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Alpha Husbands and Obedient Wives (Christian Domestic Discipline Romance): 3 Complete Series in 1

Page 13

by Eden Greenwood

  “You have,” Erica said, raising her eyes to the ceiling. “I just thought that I should be able to do it all. That I wasn’t a good mother if I didn’t.”

  “That’s crazy,” Chase said, shaking his head. “You’re an amazing mother.”

  Erica bit her lip. “Then why am I so eager to get back to work?”

  “You are?” Chase said, a look of confusion on his face. “I had no idea.”

  “For the last few weeks, I’ve been feeling the itch to get back to it.” Erica looked up at him imploringly. “Why can’t I just be satisfied staying with my baby? Raising my child?”

  Chase pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t feel guilty,” he said, softly. “You love journalism. No one ever expected you to give it up.”

  Erica sniffled as tears rose to her eyes. “But what if I have to? You’re so busy with football, and I can’t bear to put Gracie in daycare. You said motherhood was about sacrifices. What if my career is one of them?”

  Chase pulled her back and looked into her eyes. “It doesn’t have to be. We can work this out, together.”

  Erica studied the sincerity in his eyes, and realized that the answers to her questions were here, with him, all along. When would she learn that if she only brought her problems to Chase, he could help her figure them out, not matter how large or small. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips.

  “So tell me,” Chase said. “What’s inspired you to get back to work?”

  Erica told him all about Elways Construction, the owner’s history, and the work injuries that were cropping up again. Chase listened intently, not saying a word until she was finished.

  “What do you think?” Erica asked. “Does it sound crazy?”

  “No,” Chase said, shaking his head slowly. He broke into a broad smile, then clasped his hands around her face. “Erica, Gracie needs you, I need you. And those workers, they need you too. The work you do is too important to stop.. You have to keep pushing for what’s right.”

  Erica’s eyes brimmed with tears of joy. Somehow Chase knew exactly what she needed to hear.

  “But how will I find the time?” she asked.

  “We’ll work it out,” Chase said. “We’ll find a way.” He pressed his body against hers, then started pulling up her nightgown. He ran his hand over her bare bottom. Erica winced when he touched the raised, red areas from the spatula. “I’ll get the mineral oil.”

  Chase had Erica lay down on the bed on her stomach. He lifted up her nightgown, revealing her sore bottom.

  “Just relax,” Chase said, squeezing a small amount of mineral oil onto his hand. He brought his fingers to her bottom and rubbed it into her skin.

  The raw burning of her flesh subsided as Chase massaged. Erica rested her cheek on her arm, her eyes fluttering closed.

  “It’s clear that God put you on this earth to make a difference,” Chase whispered as he rubbed her soft flesh. “Those workers need justice.”

  Erica inhaled, deeply. With his words, Chase had eased her biggest anxieties. All this time, she’d struggled with her identity. Was she a mother or investigative journalist? With Chase’s encouragement, she knew she could be both. The longer she lay there, the more Chase’s touch produced a shivering excitement that ran down her thighs. She turned her head, smiling at him, and parted her legs slightly.

  Desire flashed over Chase’s face. He slipped his fingers down between her legs, playing in her soft, wet folds. Erica moaned as he caressed her throbbing clitoris with his oiled fingers. Chase bent and kissed the tops of her thigh, then slid two fingers inside of her.

  Erica clutched at the comforter beneath her while Chase coaxed the pleasure out of her body. Her muscles clenched around his fingers as she was lifted to orgasm. Transcendent bliss fell over her body, and she felt her worries slip away.

  Chase unbuckled his pants, then positioned himself behind her. Careful not to touch her sore bottom, he slid his cock inside of her. Erica pressed her thighs closer together, feeling his girth as he filled her completely. Chase lowered himself over her back and wetly kissed her neck as he began to thrust. Erica turned her head to meet his lips. They kissed passionately while Chase picked up speed and force, and Erica soon found herself climaxing again. Chase plunged deeply inside of her and found his release.

  Chase rolled off of her and lay next to her on the bed. Erica snuggled up to him, laying her head on his chest.

  “I think you’re right,” she said, trailing her fingers between his muscles. “God put me on this earth for a purpose, but none of it would be possible without you.”

  Chase stroked her hair away from her face. “We’re a team.”


  Chase made good on his promise. Even with the craziness of playoff season, he came home an hour earlier each day, and took care of Gracie until her bedtime, giving Erica plenty of time to work. The more Erica dug into the case, the more evidence she found that her hunch was right. Elways Construction had circumvented several safety codes with the help of the city council. When Erica published her findings, there was a public uproar. Elways was taken off of the construction project, and the job was awarded to another company that Erica had personally vetted.

  “Think of all the people you’ve helped,” Chase said as they lay in bed together one night. “You’re an amazing woman.”

  Erica turned towards him and kissed the tip of his nose. “Some of the credit belongs to you. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “Stop it,” Chase said, teasingly.

  “It’s true,” Erica said. “God has a purpose for me, and you help me reach it everyday.”

  Chase snuggled up closer to her. “That’s what love is all about. How else do you think I made my team conference champs?”

  Erica laughed. “I didn’t had anything to do with that.”

  “You did,” Chase said, propping himself up on his elbow. “So much more than you think.”

  Erica leaned back into her pillow and sighed. “I guess it’s a two way street.”

  “It is,” Chase said. “Always.”


  Erica waited nervously in the darkness backstage. She peered out into the auditorium, hoping to locate Chase. If she could just see him, she knew he’d calm her nerves. She scanned the seats frantically until she saw him. He looked unbelievably gorgeous in his dark suit, and the way he lovingly clutched Gracie to his chest made Erica’s heart skip a beat.

  “And the award for social justice in reporting goes to Erica Devon,” the announcer said.

  Erica took a deep breath, then walked out onstage to accept her award. The crowd cheered as she took her place behind the podium. The audience was full of her fellow journalists and their families. Erica gazed out that the familiar faces.

  “All of us are here because we responded to a calling,” Erica started. “Some of us disagree on where that calling comes from, but I tend to think it’s from God.” There was a mixed response from the crowd and scattered clapping. “Whether you acknowledge a higher power or not, we all must agree that we do what we do for the greater good. We expose injustices to help the vulnerable. We bravely seek the truth, going against those who’d rather their dark secrets stay in the shadows. We are all talented and committed individuals, but when I look out at my fellow colleagues, many whom are here with their families, I know that few of us do it alone.”

  Erica paused while the crowd applauded.

  “I, personally, wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for a wonderful husband, Chase,” Erica said. “Without his support, encouragement, and love, I wouldn’t be standing here today. And dozens of workers wouldn’t have won their class action suit against Elways Construction. Thank you.”

  She raised her award high in the air as the people cheered and clapped. Looking out into the audience, the only face she wanted see was Chase’s. But he wasn’t there.

  After the ceremony, Erica mingled with the other journalists. She shook their hands and accepte
d their congratulations. When the afterparty was almost over, Chase entered the reception hall carrying Gracie.

  “Where have you been?” Erica said, kissing him on the cheek.

  “I missed the last part of your speech,” Chase said. He looked to Gracie. “Someone decided it was a good time to poop while Mom was having her moment.”

  Erica laughed. “It wasn’t too bad, was it?”

  Chase sighed. “It was pretty bad. She needed a new outfit and everything.”

  “It’s true what they say. Real men change diapers.”

  “I definitely agree with that,” Chase said. “Now, come on. I want to get you away from this adoring crowd and take you home, where I can have you all to myself.” Gracie bounced in his arms, reaching for her mother. “Well, not all to myself,” Chase added.

  Erica rubbed her baby girl’s head, then looked to Chase. “We’re all in this together,” she said.

  A Marriage of Passion

  Kristen and Caleb

  Disciplined On Her Wedding Day

  Only With Him

  Through His Eyes

  Disciplined On Her Wedding Day

  I’d spent all morning making chocolate chip cookies from scratch, and was just about to slide them into the oven when Danielle rang the doorbell. After wiping my hands on my apron, I skipped to the front door. Danielle lived in another state, I hadn’t seen her for months.

  We both screamed when I opened the door, and jumped into each other’s arms. I was so happy, I couldn’t stop laughing.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” I said, pulling her inside.

  Danielle removed her sunglasses and dropped her bags. “I can’t believe you and Caleb are getting married in two weeks.”

  I scrunched my face. “Two weeks? The wedding’s in a month.”

  “No,” Danielle said, shaking her head. “It’s two weeks from now.”

  “What’s the date?” I asked, still not believing her.

  “The twenty-first.”

  I counted the days in my head, then realized she was right. “Two weeks. Oh my gosh,” I said.

  Danielle laughed. “It’s a good thing I’m here.”

  I led Danielle to the dining room table, where I’d laid out the items for the guest gift bags.

  “Each bag gets one from each pile,” I explained. “Then you tie the ribbon like this.”

  “Sounds easy enough,” Danielle said, sitting down and getting to work.

  I hugged Danielle’s shoulders, then sat down across from her. We chattered while we completed a few bags, then I remembered I’d been a bad host.

  “Danielle, I just put you to work as soon as you got here,” I said. “Do you want something to drink? Water, wine?”

  Danielle didn’t answer. She lifted her head and sniffed the air. “What’s that smell? It’s like something’s burning.”

  I sniffed the air too. “You’re right. What could it be?”

  The cookies! I realized. They were probably burnt to a crisp by now. I ran into the kitchen with Danielle following behind. The cookies weren’t burnt. They weren’t in the oven at all. The sheet pan was on top of the stove, right where I’d left it to go answer the door for Danielle. The oven was on, and the door left open, which explained the burning smell. My face turned red with embarrassment as I quickly slid the sheet pan into the oven. Danielle just laughed.

  “You haven’t changed a bit,” Danielle said.

  “No, I’ve actually gotten much better,” I said, defending myself. “I’ve started leaving myself little notes. See, here’s one.” I picked up a post-it and read. “Get your oil changed.” I squinted at the paper. I thought I’d done that last week. Had I?

  Danielle took the note from me and set it down. Her face was suddenly serious. “Kristen,” she said in a soft voice. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the wedding, about how much your life is going to change.”

  “I know. It’s going to be so amazing.”

  “It is,” Danielle said, carefully. “But you know how Caleb expects your marriage to be. He’s in charge.”

  “Yeah, I get that,” I said. I’d known for ages that Caleb believed in domestic discipline, and that the husband had authority over his wife. “I’m totally cool with it.”

  “I know you’re cool with it,” Danielle said. “But I don’t think you have any idea what it’s like in reality. Even I didn’t know how hard it could be sometimes before I married Isaac. I have to watch my very move, think about what he’d want me to do all the time, and make sure I always obey.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I get it.”

  Danielle bit her lip. “Kristen, I say this as a friend. You’re a little ditzy.”

  I laughed. “You tell me that all the time.”

  “It’s not a bad thing,” Danielle said. “It’s actually something I love about you. After you say your vows to Caleb, just make sure to be extra careful.”

  “You got it,” I said. “In fact, I’ll write myself a note.” I picked up a pen and scribbled Remember to obey Caleb. “There,” I said.

  Danielle shook her head and laughed. “All right, then.” Her phone started ringing, and Danielle retrieved it from her purse. “It’s Caleb,” she said, then answered. “Hey, Caleb. Yes, she’s right here. She’s fine.” Danielle hung up the phone. “He was calling me because he couldn’t get in touch with you. Why weren’t you answering your phone?”

  “It’s probably still in my bed,” I said. “I haven’t been able to hear it.”

  Danielle pointed her finger at me. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Caleb was worried, Kristen. Do you realize that if you were married, he could punish you for that?”

  The realization hit me hard. Danielle was absolutely right.

  “Oh,” I said.

  Caleb had always been stern with me, and had mentioned punishment, but since we weren’t married, it wasn’t his place to administer it yet. I wondered what it would be like to lie across his knee, waiting for a spanking.

  “I guess I haven’t really thought it through,” I said.

  “I don’t mean to dissuade you or anything,” Danielle said. “Caleb is a great guy, and he’ll be a wonderful leader.”

  I traced my finger along the veins in the granite countertop. “Have you been spanked yet?”

  Danielle gave me a small smile and nodded.

  “What’s it like?” I asked.

  “It hurts, to be honest,” Danielle said.

  “Don’t you hate it?”

  “It’s weird, but no,” she said. “When Isaac takes control and punishes me, it makes me realize how strong he is, and how much he cares for me. It’s a turn on, really.”

  “Danielle,” I said, astonished. “The spankings turn you on?”

  Danielle blushed. “I can’t help it. They turn him on too, which is why it usually leads to sex. So, it’s really not a bad deal.”

  “I see,” I said. “But don’t get me started on asking about the sex.”

  Danielle reached for my hand. “You’ll see soon enough. And it’ll be the most natural thing in the world. Now, those cookies smell ready. We don’t want them to burn.”

  Danielle and I got through about half of the bags until we called it a day. I made dinner for us, and we spent the evening gabbing on the couch. When we finally decided to go to bed, I set Danielle up in the guest room.

  I climbed into bed, even though I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep. In two short weeks, I’d have a husband, a head of household, a leader whose rule I must always obey. Though Caleb was always telling me what to do, and I usually listened, I basically did my own thing without worrying about permission. There were times, when I was really upset, that I even talked back to him. Caleb would reprimand me verbally, but since we weren’t married, he never spanked me.

  But that was all going to change.

  Can I do this? It was the question I never thought would cross my mind. Caleb and I were soulmates. I knew I’d spend the rest of my life with him fro
m the moment we met. I thought about that day often, almost five years ago. I was a freshman in college and it was the very first day of school. I’d spent the weeks prior making new friends, going to parties, and drinking too much beer instead of studying the campus map and figuring out where my classes were.

  It was a large, state university with old brick buildings that all looked identical. I was utterly lost, and couldn’t even locate the building of my first class. I circled around the campus, until I finally gave up and walked into a random building where I thought I could find someone to ask for directions.

  Students and teachers raced through the halls, none of them giving me a second glance. It was almost time for class to start, and the hallways soon emptied out. I wandered down the halls, looking for an office or something, when I rounded a corner and saw him.

  It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Never had a stranger had such an effect on me. Caleb was dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, a ball cap pulled over his shaggy, light brown hair. He had a back pack slung over his shoulder. The way he walked, with broad, quick steps, exuded confidence. I stopped in my tracks and stared at him with my mouth open. I was instantly attracted to him, though I knew a man that handsome would never go for me.

  Caleb was reading a book, but when we passed each other, he looked up with a polite smile. Our eyes met, and I felt a jolt of electricity. Caleb dropped the fake smile, and let his gaze linger.

  “Hi,” he said, stopping.

  I was so shocked, I stumbled forward. “Hi,” I said, awkwardly. “Um, maybe you can help me. I’m looking for the Bates Building.”

  Caleb laughed and didn’t answer.

  “So, do you know where it is?” I said.

  “Oh, you’re serious?” Caleb said. “This is the Bates Building.”

  Heat rushed to my face, and I knew my cheeks were bright red. “Oh my gosh, that’s so embarrassing.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Is this your first day?”


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