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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 5

by Jessie Rose Case

  Rage lifted her and walked her back to the wall, carrying her with ease. He nibbled on her lips. As he reached the wall, he grabbed her thigh and placed it around his waist. He ground into her.

  Holy shit. Kim cried out. Rage was attacking her mouth and grinding his cock into her. It was ….. delicious. Kim knew she was pawing at him but she couldn’t stop. Her own needs were taking over, her body wanted this. Rage somehow managed to undo her top, her bra appeared to disintegrate. He was lifting her, his mouth closed over her breast. His rough tongue lathered her nipple. Kim bowed back, thrusting her nipple into his mouth. She hung on to his shoulders, pulling him to her. Her nails digging in for purchase. OMG. He was the devil and she didn’t care. She needed more.

  With one hand he freed her bottoms and shoved his hand inside. She was wet and welcoming. He let out a groan. She felt so dam perfect. Her panties were soaked and her smell was driving him crazy.

  Kim couldn’t let him think he had the upper hand here. She might still have her V card, but she wasn’t stupid.

  “I …… think…...” She started to say.

  Rage popped her nipple from his mouth and looked up.

  “If you can think I’m not doing enough.” He slipped his hand passed her panties and rammed two fingers into her. Kim cried out her fingers digging deep in his shoulders. She was so tight. He rubbed her clit and slowly pumped into her.

  Her body more on fire than ever before. Her own orgasms nothing like this. “Look at me.” Rage demanded as he pumped her. Kim wasn’t sure she could. He was so male, so dominant. It was too intense already. “Look. At. Me.” He demanded as he rammed his fingers into her. Kim focused on his face. Rage smiled, licked his lips and dove in for a crushing kiss.

  He plundered her mouth, his tongue taking over. All the while he pumped her. Kim could feel her climax coming. The sensation building. Her nipples like pebbles. So hard they hurt. Every muscle in her body taunt, tingling. She started to rock his hand. Suddenly she needed him to finish her off. He was too dam slow.

  She ground on him. “Faster I’m close.” Rage smiled.

  “What do you need female?” He asked her.

  She continued to grind on him. “What?”

  “What do you need?” Kim was confused. What the fuck did he think?

  “I need to come arsehole.” She told him through gritted teeth.

  Rage pulled his fingers free of her, grabbed her bottoms pulling them down, stomping on them freeing her legs. Opening his own trousers, he pulled his cock free and held towards her. He brought her down on it, as he thrust up hard into her. Kim screamed. Rage held back. Something was wrong. Her nails were biting into his flesh and although he loved it, Kim was in pain. He could smell her fear and that was not acceptable.

  “What’s wrong baby?” He asked desperate to know she was not hurt.

  Kim panted. Fuck. That. Hurt. “Your big. Too big.” Rage chuckled and nuzzled her neck kissing it, rubbing his face along her collar bone.

  “Your small but you will get used to it. Your body needs a minute. Keep your legs there.” Kim felt uncomfortable. Exposed. Vulnerable. She didn’t like it one bit. All the pleasure was gone. Rage fondled her breasts. He circled her nipples, grazed over them with his thumbs, then dragged his nail across both and lightly twisted them and suddenly, feeling came rushing back to her. Her body ignited and fired all the way to her toes. She had to move on his cock.

  It didn’t hurt so much now and the feeling of him inside her, was nothing like she had ever imagined. The pain, pleasure boundary so close. Rage rubbed and circled her clit. Her belly fired.

  Rage wanted to dominate, pound her into submission. Her body was sucking on his cock like nothing before. He slid his hand down her body, taking in the curves. He started to move slowly, withdrawing and pushing back in. She’d been wet, very wet for him but she hadn’t come. He was beginning to think that was a mistake on his part. His women had needed to come, before he slammed into her. But god, did it feel good. It was mind blowing. He caressed her with his hands and mouth. Other women had felt nothing like this. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He held her legs open to him, pulling her apart and started to plough into her in earnest.

  Kim couldn’t hold back either. She moved with him. Desperation crying out from her.

  Rage wasn’t sure how long he could hold on. He’d wanted to jack his load the minute he’d thrust into her heat for the first time. The only thing stopping him, was the thought that she’d think him an idiot.

  “I need to come Rage.” Kim begged him. He could hear her need.

  He grunted and increased his pace. His woman needed him and he would deliver. Rage placed his hand between them and circled her clit again. He rubbed at her hard, feeling her desperation in her movements. He needed to give her this. He thrust in deep several times and ground into her. Kim’s body stiffened then exploded, as she came, around his cock calling his name and clinging to him. He’d never felt so satisfied in his life and he was yet to release his own seed. Grabbing both thighs, all control lost, he hammered into her and on his own cry, poured his load into her.

  Kim gasped for air. Rage was locked inside her and leaning on her bracing his weight on his arm over her head against the wall. She was panting heavily. On such a sexual high that reality took a moment to sink in. OMG she’d just had wild sex against a wall. With a stranger. She’d given it up without a second thought. Was she completely nuts? She started to panic. Rage was holding her and doing that nuzzling thing he did and kissing her neck. She kinda liked it. Kim realised a girl could get used to this. No No No. Bad girl. Rage stilled and pulled back to look at her.

  “I smell blood. Are you hurt?” He asked her, his look of concern genuine.

  She felt sore but not hurt hurt.

  “I don’t think so.” She told him confused. Rage pulled back to where they were joined. He wiped his hand around them, touching them both intimately and looked at it. There was blood on his hand. Shit. Kim felt like freaking. Until that moment losing her V card hadn’t made an appearance in her mind. Now she was staring it in the face and reality came crashing in a second time. She pushed at him but he was still buried deep inside her. He held her to him.

  “Put me down.” She demanded.

  Rage held her ass and rocked into her. He was shocked to find Kim a virgin. He’d never considered it a possibility. He had been her first. His heart soared.

  “You didn’t say you were a virgin Kim.” He was being gentle with her and she wanted to scream. She couldn’t take gentle. He stroked her clit. “I would have taken more time. Made sure I didn’t hurt you.”

  Kim bit back a grown. He was rocking into her and her body was alive wanting more. Betraying her. “I ….. have to go. Job to do.”

  “Soon enough. Let’s make sure you enjoy this one and then we’ll see.” He told her. Fuck, he was trying to kill her.

  “I don’t need more thank you. One was good. I’m good to go.” She told him rambling. Rage increased his pace and rubbed his thumb with their juices across her lips.

  “Smell us Kim. It’s delicious.” She couldn’t help but smell them. He was all over her. In her. And her body lit up like Christmas.

  Her body moved on its own. She had no control over it. She might have told him one was enough but it wasn’t true. She’d take this male again and again until there was nothing left of her. He would ruin her and she would let him. She needed to go.

  “Look at me.” Rage demanded. Kim looked up. It was like he knew what she was thinking. Rage leaned in and gently kissed her. Then started to fuck her hard. “This is who we are Kim. We embrace life. It’s what we crave. Get used to it.”

  Rage made her come several more times before his second release. He’d carried her completely worn out to his quarters. Kissed every aspect of her body and savoured every moment. He had loved her body and demanded her submission several times, routed deep within her. Eventually, he’d carried her gently to the shower against her protests. Then left
clean clothing that would fit. He’d had his men collect it. Later, he would take her shopping and buy anything she wanted. She was his now. His female. As he left his cabin he smiled, Kim was going nowhere.


  Kim had stepped out the shower with the knowledge, she’d been well fucked and had enjoyed every minute of it. She couldn’t hide the smile that crept across her face. Checking she was alone, she’d wrapped a towel around her and peeked around the cabin. Rage was gone. The relief at finding him gone was both good and bad. She dropped onto his bed letting out a breath and the friction smarted. She sat down again more gently. His bed. His room smelled of him. Male. Sexy. No No No. Bad girl. Need to get out of here while she can. Kim absently stroked his sheets and looked around. It was a nice room. Better than hers. And the sex, wow, his mouth, his cock. Her muscles clenched. She was weakening, she had to go. She slipped on the clothes Rage had left her and walked to the door. It opened. She looked back one more time and hesitated. His words filling her ears. ‘Get used to it.” She turned to look down the corridor. Time to go.

  Slipping into the corridor as quietly as possible, she made her way to the cargo ramp. Several times she heard voices ahead and stopped. They’d moved off in another direction or room. Then she’d moved on. She’d been lucky. Seeing the ramp still down, Kim creeped forward staying behind the cargo already loaded. She hedged forward and looked out. There was one of Rage’s men at the bottom. Dam. He wasn’t going to move. She had to hope that Rage hadn’t told his men to keep her on board. She’d have to forgo fixing the med bed. That saddened her. She looked at the guard again. He wasn’t moving.

  Holding her breath Kim stood and slowly walked out onto the ramp with her data pad up as if she was checking something.

  “Leaving mam?” He asked her. Kim looked up and plastered a smile on her face.

  “Yeah done for the day. See you tomorrow.” She waved, kept her stride normal and headed into the crowd.

  When she was out of sight of the ship she doubled back and headed for Mack. She comm’d him keeping her voice neutral.

  “Get us ready for fast take-off, job done. Be there in 10.”

  “Roger that.” Then she ran and hoped to all the gods, that Rage didn’t go looking for her before that. If he didn’t, they might just make it.

  “Clear for take-off.” Kim called out as she ran and flung herself into the second pilot seat. Mack was running the show and the engines were already rolling, the cargo ramp had retracted as she started up it.

  “Strap in.” He told her punching it and they ascended. Kim let out the breath she was holding.

  “Want to tell me what all the rush was about?” Mack asked her.

  “Nope, just glad to be on our way.” Mack stared at her, knowing she was being evasive. She ignored him.


  Rages roar could be heard all over the ship. “Who let her off this ship?” His anger out of control. There was a reason he was called Rage and they all knew it.

  Chapter Three

  For over three months, she’d been dodging Rage. Everywhere they went, he wasn’t far behind. The hairs on the back of her head kept giving off warning signals. She just knew it. Luckily her ship, with the new upgrade she’d done, was still faster than his. Every time they dropped off cargo or picked new cargo up, she expected to see him. She didn’t know why he would pursue her, it didn’t make sense to her, but she knew he was on her trail.

  She just ……. felt it. Just like her body kept reminding her of the pleasure he’d given her. Kim looked out the vid screen into space.

  “Maybe we should try another one Mack. This one doesn’t feel right.” Mack turned to her.

  “You’ve said that at each of the last four stops. What gives?” He asked her annoyed. He might be getting on a bit. A true friend of her fathers but he still had some bite in him.

  She’d avoided telling him what had happened on Rage’s ship. It was too personal and truly, she didn’t know how it happened. One minute she was angry ready to tear into him, the next, her clothes were off. What the hell happened? She’d always been so careful. So controlled. There’d been no control with Rage.

  She shrugged in answer to Mack’s question. “We need to pick up that cargo Kim. I promised Rage if I found any more, I would send them his way. I’m keeping that promise.” Kim couldn’t argue with that. It was the right thing to do. She just stared out the window and nodded. Dam. She was so fucked.


  Knowing she wasn’t going to change Mack’s mind. She’d headed for an early night. Her dreams were littered with images of Rage doing naughty things. She’s been in the middle of one particularly juicy one, when something woke her. Kim yawned. Pried her eyes open and checked her wrist comm. It was way too early for the Port alert. The silent proximity alarm pulsed. Shit they had incoming. Followed by a burst of the unauthorised access alert warning. Then it shut off. It was suddenly eerily silent again.

  Kim threw back the flow blanket and checked the engines. She couldn’t feel their movement. Shit. The engines were off line. They were being hacked and they were trying to board. The silent proximity alert pulsing on her wrist comm, was what had woken her. It was lucky she was wearing it. She did a quick check to see if she recognised any vessel signatures. Nothing came up. The craft was dark. That wasn’t good. She comm’d Mack, getting up and pulling on her negative bio suit.

  “Kim?” Mack asked, still half asleep.

  She could hear he wasn’t really awake. It wasn’t Mack messing about then, she’d been right to put on the negative bio suit.

  “Proximity alert followed by intruder alert both on silent Mack. I’m suiting up and heading into the secure tube. I’ve set the welcome mat. Comm’s will be on silent. You need to get to the Bridge Mack. Sorry someone has to be on board.”

  They both knew the drill. They had worked it out many years before. They did a drill every few months to make sure everything worked and they both knew it by heart and didn’t get sloppy. If you were slopping in space, you were dead. Women were a prised commodity in space. If they were ever boarded, they both knew she’d be in danger. So they’d devised this plan. She moved to the crawl space in the corner of the room. It looked like any other part of the room but when engaged it sealed on three sides. No heat signature or noise could get out. It had it’s own air supply and ventilation separate from the ship.

  Mack was more awake now and moving.

  “Go.” He shouted back. Kim could hear him moving.

  “Computer,” she called out. “Chill down birth indicated for Kim to non-essential. Sterilise the air. Protocol Kim is now in operation.” Kim knew the computer would wipe all bio signatures of her on board and in her room.

  She placed her hand on the control inside the space. “Activate, voice authorisation Kim.”

  The concealed door slid closed and sealed. Emergency lighting came on. That didn’t register on the main frame either. It also had a different power source that couldn’t be picked up. Kim pulled the concealed seat down and got comfy. Then opened the terminal and accessed ships systems. The engine controls ran passed this circuitry. If anyone checked, it looked like normal computer communications. The space also had a waste receptor, rations and water. Mack had told her in the old days, these were called ‘saferooms’. She could stay there for days, weeks if needed. The Kim protocol, would wipe her from the computer system. Automatically indicating she had left the ship two months ago at the last stop. Again, should anyone check.

  Kim activated the cleaning bot that would hold a heat signature in her room, then hacked into Mack’s feed. Part of their protocol was that Mack would bring up all camera’s and audio, so both of them could see what was happening on the ship. Kim activated her ear piece and watched the video on her vid screen. She hoped to all the gods, Mack would be ok. That was the unknown. What the boarders wanted and how they would treat Mack. Getting boarded ended in a lot of death.

  Mack had made it to the Bridge and zeroed in on the bo
arders. They had split into two groups. Dam they were big fuckers. Thought Kim. She watched one group heading to Mack, who was now in the control room weapons out and the other, was heading in her direction. That couldn’t be co-incidence. Kim frowned. If they knew she was here, this was going to go south quickly.

  Kim watched the hall vid as they breached her door. “The heat signature was there,” one of them said, “then moving, then blanked out and then moved again. Could be a fault with the equipment.” Someone else said. She didn’t catch what the other guy said after that. There were three of them. They forced the door open.

  They stood looking around her space. Kim didn’t recognise them. One was looking at a data pad.

  “Room’s on non-essential. Comp says it’s been like that for two months since the last occupant left. Heat signature is coming from a bot.” The leader of the group was looking around. Kim watched him. He was sharp.

  “Since when does a bot hold the same heat signature of a human?” the sharp guy asked. The data guy was still accessing information.

  “It’s an old version, some of them do.” He told him.

  “Fuck. If we have blown this.” He turned to look at his men. “I want to talk to the pilot.”


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