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Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1

Page 12

by Eden Greenwood

  Erica was on the edge of her seat, eager to see what would happen. But Gracie squirmed in her arms and started to get fussy. Maybe she was tired, or maybe it was too cold, but there was no way the baby could make it through the rest of the game. Erica shot Chase a text, telling him she had to take Gracie home, then exited the stands.

  Back home, Erica kept up with the game on the internet. After Gracie was fed and put to bed, she found out that Chase’s team had won. Erica was thrilled, and so proud of her husband. She changed into her most revealing lingerie, a red, lacy number, and waited for him to get home. When she saw his car pull into the driveway, she grabbed the bottle of champagne that she’d chilled in a bucket of ice.

  “Congratulations, coach,” Erica said when Chase walked into the door.

  Chase smiled, and walked quickly over to her. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist, then kissed her lips. Erica ran her fingers through his hair, and noticed it was clumped and sticky.

  “Gatorade?” Erica asked.

  Chase nodded and laughed. “Yeah, they got me.”

  “I hate that I couldn’t be there to see it,” Erica said. “Gracie was getting cranky.”

  Chase tightened his arms around Erica’s waist. “Motherhood requires a lot of sacrifices.”

  “That’s very true,” Erica said. “Sleep, sanity, time.”

  Chase grazed his lips over her forehead. “You do it all with such grace.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Without you by my side, taking care of the baby and the house, I wouldn’t have been able to take my team to number one in the conference.”

  Erica nestled against his chest, wondering if it was the right time to tell him that she was ready to go back to work.

  No, this is his moment. Let him enjoy it, she thought.

  “And it’s going to be even crazier now that we’re in the playoffs,” Chase said. “Thank God I have you.”

  Erica smiled, tightly. She’d completely forgotten about the playoffs. In the coming weeks, Chase would be totally absorbed with football, and that meant it was up to her to take care of Gracie and everything else.

  What about my career? Erica thought while Chase hugged her. Has Chase gotten used to me being a stay at home mom?

  But he was her husband, her head of household. Surely that meant that his dreams were more important than hers. Erica would have to put aside her ambitions to help Chase pursue his. She touched the side of his face.

  “You’re all sticky,” she said, giggling.

  “Right. I need to take a shower,” Chase said. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Care to join me?” He looked up at her through his lashes, flashing her a dimpled smile.

  “I’d be glad to,” Erica said.

  She followed him down the hallway to their master bathroom. Chase turned on the shower, and while letting the water get warm, removed his shirt. In that moment, Erica didn’t want to worry about her career, or building codes, or dirty diapers. All she wanted to do was trail her hands over Chase’s muscular chest, gaze at his skin that was a deep, brown tan. While steam filled the bathroom, Chase grabbed big handfuls of her bottom and kissed the side of her neck. Erica swung her arms around his neck and withered against him.

  Chase dropped his pants and underwear. Erica studied his magnificent form, his long lean legs and perfect bottom as he opened the shower door and checked the water’s temperature.

  “It’s warm,” he said with a smile.

  Chase’s hand was wet when he lifted the thin fabric of the lingerie over Erica’s head and dropped in onto the floor. He studied her naked body with lust in his eyes. Bending down, he kissed each of her nipples, and then her lips. He took her hand and led her into the shower. The warmth embraced Erica, and set her at ease.

  They kissed while the water drenched them, softening their skin, and allowing their bodies to slip easily over each other. Erica reached down and took his cock in her hand. She moaned as it pulsed between her fingers. Chase let out a low groan, then put his hands on her waist and turned her around. Erica placed her hands on the shower wall in front of her, bending over slightly. Chase grabbed her hips, then slid his hard, wet cock inside of her. Erica’s moans floated from her mouth, and became absorbed in the rushing sound of the water. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations as Chase thrust in and out of her. Chase fondled her breasts as she ground her hips back against him, taking him deeper.

  They found their climax together. Chase remained inside of her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.


  Erica was satisfied with her decision to place Chase’s needs before her own until she lay in bed that night. What about the construction workers whose lives could be in danger? Erica knew how these companies worked. They often employed undocumented immigrants who were particularly vulnerable because they were less likely to seek legal recourses. If Erica’s hunches were true, these people needed an advocate.

  The next day, Chase was up before the sun and headed out to the football field not long after it had risen. Erica got Gracie up, changed her diaper, dressed her, and gave her her morning bottle. Erica waited until Gracie was down for a nap before she called a colleague of hers, hoping she could get them to write the story.

  “This kind of thing doesn’t sell papers,” Maxine said over the phone. “What evidence to you have?”

  “None yet,” Erica said, biting her lip. “This is just a hunch.”

  “So the legwork still has to be done?” Maxine said. “I’m sorry, I just don’t have time right now.”

  “But this is the kind of story that needs reporting. People could be getting hurt.”

  There was silence on the other end besides the sound of Maxine chewing.

  “Maybe your hunch is wrong and no one’s getting hurt,” Maxine said.

  “Maybe. I hope so.” Erica doubted that that was the case.

  “Why don’t you take the story on yourself?” Maxine said. “I miss reading your articles.”

  Erica sighed. “Maybe I will when I have time.”

  Gracie’s cry crackled over the monitor. Erica looked at the clock. She’d only slept for fifteen minutes. She said goodby to Maxine, then went to take care of her baby.


  The playoffs would start in two weeks, and during that time, Erica felt like she barely saw Chase at all. He spent long hours at the football field, and when he was home, he was studying playbooks and watching footage of old games. Erica worked hard to be an obedient, submissive wife. In addition to taking care of Gracie, she cooked and cleaned constantly, making sure to do everything possible to support her husband. She tried to forget about the article, but she couldn’t shake it from her mind. While Gracie slept, Erica couldn’t help but do more research into Elways Construction Company. What little information she found corroborated her theory that something wasn’t quite right there.

  One day, Gracie took a particularly long afternoon nap, giving Erica the opportunity to call the administrator at the local hospital to ask if they’d seen an increase in work related injuries. The administrator was tightlipped at first, citing patient confidentiality. But Erica wasn’t one to give up, or take no for an answer. She pressed the administrator until the information she needed slowly began to trickle out.

  “When did the injuries start to appear?” Erica asked.

  “Let me see here,” the administrator said. “Looks like a couple months ago.”

  Erica double-checked her notes, and saw that that was right around the time Elways Construction started their project. Her journalistic senses told her she was on the right track. She was deciding on where to go with her line of questioning when she heard the front door open.

  “I’m home early,” Chase announced. “Where are my girls?”

  A second later, Gracie screeched over the monitor. She must’ve heard Chase come in. Erica closed her eyes and sighed.

  “Just a moment, please,” she said into the phone.

  Chase appear
ed in her office, all smiles and holding Gracie. “Hey, sweetie, what’s for dinner?”

  Erica knew she was on the verge of breaking the story, but now Chase was standing in her way. The resentment inside of her had been building up for a long time, and now threatened to spill over. Why was Chase free to pursue his career, and she wasn’t? Why did it seem that only her life had changed after Gracie’s arrival?

  Chase approached her desk, bouncing Gracie in his arms. “We’re hungry, aren’t we?” he said in a baby voice. “What’s Mommy making for dinner?”

  “I’m sorry, but I have to go,” the administrator said.

  The phone clicked as the administrator hung up. She turned to Chase, seeing red.

  “Why don’t you make dinner yourself?” Erica snapped.

  The air in the room went as heavy as lead. Erica immediately regretted what she’d said. Chase narrowed his eyes at her, then stepped away.

  “Let’s go play in your playpen, “ Chase said, carrying Gracie out.

  Erica stared down at her desk, cursing herself for losing control like that. A few moments later, Chase returned. Without a word, he marched over to Erica’s desk and grabbed her wrist, pulling her up. He gave her quick, sharp swat on the butt. Erica grimaced as pain spread across her bottom.

  “I won’t tolerate that attitude,” Chase said, sternly.

  Hot tears stung Erica’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m just tired.”

  “That’s no excuse for being disrespectful,” Chase said.

  Erica bit her tongue, thinking it was his fault for interrupting her, for being gone all the time and leaving her alone in this house. But she didn’t say any of that.

  “I’m sorry,” she repeated.

  Chase placed his hands on his hips and nodded. “Okay,” he said, then left the room.

  Erica went into the kitchen and halfheartedly made a pot of spaghetti for supper. When they sat down to eat, Erica was quiet, preferring to stew silently to herself. Chase chattered with Gracie, and complimented Erica on her cooking. She accepted his compliment with a quick nod.

  “What’s going on?” Chase said, looking her in the eyes.

  Erica shrugged, pushing around the food on her plate. “Like I said, I’m tired.”

  “Then why don’t you sleep tonight?” Chase said. “I’ll get up with Gracie.”

  “No, that’s okay,” Erica said, quickly. “You have to get up early tomorrow.”

  “Erica, let me help you,” Chase implored.

  Erica plastered a smile on her face. “Motherhood is about sacrifices, right?”

  “That’s true, but so is fatherhood,” Chase said.

  Erica knew she should accept his offer to help, but her bottom was still sore from the spanking she didn’t think she’d deserved, and the stubborn streak of her personality was rearing its head.

  “No, honey, you have important things to do,” Erica said.

  Chase shrugged, defeated. “If you say so,” he said.


  When the playoffs started, Erica resolved to being an obedient wife, and stop entertaining the idea of writing her article. She did her wifely duties with a smile, and if resentment tried to creep in, she shoved it down deep inside of her.

  Chase was busier than ever, and spent even more time outside of the house. He held practices that latest for hours, and oversaw the players’ weight training. Erica had to admit that it turned her on to see her husband so focused and determined. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone that when the playoffs started, Chase’s team started winning.

  The more they won, the more they played. Erica was excited for Chase at first, but as the games continued one after another, she didn’t know how much longer she could keep it together. Gracie was sleeping for longer periods at night, but Erica still had to get up at three am to give her a bottle. After Gracie was fed, changed, and rocked, the whole ordeal took about an hour. Erica would get back into bed, only to rise an hour later when Gracie woke up for the day.

  Erica hadn't had a full night’s sleep in four months, since Gracie was born. She drudged through the day, her mind foggy with lack of sleep. Though she tried to keep up with her responsibilities, sometimes laundry got neglected, or they’d have to order out for dinner. Erica knew she could ask Chase for more help, but he was so busy, she hated to distract him.

  That didn’t keep her from sometimes feeling a flair of anger. Late at night, when getting up to tend to Gracie, Erica would look to Chase, who would be sleeping soundly next to her. Sometimes she’d tried to make a loud commotion, jostling the mattress as she got out of bed. But Chase never woke. He never had to go to work the next day after a night of interrupted sleep.

  One morning, Gracie had woken up at four am and had refused to go back to sleep. When Chase woke an hour or so later, Erica was walking around the house in her robe, carrying Gracie around on her hip. Chase kissed Erica, and then Gracie on her chubby cheek.

  “Someone doesn’t like to sleep,” Chase said to her. He looked to Erica. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay,” Erica huffed. “Maybe I can get used to not sleeping.”

  Chase narrowed his eyes at her with concern. “I think you need a break.”

  “I’m fine,” Erica said, shaking her head.

  Chase grazed his thumb over her cheek. “You don’t look fine. You look exhausted.”

  “What would you like for breakfast?” Erica asked, changing the subject.

  “I’ll grab something at the college,” Chase said. “You don’t need to make me anything.”

  While Chase got ready to go to work, Erica tried to get Gracie down for a nap. She rocked her and sang soothingly. Though Gracie’s eyelids were heavy, the baby tried with all of her might to fight off sleep. Erica rocked and sang, and rocked and sang. Finally, Gracie settled down, and seemed on her way to sleep. Erica planned to take a nap herself once the baby went down.

  “Erica,” Chase bellowed from down the hall. “Where are my clean shirts?”

  Gracie’s eyes shot open, and she turned her head towards her father’s voice. Erica clenched her eyes shut and groaned.

  “Did you hear me?” Chase said, appearing in front of her. “All of my work shirts are dirty. Did you do the laundry yesterday?”

  Erica’s nerves were exposed and raw from lack of sleep, and though she’d tried to be an obedient wife, she’d had enough. She snapped her head towards Chase.

  “I didn’t do the laundry yesterday because I can’t do everything around here,” Erica yelled. She breathed heavily, her eyes wide. She didn’t care if she’d risked a spanking. Gracie looked up from her lap and cooed, happily.

  Chase was struck silent by her outburst. He approached her quietly, then scooped Gracie into his arms.

  “Why don’t I try to get her to sleep?” Chase said, calmly.

  Erica nodded. As her anger subsided it was replaced with a dull shame. She sat at the kitchen table, her hands tight around a mug of coffee. Why had she taken her frustrations out on Chase? Why had she let herself lose control like that? She listened to Chase sing softly to Gracie, then the creaking of the chair as he got up to put her in her crib. Erica could barely look at Chase when he entered the kitchen.

  “We’re talking. Now,” Chase said, sitting down in front of her.

  “You’ll be late,” Erica said.

  “I don’t care. What’s going on with you?”

  Erica, embarrassed by her behavior, cast her gaze to the side. “Nothing, I’m just tired.”

  Chase slammed his fist on the table. “Talk to me, Erica.” He lowered his voice and softened his gaze. “I know something’s not right.”

  Erica clenched her hands into fists. She didn’t want to admit that caring for the baby was stressful and tiring, or that she longed to get back to work. She didn’t want Chase to think that she was a failure, or less of a mother.

  “I’m just tired,” Erica repeated.

  “That’s it.” Chase stood from the table and extended his hand to her. “
Stand up. Now.”

  Erica took a ragged breath and stood. In an instant, Chase placed his hand on the back of her neck, bending her over the table. He took a few steps to the kitchen counter and retrieved a wooden spatula.

  “This is for snapping at me this morning, and for not being open.” Chase gathered the skirt of her nightgown and bunched it up around her waist. He held it there with one hand, and with the other, yanked down her panties.

  Erica grasped at the smooth, wooden surface of the table. Goosebumps stood up on the backs of her thighs. Chase reared his hand back, then brought the spatula down hard against her bare bottom. The pain was sharp and acute. Erica cried out.

  “Don’t forget that we have a spiritual partnership,” Chase said. He spanked her again. Erica yelped as her back arched. “Why do I feel like I’m doing this alone?”

  The spatula whipped the air as he brought it down against her, again and again. With one particularly hard swat, Erica couldn’t hold it in any longer.

  “I’m the one doing this alone,” she yelled, craning her head back to see him.

  Chase paused, holding the spatula in the air. His eyes softened, and he dropped the spanking implement to the ground. “What do you mean?”

  He allowed Erica to stand. She pulled her nightgown down over her bottom, and sighed.

  “You’re right. There is something else,” Erica said.

  Chase nodded, then took both of her hands. “Tell me. Please.”

  “It’s stupid, really,” Erica said, shaking her head.

  “No, it’s not,” Chase said, looking directly into her eyes. “Your feelings are never stupid.”

  “Okay,” Erica said. “Lately, it seems, I’m the only one taking care of the baby. You’re gone all the time.”

  “It’s a busy time of year,” Chase said.

  “I know it is. That’s why none of this is your fault. And I’ve wanted to support you while your team played in the playoffs. But when I’m here, alone with the baby, and you’re furthering your career, I couldn’t help feeling a bit resentful.” Erica looked to the side, shyly. “I told you it was stupid.”

  Chase gripped her wrists. “It’s not stupid,” he said, sternly. “Don’t ever talk about yourself that way. Erica, I know you’ve been under a lot of stress. And I’ve tried to help.”


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