat hit the side of the dock.

  Groggily, I opened my eyes and it took me several seconds to realize that my head was now on Alex’s lap and my mouth was resting against the long hard erection that was straining the material of his jeans. Jumping up as fast as I could, which was not easy since my leg had fallen asleep, I mumbled “Sorry.”

  Alex’s eyes were closed and he looked like he was in pain. He opened his eyes slowly and I felt like someone punched me in the stomach when I saw the passion burning bright in his green eyes. My body reacted swiftly. My breasts felt full and heavy and an ache began building between my legs. I stumbled to the side of the boat and finally having found my balance, jumped over the rail of the boat onto the dock.

  I was glad to see Bullet waiting for me on the dock. He always seemed to sense when I would be back. I knelt down and began rubbing him behind the ears the way he liked. “Did you miss me boy?”

  Alex swung over the side of the boat and landed beside Bullet and me. “So this is the infamous Bullet.” And then to my utter amazement, Alex knelt down and began to stroke Bullet’s back. “How are you boy? I have to thank you for watching over Wren.”

  I turned to look at Cheve who was standing there with is mouth open. It wasn’t that Bullet wasn’t friendly, but he usually only let me pet him. I smiled at Alex “I think he likes you.”

  “Of course he does. I’m very likable.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Let’s get moving. I’m beat. I have to get up in a few hours for training that is unless my instructor will let me off the hook for a few hours?” I teased Cheve, knowing that he would never agree.

  Much to my surprise, he said, “You had a very trying evening, why don’t we meet after lunch?”

  “Okay, sounds good. Thanks, Cheve.”

  When we got back to the village, I asked Alex, “Are you going to hunt? If you do, please be careful there are other wolves on the island.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Baby. I’ll be fine. Should I just let myself in when I return?” he asked.


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