Friends Divided
Page 63
Virginia, General Court of, 47
Virginia, University of, 404
TJ’s disillusionment with, 410
TJ’s founding of, 62, 405, 413–14
Virginia constitution (1776), 108–11, 124, 146, 167, 170–71, 173, 176, 185
TJ’s planned reform of, 181–83
aristocracy of, 129
government based on, 114–15, 174, 205–6, 331, 342
modern vs. ancient, 330–31
Visitors of the Professorship of Natural History, Harvard, 345
Volney, Comte de, 62, 296, 306, 308
Walker, Elizabeth Moore “Betsy,” TJ’s advances toward, 57–58, 348
Walker, John, 57–58
Walker, Thomas, 57
Walnut Street Prison, 350
War of 1812, 345–46, 370, 379, 423
as second Anerican Revolution, 389–90
Warren, James, 90, 104, 107, 133, 158, 203, 252
Warren, Joseph, 83
Warren, Mercy Otis, 107, 115, 252, 338, 382, 421
Washington, D.C., 426
burning of, 45
as new capital, 327
Washington, George, 52, 198, 218, 225, 252, 348, 392
acclaim for, 11, 205, 256, 257, 279, 281, 393–94
cabinet of, 291, 294
in charge of Continental Army, 29–30, 139, 145, 391
commemorative statues of, 14, 165
commissioned as commander in chief of all the armies, 312, 314
Farewell Address of, 283
presidency of, 6, 199–200, 227–28, 232–33, 240–42, 246, 248, 253, 257, 258, 263–64, 265–66, 269–70, 274, 276, 279–81, 291, 322, 334, 342
as quintessential American hero, 3–4, 37, 391
in retirement, 279, 282–83, 296, 297, 312, 317
Waterhouse, Benjamin, 346, 393–95, 423
Wat Tyler (Southey), 423
Wayles, John, 59–60, 62–63, 412
JA awed by, 33–34
and political power, 212–14
as provision for election to senate, 180
in social mobility, 30–31
Webb, Nathan, 73
Webster, Daniel, 1, 106, 428
expansion into, 20, 406
proposed scientific expedition to, 266
slavery issue in, 153, 416–18
whale oil, 165
wheat, 22–23
Whigs, 87–88, 92, 95, 100–101, 172, 265, 380
Whipple, Joseph, 39–40
Whiskey Rebellion (1794), 278
Wibird, Parson, 97
Willard, Emma, 382
Williamsburg, Va., 39, 44, 47, 76, 77, 91–92, 143
Willing, Thomas, 247
Willis Creek plantation, 60
Wilson, James, 93, 279
Wilson, Woodrow, 333
Wirt, William, 20, 393–94
TJ and JA eulogized by, 2, 3
Wolcott, Oliver, 294
Wolcott, Oliver, Jr., 283
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 382
Abigail’s progressive view of, 134–36, 159–60
American vs. European, 56, 149
educational restrictions on, 51, 64, 135, 381–82
French, 148–50, 161, 383
Indian, 125
TJ’s and JA’s divergent views on, 381–83
TJ’s relationships with, 53–68
in traditional, patriarchal marriage, 51–52, 60–61, 135
voting restrictions on, 129, 133–34, 136, 382
denigration of, 28
social class defined by, 31–32, 208–12
writs of assistance, 383
Wythe, George, 44, 46–47, 109, 113
XYZ Affair, 299–302
“yeomanry,” 21–22, 30, 32, 244
Yorktown, Battle of, 145
Young, Thomas, 374
Zenger, John Peter, trial of, 311
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