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Polly Pippin and The Tunnel of Death

Page 13

by Sarah Godwin Winter

  'You'll be okay,' Piers said, tears in his eyes. He thought the bear was going to die, and the bear knew it. He picked up the cub and put it close to the mother bear's face. 'It's your baby, and I will protect it with my life. I promise you.'

  The big animal sighed. Although she was still in tremendous pain, she lay still. Piers put his arms around the cub and the bear, and he stayed, talking in soothing whispers to the big animal till the mother breathed her last. Tears ran freely down his face, and he continued to stroke her till darkness fell round the shack.

  Piers woke to the mewing of the bear cub. Surprisingly, Steve and Hamish were with him and still asleep. He jumped to his feet. The mother bear was gone. But she had been dead, Piers was sure of that. Had she rallied and dragged herself away to die alone? The tiny little cub was obviously starving and was jumping at his legs as if to tell his new mother.

  'Okay, okay.' He picked it up. 'I wonder if you are a girl or a boy,' he said. 'Come on, let's have a look what we've got to feed you, you little monster.' He found some dried milk and beef jerky, which made him a little queasy, but bears are not vegetarians. 'Maybe I could train you to be the first veggie bear,' he said, and he nuzzled and stroked the little creature as its mother would, as it lapped up the milk and ate.

  Steve and Hamish woke a little later and would have thought they had dreamt about a bear in the shack if the little cub weren't sitting on Piers shoulders, munching the food he was giving it. Piers explained that he thought the mother bear had died in the night but when he woke, she was gone.

  'Good thing really. Except, how are we going to feed that little devil?' Hamish chucked it behind the ear.

  'Well, it would make good hamburgers. Problem solved,' Steve said and then quickly retracted it, shouting that he was only joking, as Piers leapt up and headed for Steve's throat.

  Steve looked out of the window, it was still snowing but not so heavily. 'Okay, what now?' Steve said as he attempted to light a stove to make some hot coffee.

  'At least now we know we are not threatened by anything,' Hamish answered. 'So we can take our time, do a little scouting and have a better look in those tunnels.'

  'Good idea Hamish. You should go in with a rope tied around your waist, so, if anything untoward happens, one tug on the rope and we'll pull you back.' Steve smiled, he knew he would get a reaction. 'So, obviously you're not going to be the intrepid explorer, Steve?'

  'I was going to offer but knew you would want to be first in Hamish… you with all your military training.'

  'I'll go first if one of you will hold Daphne,' Piers butted in.

  'Daphne?' both Hamish and Steve asked.

  'Yeah, I think it's a girl. I once had a girlfriend called Daphne. Oh, I was six at the time.' Again, the shack rocked with laughter.

  'Right now back to business. This good weather isn't going to last. We either have to put on the snow boots or go underground,' Hamish stated. 'Personally, from the experience with the bear, and hearing Steve's movie tale, I would rather at least look in the tunnels.'

  'I elect Hamish as captain and leader of this expedition.' Steve stood and saluted Hamish.

  'Seconded,' Piers said, trying to salute, while juggling the tiny bear Daphne.

  Hamish packed the belongings again while Steve made coffee and some porridge. 'Many a war has been won on porridge,' Steve said as they ate, and Daphne guzzled it down like it was mother's milk. As they ate, they all wondered where the next meal would come from.

  Chapter 10

  It Can Only Get Better

  Polly had never felt so lonely or confused in her life before. United Artists had pulled the plug and cancelled the movie contract. Brad was found on a desert island, where he had been for several weeks. He was rescued after a tip-off, luckily just before his food and water ran out. Right now, he was in a mental hospital, having suffered a nervous breakdown. Piers and Miles had gone away, and no one knew where. Alison had moved out and taken Minx and Manx with her. Lily and Lucy had gone overseas for a holiday and had closed Brown Sugar for a month. So she had no one's shoulder to cry on. And if that wasn't enough, Hamish and his co-pilot had not returned from a trip to Iceland, and his company thought the plane must have gone down. After an intensive air and sea rescue search had found nothing and the search was abandoned.

  ‘I think you should go back home to your parents on the Isle of Wight, Polly,' a very fed-up Mrs Hart said as she cleared away yet another untouched meal.

  'That's ridiculous, Mrs Hart. And mind your own business. I have to be here in case Hamish turns up,' Polly snapped back.

  'Mind your mouth, Missy,' Mrs Hart said in a tone that would stop a charging rhino, but it did not stop Polly.

  'I don't have to listen to you. You are nothing but…'

  'But a special person who cares for you as much as anyone on this planet does.' A deep voice came from the doorway, followed by a very tall man whom Polly recognised as Lord Knightly. 'Polly, this is not a time to make more enemies. Right now, you are very short of friends.'

  Polly burst into tears, and Mrs Hart rushed to her side and put her arms round her. 'I'm so sorry, Mrs Hart,' Polly said between sobs. 'You're right Lord Knightly. Mrs Hart is the bestest person ever.'

  'Well, Mrs Hart is the reason I'm here Polly. I'm taking Mrs Hart away for a well-earned rest.'

  'No, no,' Polly cried. 'Please don't take Mrs Hart away she's all I have left.' Lord Knightly and Mrs Hart smiled.

  'Amongst others, you have me.' Polly looked up to see Alison standing in the doorway, nursing the two Liddles, Minx and Manx, her bags at her feet.

  What followed was a very happy party. Mrs Hart laid out the goodies Lord Knightly had brought, and as usual, the feast would have fed the starving thousands. Polly and Alison were chatting away as if they had been separated as babies, whilst in between times they were filling their faces as if they hadn't eaten for weeks. Hamish was their biggest worry. Although the official search for the missing Hamish had stopped, Lord Knightly still had people looking and was sure he was safe. After all he was a very experienced pilot, he reassured the girls.

  As usual, the Liddles joined the party and much to the surprise of Mrs Hart, entertained them by dancing on their back legs. Lord Knightly was amazed when they took a bow, leapt off the table and landed lightly in the girls' arms.

  'Quiet everyone,' he said. 'I want to make a toast. This is going to be the start of a successful year. Everyone will be safe and back home with us.'

  Everyone cheered. 'However, it's not all good news.' Boos from everyone. 'Mrs Hart needs to visit her sister for a rest.' Amid the boos, he added, 'But for you girls, I will be on call at all times.'

  'Hurrah! Three cheers for Lord Knightly,' said Mrs Hart. The girls jumped up with Minx and Manx still on their shoulders and threw their arms round his neck.

  'Oh my goodness, girls,' he said as the Liddles jumped on him and started to lick his face.

  'I think they like you,' Polly said.

  'Get these animals off me!' Lord Knightly laughed. 'I have more news. It seems Lily and Lucy has nowhere to stay. Their house was bought by a fan of Brad Capriole because he stayed there, sooo -'

  'They can stay here,' Polly butted in, 'if they still want me as a friend.'

  'That was what I was going to suggest.'

  'Great. But where will they sleep?' asked an excited Polly.

  'Wait a sec, there's more to come,' Mrs Hart said. 'Lily and Lucy can share Alison's bedroom, and you two can share the ambry.'

  'The ambry? I don't want to sleep in there with Polly again, we did that before, and I was so glad when we got our own rooms back. Alison cried.

  'And what about my room?' Polly asked.

  'Wait and see,' said Mrs Hart.

  'So we are both in the ambry?' Polly asked.

  'You'll get used to it. I'll buy you bunk beds,' Lord Knightly added with a grin.

  The girls linked their little fingers and said, 'Bestest friends forever.'

Hart, I think it's time for us to leave. Come on, everyone! Group hug.'

  And before the girls could ask any more questions, there was a knock on the door. The two visitors left as two deliverymen stood on the doorstep with a package containing bunk beds.

  The visitor arrives

  Polly and Alison were so relieved when the two deliverymen offered to put up the bunk beds, and much to their surprise, when they opened the door, the ambry was already empty and cleaned. Shelves had been put up, and pretty lights lit the new bedroom. A note was pinned to the door:

  Hello girls, I'm sure you'll love Lily and Lucy's stay with you, and it will be longer than any of you expect. I have arranged another surprise for you, but I will not tell you right now it won't be a surprise if I do, will it? Stay focused, my two lovely girls, believe in yourselves and make loads of wishes. They might just come true.

  My sincere regards, Lord Knightly.

  'This is going to be the best time ever,' Polly said, and they settled into the new 'bedroom' quite easily. As the girls lay on their beds, Polly on the top bunk and Alison the bottom, there was a great deal of speculation as to what the surprise could possibly be.

  'I'm going to ask Lily if we can help her at Brown Sugar,' Polly said.

  'Yes, let's do that,' Alison said, and she sat up. 'I'm far too excited to go to sleep. I'm going downstairs to make a cup of hot chocolate. Coming?'

  Polly was out of bed, slippers and dressing gown on. And before you could say shazam! She was halfway down the stairs when a heavy banging on the door surprised her. 'I'll get it,' she said.


  When she got to the front door, it was freezing cold, and heavy rain was falling. She half opened the door to see a poor, old gypsy woman. She was bent over a basket and obviously had something she wanted to sell.

  'Oh, you poor old thing. Come in out of the rain.' Polly took the basket off the gypsy and helped her into the hall. We are making hot chocolate I'm sure you'd like one.'

  'Thankee,' said the woman in a very strange accent. 'I wasn't so worried about meself. It's what's in me basket that does not like getting wet.'

  'Well, both you and your basket are safe now, so come on in, and we will find you something dry you can wear.'

  The old gypsy woman shuffled in, leaving puddles of water in the hall behind her. She did not take her eyes off the basket as she followed Polly into the kitchen. Polly put the basket on the table and introduced the gypsy woman to Alison.

  'Do you take sugar?' Alison asked the old lady and nodded to Polly to get some cakes out of the cupboard.

  The gypsy woman, who said her name was Zola, was full of exciting stories, and the girls listened enthralled as the gypsy chatted away well into the night.

  Polly started to yawn and looked at the kitchen clock, it was past twelve. 'It's very late. You should stay the night,' Polly said. 'We have a very comfy sofa in the sunshine room.'

  'Don't be silly, Polly. Zola can't possibly climb all those stairs.'

  'Of course, yes. Silly me. Zola you can sleep in the ambry on the bottom bunk.'

  'No Polly. Thankee, but I can't stay. I have to sell my wares,' the old gypsy woman protested.

  'Don't worry about that. We will buy whatever you have in your basket,' Polly said.

  'Yes, let's have a look,' Alison added, and she walked around to the other side of the table to the basket.

  The gypsy Zola stood. 'I would rather you looked in the basket in the morrow.'

  Thinking the old woman might be ashamed or embarrassed by what was in the basket, the girls agreed. Polly looked in the linen cupboard, found a warm flannelette nightdress and gave it to Zola. After asking the gypsy if she wanted anything else, Polly closed the door and said they would call her in the morning in time for breakfast.


  'Come on, Polly. I'm exhausted. Hey, why don't we sleep in the cottage?' Alison said.

  'That's the best idea you've had in a long time Ali.' And they linked arms, walked down to the crypt and out in the garden to the cottage, the Liddles following close behind.

  The big mistake

  'Where is he? Where the northern lights is Selim?' Rhettnor was fuming. 'And don't tell me you've looked everywhere. Rekrap is not that bright. How did he escape from our clutches with that poor Captain Bean? And to add insult to injury, you didn't find out where Miles is. It's unbelievable. What I want to know is, what the bloody hell is happening?'

  Sreip opened and closed his mouth several times, but nothing came out. Please don't mention Piers and Hamish, Sreip thought, but the Commander did.

  'And where are Piers and Hamish? What did Rekrap do with them? Didn't Selim say, quote, "And wherever Piers is, you will probably find Miles"? He did say that, didn't he?' Rhett shouted. 'Didn't he? And where were you when Selim captured Rekrap? Nowhere in sight. And need I add, you arrive the very moment after Rekrap and Bean disappear with Selim.'

  'Sir. Please, Sir.' A young Freeflyer came running in.

  'Not now Jamie! Can't you see I'm in the middle of a crisis?' He waved his hand. 'Get out Captain.' He shouted and turned his attention back to Sreip. 'We have to find Selim. That is your first priority, Sreip!'

  'Please, sir. This is another important crisis, sir.' The Freeflyer was literally jumping up and down. He was quite aware that if he interrupted the Commander again, he could lose his side wings.

  'Leave me!' he yelled at Jamie. 'No wait.'

  As Sreip was sidling out of the room, the Commander yelled at him. 'Go and find Selim! And while you're at it, find the rest of our missing Uninitiated Flying Omniscients.'

  Sreip did not answer. He backed out from the great hall of the First Universe and was outside Byzantine Crescent's garden within two scannuls. There must be some evidence here where Piers, Miles and Hamish are, he thought. Rekrap was here when they were making the movie. And Selim was here with him when they all disappeared. He felt in his pocket and pulled out Pendragon.

  'Where are the girls, Penny?' Sreip asked. Pendragon flew straight to the main house and hovered outside the kitchen window. Sreip miniaturised and flew silently behind her. They both landed on the sill and peeped in. The kitchen was empty, except sitting on the kitchen table was a black basket. Sreip had never seen it before and wondered what it was doing there and who owned it. Where have the girls got? He should have been here protecting them. Instead, he was being pulled over the coals because he wasn't with Selim. He should have gone with him to find Piers instead of eating cakes with Miles. And where was he when Miles disappeared? Then he did the worst thing a Freeflyer could do, he lost faith in himself. Almost immediately, he lost most of his energy and powers. I can't do this on my own, he thought and sent out an SOS to headquarters.

  Slowly he walked to the cottage. 'What else can possibly go wrong?' he said.

  'Sir!' A young voice came from behind a bush.


  Sreip jumped about four feet into the air, as junior Freeflyer Jamie Brummell stepped out onto the path, pulling twigs and leaves out of his hair. 'You frightened the life out of me.' Sreip was not impressed, the boy had made him look stupid.

  'I think Commander Rhettnor sent me here by mistake, Sir.'

  'What do you mean the Commander sent you here by mistake? Your name, Captain?'

  'Jamie Brummell sir. The Commander had a message saying you had no news of Selim, and you needed help. He said no way would he send anyone to assist you, sir. He said you had lost the plot, sir, and he wouldn't risk another Freeflyer till you find Selim, sir.'

  'So why are you here?' Sreip asked impatiently.

  'Well, I was standing right by him sir. I was so nervous Sir, I dropped my communicator. It made quite a noise, and the Commander jumped out of his skin. He yelled at me, sir. He said I was as useless as you, sir, and that I should be your partner. Then everything went black, Sir. Next thing I found myself flat on my back behind that bush, sir.'

  Sreip stood to his full height, his confidence regained. 'Right, youngster, there'
s not much more you can learn after you have worked with me, so let's get to it.'

  'Yes, sir.' Captain Brummell saluted. 'I'm ready, sir.' And they made plans for the immediate future. Their first job - find Selim.

  The tables are turned

  Commander Rekrap was the hero of the day. He had sent Piers, Hamish and Steve to the shack in the snow, where a horrible fate awaited them. He had made friends with Polly. Well, they had been good friends till the movie crashed and burned. He had sent Miles, even though accidentally to… well he wasn't too sure where, in fact, he had no idea where. But he still had Selim, and without him, Sreip would be utterly useless. They worked as a pair and alone were hopeless like Batman without his Robin or Tarzan without his Jane. Next, he was going to capture Sreip and all the girls. He would start up the movie, and Polly would be the star, with him as the leading man, of course. Yes, he was a winner. He was lounging on the outskirts of the Middle Universe, eating his favourite cake, when he called out to Bean.

  'When did Old Nitty say he would be here, Bean?'

  'He didn't, sir. He said we were to take Selim to the Dark Universe so he could be tortured and questioned.'

  'Go and get Selim, Bean. I want to question him myself. Why should Old Nitty get any of the credit?'

  'Yes, sir.'

  'Well, get moving. I can't wait all day.'


  Captain Bean left, and raced to the rickshaw where Selim was imprisoned. 'Selim, it's me - Captain Bean. Commander Rekrap wants to talk to you.'

  'Bean, why do you allow Krappy to treat you so badly?' Selim's sympathetic voice came from behind the circle of restraint, where he was lolling comfortably in the rickshaw.

  'Quiet, you! He is my commanding officer, and you can't talk you don't even know where your son Miles is.'

  That hurt, but Selim was on a mission. 'Neither do you,' Selim was smarting but had no intention of letting it show.

  'It just so happens no one knows where he is. He could have slipped between the two universes into the void,' Bean said.

  That hit home and pushed Selim's anger to the very edge. But he still stayed in control. With the greatest amount of restraint he could gather, he spoke, 'Bean why don't you stand up for yourself, you dishrag?'


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