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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

Page 7

by Rachel Wilson

  After that night, Robert knew that he couldn’t leave her alone while he worked. He called his brother and asked him to stop by. His brother came over.

  “I’m not being babysat.” Callie said.

  “I just don’t want you sneaking off to get high.” Robert said.

  “I can do whatever I want Robert.” Callie snapped.

  “Thanks for sitting with her.” Robert said to his brother Jackson.

  “I’ll get you whatever you need.” Jackson told her.

  “I need heroin. Fuck recovery.” Callie said.

  Jackson shot Robert a look.

  “I’ll be back. Bye guys.” Robert said.

  He went to work. He worried half the day. Robert came home for lunch. Jackson and Callie were sitting on the bed eating sandwiches.

  “What are you doing?” Robert asked.

  “I just fixed lunch. Do you want a sandwich?” Jackson asked.

  “Yeah thanks.” He said.

  Robert looked at Callie. She looked like she felt a lot better but she could barely stay awake.

  “Babe, was anyone here today?” he asked.

  “Some girl named Jenny was.” Jackson said.

  “Fuck.” Robert said.

  “What?” Jackson asked.

  “Callie’s high!” Robert said.

  “I am not. Jenny just gave me enough to get well. I’m sorry. I can’t stand it!” Callie yelled.

  “Thanks a lot man.” Robert said, sarcastically.

  “I’m sorry. You didn’t say no one could come over. Jenny said that she just wanted to check on her.” Jackson said.

  Robert sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m mad at myself.”

  “You should be. You shouldn’t have asked me to get clean.” Callie said.

  “I don’t want you to die!” Robert said, angrily.

  “I just got fired and you freaked! I’m fine. Now leave me alone. I’m leaving.” She said.

  Callie got up and left the house. Robert felt stunned.

  “That girl is crazy. You’re better off without her.” Jackson said.

  It wasn’t the first time someone had told Robert that. He didn’t care. He loved Callie. He’d always stand by her.

  “She just needs off the stuff.” Robert said.

  “She doesn’t want off of it. What are you going to do?” Jackson asked.

  Robert sighed. “I told her I’d take her to sign up for suboxone today.”

  Jackson snorted. “Like that’s going to help the problem. Trade one addiction for another.”

  “I think she can wean off of it that way.” Robert said.

  “It’s your life. I’ll see you later. Call me if you need anything.” Jackson said, walking off.

  “Thanks man. Bye.” Robert said.

  Robert looked up a suboxone clinic before heading back to work. After work, he called Callie.

  “Hey. I was wondering if you’d give suboxone a try.” He said.

  “No. I’m with Tasha right now. I’ll call you later.” Callie said.

  “Bye.” He said.

  Callie hung up. Robert felt defeated. He didn’t know what to do. Then inspiration struck. He’d just pick her up and take her at lunch the next day.

  Tuesday, at lunchtime, Robert went over to Callie’s. She came outside.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Do you need to go score? I’ll take you.” He said.

  “What’s the catch?” Callie asked.

  “No catch.” He lied.

  “I don’t trust you.” She said.

  “Come on.” Robert said.

  Callie sighed. “I’ll try to get clean again this weekend. I don’t mind sitting with you but I don’t like Jackson babysitting me. It’s demeaning.”

  “Okay. I won’t ask him to anymore. I was just worried about you. We’ll try again this weekend.” Robert said.

  “Thanks baby.” Callie said, hugging him.

  “You’re welcome. I’ve got to get back to work.” Robert said.

  “Bye.” She said.

  Robert went to work.

  On Friday after work, Robert picked Callie up.

  “Thanks for trying with me again. I really appreciate it.” She said.

  “I’ll always help you through this.” He promised.

  Callie grinned. “Thanks.”

  Robert hugged her. She hugged him back. They cuddled up to watch tv. Callie fell asleep about an hour into the movie.

  Two hours later, Callie woke up shivering. Robert held her close.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll be fine.” She said.

  They cuddled up closer. Robert put another movie on. About an hour later, Robert gave her a benzo so she could sleep more. Callie slept a few more hours.

  “How are you feeling? I fixed dinner.” Robert said.

  “I’m okay. Thanks.” Callie said, smiling.

  Robert handed her a plate. Callie started to eat. Robert put on another movie.

  “I feel better this time.” She said shakily.

  “I’m glad. You can get through this.” He said, squeezing her hand.

  “Having you by my side always helps.” Callie said.

  “I hope so.” Robert said.

  “I wonder what kind of person I’ll be when I’m clean.” She said.

  “The same person you are now but healthier.” He said.

  “It’s hard being clean and remembering everything that happened.” Callie said.

  “You can always talk to me.” Robert said.

  “What if Tasha doesn’t talk to me anymore?” she asked.

  “She might not. She might though.” He said.

  “Tasha will never get clean. I need to tell you something. You’re going to hate me.” She said, looking down.

  “I’ll never hate you. What’s wrong?” Robert asked.

  “I’ve cheated on you with Johnny before.” Callie whispered.

  Robert’s heart dropped. The most important thing is helping Callie get through this. You can get mad later he reminded himself.

  “We’ll talk about it later.” He said, tensely.

  “I don’t want to talk about it later. I want you to listen to me!” Callie said.

  “I am.” He snapped.

  “I fucked Johnny a few times when I first met him. I fucked him once earlier this year. I thought about leaving you for him.” She said.

  Those words were like a punch in the gut. Don’t take the bait he thought.

  “Why?” Robert couldn’t help asking.

  “Johnny doesn’t care if I get high. I know it hurts you.” Callie said.

  “I’m glad you didn’t leave me.” He said.

  “Me too. I really do love you.” She said.

  Robert’s heart skipped a beat. “I love you too.”

  “I’m glad you love me.” Callie purred.

  Robert hugged her. “Me too.”

  “Do you forgive me?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” He said.

  “How can you not know? I was really messed up.” Callie said.

  “You made the decision to cheat on me.” Robert said.

  “I know.” She snapped.

  “We don’t have to do this right now.” He said, lowering his voice.

  “I want to. I want to admit out loud what all this has done to us. You’re the best guy I know.” Callie said.

  “You’re a great person. I just hate the drug.” Robert said.

  “I love heroin but it’s destroyed me. I need to see that.” She said.

  “I know. You will. Just don’t force it tonight.” He said.

  “Did I hurt your feelings really bad?” Callie asked.

  “No.” Robert lied.

  “Yes I did! See how awful I am!” she yelled.

  Robert shook his head. “I’ll never see it.”

  Callie snorted. “I’m sure you will.”

  Robert hugged her. “I won’t.”

  Callie hugged him back. “I feel like

  “I know. I’ll give you another benzo in a bit. I don’t want you to become dependent on them.” Robert said.

  “I’m not going to.” Callie said.

  “I’m sure you said the same thing about heroin.” He said.

  “I didn’t just start with heroin you know?” Callie said.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  They’d never discussed this before. It’d never crossed Robert’s mind.

  “I started drinking when I was twelve. My mom never really cared what I did. I did opiates at a party when I was fourteen. I just did everything occasionally until I went to work at the club when I was eighteen.” Callie said.

  “Did Ronnie get you on heroin?” Robert asked.

  “No. It was this guy I was seeing.” Callie said.

  “I wish that I could knock his teeth out.” He said.

  “It’s whatever. He got me hooked. Then broke my heart. He cheated on me with a couple of girls.” Callie said.

  “I’m really sorry.” He said, letting everything sink in.

  “It’s okay love. I have you now. Aren’t you glad you came into that club?” Callie asked.

  “Very.” He said.

  “You don’t seem like the kind of guy who even likes strippers.” She said.

  “I know. I was showing a friend a good time before he got married.” He said.

  “You got shown a good time too.” Callie said, smiling.

  Robert smiled back. “I sure did.”

  “I’m really glad I met you. I feel really bad though.” She said, clutching her stomach.

  Robert rubbed her back. “I’m here. Do you need anything?”

  “Benzo.” Callie said.

  Robert handed her one. She took it. A little while later, she fell asleep.

  Callie woke up early the next morning. Robert had drifted in and out of sleep. Mostly just watching Callie. He hated that she’d cheated on him. He knew she was messed up though. He knew that he really shouldn’t blame her for what she’d done. He still loved her.

  “Good morning. Do you want some oatmeal?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so. My tummy sort of hurts.” She said.

  Robert rubbed it. Callie snuggled against him.

  “I think maybe you pushed yourself last time. Maybe you shouldn’t do anything today.” He said.

  “I agree. I just want to drink my water and sleep.” Callie said.

  She shook a lot. Robert held her as she trembled. They stayed that way until noon.

  “I’m going to make myself something to eat. Do you want anything?” he asked.

  “Not really no.” she said.

  Robert fixed himself a salad before coming back in the room with Callie. Callie had the phone in her hand.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “What does it look like? I’m texting Tasha. I can’t take this.” She said.

  Robert took the phone out of her hand. “You can do more than 24 hours and you know it.”

  Callie swallowed. “I’m hurting bad.”

  “I can give you another benzo in a bit. I’m here. Maybe eating will help.” Robert said.

  Callie took a few bites of salad. She shivered. “It isn’t helping.”

  “It might in a bit. Maybe you need some tea or something.” He said.

  “Maybe.” She said.

  Robert made her a cup of tea. Callie slowly drank it.

  “Pretty good stuff.” She said.

  “I’m going to see what other movies we can watch.” Robert said.

  He found another movie. They started watching it. Afterwards, Callie asked for something to eat. Robert made her a bowl of soup and some crackers. Callie ate.

  “That made me feel better.” She said.

  Robert smiled. “Good. Do you want to play cards?”

  Callie nodded. They played cards for an hour or two. Then they watched another movie. Callie shook the whole time. Robert knew she felt really sick.

  Robert went to make her another glass of tea. He saw her with the phone in her hand again. Robert snatched it away.

  “Hey! I feel like shit! I need a little relief.” Callie said.

  Robert handed her a benzo.

  “These are shit compared to heroin.” She said.

  “It’ll be okay I promise. We can get through this.” Robert said.

  “I’m trying.” She said.

  “I know. You’re doing a good job.” He said.

  “I hope I don’t always feel this way.” Callie cried.

  “You won’t babe.” He said.

  “What if I do?” she asked.

  “It’ll go away.” Robert said.

  Callie cried against his chest. Robert rubbed her hair until she fell back asleep. Then he got up and made himself dinner.

  Later that night, Callie woke up. She was sweaty.

  “I’m going to go take a shower.” She announced.

  “Do you need help?” Robert asked.

  Callie shook her head. Callie went in and came back. She was smiling.

  “Did that help?” he asked.

  “Sort of.” She replied, crawling into bed.

  Chapter Two

  A little while later, someone knocked on the door.

  “Callie, who’s that?” Robert asked already knowing the answer.

  “I don’t know. Go see.” Callie said.

  Robert went to the door. There stood Jenny.

  “Is Callie here?” she asked.

  “No. It’s late. You need to come back later.” He said.

  “Are you kidding me? I have stuff to sell. I’ve got to make money too.” Jenny said.

  “Well get a job.” Robert said, slamming the door in her face.

  He went back to his room to find Callie shooting up.

  “Did you really think Jenny would just bring it to the front door? Tash snuck it through the window while Jenny distracted your dumb ass. To think I tried to tell them that it wouldn’t work.” Callie said.

  Robert’s blood boiled. He couldn’t take it anymore. “Get out Callie.”

  “Gladly. I can’t take your controlling ass ways anymore. I don’t know who you are anymore. We’re over though.” She said, walking away.

  Robert cried. He didn’t want to lose her. Maybe though it’s for the best he told himself. He couldn’t imagine it being for the best but it was true that she wouldn’t get off drugs.

  A few days went by before Callie called.

  “Hello.” He said.

  “Hey, can you come and get me something? I’m sorry for everything. Something happened.” She said.

  “Like what?” Robert asked.

  “Can you just come or not?” Callie asked.

  “I’ll be there. Where are you?” he asked.

  Callie rattled off an address. Robert came and picked her up. Callie ran and got in the car.

  “What happened?” Robert asked.

  “I stole something from a girl. She called the cops. They should be on their way.” Callie said.

  Robert’s jaw dropped. “Get out.”

  Callie blinked rapidly. “What?”

  “Get out. I can’t save you anymore.” He said.

  “I’ll go to jail. Is that what you want from me?” Callie asked.

  “You need help. Not the kind I can give you either.” He said.

  “You’re such an asshole. I never loved you. I just used you.” Callie said.

  Those words hit hard. Robert blinked back tears. “We both have an addiction to get over.”

  “Please don’t leave!” she said.

  “You have to stay. I’m sorry Cal. I love you.” Robert said.

  He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. Callie got out of the car and slammed the door.

  “Fine. Go get a piece of ass somewhere else you scum.” She said.

  “You know it was never about that. I love you. Bye.” He said.

  Robert drove away before he could change his mind. He cried the whole way home
. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to be treated this way for five years. He couldn’t believe he wasn’t glad to be done.

  The next day, Robert got a call from the county jail. He answered it.

  “Robbie it’s Callie. I’m really sorry for what happened last night. Can you try to come and see me in a few days?” she asked.

  “I told you I’m done Callie.” He said.

  Callie started crying. It broke Robert’s heart.

  “I can come in a couple of days.” He said.

  “Thank you. I love you. I’m going to get clean this time. I’m going to tell them I need to. I hope they can help.” Callie said.

  Robert’s heart warmed. “Good. I hate to ask you now but what did you do?”

  “I stole a laptop the night I left your house. I’m really sorry.” She said.

  “From who?” Robert asked.

  “Tasha’s friend Jewel. I didn’t think she’d ever know.” Callie sniffled.

  “How could you do that?” Robert asked.

  “I’m messed up. I get it now.” She said.

  Robert softened. “It’ll be okay babe.”

  Callie sighed. “I love you. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “I love you too. Bye.” Robert said.

  They hung up. Robert sat down and cried again. He really hoped Callie wouldn’t do a lot of time.

  The next evening, Callie called again.

  “I have good news. Jewel isn’t pressing charges so I can come home.” Callie said.

  “That’s great Cal.” Robert said.

  “I’m going to go to rehab tomorrow. No more trying on my own.” She said.

  Robert grinned. “Do you mean it?”

  “Yeah. I’m getting released in a little bit. Can you come and get me?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll be there.” He replied.

  They hung up. Robert went to the jail and picked Callie up. He prayed the whole way that she’d really go get help. Callie was in the car about an hour later.

  “Thanks for picking me up. I got the info on a rehab that’s close.” Callie said.

  Robert was impressed. “What rehab?”

  “It’s called Hope Plaza it’s just outside of town. I called. There’s a bed open tomorrow. I only have to stay three months. I’ll miss you.” She said.

  “I hope you don’t change your mind.” Robert said.

  “I don’t think I will this time. I’m tired of living like this. I’m sick of hurting you.” Callie said.


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