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Polly Pippin and The Tunnel of Death

Page 7

by Sarah Godwin Winter

  'And that concludes the show,' Selim said. He bowed, and Harry jumped up, also bowed and pulling Brad behind him, shot up the chimney.

  Everyone cheered and clapped. Sreip smiled and clapped along, finally remembering the Rebels posing as the twins would not have any powers in the magical cottage, knew everyone would be safe. He threw his voluminous Alice in Wonderland dress over them all, giving directions and said it was bedtime for the party-gram.

  After the performers had left, Polly and Alison said it was time for everyone to go home. They walked their guests to the gate, looked longingly at Piers and Miles, said goodnight, and hope they would all meet soon.


  Sitting on the cottage roof, Event and Salute took off their masks and costumes.

  'Well, your idea of providing the feast for Polly's party to make sure all would go well was a success Event. Thank goodness the cottage had a chimney so we could escape. Didn't you know Zack and Knox would be there posing as the twins?'

  'No. Didn't you? Sometimes I wonder whose side you are on,' Event said. 'Maybe you really have changed sides.'

  'Oh, shut up,' Salute said. 'I must say, wasn't the food fantastic?'

  'Well, personally, I didn't have any time to try it,' Event sniffed. 'While you were busy stuffing your face, I was run off my feet serving the guests.'

  'You're such a martyr Event.' And miraculously, out of his pocket, Salute pulled a sample of each and everything that had been served. He laid it on a table of tropical leaves and flourishing two glasses of honey rose nectar and sang. 'Do you think I would leave you hungry when there's food in my pocket for two?'

  'I've heard that song before,' Event said, and singing as they ate. 'Two little boys had two little toys,' they got decidedly merry.

  Chapter 5


  Sreip and Selim had been called to answer to the High Council.

  'What the bloody halcyon rings were you doing in that cottage?' Commander Rhettnor exploded.

  'It was a party, Papa-sire,' Sreip said.

  'A party? A party with two of the most dangerous Rebels from Egregious Zack and Knox firmly ensconced. No, before you say another word, Harry the Hand was also there, and who were the waiters? Did you find that out? No. And before you say another word, the Liddles have found their way into the girls' hearts and home. So what have you got to say?'

  Commander Rhettnor stopped and paced up and down the hall. He was so angry the Freeflyers were not game enough to offer an explanation. In any case, they didn't have one, other than they were trying to protect the girls. And they had got caught up in the moment of the party-gram.

  Suddenly, a Freeflyer flew in the emergency window, He handed the message to Rhettnor and a wave of betrayal swept round the hall. Sreip, seeing the pain in his father's eyes, rushed to him, all anger forgotten.

  'Papa-sire, what is it?'

  'We have been betrayed.' He looked round, tears in his eyes. Event and Salute were missing, and his fears were confirmed. They were the waiters at Polly's party, it seems they are Rogue Zens.

  He yelled to his adjutant, 'Quick! A call to arms! Get the Warrior Freeflyers together. We have to go to Australia immediately. The Sacred Cave is in mortal danger.'

  'You, Sreip, Selim, find and track Harry the Hand, the lie detectors and Zack and Knox. See where they are and what they are up to.'

  'Yes, Sir, at once.'

  'Xavier, you go to London incognito. And protect those girls with your life.'

  'Yes, Sir.'

  'If you meet Event and Salute, do not let them know we have found out they are betraying us. At this point in time, we will also play the double game.'

  'Yes Commander Rhettnor.' And Xavier strode out of the hall.

  Australia struggles

  The intercommunication system between the Freeflyers had broken down. As far as Zenithal knew, the Sacred Cave had been captured. What they were not sure was how much of Australia was in the hands of the Rebels. Direct-descent Freeflyers, along with Aussie Diggers, had formed groups all over Australia and had disappeared into the outback. They were fighting the Rebels on their own ground, although most of the diggers did not know what or whom they were fighting. Laughter, despite the approaching danger, could be heard resounding through the vast silence beyond the Black Stump. It was by no means an easy task rounding up the Brumbies, but most of the indigenous diggers were excellent riders and did it with a good heart. Bush Tucker was the order of the day, although the odd bottle of whisky seemed to appear when it was wanted. The Freeflyers were enjoying the company of the Aussies, and it has to be said, the feeling was returned.

  Aussie Freeflyers mingled with Freeflyers from Zenithal, sharing information and their love of the bush. Some of the younger and more adventurous half Freeflyers were learning how to fly in formation, and they often collided, much to the amusement of the Elders.

  'Gud-day, Bro,' a deep, gravelly voice seemed to come from nowhere.

  Event put out his hand and grabbed the hand of Half Freeflyer Alkira from Wurdi Youang. As they clasped each other, Alkira gave the ritual handshake.

  'Any sign of the bad 'uns?' the black face said.

  'No, not a glimpse,' Event returned. 'I've scanned the horizon for the past twenty-four hours and nothing.'

  Flying low, they followed Alkira to the Freeflyers' camp, which was hidden deep in the Aussie bush. They arrived to a volley of cheers. As they crowded round, Event counted how many Freeflyers and Diggers were in the camp, approximately fifty, he thought,

  They shook hands with as many men as they could and walked through the crowd with pats on the back, and 'good man!' Alkira, Event and Salute eventually reached the Elders' hut. They sat round with the Chief Elder telling him the most recent news.

  'Even though there is always an undercurrent of non-acceptance between, and even within countries,' said Alkira, 'nothing as bad as this has happened before.'

  'True, but only by the minority, most of whom would be Rebels,' Event said. Before he could say another word, a harsh voice was heard, a voice Event and Salute recognised. They disappeared in a flash of lightning.

  'Enough talk,' the Chief Elder said. 'It's time for action.' There was a rustle in the scrub, and out emerged Commander Rekrap followed by a dozen or so Rebel warriors. The fight was on. And, even though, the Freeflyers were totally outnumbered, they captured all but the Commander and his second in charge. They ran away when the going got too rough.

  Hamish the Pilot

  Hamish worked for Air-Ice. It was his job to ferry scientists and environmentalists round the North Pole. It was dangerous work, and sometimes they came back one man less than went out. They were always short-staffed, and rather than sit in the comfort of a warm cabin, most times, even though he did not have to, Hamish went out to help.

  The flight over had no passengers - just Hamish and the co-pilot. The plane was only carrying much-needed new equipment. Hamish settled down for the long flight. The weather forecast was good, so it was going to be an easy flight. He switched on autopilot, left the co-pilot in charge and went to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. He pottered round, made a tomato sandwich and a cup of coffee, walked into the loading area to relax, and nearly died of fright.

  'Good afternoon Hamish. We finally meet.'

  Hamish stared at something that looked like a warrior who had stepped out of a comic. A shiny silver helmet covered his long, wavy hair, and two golden wings lay flat along each side of his head. The man, if that is what it was, towered over Hamish, his blood-red cloak falling to the floor.

  'Who the bloody hell are you? And how did you get on board?' Hamish commanded.

  'I'm Commander Pope from the Dark Universe, Hamish, and that's no way to speak to your passengers. Where are your manners?'

  'You're not a passenger! You're a stowaway, and you are under arrest!' Hamish shouted for his co-pilot.

  'I'm afraid he can't help you… probably because he is on his way back to Earth. Fell out, silly man.'

/>   Hamish started to make his way back to the cockpit.

  'I suggest you settle down, or you will join your friend.' The Commander smiled, an icy smile, and although Hamish was not impressed, he stopped and turned back.

  'What have you done with my co-pilot, you devil? And who are you?' he shouted.

  'You're a Freeflyer, Hamish. You should know.'

  Hamish thought back to what Ape had told him after the party: 'You are an Uninitiated Freeflying Omniscient, Hamish, along with your sister and cousin.'

  'My men have taken over this flight Hamish,' the Rebel Warrior continued.

  'Over my dead body,' Hamish retorted.

  'Probably,' said the Warrior. He smiled encouragingly. 'However, that's not what I want. You are much more use to us alive.'

  'I will do nothing to help you. You are nothing but murderers.'

  'My dear man, we don't need your help. We can help ourselves. We have already changed the coordinates and are heading for a cute little place we have made our own.'

  Hamish made to lunge at Commander Pope, but he took only one step before he felt like he had been poleaxed and collapsed on the deck, pain running through his body.

  'This is getting tiresome.' The Commander turned his back on Hamish and looked at his troopers. 'Now, who would like to take Hamish's place on Earth?'

  Every Rebel stepped forward. This pleased the Commander. 'You see how united we are?' he said. Captain Swan, step forward.'

  The man did as he was bid, throwing off his cloak as he did. Hamish was shocked at what he saw. The warrior was his exact double.

  'Surprised? Perfect, isn't he? Even your mother couldn't tell you apart.' The Supreme Commander beamed, and laughed so much Hamish thought he would burst. 'Hamish come and meet the new you.' Hamish didn't move an inch. 'I think we should show Hamish just how great life is for Freeflyers who join us.'

  And then for Hamish, everything went black.


  Hamish woke, and for a moment, he was disorientated. He looked round and had no idea where he was. It certainly wasn't the cockpit of the plane, nor the North Pole. He tried to figure out what had transpired earlier but couldn't remember a thing. He had absolutely no idea what had happened. Gingerly he got off the bed and walked to the window. There was a knock at the door, and in walked the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Following her was a pageboy, pushing a trolley loaded with food and drink.

  'Good afternoon, Hamish,' she said her voice was warm and loving.

  Hamish was immediately on his guard and did not answer.

  'Hamish talk to me. We're going to be companions for quite some time. Come on Hamish, be nice.'

  'Okay, that's enough. Back off. I'm not here to be nice,' he growled. 'Where am I? And how did I get here?'

  'I'm Athena,' the soft voice continued, 'and I'm here to ensure you get everything you want or need.'

  'Oh, come on! This is ridiculous. I want to go home.'

  'We'll talk about that later Captain Pippin. Right now, I am your only friend.'

  Back at the film studio

  Piers and Miles had been told Hamish was no longer objecting to making the movie in Byzantine Crescent, so it was on. Brad seemed very happy. He had not been kidnapped of course, but was relaxing in the Bahamas. The press release stated: 'Brad Capriole took a much-needed rest. He will soon be back on board for his new blockbuster. The movie is about a war of the universes and is set in a possessed house in London. It seems Brad has chosen his leading lady, and she is an unknown. No folks, we do not know her name but are waiting with baited breath.'

  'What time are we meeting the girls at Brown Sugar Piers?' a voice echoed from the bathroom.

  'In ten minutes, so hurry up Miles. You've been in there for ages. I'll go on and grab a table. I don't think we should both be late.'

  'Okay, don't panic. I'm nearly ready.' Bloody dictator, Miles thought. Still, I should get a move on. He got out of the bath, dried his curly locks, scrubbed on a T-shirt and board shorts and rushed out.

  Piers kicked on the bike stand, took off his crash helmet, and walked into Brown Sugar. 'Hi Lily. I'm first, I see. Look sharp and bring me a coffee,' he ordered, 'or off with your head.'

  'Yes, at once, Your Majesty,' Lily said and curtseyed low. 'And how many of your entourage will be here today?'

  'Probably all of them, so you had better get a move on, or I will throw you in my deepest dungeon or feed you to my crocodiles.'

  Lily bowed and walked out backwards, laughing as she did. 'Well, of course Your Majesty. Anything you say Your Majesty.' And within two seconds, a cup of the best steaming-hot coffee you could buy anywhere was placed in front of Piers.

  'Seriously, how's the movie going?' Lily enquired.

  'Well, much to our surprise, not only has Hamish totally backed down, he wants to be in it.'

  'That's impossible,' Lily said. 'Staid old Hamish wants to be in it? You must be kidding?'

  'It's true. Miles and I nearly fell over backwards when we got his call from Iceland. He said he was on his way back and would do all he could to help.'

  'Brad Capriole must be in his element, and Polly must be over the moon. Apparently he wants her in it. Want anything to eat?' Lily asked.

  'Not at the moment, thanks, Lily, and I'm not sure she is over the moon. She thinks it's because he wanted the house so badly he offered her the part as leading lady. But we will see. Is she a good actress, do you know?'

  'She's a natural. She's had plenty of classes and has been in a few things. So with the studio showing her the ropes, she'll be great. Hang on, here she comes.'

  Polly walked in on Brad Capriole's arm, and Piers tried not to show how he felt, which was murderous!

  Alison, who was following Polly, said. 'Hi Piers! Where's Miles? I've never seen you two apart.'

  'Oh, he'll be here in a tick Alison… He was still languishing in the bath when I left. Good morning Polly. Ready for our ride in the country today?' Piers said, deliberately ignoring Brad.

  'Not today, old chap, our little star is busy rehearsing,' Brad said and gave Polly a hug.

  Before Piers could retaliate, Alison, ever the peacemaker, said. 'We can't let the boys down Polly.'

  Piers stood. He was taller than the other man by a good couple of inches. Brad stepped back and stood behind Polly.

  'Sorry Piers,' Polly said. 'I was looking forward to it, but, as they say, business before…'

  'That's fine Polly,' Piers cut in sharply. 'Gemma and her friend Marilyn are here. They will love to come with us, if that's okay with you, Alison.'

  This did not impress Polly at all, she felt severely threatened. Marilyn was a beautiful blonde and came from a very wealthy family. She'd just got back from America and really liked Piers so would be dressed to kill.

  'As you said Polly, business before pleasure,' Piers said. 'So enjoy your day. I certainly intend to enjoy mine.'


  At that moment, Miles burst in. 'Sorry, I'm late… Fell asleep in the bath. Lily, dying for a cup of coffee and one of your fabulous breakfasts.' Miles pushed past Brad and Polly. He grabbed Alison's hand on the way through and plonked her down at the table next to him. As Miles had walked in, he had heard what had been said and glared at Brad. He had no intention of letting that bastard Capriole spoil their day out. If Piers was a big lad, Miles was even bigger, and Brad backed right down.

  'I'm sorry lads. Of course Polly can have the day off, it will do her good,' Brad hurriedly said, and he relinquished his hold on Polly and took two more steps backwards.

  But Piers was hurt and very jealous. 'No. Wouldn't think of it old chap,' he said.

  Lily appeared at the table. 'Ready to order?' she asked, pencil in hand.

  Piers walked to the door. 'No thanks Lily. Put it on my account please,' he said. 'Miles, I'll ring Gemma and Marilyn and tell them to get ready. See you at home, and don't be long, I'm anxious to get going.' He looked long and hard at Polly. 'Don't work her too hard, Mr Capriole,' he drawled
with a distinct touch of sarcasm, and he was on his bike and gone.

  Polly was a bit miffed, she did not expect Piers to react that way, she just wanted to make him a little bit jealous. Alison was furious, and she shot Polly and Brad a filthy look. 'Miles when you've finished your breakfast, would you mind giving me a lift home?' she said. 'I'll wait outside.'

  'Oops! I think you have upset all your friends Polly,' Brad said.

  'Not at all,' Miles answered for Polly. 'I would like to spend some time with you, Ali.' He took her hand. 'It was probably time for Piers and Marilyn to catch up, after all he is very fond of her. So Ali, can we catch up later for dinner?'

  'Of course. Any time Miles, just let me know.'

  'Sorry Lily, is it too late to cancel my order?' Miles said apologetically.

  Lily poked her head out of the kitchen. 'No, of course not Miles. I'll just heat it up for you next time you come in.'

  But Miles was gone, and he was not happy with Piers. Brad Capriole was their client - one of the biggest. What was Piers thinking, letting his jealously overcome his common sense? If Polly had to work, she had to work. Behaving like a thwarted suitor was pushing her into bad Brad's arms. He secretly smiled to himself it was so like Piers. He was standing on high moral ground, as far as he was concerned Polly had slighted him. They had been extraordinarily busy getting Brad's film organised, but that was no excuse.

  Piers was stubborn, he was not going to give Polly another chance to hurt him, so he decided to forget about her and throw himself into his work.

  The Rebel base on Earth

  Commander Rekrap decided it was too hot to fight in outback Australia, and after he had run away from the fight with Aboriginal Freeflyers, he left the outback as quickly as he had arrived. He was told there was going to be a meeting inside the Sacred Cave, and because they always served a great morning tea, so he decided at least to attend that. Despite the fact it was so important all Rebel Commanders on Earth had been called to attend. But Commander Rekrap wanted to have a camel ride and decided that was more important.


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