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Fall on Me

Page 18

by Chloe Walsh

  He shook his head. His body tensed. "I really don't see what this has to do with anything," he hissed. "None of that matters now. It's in the past."

  "Where did you go, Kyle?" I asked in a firmer voice, suddenly nervous. What was he hiding? Oh god, what did he do?

  "Why don't you ask what you really want to know, princess." he said in a cold tone of voice. "You think I stayed with her."

  I didn't think that, or at least I hadn't thought that. Until now. "I'm not going to argue with you," I told him as I shook my head. "I would just like to know."

  We stared at one another, my gray eyes welded to his blue ones, waiting to see who would hesitate and who would back down. Surprisingly, it was Kyle who looked away first. "I did stay at Rachel's," he muttered in defeat. "But not for the reasons you're thinking."

  Ice ran through my veins, but I forced my body to stay firmly on this bed and hear him out. Closing my eyes, I inhaled a steadying breath through my nose as I tried to push every painful thought, notion and sickening image out of my mind.

  "I had a lot to drink that night, Lee," he whispered. "Rachel drove us to her apartment."

  When I felt I was ready for him to continue, I opened my eyes and made a point of keeping my features blank. I didn't want the 'make Lee feel better' truth. I deserved the god honest truth, warts and all. "You could have called a cab." The words spilled out of my mouth without my brain's approval. "You could have walked."

  Calm, deep breaths.

  "I know that," he sighed. "Christ, don't you think I know that?" His shoulders sagged as he hissed out a sharp breath. "She went fucking nuclear that night, baby. I know that doesn't excuse my actions, or the fact that I wasn't with you when you were losing our baby, but I had an honest to god fear of her harming herself. The shit that spurred out of her mouth was insane…If I knew then what I know now, and could go back to that night, I would hand her the bottle of pills she was threatening to take and tell her to go fuck herself. "

  "Don't say that, Kyle," I choked out as I reached over and grabbed his hand. "You did the right thing." The words tasted sour in my mouth. I was fighting an internal battle. Half of me was happy he said that he wished he'd let her die. I wanted Rachel to burn. Not for what she had done to me, but for what she had done to the people I loved.

  I wanted justice for Cam.

  For Derek's depression.

  For the nightmare's that stalked me.

  But mostly for Kyle. He was no angel, but he was a good man who hid that huge heart of his well. Thoughts like that did no favors for good people. Thoughts like that blackened a person's soul. She'd tainted me. I was scarred, but I'd be damned if she marked my man.


  Chapter 13

  Mood killer


  The sunlight beamed through the crack between my bedroom curtains illuminating the short golden hair of the woman asleep beside me. I groaned and threw my hand over my face.

  I had to stop doing this.

  The first night had been revenge. The second had been loneliness. And the third…I wasn't sure what this was, but it had gone too far. She wasn't supposed to stay the night. She had a goddamn family waiting for her at home. "Come on, sweetheart," I whispered nudging her arm. She didn't stir. "Wake up." She opened her brown eyes and gave me a smile of pure female satisfaction. Well, I was glad she was content. I, on the other hand, was a fucking mess.

  "Morning," she purred as she stretched her arms over her head and twisted her body into mine. I pulled away and climbed out of bed. I didn't fucking snuggle and she should have left last night.

  "You need to go," I said coldly as I pulled on my jeans and rooted around for my shirt. Kyle was right. I needed to clean this house up. I needed to clean my act up. I couldn't keep living like this. I'd sworn after the last time never again. Yet here I was. What had started as revenge was now just sick and twisted. I looked down at her naked body, sprawled out on my bed, and disgust chewed at my gut. She was a beautiful woman for her age, but this was so wrong. "Anna," I snapped when she didn't move. "You need to go home. Now."

  "He doesn't care," she said in her soft British accent. "He never has."

  Fuck, I didn't need this.



  "Did you take your meds today?" Kyle stood in the doorway between our bathroom and bedroom, with his arms folded, legs apart. A white towel hung low on his narrow hips. Droplets of water dripped from his hair, falling to his chest before slithering down his toned stomach. Sweet Lord Almighty…

  Forcing my face to meet his, I rolled my eyes, picked up my hairbrush and resumed my task of un-knotting my curls. If he didn't look so hot, and I hadn't lost my train of thought from ogling him, I'd be pretty annoyed he was bringing this up again. "Of course I did. I also took it yesterday and the day before that, too. You know this." He was referring to the anti-rejection medication I had been prescribed and needed to take daily.

  For the rest of my life.

  The meds were to prevent my body from rejecting my new kidney. I knew all this, but Kyle seemed to enjoy lecturing me on every rule and regulation of my new lifestyle when he felt inclined. "Did you…" he began, but I interrupted him quickly, knowing full well what he was about to ask. The man was methodical.

  "Yes, I remember what the doctor said. I've been very thorough in my application of SPF. 50. And look, I even did my nose," I teased, leaning my hip against the bed frame. It was pouring with rain outside, but according to Kyle, a person in my condition could burn through rainclouds–in November. What a croc… "So, have I been a good girl, Mr. Carter, or should I go sit on the naughty step?"

  The tension around his eyes eased and his lips rose in a reluctant smile as he prowled towards me. "Hmm," he purred as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Grabbing my ass, he hoisted me into his arms. "Maybe I need to take a closer inspection."

  Wrapping my legs around his waist I groaned when I felt his hardness press against me. Capturing my lips with his, Kyle kissed me so deeply and with such intensity that every inch of my body vibrated with desire. "I think you need to check here," I whispered against his mouth as I rubbed myself against his erection. I needed this. I needed to be with him. I needed him to be inside me. It was the only time things felt worthwhile. I felt worthwhile when I was in his arms. When everything became too much I clung to our connection as my lifeline. He always pulled me back from the darkness. He could fix everything broken in me as quick as he could break me. I belonged to him and I'd give him anything he wanted…

  "Christ, Lee," he groaned as his lips dropped to my neck. Guiding us to the bed, Kyle laid me on my back before lowering himself on top of me. He didn't put his full weight on me and I wished he would. I needed all of him. Every ounce and every touch. He was my anchor. I'd been haunted with nightmares last night and needed him to ground me.

  Sliding up my night-shirt, his tongue lapped over my bare breasts. "You can't say shit like that to me," he grunted as he flicked one of my nipples with his tongue. "I'm gonna explode and you're not…"

  I didn't let him finish speaking. I couldn't. Grabbing his face between my hands, I pulled his lips up to meet mine as I rocked my pelvis upwards. I felt him harden with each thrust of my hips. Slipping a hand between us, Kyle pulled his towel away and shoved my t-shirt up my body. "You're soaking, baby," he purred as he rolled my clit between his fingers. Oh god… He knew just the right amount of pressure to apply, the speed I needed him to use.

  "Kyle," I moaned, spreading my legs wider for him. "Please..."

  "Please what, princess?" he crooned as his fingers worked me into a frenzy. Every vibrating touch of his thumb to my clit caused my body to shake violently. I was a quivering mess underneath this sex god of a man and he'd barely touched me. "You want me to stop?"

  Shaking my head, I reached for his erection. I couldn't speak. Words were beyond me. I needed the physicality of our relationship. "Fuck," he hissed as he bit down on his lower lip, losing his expert rhythm on my cl
it when I stroked his length.

  Wriggling myself further down the bed, I had to bite back a moan when I found what I was looking for. The head of his shaft against my entrance was almost enough to set me off. I was throbbing and clenching in anticipation as I guided his erection inside of me.

  "Princess…" he moaned as he sank fully into me. His weight came down on me and I relished his temporary loss of control. Wrapping my legs around his hips, I rocked upwards as he filled me. The feel of him inside of me was both agonizing and mind-blowing. I'd never been with anyone but Kyle, and I couldn't be certain, but I guessed he was bigger than the average man. When he was fully erect and inside of me, stretching and filling me to the brim, the sensation was so overwhelming it was close to painful. Painfully amazing…

  "Easy, baby," he whispered as he slid in and out slowly. "You're not ready for the hard stuff…"

  "I want the hard stuff," I moaned as I quickened the pace of my hips. I was frantic in my search for release. My orgasm was building inside of me and I was desperate to come…


  My desire abandoned me the instant I heard the soft cries coming from the baby monitor next to our bed. Dropping my hands from around his neck to his chest, I let my legs fall away from his hips as I gently pushed him off me as I attempted to stifle a giggle.

  "Fuck," Kyle groaned as he dropped his head to my neck. Growling in frustration, he pulled out slowly and rolled onto his back. "Goddammit to hell," he muttered as he covered his face with his arm.

  Sitting up, I fixed my night-shirt before climbing off the bed. "Sorry." I grinned. "Duty calls."



  Christ, I thought I'd explode this morning when Lee climbed off me–mid-sex. Yeah, it was a little awkward when Hope started crying, but, Jesus, I was this close. Didn't she understand a man's body? She could have killed me. Seriously, I had a genuine concern for my dick. It wouldn't lie the fuck down. I'd been walking around with wood half the goddamn day. I needed to get my ass home and have her finish what she started…

  I looked up when I heard the sound of my office door open. A young girl with cropped blonde hair stood in the doorway with a cleaning cart. "Shit," she mumbled. "I mean sorry, Mr. Carter. I thought your office was empty."

  "It's fine," I said wearily as I grabbed my jacket and laptop. I wasn't getting anything done around here today. I was pissed off and horny as hell.

  Bad combination.

  "Will I come back later?" the blonde asked.

  Jesus, I'd been so distracted with the past few months that I couldn't even remembering hiring this one. She looked familiar. I knew I'd seen her head around the place–not many girls wore their hair so short–but I couldn't place her. "What's your name?" I asked, embarrassed at not knowing.

  "Karen," she replied. The light bulb in my brain started flashing.

  Code fucking red.

  She was the one who'd let Rachel into the honeymoon suite a few months ago. The day she'd tried to seduce me. The event that had screwed Lee's head up and mine with it. I would never forget the look of betrayal in Lee's eyes when Rachel handed me my wallet. I would never forget the feeling of disgust I had when I realized she didn't trust me. It hurt then. It hurt now…

  "Karen Vale?" I asked in a pissy tone. "Good thing you're here. We need to talk." Her cheeks reddened but she straightened her spine and nodded.

  "Karen Valentine," she corrected as she met my gaze with hard brown eyes. Tough little cookie. "And I know you want to talk about, so here's my input on the matter," she said before taking a deep breath. "I watch TV and I read the papers. I know what happened to your wife and her friend and I'm sorry for your troubles. But you have to know that I had absolutely no idea that woman was a basket case when I let her upstairs. She told me she was your girlfriend. I know I messed up, but I was new and green to the job. I sympathize with your family, Mr. Carter, I do. I have a family of my own who are my world. So, if you're about to fire me because of one mistake then just get it over with. But if you do fire me, then you should know that makes you a total dickhead."

  I was pretty fucking impressed in that moment. I'd never heard a woman speak so many words without taking a breath. I also liked the fact that she'd called Lee my wife. I was mentally calculating how many words she'd spoken when she piped up again in a much softer tone.

  "I am sorry about your wife, Mr. Carter, and I'm not saying that to save my job. Her picture was in the paper. She was very beautiful before that woman butchered her. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. Knowing that you used to date…"

  "Two things, sweetheart," I snapped as I loosened my tie. "First, don't ever, and I mean ever, speculate about the shit they write in the papers about my family. Most of it is bullshit and any little truth has been fabricated to sell stories. My wife is beautiful. Very fucking beautiful. Past, present and future tense, got it?"

  Karen nodded stiffly. "I'm sorry, Mr. Carter. I wasn't gossiping. I just feel bad for her. But yeah, I get it. Loud and clear." My heart hurt to think people were talking about Lee like that. She was self-conscious enough without having that kind of shit said about her.

  "And second, I'm not firing you." I surprised myself with that one, but a plan was forming in my head. "I'm relocating you." This girl could be the answer to a lot of my problems. "Or at least I'm hoping that you will accept the new job I'm offering. It will have better pay and less stress."

  "What kind of job?" She looked dubious. I didn't blame her. This conversation had taken a U-turn. I was going with my gut on this one though.

  Walking over to my filing cabinet, I started digging around for her résumé. "You're young, right?" I asked as I grabbed her file and opened it.

  "I'm twenty-seven," she said as she rubbed her brow.

  Bullshit. "Try again," I muttered as my eyes trailed over her paperwork. Yeah, her employee file had her down as twenty-seven. Linda. She had a soft spot for the ones with sob stories. I wondered what this one's story was…

  "I am twenty-seven," she repeated nervously. She was no more twenty-seven than Lee was. The girl had the face of a teenager. She was twenty at the very most. I raised my brow and her gaze faltered. "Fine," she admitted, folding her arms across her chest in a defensive stance. "I'm twenty-one. The blonde guy who works downstairs in the bar told me you have an issue with hiring young girls. Linda's fine with my age." Of course Linda was fine about it. She loved the strays–I was her favorite mongrel. I also had no doubt in my mind that the blonde guy she was talking about was Mike. I was going to have to talk to that dumbass, too.

  "Yeah, he's right," I said. "I do."

  During my first few months running the hotels I'd been hit with a huge scandal involving one of my underage employee's sexual antics with a hotel guest–a fucking senator of all people. Mindy Simmons had put me off hiring young women for life.

  "I've only ever hired two girls under twenty-five and both were in housekeeping," I told her. "The first girl I hired damaged the hotel's reputation. The second one ruined me."

  "What did you do with them?" she asked nervously. "The girls, I mean."

  I smirked and leaned against my desk. "I fired the first one." Picking up the frame on my desk I walked over to where Karen was standing and handed it to her. Karen's fingers hovered over the picture of the three of us. It was my favorite photo. Derek had taken it a few minutes after Hope was born–in the back seat of my car.

  In the photo Lee was leaning against my chest, holding Hope tightly and gazing down at her with so much love that it was spilling from the picture. Both of us were smiling. Lee was smiling at our daughter. I was smiling at Lee. That was the best day of my life. I never wanted to forget it. We had so many bad days. I kept this on my desk to always remind myself of our best day.

  "Your wife," she whispered. Her eyes flicked up to meet mine. "You fell in love with your housekeeper."

  I shook my head and looked down at Lee's smiling face. "I fell in love with my best friend."<
br />
  "That's…wow," Karen breathed.

  Prying the frame from her fingers, I returned it to its spot on my desk. "I'm going to be straight with you, Karen," I told her. "Lee, she has some medical issues. I've been thinking about hiring someone who could help out around the house. Someone to keep her company when I'm not at home. Is that something you might be interested in?"

  "I'm not a nanny," she blurted out, suddenly looking very nervous. What the hell…

  "I'm not looking for a nanny," I said evenly. I wasn't too fucking sure of the job I was offering let alone the job title, but it definitely wasn't a nanny.

  "And as you can see, I'm also not very tactful," she added sheepishly. "I know you don't want me to bring it up, but believe me, Mr. Carter, I am the last person you'd want around your wife at this time."

  "But you're young," I countered feeling more sure by the second that this girl was exactly who I needed to hire. She would be good for Lee. I could practically smell the victory. Perfect. "If it's your safety that concerns you, I can assure you our home is completely secure."

  "It's not," she said nervously. Her cheeks were flushed as she rubbed her forehead. "I can't do it."

  "Karen," I said almost pleadingly. "I'm not looking for a nanny or a babysitter..."

  "Then what are you…"

  "Jesus, will you let me finish," I sighed as a reluctantly smile spread across my face. "You'll be good for her–for all of them actually."

  "I really don't think I can take the job, Mr. Carter," she whispered. Shit, she looked sick. Her face was pale. Her brow was sweating. "I have a…"

  My phone started to ring causing Karen to halt mid-sentence. Glancing down at the screen, I was anxious as hell when I saw Derek's name appear. "I have to take this," I told her. "Think it over for. Come see me when you've made your decision."

  "I already have," she said firmly. "The answer is no."


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