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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 6

by Rachel Wilson

  Her enthusiasm floored him, and all Garrett could think as he stared into her pleading expression was, how could he say no? “I think that sounds like a fascinating idea.”

  To Be Continued…

  Thrill Sex Park - The Complete Box Set

  Claudia Comes Clean

  Chapter One

  Robert had met Callie when she worked for a strip club downtown when he was twenty-one. Now he was twenty-five and he was hopelessly hooked on Callie. Callie had given him a lap dance one night. He’d asked to buy her a drink. She’d agreed. They’d started talking. Robert’s addiction had started.

  They’d exchanged numbers. Robert had called her once a week at first. Now he called her every day. It was the highlight of his day.

  Callie had an addiction too. She was addiction to heroin. Robert hadn’t known at first. The first six months he’d been blind. One day, he’d walked in her bedroom and caught her. He should have left. He hadn’t.

  Now they were talking about moving in together. Robert knew he had to take care of her. Callie’s addiction was only getting worse.

  He sat at home alone. He was waiting for Callie to get off of work so he could call her. His phone rang.

  “Hello.” He answered.

  “Hey baby.” Callie slurred.

  “You’re off early.” Robert said.

  “About that. I think I got fired.” She said.

  “Fired?” Robert asked, shocked.

  “Yes. Can you come and pick me up? I just really don’t want to be alone tonight.” Callie said.

  “Sure. I’ll be right there. Bye babe.” Robert replied.

  His heart raced. He really hoped Callie was okay. Robert ran down and got in his car. Please God let her be okay he silently prayed all the way to get Callie.

  When Robert pulled up in front of the club, Callie was standing outside in a long tan coat and red high heels. She got in the car.

  “What happened? Are you okay?” Robert asked.

  His mind was filled with images of her pushing off some man who was trying to grab her.

  “I’m fine. I just had too much. Ronnie said enough.” Callie said.

  Ronnie was Callie’s boss.

  “What do you mean?” Robert asked, confused.

  “He’s tired of me coming to work high!” Callie yelled.

  “Oh.” Robert said.

  He felt terrible. He needed to get Callie help.

  “I’ll find another club. I’m tired of dealing with him too.” She said.

  “Ronnie’s a nice guy though.” Robert blurted out.

  “He fired me babe.” Callie said.

  She laid her head on his shoulder and started to cry. Robert rubbed her hair.

  “I know babe. It’ll be okay. We’ll figure something out.” He said.

  Robert knew she was going to hate him for it, but he had to push her into rehab. He couldn’t stand to see her like this anymore.

  “Can I go to your house?” she asked.

  “Of course.” He replied.

  Callie fell asleep on the drive home. Robert pulled into his driveway. He knew that it’d be useless to try to wake her up. He sat out in the car with her until sunrise.

  Callie stirred as soon as it hit daylight.

  “Where am I?” she murmured.

  “In my driveway. It’s okay.” Robert whispered.

  “What happened?” Callie asked.

  “You got fired last night.” He said.

  “What? No I didn’t.” Callie said.

  “You did.” He said.

  “Let me call Ronnie and see.” Callie said, fumbling for her phone.

  She got it and dialed the number.

  “Hello… oh… sorry I didn’t remember… Bye.” Callie said.

  Her face fell.

  “Was I right?” he asked.

  “You know you were! Now what am I going to do?” Callie asked.

  “We can still move in together. I’ll take care of you. I want you to do something for me though.” Robert said.

  “What is it?” Callie asked.

  “I want you to go to rehab.” Robert said.

  Callie threw her phone at him. “I’m not doing that!”

  “You got fired because you were high.” He said, calmly.

  “I worked at a strip club.” Callie replied.

  “I know. Just for thirty days. Then if you don’t like it then you can come out and use whenever you want.” Robert said.

  Callie narrowed her eyes at him. “Yeah right. I thought you accepted me.”

  “I do. I just want you to get better. I worry about you.” Robert said.

  “If you wanted me to get better you’d help me look for another job.” Callie said.

  “I will if you go to rehab.” He said.

  Callie sighed. “We can break up over this.”

  “I don’t want to. We don’t have to do this right now.” He said, sighing.

  “Good. I’m hungry.” Callie said.

  “I’ll go make you breakfast.” Robert said.

  “Thank you.” She said, brightly.

  I know she thinks she’s won but she can’t this time Robert thought. They walked inside. Robert cooked eggs, bacon, and pancakes. They ate.

  “I need to try to score soon.” She said.

  “I know.” Robert said, sighing.

  He hated the way that stuff controlled her. Callie walked over and got on her phone. Robert tuned her out. It hurt too much to listen to.

  About ten minutes later, Callie walked over and hugged him.

  “I’ll be back. I’m going to Johnny’s.” Callie said.

  Robert hugged her back. He hated her going to Johnny’s. Johnny always hit on her.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” he asked.

  “I’m sure.” Callie said.

  She walked off. Robert’s head fell into his hands. He really hoped that nothing happened to her until she was home.

  Callie was home about an hour later. She went straight into the bathroom. Callie came back about ten minutes later.

  “I won’t get sick now. I’m going to look for jobs.” She said.

  “Okay.” He said.

  Callie went in the bedroom. Maybe I can convince her to get a good job she has to be clean and she’ll quit he thought. Robert knew that probably wouldn’t work but he was willing to try anything. Robert went into the bedroom.

  “You aren’t going to get a good job unless you can pass a pee test.” He said.

  “Can we not do this right now?” Callie asked.

  “I’m just telling you.” Robert said.

  Callie sat his laptop down. “I have a thousand dollars saved up. I’ll be okay until I find something. I can stay clean for a couple of days.”

  “Since when?” Robert asked.

  Callie shot him a dirty look. “I’m done with this conversation.”

  She got up and left the room. Robert went over and sat on the bed. Callie came back a few minutes later.

  “I need your laptop. I’m going outside for a little while.” Callie said.

  “Okay.” Robert said.

  Callie took his laptop and walked off. Robert laid back. This was so hard to deal with.

  About an hour later, Callie reentered the room.

  “Hey. I applied for a few jobs. I’m going out with Tasha. Do you want to come?” Robert asked.

  Tasha was one of Callie’s friends from the club.

  “I don’t think so.” He said.

  “Why? We’re just getting a couple of drinks.” Callie said.

  “You’ll need more heroin in a couple of hours and I’m just not in the mood.” Robert said.

  “Heroin isn’t my whole life Robert.” Callie snapped.

  Robert snorted. “Sure seems like it.”

  “Why are you acting like this? Did you want me to be a stripper forever?” Callie asked.

  “You know I didn’t. It’s not about that.” He said, helplessly.

s it about?” Callie asked.

  “This is the beginning of your downward spiral. I don’t want you to die.” Robert said.

  “I’m not spiraling. I just want to go have a few drinks.” She said.

  “So go.” He said.

  Callie walked over and threw her arms around him. “Don’t be mad. I’ll be home early and we can have some fun.”

  Robert stiffened. “Don’t drink too much.”

  Callie sighed and pulled away. “I won’t. Bye.”

  She walked out. Robert cleaned up the house. Callie came home five hours later.

  “Hey baby.” She slurred.

  “Hi, how did your evening go?” Robert asked.

  “Tash and I ended up just going over to Johnny’s and hanging out. We had a bottle of Jack and a couple of shots of heroin. It was amazing.” Callie said.

  Robert sighed. “Did you and Johnny hook up?”

  “No. He had some girl over.” Callie said.

  “Oh.” He said.

  “Is that a problem? You could have come.” Callie said.

  “I don’t like Johnny or Tasha and you know it.” Robert said.

  “You like Tasha.” Callie said.

  “You say I like Tasha.” He said.

  “What’s wrong with her?” she demanded.

  “She’s annoying.” Robert replied.

  “You’re annoying. Tasha and Johnny don’t ask me to get clean.” She said.

  “Of course they don’t. They do it too!” Robert said.

  “They really care about me. Maybe Johnny doesn’t but Tash does anyway.” Callie said.

  “I care about you.” He said.

  “You just want my life to revolve around you. You want me to go to rehab and be your good little girl. You met me by getting a lap dance. What did you expect?” Callie asked.

  “I know I’m not perfect. I’d never ask you to change something that wasn’t hurting you.” He said.

  He felt bad for hurting her feelings.

  “Heroin is the only thing that helps. You know what I’ve been through.” Callie said, wrapping her arms around him.

  “I know I do. I just worry about you. I love you so much.” Robert said, putting his arms around her.

  Callie cuddled up against him. “I love you too. Can I stay the night again?”

  “You know you’re always welcome here.” He said.

  “That isn’t what you said last night. You acted like I can’t move in until I get clean.” She said.

  “I never said that. Of course you can.” He said.

  Robert was aware he had implied it. He just couldn’t bear to hurt her anymore.

  “So I can next month. I’m not sure I’ll be able to pay rent after this month.” Callie said.

  Robert sighed. “Sure.”

  Callie kissed him. “Thank you!”

  Robert smiled. “You’re welcome. I’ll rent a truck next weekend.”

  “Awesome. Do you want to lay down?” Callie asked.

  Robert laid in bed with her. Callie snuggled up against him and went to sleep. Robert rubbed her back until he fell asleep.

  The next morning, Robert woke up and fixed oatmeal. Callie wandered into the kitchen as he was eating.

  “I need to see if I can score today. Did you make breakfast? I have a hangover.” Callie said.

  Good morning to you too Robert thought.

  “Yeah I made oatmeal.” He replied.

  “Thanks. You are a lifesaver.” Callie said.

  “No problem babe. You know that.” Robert said.

  “You’re too sweet. I’ve been thinking.” She said.

  “About what?” he asked.

  “What we’ve been talking about. Maybe I can try to get clean on my own. Just for a couple of days. Will you help me?” Callie asked.

  “You probably need a professional to help you.” Robert said.

  “I don’t want a professional. I want you.” She said, hugging up against him.

  He hugged her back. “I’ll try.”

  “I’m going to get enough to get me through today. I’ll try tomorrow.” Callie said.

  “Okay. I’ll be here.” Robert said.

  Callie grabbed her phone and made a phone call.

  “Okay babe. I’m going to Jenny’s to score. Bye.” Callie said, walking off.

  “Bye.” Robert said.

  He started googling ways to make Callie getting clean as comfortable as possible. Callie came back about an hour later.

  “I got enough to get me through today.” She announced.

  “Good. I’ve been looking for ways to help you.” He said.

  “I’ll need it. I know I’ll be okay with you by my side though.” Callie said.

  “I hope so.” Robert said.

  “I know so.” She whispered.

  They kissed.

  “I think I’m going to go home and shower and get some clothes. Can I stay here again tonight?” Callie asked.

  Robert nodded. “You know you can.”

  Callie left again. She was back a few hours later.

  “Tash called. She wants to hangout tonight. Do you? I’m going to go have fun since this is the last time I’ll be able to for a while.” Callie said.

  “No.” Robert said.

  “Okay. I’ll be back in a few hours.” She said, leaning in to hug him goodbye.

  Robert patted her back. “Bye babe.”

  Callie left. She stumbled in that night.

  “Did you drink?” Robert asked.

  “Uh yeah. I also did a little bit of heroin and some Coke.” Callie said.

  Robert raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t know you did Coke.”

  “I just tried it tonight. I wanted to go wild.” She said.

  “Who were you with?” he asked.

  Guilt crashed down around him for not going with her.

  “Tasha, Johnny, his girl, and some other chick. The other one had the Coke.” Callie said, laying down.

  “Are you still in for tomorrow?” Robert asked.

  “What’s tomorrow?” she asked.

  Robert sighed. “We’ll talk about in the morning.”

  Callie nodded, closing her eyes. Robert prayed he could do this.

  The next morning, they got up.

  “I’m going to get breakfast going.” Robert said.

  “Okay. I’m going to look for a job.” Callie said.

  Robert smiled. “Okay.” He left the room.

  A little while later, Callie came into the kitchen.

  “I’m making bacon.” Robert said.

  “Thanks. I applied for a few jobs. Do you want to go for a run after breakfast?” she asked.

  Robert nodded. Soon it was done. They ate. Then they went for a mile long run. Robert was proud of Callie so far.

  After the run, Callie asked Robert if he wanted to go swimming. He agreed. They went to the local pool and spent some time.

  After about an hour, Robert noticed Callie seemed shakier.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Callie nodded. “I just feel sick.”

  “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?” Robert asked.

  “I need to go home. I’m sorry.” She said.

  “It’s fine.” He said.

  They walked home. Callie went to the bedroom and laid down.

  “I think I’m okay.” She said.

  “I’ll fix you some lunch.” He said.

  Robert fixed them each a couple of sandwiches. He brought two into her. She took them.

  “Thank you.” She said.

  “You’re welcome. Are you okay?” Robert asked.

  “Great.” Callie said.

  Robert sat beside of her. He rubbed her stomach as they ate. They cuddled up and watched tv afterwards. Callie slept on and off.

  Around five, Robert fixed dinner. Around seven, he took a shower. He came back and Callie was shaking.

  “I feel bad again.” She said.

  Robert rubbed her hair. “How can I help?”
  “Just hold me.” She said.

  Robert held Callie as she trembled.

  “I need to get high.” She said.

  “No you don’t.” he said.

  “I do. I’m going to.” She said, raising up.

  Robert grabbed her phone off the nightstand. “You aren’t.”

  Callie walked around and grabbed her keys. “I don’t need that.”

  “You aren’t taking my car.” He said.

  “I’ll do whatever I want.” Callie said.

  She walked out the front door. Robert followed her.

  “I said that you aren’t taking my car! Now give me my keys.” He said.

  Callie threw them at him. “Fine! I can walk where I need to go!”

  “Babe don’t please.” Robert said.

  “I’m getting high one way or another.” Callie said, firmly.

  Robert sighed. “I can’t keep enabling you.”

  “So don’t enable me. I’m out. I’ll go home once I’m high.” She said.

  “I can’t let you get high.” He said.

  “How are you going to stop me?” Callie demanded.

  “I’ll call around and tell them not to sell to you.” Robert said.

  “They’ll take my money.” She said.

  “Not if they care about you.” Robert said.

  “I’ll sleep with Johnny for it.” Callie said.

  “Not with his girl around.” He said.

  “I’ll sleep with her too. I don’t care what I have to do. It’s day one and I already can’t handle it!” Callie yelled.

  “You can. Just come back in the house with me.” Robert said.

  “I can’t quit cold turkey.” She said, tears falling down her face.

  It killed Robert to see her cry.

  “We’ll get you set up on suboxone or something tomorrow.” He suggested.

  Callie perked up. “Do you promise?”

  Robert nodded. Callie ran over and hugged him. He hugged her back. Callie grabbed his keys off the ground.

  “Sike! I’m getting high!” she yelled.

  Robert grabbed them out of her hand. Callie looked shocked.

  “No you aren’t.” he said.

  “Fine I’ll walk.” She said, walking off.

  “Don’t go.” Robert said, moving in front of Callie.

  She moved around him. Robert moved in front of her again. He grabbed her and held her tightly.

  “Please just come inside with me.” He whispered.

  “Fine.” She said.

  Robert took her hand and they walked back inside. He could tell she was exhausted. Callie laid down. Robert watched her until she fell asleep. Then he went to sleep himself.


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