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Galactic Cyborg Heat Series Book Bundle 1-4

Page 6

by Jessie Rose Case

  They’d been looking for her. Kim looked at the screens as they walked back towards Mack. If it came to a fight Mack wouldn’t survive. Mack was in his seat. They’d disarmed him. She pulled up intruder protocols and waited. The first two walked around the Bridge and stayed back. Kim watched as the other group headed towards him.

  The leader walked into the Bridge and faced off with Mack. Mack put his hands up. Kim breathed out, at least they didn’t kill him outright.

  “We’re looking for someone.” The leader told Mack.

  “Unless it’s me you got the wrong ship.” Mack told him. The leader shook his head.

  “Right ship. But no engineer. We were told she would be on board.” Mack shrugged.

  “You were told wrong. My engineer left two months ago, got a better offer.”

  The leader didn’t look like he believed him but turned to his data guy. He nodded. He turned back to Mack.


  “Delene Colony.” Mack told him.

  “Why would she get off there?”

  “How the hell do I know. She was crew. Got paid out for some designs decided to go it alone.” Mr Sharp turned to look at his data guy again. He nodded.

  Leader guy took a seat opposite Mack. Kim knew what that meant. Shit. He wasn’t convinced. “Who you working for Mack?” Mr Sharp asked. Kim saw Mack frown.

  “I work for myself. My ship.”

  The leader nodded. “Nice ship. Be a shame if anything happened to it or you.”

  Mack sat a little straighter. “Get the fuck off my ship. You are in breach of Universal Law, boarding a vessel without permission. That is an act of piracy. I have your ID and I’ve already reported it.” Mr Sharp didn’t seem bothered.

  “I want the girl Mack.” He told him.

  “Can’t help you.”

  The leader moved faster than Kim could track. He stabbed Mack in the leg. Mack held back the cry of pain. But he didn’t give her the signal. Dam him.

  “Now, where’s the girl?” Mr Sharp asked again. Mack panted. He was clearly in pain. Kim hated seeing it but she knew going out there wasn’t an option.

  “I already told you.” Mack gritted out. The leader stabbed him again. “Why don’t I believe you Mack.”

  Kim had been watching for what seemed hours. She badly wanted to help Mack but he didn’t give her the signal. Mack was bleeding out all over the floor. Why hadn’t he given the dam signal. Kim was decided, if the leader moved to hurt him once more she was going to do it with or without Mack.

  “Well I think we have enjoyed our visit long enough.” Mr Sharp suddenly told Mack standing up. “I really don’t want to kill you Mack. But we all have our jobs to do right?” Kim’s fingers hovered over the yes indicator.

  “We’ll be seeing you real soon.” Mr Sharp told him then left the Bridge. Kim watched as they walked back to the breach they’d caused and left the ship. Kim couldn’t figure out why they’d just left. Was that too easy?

  She pulled up the ships diagnostic looking for bugs. There were several within the ship. There was also new code in the computer system. So, while Mr Sharp was playing, his men were planting bugs and tracker software. That wasn’t nice. She waited for Mack to take the camera’s off line, in case they had hacked into them. He did but he was barely moving, he needed help. She checked the feed for how many came on board. And checked that all 5 had left but something didn’t feel right. She messaged an auto track to Mack as if she was the medical protocol.

  “Pilot Mack. You appear injured do you need medical aid? Med pads are available.”

  He didn’t respond, and she was blind. Fuck.

  Kim didn’t believe for one moment that those guys had left. No one comes on board a ship, risking that kind of exposure, without getting what you came for or at least something. And she was to believe they just walked off and gave up. No way. Did they really think she was that stupid? It was insulting. She wasn’t sure what she was facing and had few options. Hacking into the medical protocol, she now audio’d her request and let the programme run.

  “Medical override will commence in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Protocol engaged.” The main frame computer told the ship. She knew the engines would fire and take them to the nearest medical facility. Kim watched her screen as they came on line, then increased capacity to max within the protocol. As soon as the engines were ready she punched it.

  The ship shuddered as it went from a standstill to max in seconds. It wasn’t designed for a cold start. She just hoped it had enough heat left in them and held. Kim tagged in her new design. It had limited range but like the nitro of old, it would give double capacity on top of what they were already doing, for 5 minutes. It would be enough to out run anything. She felt the ship lurch forward as she pressed it.

  Kim waited as long as she dared before she fried the bugs. Set a diagnostic to clean out the new code and then shut it down. She put in a course change back to the Port. It was the nearest point they had and she needed to get Mack some help. Kim pulled up the specs of the ship and checked heat signatures. One on the deck. Mack. He was alive. Then remembered not everything sentient worked like humans and checked the ship for movement. A sensor had gone off in the corridor outside her room when the engines engaged, as if someone had knocked into it with that unexpected thrust. They still had at least one visitor then. Dam it. She wished she wasn’t blind but there was no way she could bring up the cameras.

  Kim considered her options. She’d have to knock him out and go with their plan after all. She re-routed the sleep agent they had prepared to use on the Bridge and deployed it throughout the ship locking down all doorways, including her room. With a bit of luck, she’d catch him unawares.

  Kim watched as the countdown indicated it had been fully deployed, gave it the three minutes it needed, then grabbed her oxygen supply and deactivated her door. With her gun up she came out slowly. Slumped across her bed sleeping like a baby was another guest. He was big too. Kim moved to the door and disengaged it. There was the other one. She’d been right. Grabbing his shoulders, she dragged him into her room. Not an easy task when they weighed a tank. Kim dumped him on the floor, zip tied them up, locked and disabled her door. They were definitely Cyborgs. Before locking them in and disabling all electronics. She’d looked at both of them on her floor, and wondered if Rage had sent them. If he had, considering how they’d hurt Mack. Kim was going to take great pleasure in paying him in kind.

  Kim rushed to the Bridge and found Mack knocked out in his pilot’s chair. There was so much blood. She ran to the medical supplies and secured med bots, invisible skin, pads and pain suppressors. She injected him, cleaned the wounds and sprayed invisible skin. Then applied med pads to his wounds, knowing the med bots would work to heal and clean the wound. She kept the sleeping agent cycling in her room and did a sweep of the ship. No more visitors. Kim brought sensors back on line and checked to see if they were being followed. Nothing showed. She wondered where their main ship had gone. Grabbing some food and drink she brought it to the bridge. Inclined Mack’s chair and let him sleep it off. It was better than moving him. He’d been her hero. Now she’d take care of him.

  Kim ate and kept watch. She initiated the cleaning bots. Checked the ship to make sure there were no faults showing and fixed the hack. Kim put the camera back on in her room and made sure that her guests were still out. They hadn’t moved.

  “Hay.” Mack’s voice reached her. Kim turned to see Mack looking at her.

  “Jesus Mack you scared the life out of me.” She told him honestly.

  He smiled. “Knew I’d be ok. We get away ok?” Kim nodded.

  “Kind of. We have two guests in my room who didn’t leave. Who don’t show up as heat signatures. I’ve knocked them out till we reach Port and the authorities. How’s the leg?”

  Mack sat up and flexed his leg. “It’s good. I don’t think they were really trying to hurt me. I think they were looking to scare you out here.” Kim frowned.

  “Well, it looked l
ike they were trying to me. But, that would mean they knew I was here no matter what we did or said. One of them was in my room. No heat signature and the room was still on non-essential. He should have been out of oxygen and frozen but he wasn’t.”

  “You don’t see that every day.” Mack told her.

  Kim snorted. “Cyborgs. Does it feel strange to you to suddenly find ourselves on their want list?” She shook her head. You should have given me the signal.”

  Mack shook his head. “Too many of them. Didn’t know how many were on board or ready to board. It could have been bed if their people started passing out.” Kim understood his reasoning but didn’t like it.

  “If you’re ok I’d like to crash for a bit. I opened up one of the spare rooms.” Kim stifled a yawn.

  “Ok. Yeah, I’m good. Go. I’ll let you know if anything else happens. How long to Port?”

  Kim got up and stretched. “12 hours.”


  They had a welcome party waiting for them when they docked. Kim wasn’t surprised to see Rage, he didn’t look happy. Kim was passed caring. She’d had enough. The last 24 hrs had taken its toll.

  “You going to meet him?” Mack asked having seen him on the vid screen same as her.

  She turned to him. “Nope. Been there done that. I’m good here.”

  Mack grinned giving her a knowing smile, then left the Bridge. Kim followed his progress on camera’s through the ship to the opening of the cargo hold. Then walking down to meet Rage. She watched the interplay, the shaking hands and the urgent conversation between them. Yep. Not a happy bunny at all. Mack indicated the crates he’d picked up and Rage’s men got to unloading them. More Cyborgs were in them. Kim had taken a look when they’d found them, but they were too damaged for her to help.

  Rage came storming onto the ship. Kim had listened in on comm’s. He’d been pleasant with Mack and heard him out. Rage wanted to kill the fuckers who’d breached his ship. His words. Told Mack those men were his. That his ship wasn’t safe enough for Kim. Then he’d walked off. To find her she expected. He seemed done with her running. Kim suddenly felt tired. She was pretty done running herself.

  He’d found her where Mack said. Sitting in the co-pilots seat doing something on her data pad.

  “Good morning sweetness, miss me?” He asked. Kim snorted but didn’t look up.

  “As much as a nasty rash.” She told him. Rage came over and picked her up, sat in what was a navigations seat and put her on his lap. He wrapped her up in his arms and nuzzled into her neck, breathing deeply. She smelt so right. His senses firing, his body responding. His throat rumbled.

  “I have missed you too.” He told her.

  Unable to fight him, Kim found she didn’t want to. She just wanted to be held and kept safe.

  “I don’t recall saying I missed you.” She told him sighing. She’d admit, she’d been seriously scared by what had happened. She would never admit that to anyone and no matter what, Rage did make her feel safe. She could give a little on this. That was unfair of her. She knew it and right that minute, she was using him but for once, she was taking what she needed.

  Rage stroked up and down her back holding her to him. He could feel her fear.

  “Bad?” He asked. Kim nodded.


  “I will kill them all.” Kim smiled into his chest and rubbed her face against him. She sighed.

  “You missed off the lots of blood, screaming and dying slowly part.” She told him. Rage chuckled and pulled her in tighter kissing the side of her head.

  “Gods I missed you. I did miss that off, thank you for the reminder.” Kim closed her eyes. She was safe now.

  She must have fallen asleep on his lap. She woke to the movement of his walking carrying her. She murmured to get down and walk. Rage’s grasp on her tightened. “Hush now baby, sleep, I have you.”

  Kim sighed and snuggled closer, “love that.” And drifted back to sleep.

  Kim woke some time later with the scent of Rage all around her. She didn’t recognise the room. He was missing but clothes had been laid out for her. She couldn’t remember getting here, but did remember Rage carrying her, it was no real surprise to find herself there. She’d expected it. Resigned, she headed into the shower, cleaned up, dressed and went looking for coffee. She found the kitchen where it had been last time she was on board and some of the crew.

  “Morning guys, if you’ve drank all the coffee, I will fuse your sexual responses.” She told them entering, reaching for a mug.

  Several of them smiled at her, one looked down at his bits. C tilted his head at her. She smiled at him.

  “I was joking C. How are you?” She walked over and sat next to him taking several large sips of her coffee. Heaven.

  C frowned. “I am unsure that Rage would like you sitting with me.” He told her. Kim thought he sounded sad. She tutted and patted his arm.

  “First rule of Kim, Rage doesn’t get to choose. How’s the head?”

  C looked more confused. “He is the Admiral.” He told her like that explained every thing. Kim nodded.

  “But,” she moved in closer to him as if divulging a secret. “I’m Kim.” C waited a moment longer then explained he still had problems with a few things. Kim thought she might be able to help with some of that. She needed to check it out.

  “You need a name. Have you thought about that?” She asked him.

  C nodded. “I want to pick something that has meaning like they have.” C indicated the guys sitting opposite them.

  “Good choice.” She told him.

  Rage’s growl came to her ears before she saw him. She lifted her mug and took several pulls from it. C stilled next to her. Kim narrowed her eyes on her coffee and directed her voice at Rage. “Stop with the growling, your upsetting the children and if they get upset and I have to nurse them. You’ll have something to growl about.”

  There were a few grins and sniggers around the table. “Do you have no respect woman?” Kim shrugged.

  “Not when your acting like an arse no.” She drank more coffee. Rage bent down crowding her and gently kissed her. She let him.

  “Good morning my love.” He touched her forehead with his own. Kim smiled up at him.

  “Better. Good morning.”

  Rage straighten and grabbed his own coffee. “We have those two in holding. We will be speaking with them soon.”

  “Can I watch?” Every male in the kitchen spoke “No,” at the same time. Kim looked at each of them pissed. “Ok. Wow, thanks guys.” Rage picked her up and put her on his lap and pulled her into him.

  “I don’t want them seeing you little wife, and I don’t want you seeing what I might have to do to them.” Kim smiled, he called her wife, then cooed at her, she liked him in killer mode. It was beginning to be her favourite setting.

  “That sounds …….. perfect.”


  The moment they were awake and he stepped inside their holding cell, they tried to hack him. Rage shook his head.

  “Not happening boys. Now, I want to know what follow Cyborgs are doing trying to kidnap my female?” He didn’t expect them to answer. But now, they were all on the same page. They had information he wanted.

  He’d reviewed the images from Kim’s ship and his anger lit a fire in his stomach. The other 5 were Cyborgs too. Now he just had to figure out what they were up to. “Burn,” the Cyborg stepped forward, “I want to know all there is.”


  Kim spent the morning working on the engines. It’s what she knew and it comforted her. She was curious to see how they’d stood up to her modifications anyway. She’d reviewed the images and the information from the computer core. They’d done better than she’d thought possible. The neg gav’s had worked like a dream. She checked each connection and working piece. No cracks, no failings. It was all good. Feet pounded towards her. Kim instinctively reached for her laser gun. C came into view. “We have visitors.”

  Rage stared at the 7 cyborgs
standing in front of his loading bay. They’d approached, made themselves known and just stood there. No one reached for weapons. Clearly, they knew Rage had their men. Good. Thought Rage. They knew what was in store in that case, but the leader had come short of men. He needed a hundred more to stand a chance of taking anyone by force. So, this was a meet and greet, not conflict.

  Kim ran down the corridor towards the deck. “Where’s Rage?” She asked C as she kept running.

  “Cargo bay.” Kim changed direction at the next junction and headed to the cargo bay. He wasn’t doing this without her. “Rage will not be happy Kim. Please stay here.” C called out. They were passing the kitchen.

  “Not happening.” She kept going.

  Rage watched the lead guy start to walk up the ramp followed by his team. It was clear it was his team. He walked slowly arms out, he was in charge and having checked the images on Mack’s computer, he was the one who had interrogated him. They stopped inside and spread out. Rage’s own men stood with him. If it came to a fight, Rage wasn’t sure who would win. Then he smiled. But he would. His eyes never left the leader.

  He heard her footsteps before her voice. Rage kept his face neutral.

  “Hay baby,” she called out all sweetness and light walking towards him, “I understand we have visitors for tea, I put the kettle on, o and I brought you your spoon.”

  Rage wasn’t sure what the kettle and tea was about and was confused by the spoon. Not that he let it show. He played along.


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