Book Read Free

Jude Stephens

Page 10

by Touch of a VAmpire

  “Yeah, that will be fine. I’m sure that I’ll be sleeping like a rock by then.”

  “Good, should I just crawl in beside you?” Alex asked with a mischievous grin.

  Cheve said quickly, “I’ll bring you a cot.”

  Both Alex and I said thanks to Cheve but in quite opposite tones. As the men went off in their separate pursuits, Bullet and I went into the cabin. I headed straight for the bathroom to shower. I was in the shower when Cheve came into the bathroom.

  “Everything’s all set up for the fucking vampire.”

  I peered around the shower curtain. “Is that really necessary?”

  “I don’t like it Orenda. These vampires have fucked with you before. I don’t trust them and I don’t want to see you hurt again.”

  I turned off the shower and unabashed stepped out. Cheve handed me a towel. “Don’t worry. I know better than anyone not to trust a vampire. I won’t let anyone use me that way again.”

  I walked out of the bathroom wrapped in just my towel and ran right into Alex who was standing there with his face a mask of granite. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he said in an emotionless voice.

  “Don’t be silly, I was taking a shower.” I said. To Cheve I said. “Thanks again for letting me sleep in tomorrow and for bringing the cot.”

  Cheve looked like he wanted to say something else but instead nodded and left.

  I went over to the dresser, got my brush and sitting on the side of the bed began brushing out my hair. “You can take a shower if you’d like.”

  “Wren, what is that guy to you? I don’t think you’re lovers but I sense a closeness that’s more than just friends.”

  I stopped brushing my hair and looked him in the eyes.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but Cheve and I have a unique relationship. He is the one person in this world that I trust.”

  A look of pain crossed Alex’s face. “I deserved that. If I could, I would take back everything that happened the first night I met you. You don’t know how I regret following Roberto’s orders.” He came over, knelt before me and grabbed my hand.

  “I promise you right here and now that I will never deceive you again. And I will spend all of my days proving my love for you.”

  I snatched my hand back. “Love? I don’t believe in love anymore. Love is for foolish women who are willing to believe that lust is love.” I laughed. “Now lust, that I do believe in. That’s why Roberto wanted me; it’s why you first wanted me.”

  Getting really angry, I stood up and ripping my towel off said, “Here. Go ahead. If you want to fuck me so bad then let’s just do it, and then maybe you’ll leave me in peace.”

  Alex bent and picked up the towel and wrapped it around me. Then he wrapped his arms around me and said, “I’m so sorry for what we did to you. I’ll spend the rest of my days regretting that, but I’ll never regret that I met you, and despite your disbelief of love, in that I have never lied to you.”

  I let him hold me for a few minutes and it felt nice. I thought back to the night we met. Alex was so charming and sweet. If only I could return to the naïve girl I was that night. I sighed. There was no going back. What was done was done. I could only go forward with my destiny.

  I stepped out of Alex’s arms with a heart made of stone and said, “I’m tired and I’m going to sleep. Goodnight Alex.” He looked like he wanted to say more but just mumbled, “Goodnight.”

  As he went into the bathroom, and I heard the water turn on, I climbed into bed. Almost immediately I fell into a deep slumber. It was natural after the day’s events that I would dream of Alex.

  I saw Alex lying naked and tied to a bed. He was looking at me with burning eyes. I walked slowly and seductively towards him and when I reached him, I kissed him on the mouth and plunged a stake into his heart.

  Chapter 14

  I woke up with a start. My heart was pounding. I got out of bed and went over to the cot. Alex lay there dead. I pulled the sheet off of his body and to my great relief didn’t see any gaping hole in his chest. Sitting on the edge of the cot I let out a long sigh. My heart began beating at a more normal pace.

  I thought about the dream. It seemed like Alex and I had been alone. I couldn’t recall anyone else being in the room. Alex was naked. His hands were tied above his head and clasped to the headboard. His eyes were burning with passion. He had a huge erection jutting up from a patch of thick curly blond hair.

  I closed my eyes and tried concentrating on myself. I moved out of my body like Onatah had instructed me, and I could see in my mind the scene as if it were a movie playing. I was dressed in a red satin bustier and nothing else. I had the stake behind my back.

  I walked slowly towards Alex letting my free hand caress the length of his body. I was looking into his eyes as my hand came in contact with his cock. He sucked in a breath as my fingers lingered at the glistening head. I was smiling as my hand continued up his chiseled chest.

  When I at last was close enough I bent down and seemed to whisper something that made his mouth pull into a hard line. I touched my lips to his and at the same time plunged the stake into his chest.

  My eyes snapped opened and once again my heart was pounding. These visions always feel so real that I put my hand on Alex’s chest to make sure he was all right. As soon as my hand came in contact with his chest a strong feeling came over me. I somehow knew that Alex and I would become lovers.

  I swiftly moved my hand away and stood up. I grabbed the sheet and pulled it back over his body. Out loud I said, “Damnit.” I hated having this intuition. It looked like it was inevitable that I would have sex with another vampire. The thought made me excited. I thought back to the two times that Alex had bitten me.

  We hadn’t had sex but he bit me because he needed blood desperately. That we didn’t have sex didn’t mean he hadn’t given me an orgasm. Being bitten was the most erotic thing that I’ve ever felt. Each time Alex’s mouth worked on pulling the blood out, my muscles would contract in a most delicious way.

  I sobered remembering how I had practically begged for Roberto to bite me. Now I knew he reserved that pleasure for his true mate. A sour taste rose into my mouth. God I hate fucking vampires. I may be destined to be Alex’s lover, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to roll over, spread my legs and make it easy for him.

  I spent the afternoon with Cheve doing my nonphysical training. I thought about telling him about the dream I had but decided against it. I knew how he felt about Alex. I could hear the conversation now, “Cheve, I dreamed last night that I killed Alex by plunging a stake through his heart.”

  “Great…I’ll go get a tree branch and start carving.”

  No, I couldn’t tell Cheve, but maybe I could talk to Onatah about it. I wouldn’t be able to talk to her at dinner because Cheve usually joined us. I was surprised when I entered her longhouse to see that she was alone.

  She smiled at the look on my face. “Sit down khe:awak. I have asked Cheve not to join us so we can discuss your vampire.”

  I began to protest her use of “your vampire” but thought what the hell, she usually knows everything anyway.

  “Tell me about him.” She asked as we began to eat.

  So, I told her everything, how I first met Alex, about our blood tie, about his betrayal, and lastly about the dream. I even told her about the intuition that I had about Alex and I being lovers.

  She was quiet for a moment before she spoke. “This vampire speaks the truth. He has great love for you, Orenda. But I don’t know if he’s strong enough to hold you. I see the string that connects you. It is strong, but it can be broken. There is destiny and then there is fate. Destiny cannot be changed, but fate can be altered to modify destiny.”

  Hmmm…okay. She lost me somewhere with the string thing. Onatah must have seen my confusion because she laughed. “I’m sorry khe:awak, I know sometimes it sounds as if I’m talking in riddles. The only thing you really need to do is trust your instincts. They are
what will get you through all of this. They will bring you to your destiny and to the man that is meant for you.”

  “I don’t know, Onatah. I don’t think that I want to open myself up like that again. Roberto and Alex’s betrayal was too much for me.”

  Onatah took my hand in hers. “Time will heal that pain. Now why don’t you go and finish your work with Cheve and then when your vampire awakes, bring him to me so that I can meet him. I haven’t met a vampire in years. Vampires are so sexy.”

  “Onatah!” I exclaimed, but laughed. She was certainly right about that. Alex’s body was a piece of freaking art.

  I left to meet Cheve at the spot where we always went to train. I waited for him beside the small stream. I loved it here. The small clearing was surrounded by thick trees.

  The grass under my feet was tall and soft. The sound of the stream trickling over the rocks always made me relax. Tonight as I sat on the soft grass waiting for Cheve, my mind was filled with Alex. He would be waking soon. I left Mark and Bullet guarding him. No one would disturb him on this island.

  I thought about the dream I had. I thought about his being tied to a bed, naked. He had been excited. His cock had been hard and throbbing, the tip glistening with a drop of clear liquid. A shiver went through my entire body.

  “Are you cold?” a mocking voice asked me.

  “Very funny, Cheve. By the look on your face you know exactly what I was thinking about.”

  “Yeah and I hope you can get over the fucking vampire so we can train.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything get in the way of my training.”

  “Let’s see if that’s true. Let’s test your control.”

  “Fine, I have no doubt that I’m in control.”

  “Okay then close your eyes.”

  I closed my eyes. The rich sound of Cheve’s voice washed over me.

  “Tonight you are lying naked on a bed, a big bed covered in white satin sheets. The cool satin caresses your warm skin. You are squirming a little in anticipation of my touch."

  In my mind, I pictured myself on the bed awaiting Cheve’s touch.

  He continued, “I’m slipping into bed with you now. My cock is rock hard for you. I lean down to softly brush my lips to yours. You open your mouth and my tongue can’t help but slip in to mate with yours. My hand finds your breast and begins to play with your hardened nipple.

  “Still kissing you, my hand leaves your breast and travels over your belly and finds the soft silky hair on your mound. Mmmmm…I can feel your juices already slipping from your body. You want me to slip a finger in don’t you?”

  In my mind, I saw Cheve on the bed beside me, his erection brushing against my thigh, his hand lying gently on my mound. And I felt….triumphant because I felt nothing. I listened to Cheve’s sexy words and disengaged myself from the entire process. YES! He was wrong. Alex’s return had not broken my concentration.

  With thoughts of Alex, I immediately thought about my dream. How Alex was tied to the bed, his erection standing tall. I thought about how I trailed my hand over it. I also remembered it had been wet…wet with my juices. We had just made love. I began to picture how it would be to make love with Alex. He was tied up on the bed so I must have been on top. I pictured in my mind me being poised above him, feeling the thick head at my entrance and-

  “ORENDA! What the fuck? Stop now!”

  I opened my eyes to find myself no longer lying on the grass. I was on top of Cheve. With my one hand I was holding his arms above his head and my other hand was holding his cock.

  At the exact moment that realization dawned on me, I heard, “Nice training technique. That is if you’re gonna be a whore.”

  I turned around and saw Alex standing there. Oh my God, could things get much worse?

  “I told you this is where you’d find them…Oh…” I heard Onatah say.

  Okay. That was worse. I had to take control of this situation. The first thing I had to do was to let go of Cheve. I removed my hand from his genitals with a, “Sorry.”

  I stood and said, “I’m sorry Cheve. Something went a little off during that session.”

  “You think?” was all he said as he put himself back together and stood.

  Still not looking at Alex, I said to Onatah, “It was a mishap. Would you mind going back to the village with Cheve. I’d like to talk to Alex.”

  “Of course, khe:awak. Do not let emotions get in the way of feelings,” was all she said before she and Cheve walked away.

  “Alex, I’m sorry you saw that, but the truth of the matter is that happened because of you.”

  “Because of me? I cause you to have sex with other men?”

  “I didn’t have sex!” I exclaimed.

  “Only because I came along and interrupted,” he countered.

  “No wait, yes. Will you let me just tell you what happened?”

  “There’s no need. I do have excellent eyesight you know, I saw you stroking his cock.”

  Now I was getting angry. I could feel the red flames licking through my veins.

  “Well, make an appointment with the optometrist because that was in no way stroking someone’s cock.” I thought about what Onatah had said; don’t let emotions get in the way of feelings. I knew that Alex had feelings for me and what he saw probably hurt him. Honestly, if the truth was to be told, I was tired of fighting my feelings. So instead of fighting I said, “Let me show you how I do stroke a cock.”

  Alex’s head snapped up so fast that it almost made me laugh until I saw the fire in his eyes. He was beside me in vampire speed, grabbing me and slanting his mouth over mine. “Baby, I’ve wanted you for so long. I’ve ached to hold you….love you,” he said between hot kisses.

  “Shhh…no talk of love. I can’t bear to hear those words anymore. Just be with me Alex. That’s all.”

  “Whatever you want, Wren. Whatever you need.”

  “I need you inside me…and soon,” I could barely control myself.

  “No Baby, I need to savor this. I’ve prayed for this moment and intend to take my time.”

  “That’s not going to work. I’m having trouble controlling my senses, Alex. Roberto would--”

  “Don’t fucking tell me about Roberto now. This is our time, and I won’t have him come between us! You want it fast and hard? You fucking got it.”

  Instead of being fearful of his intentions, I felt exhilarated as he grabbed me and forcefully threw me to the ground. He grabbed my shirt and ripped it down the front. The electricity running through my veins was white hot. I screamed when Alex’s hot mouth clamped onto my breast. He sucked hard as I pushed on the back of his head for him to take more. I wanted him to devour me. He dragged his head from one breast to the other, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and began to buck against him.

  I heard him moan each time I came in contact with his hard cock. He was breathing hard when he dragged his mouth from my breast. He stood and grabbing his shirt pulling it over his head. “Take your pants off,” he commanded as he did the same.

  I stood and while watching him undress I removed my jeans. I stared at his huge erection. Without another word he threw me down again and not so gently, which only made me burn more for him. He commanded, “Look at me Wren. I want to see your eyes the first time I enter you. And this will be the first of many.”

  He pushed into me roughly and began moving in and out of me quickly. I matched him thrust for thrust. He was so big that I could feel him filling me up. I had never felt such a sensation. I was still looking in his eyes and was thrilled when he said, “Let go Baby, and don’t hold anything back.”

  I raked my nails down his back and heard him hiss in pleasure. “Oh yeah Baby, show me your wild side.”

  I was a little scared, but thought what the hell, he asked for it. I let sensation take over my every thought, my every movement. I felt the pleasure begin to build. It started as a small ripple beginning at my toes, it moved up my legs and then it hit me. I felt the walls of my
vagina contract. The first ripple made Alex cry out, “Oh my God, Wren, I’ve never felt anything like that.” He was moaning in ecstasy.

  I felt the second wave coming. It was more powerful than the first and when it hit Alex cried out, “Ohhhhh fuck, yesssss!” I could feel his hot seed shooting into me.

  He continued pumping into me, and I couldn’t speak. I was dazed by the sweet contractions still spiraling through me. Alex began kissing me. He kissed me on my mouth, trailed kisses down my neck, on my cheeks and my eyes, all the while murmuring, “Never knew...I can’t believe…I never felt…”

  To my great shock, he quickly slid out of me, picked me up, threw me facedown on the ground and said between gritted teeth, “Get on your knees.”

  Even before I could comply he pulled me up on all fours and slammed into me again. I began moaning and he said, “That’s it, Baby…let go…feel me sliding in and out….you’re so wet and tight that I think I’ll go mad with the feel of it.”

  His words excited me even more. I felt primitive. I wanted him to bite me. “Alex, bite me. Please…I need…”

  “I will, but first I want you to come for me.”

  His words drove me over the edge, and I felt the ripple begin. As my muscles pulled on Alex he again cried out and came inside me. He pulled out and turned me around and slid into me.

  I was stunned at his stamina. “How can you come so many times?” I asked in wonderment.

  Still gliding in and out of me he said in grunts, “I told you once, Baby, a vampire has the ability to make love many times.” Each word was punctuated by a deep thrust.

  I began to buck against him. He filled me so completely that I felt my climax start almost immediately. “Oh God, Alex, I can’t hold on.”

  “Don’t,” was all he said. And as the wave began Alex leaned down and looking me in the eyes asked, “Are you sure you want me to bite you?”

  “Yessss!” I screamed as the contractions started. Alex kissed me softly on the lips and moved his mouth to my neck. He licked my neck and then sank his fangs into me.


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