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Polly Pippin and The Tunnel of Death

Page 12

by Sarah Godwin Winter

  Mr Rekrap totally ignored him, got out the script and started to look for places he could be included. Polly moved away, coughing as she did, hoping Mr Rekrap would not notice.

  'I have to go now Mr Rekrap. Could we meet again tomorrow? You make the changes to the script. I'm sure I will love what you do. Let's hope Steve gets back soon so we can start filming.'


  Polly glanced over to Alison and saw she was sitting alone. Alison saw her look and called her over. 'Did you see what happened to Miles?' she asked. 'He went over to get us coffee and hasn't come back.'

  But Polly was not sympathetic. 'He's gone probably where Piers went,' she said. 'Now you know what it feels like when someone you love just disappears.'

  'Polly why are you being so mean to me?' Alison said. She was genuinely upset.

  'Get over it Alison. You're really starting to get on my nerves,' came the terse reply.

  'Polly,' was all that Alison could say before Polly had swung on her heel and stamped out of the café, slamming the door as she went.

  'Talented actresses are so temperamental,' Mr Rekrap said. 'It comes with acting genius. I expect that's why I'm a bit temperamental myself.'

  Alison was trying to hide her tears, and Brad was nearly sick in his coffee.


  As for Commander Rekrap, he was oblivious to his surroundings. He called Captain Bean to his side, told him to order some more cakes to take home and walked out of the Brown Sugar Café into the bright sunshine. A line of rickshaws was hugging the curb, each egging him to get in. Naturally, he got into the first and nicest looking one. He brushed Captain Bean aside, telling him to get in the one behind and bring all his belongings, and he waved the rickshaw to move on. Had he looked more closely, he would have noticed that the bulging arm muscles pulling him along did not belong to a skinny Chinese Rickshaw owner. Selim was pleased with himself. He had pulled it off he had kidnapped a senior Rebel, in a rickshaw of all things. The Rebels were very fond of absconding with whomever they fancied, it's about time we did it back, was his thought.


  He ran as fast as the wind, and Commander Rekrap, who had a very full stomach, was soon fast asleep. Selim had arranged to meet Sreip outside the cottage, and within a few moments, he arrived at the door. He was surprised to find it empty. He switched on his Freeflyer finder, and as he did, Rhettnor appeared with a dozen or so Freeflyers.

  'Commander,' he spluttered, 'I was expecting Sreip to be here.'

  'Well, you've got me instead. Did you manage to find Piers?'

  'No, but I captured him, he should know where Piers is.' Selim pointed his thumb over his shoulder to Commander Rekrap, who was still fast asleep, oblivious to his very dangerous surroundings. 'And wherever Piers is, you will probably find Miles. That bastard in the back there snoring his head off has just whisked Miles away.

  Chapter 9

  Tempest Unleashed

  After crying himself to sleep, Brad woke and felt as bad as he looked. Where is Steve? He hadn't been seen since he insulted Rekrap. He hated Piers and would do anything to get him out of Polly's life - even kill him. And where are Zack and Knox? He got up and decided to make all efforts to find them. He picked up the inter-transmission transphaser Zack had given him, and it immediately sprang to life. The light flickered for a second, and then a voice said, 'Where do you want to go?'

  'To Zack and Knox.' As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he realised he had made a grave mistake. He had forgotten to erase the previous message, and that meant the phaser would throw all the messages into the mix before, if ever, obeying Brad's last order.

  'Nooo!' he shouted and pressed every button and slid every lever he could. But it was too late, Brad disappeared, sucked into the mix with all the messages. He was spinning faster than the speed of light, and when it stopped, he was lying flat on his back, feeling decidedly sick. He decided to stay just where he was, hoping that if he didn't move, the transphaser would reverse and put him back home.

  He lay still for some time and thought he must have fallen asleep because, suddenly, he felt something sharp digging him up the nose.

  'Now what have we here?' a gravelly voice said.

  Oh no, he thought. It can't be. He decided to play dead and hope the nightmare would go away, but it didn't.

  'If it isn't Brad actor extraordinaire Capriole.'

  Brad opened one eye, and his worst nightmare was confirmed. 'Hello, Harry the Hand,' he croaked.

  'Hello,' Harry said. 'I've been looking all over for ye. I have a message from Zack and Knox.'

  'Thank goodness,' says Brad. 'I was trying to message them. What's the message?'

  'I'm not sure you will like it. It could be worse for you than ever before,' Harry said and giggled.

  Brad began to panic. He knew what that dreadful hand could do to him. Look what happened the last time. He found himself in a cold, wet ditch. Then Harry dressed him up as Romeo, and he thought Piers was going to punch him on the nose. And what happened then? Oh yes, he was pushed up a filthy chimney. So now what the hell could the hand do to him that was worse?

  'Bradikins, are you awake?' Harry prodded him again. 'Brad… Bradikins, wake up, wake up.'

  'Stop prodding me, I'm awake.' Brad was beginning to get angry. 'Are you going to tell me the message or not?'

  'Of course. Are you ready?'

  'Yes I'm ready. I've been ready since you arrived, so tell me the message or bugger off.'

  'Now, now, temper, temper,' Harry said. 'I have the choice. I can make it easy or hard for you, and now because you were spiteful to me, I am going to be the meanest mean I can be.'

  'Oh, Harry, you are my new bestest, kindest friend. I can put you in the movies.'

  'Really? That could sway me… not. I don't want to be in your stupid movies,' Harry said. 'Beside which, Zack has a better idea for you.'

  Brad did not like the look on Harry's face, and he fell to his knees. 'I will give you anything you want, Harry only don't poke me again, and if you do, anywhere but the face.'

  'What on earth makes ye think I want to hurt you, Brad? I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to do exactly what Zack tells me to do.' And he snapped his fingers - all of them. 'Mission accomplished,' Harry said.

  Back at the shack

  The ominous noise was getting louder, and as it did, visibility got worse.

  'I don't like the idea of sitting here like rats in a trap,' Piers said. 'Let's look for a compass. We could get out the back of the shack.'

  'Do you have any idea how big this continent is Piers?' Hamish turned away from the window and looked at Steve. 'Plus he couldn't walk half a mile before collapsing. No offence meant, Steve.'

  'None taken,' Steve said.

  'Right, then I will go alone. I can get help. You can at least show me the right direction.' Piers was desperate, he had no idea what was coming and had no intention of waiting for it to arrive.

  'Good idea,' said Steve. 'Let's re-enact the movie.' Steve walked to the back of the shack. 'I don't know if you two are interested, but while you have been gawping out of the window, I have found what looks like a trap door. He opened it and swung down out of sight. Hamish and Piers watched Steve disappear. Seconds later his head appeared.

  'It seems to be a cavern of sorts, and there are three tunnels leading from the far wall.'

  Hamish hit his forehead with the flat of his hand. 'I'm stupid, bone stupid. Of course! Remember, Piers? You pulled me out of it with Xavier. It was pitch-black down there, so we couldn't see a thing.'

  They both looked into the underground cavern. 'Hand me down some candles,' Steve said.

  'Steve, you have surprised me,' Hamish said.

  'You obviously don't know how hard a movie director works. It takes a very organised mind,' Steve retorted.

  'Well, if you're that good, you can lead our escape,' Piers said, a smile breaking out to fill his face. 'Anyway, let's get working, chaps. We should take all we can, and I suggest when we
leave, we try to nail up the trap door so no one can follow us.'

  They worked like the devil, wrenching open all the cupboards, pulling up floorboards, climbing up in the roof rafters and gathering anything they could carry that would be of use. And all the time the noise was getting louder, whatever it was, it was getting closer.

  'What do you think that noise is?' Steve asked. 'You should know Hamish. After all, you've been here many times.'

  'Yes, but in the safety of the base, and I have no idea where that is from here, and I have never heard a noise like that before.'

  They continued to gather everything - more than they could feasibly carry - and divided it into three bundles. They dropped it all down to Piers, who was waiting in the cavern.

  'Are we ready to go?' Piers asked.

  'Yeah,' both men said and joined Piers at the tunnel's entrance.

  'There seems to be three openings. That's amazing, or could it be a coincidence?' Piers said. 'Should we separate and go down each one or stay together?'

  'I think we should stay together - safety in numbers,' Hamish said while he was sorting out who would carry what.

  'One, two or three?' Piers pointed.

  Steve looked down the first tunnel. Running water could be heard quite clearly, and the floor was muddy and slippery. Hamish looked down the last tunnel, it smelt of sulphur and was hot. The outside noise was now right on top of them and the shack was shaking.

  'My God! What the hell is it?' Steve said. 'Which one Hamish, Piers? Quick!'

  'Oh God, I don't know. Let's take the middle one,' he answered.

  Without giving it a second thought, they closed and tied down the trap door and rushed to the middle tunnel. But Piers felt uneasy, something was still holding him back. 'I don't feel happy about us all going down the same tunnel.'

  'Oh, come on, Piers. Listen whatever's was coming is now right on top of us. We all decided to stay together,' Steve said. 'If you are frightened, I will go first.'

  Piers grabbed Steve by the shirt and was about to punch him on the nose when Hamish came between them.

  'Hey guys, we can't afford to fall out.'

  'Maybe we should go back up and see what's making that noise,' Piers said.

  'Well, I'm going down that middle tunnel either with you or alone,' Steve said.

  Hamish did not know what to do. His loyalty was with Piers, but he still thought they should all go down the tunnel. 'I don't think you should go back up there Piers. Let's at least have a proper look in all three tunnels before we decide what to do.'

  'Look, you two stay down here, and if you hear me scream, just run down the middle tunnel and if I can, I'll catch up,' Piers said. He smiled. 'It can't be that bad. It looks as if we're not going to survive this anyway, and I would prefer to go out in a blaze of glory. Give me five minutes.' And he was away, clamouring back up the ropes they had used to secure the trap door.


  When he got to the top, he could not believe his eyes. Lying on the floor of the partly demolished shack was an enormous polar bear and her cub. Her leg was badly mangled by a bear trap, which was still attached. Amazingly, she had somehow managed to drag the anchor out of the ground. But it had bitten deep into her leg, and even though she was bleeding badly, she had managed to crawl to the shelter of the shack to protect and hopefully feed her cub. She reared up, paws in the air, her long, sharp claws showing. She was all of twelve feet tall. Bloody hell, Piers thought as he looked at the advancing bear. He had no idea bears were that big. Pushing her cub behind her, she advanced towards him, limping badly.

  Hamish and Steve waited at the entrance to the tunnel, the silence was deafening. Finally, Hamish managed to whisper 'Piers!' He was convinced that Piers would now be dead and whatever was up there was lying in wait for them.

  Piers gently shushed and cooed to the bear. He stood and held out his arms. He knew not to make any quick moves, which would frighten the creature. The bear stopped moving and looked Piers directly in the eyes. He smiled, hoping to relay that he wanted to help the big creature. Help, save my baby, its gaze conveyed. Piers moved closer and stretched out his hand. He did not know if the big bear would lunge and deliver the swipe that would kill him, but the bear stood still as they locked eyes. She knew his man in front of her was an uninitiated Freeflyer and her baby would be safe with him. She then collapsed and lay still.

  'Oh my God! Get up here quick and help me!' Piers shouted to Hamish and Steve. 'And bring up the medical supplies and any food we have.'

  The interrogation

  'Wakey wakey, Commander Rekrap.' As he spoke, Selim smacked the Commander several times quite hard on the face. The Commander was not used to that kind of treatment and objected violently.

  'Bean, Bean,' he said. 'I'll have your guts for garters. Refrain, sir, refrain.'

  When the slapping continued, he opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by Freeflyers, and poor old Captain Bean was cowering in the corner.

  'Good afternoon, Commander,' Rhettnor said. 'I hope you enjoyed your rickshaw ride?'

  'What… what's happening, Bean? Bean, shoo these Freeflyers away and get me a cup of tea. I'm parched.'

  Rhettnor was never sure if Commander Rekrap was all there or just pretending to be stupid. 'I must apologise, Commander, but I have to inform you, both you and Captain Bean are my prisoners. I have a few questions to ask you. If you answer them truthfully, no harm will come to you. However, if you lie to me, I will torture Captain Bean here.'

  'Do what you like to him, my dear Commander, he's utterly dispensable. My top men will already be making tracks to rescue me anytime now, and you will be sent somewhere you won't like very much.'

  'Using this?' Rhettnor said, and could not help the smile that played around his lips at the sight of Rekrap's face when he saw him holding the transformer. Rekrap started to search his pockets.

  'It's no use looking, Commander Rekrap. Or may I call you by your first name, Percival?'

  'No, you can't. Only my family and close friends - I mean friend - can. And where is my cup of tea?'

  The Freeflyers started to laugh. Commander Rekrap was renowned for his strange antics, but today beat all they had either heard or experienced before.

  'You can have a full high tea Percy once you have told us where you have zapped the boys and where Captain Hamish Pippin is.'

  'How would I know? The transporter has a mind of its own.' Considering he was a prisoner of the Freeflyers, Rekrap was quite belligerent.

  'We can wait,' Rhettnor said.

  'Tee hee.' Rekrap was in his element. 'I don't think you can,' he said. 'I don't think you can.'

  At this point, Selim lost it. He grabbed Rekrap by the neck and squeezed tight. 'Where are they?' he yelled in Rekrap's face. 'Where are Piers and Miles?'

  'I know,' a quiet voice came from the corner, and all the Freeflyers turned to face Captain Bean.

  Commander Rekrap was red in the face and frankly choking. 'Let him go Selim,' Rhettnor said, and Rekrap fell to the floor, coughing and gasping for breath.

  'Where?' Selim asked.

  'I will only tell you if you let us go.'

  'I'll kill him,' said Selim as he lunged at Captain Bean.

  'Freeflyers group!' shouted Rhettnor. And all the Freeflyers, including Selim, stood to attention. No one ever disobeyed an order from a superior officer. He pointed to three Freeflyers. You, you and you, take them to the Garden of Consolation.'

  While Rhettnor was giving his orders, Rekrap furtively moved closer to where Rhettnor had put the transporter. 'That's far enough Rekrap,' Rhettnor said.

  Commander Rekrap smiled. I don't need it Rhett, I just don't want to leave it behind.'

  Commander Rekrap found what he had been furtively searching for under his cloak. He pressed the button on his chest protector, and three bodies disappeared, himself, Captain Bean and the Freeflyer, who was closest to the captain, Selim.

  Sadness in the snow

  Hamish and Steve clambered
up out of the tunnel entrances in time to see Piers trying to force the bear trap open to release the bear's leg.

  'Oh my God! If that thing comes to,' Steve said, as he cringed as far away from the bear as he could. But Piers was on a mission.

  'Warm some milk for that cub, and hold it close to keep it warm Steve. Hamish, help me release this bloody trap. Who could do such a thing?'

  Hamish very reluctantly pulled on the hinged trap till it was wide enough for Piers to gently lift the bear's leg clear. 'Destroy it and throw the bloody thing out,' Piers said as he rummaged through the things they had found. He knew he had packed a Red Cross box, which he quickly found. 'Warm some water so I can wash the wound,' he said, as he felt the bear's leg for any break. 'And get something soft to lay its head on.'

  Piers gently lifted the bear's head and laid it on a soft blanket, and he was bathing the leg when the bear stirred and opened her eyes. She grunted in pain but made no attempt to move or attack Piers. 'Come on my lovely,' Piers whispered. 'We will soon have you better.'

  Once Piers had cleaned the wound, it did not look so bad. But what he did not know was the trapper had put some poison on the claws of the trap. And it was working its evil way through the bear's system. He wrapped up the wound and moved closer to the bear's massive head. He washed the muck out of the bear's eyes and offered her some water. The bear opened her eyes and, without taking her eyes from Piers face, gratefully drank. The cub who after drinking the milk was quite lively for a while, then snuggled under its mother's chin and fell fast asleep.

  The bear put her huge paw on Piers shoulder and pulled him closer.

  Steve was the first to react. 'Piers! Get away!' and both men grabbed Piers legs and started to pull. The bear held on. 'Christ! It's going to kill him!' Hamish screamed and went to pick up a large piece of wood to hit the bear with.

  'No Hamish stop and be quiet,' Piers said. 'She’s trying to communicate with me.'

  'Yeah, it's hungry, and you are its next meal,' Steve said.

  The bear licked Piers face and looked deep into his eyes again. She pushed the little cub close to him, closed her eyes again and lay back.


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