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Polly Pippin and The Tunnel of Death

Page 16

by Sarah Godwin Winter

  A cheeky grin played round the old man's lips. 'Well young man, that little devil Kyssa,' and he pointed to the bear cub, 'keeps raiding my food cupboard and constantly begs for porridge.' He laughed. 'So are you to blame? Did you feed her porridge?' A crackly laugh broke through his lips.

  'Yes Sir, I did.'

  'Well, I am sure Elska will be eternally grateful to you.'

  'Thank you, Sir.'

  'Call me Lord Girdur, Piers, and I would imagine you would be very hungry.'

  'Yes, I am starving. But how did you find me, Sir?' Piers asked.

  'That little bear followed his mother's scent here and then led us back to you.'

  'Sir… I mean Lord Girdur, I thought the mother bear had died in the snow shack.'

  Lord Girdur froze. 'You were in the snow shack?'

  'Yes with two others - Hamish Pippin and Steve Smith.'

  'What happened to them?' Lord Girdur was making porridge as he questioned Piers.

  'You won't believe it. We found a trap door under the shack. Leading off were three tunnels. We didn't know which one to go down, so we let little Kyssa choose, and she chose the middle one. Steve went first, and Hamish followed. As I went to follow, the entrances suddenly sealed over, and Kyssa and I were left in the dark.'

  'Why did you keep and look after the little bear?'

  'I felt responsible, and I promised her mother.' The mother bear grunted her thanks.

  As they ate the porridge, Lord Girdur told Piers, 'The mother bear had gone into shock - sort of like hibernation - so you would not have seen her breathing. When she woke, she managed to get here and left the cub with you after telling her to lead you here.'

  Piers was safe but could not rest. He was worried, somehow he had to rescue Hamish and Steve. 'I have to go back and find my friends.'

  'I think you are probably too late to save them,' Lord Girdur said. 'And as soon as you are feeling better, we have to get you as far away from here as we can.'

  'Why?' asked Piers.

  'Because evil abounds.'

  'What do you know about that shack?' Piers was now even more worried about Hamish and Steve.

  The old mad put his pipe in his mouth and sucked on it hard. 'Folklore round here says it's the doorway to hell. The devil comes out on certain days to claim more victims.'

  'I have to go back,' he said. 'I have no choice. I have to find Hamish and Steve.' He tried to get up but fell back exhausted and slept like the dead.

  Home truths

  Commander Pope walked into the Great Hall of the Dark Universe. The battle they had been fighting for Earth would soon be over. They had just about won.

  'My noble warriors, the end is near. It's so near, I can taste it.'

  Cheers rang round the hall. The Commander took the glass of raw wine and lifted it high in the air. 'Let us drink to our inevitable success.' And with glasses held high, all the Rebels present drained the contents of the glasses and threw them over their shoulders.

  The Commander left the hall and went to the ten-dimension relay hut. He unlocked the door and went in. When the Freeflyers know we are winning, they will run back to the First Universe with their tails between their legs, he thought.

  The computers welcomed the Commander. He pressed the seek and find button.

  'Commander?' a tinny voice said.

  'The snow shack.'

  The linked techno-eye opened, blinked and emerged in the cavern, it flew upward and circled the shack, and Pope was surprised to find it empty.

  'Check the tunnels,' Pope said desperately. And the techno-eye swung to the back of the shack and slid back through the floorboards into an empty cavern.

  'Is the Tunnel of Death open?'

  The techno-eye answered in the negative.

  'Did any Earthbeings or UFOs go into any of the tunnels?'

  The techno-eye answered in the affirmative. 'Yes, sir, the middle tunnel - the Tunnel of Death.'

  'The Tunnel of Death? Do you know who?'

  'No, sir.'

  'Search for any Earthbeings or UFOs in the immediate area. Do not approach, keep in view and report back,' Pope ordered.

  'Sir,' said the staccato voice. 'Is that all, Commander?'

  'No. Find Piers and Hamish.'

  'And the other Earthbeing Steve Smith?'

  'He's not important. If you find him de-pneuma him.'

  'Sir,' came back the techno-eye.

  Commander Pope hated waiting and was depressed. 'I think I will meet up with Rekrap, he's always good for a laugh - mostly at him.' He chuckled.

  He walked out of the relay hut. It was no surprise to him that he was depressed; he was always depressed when he was in the Dark Universe. He was really over it. A chalet in the south of France or in the hills behind Barcelona would suit him fine. He also had a vested interest in earth, although it was a long time since he'd been a Freeflyer. He'd fallen out with the bolshie Xavier and very nearly killed him. Then he had been exiled from the First Universe for life. He became a rogue Zen and eventually a fully inaugurated Rebel. He quickly rose through the ranks and was now the Supreme Commander. He had total power - his word was law. Lord Knightly knew his story, and so did Rhettnor.

  'They would never betray me, never,' he said. 'They have as much to lose as I have. However, Event and Salute have always been loose cannons, and that goes to my favour. Well, I will deal with them pretty soon, they have to go.'

  He got back to the hall. There was no one there. 'It's empty just like my heart.' He felt like having a little cry.

  'Commander! Commander! Emergency! Emergency!' A Rebel's voice played into his head wire. 'Go to the relay hut. One of the techno-eyes is flashing black, something catastrophic must have happened.'

  The Commander raced back to the hut. The techno-eye was pulsating.

  'What? What's happened?'

  'Two went down the Tunnel of Death, but it closed before the third could follow. That was Piers Knightly. He went out in the snow with a bear cub.'

  'Is he still alive?'

  'Still to discover, Sir.'

  Alison is left behind

  'Alison, grabbing at JB was not a good idea. Had you lost your grip, we would never have found you.' Sreip was not impressed.

  'Sorry Sreip. I only wanted to help.'

  'Well you might, but you don't know what the Rebels will do. They would happily eat little girls like you. I've a good mind to get JB to take you back home to your parents, and tell on you.'

  Alison threw her arms around him. 'Please don't, Sreip. I'm sure I can help.'

  Thinking it would frighten her, Sreip said. 'Well, we could use you as bait.'

  But the idea fell flat, as Alison was keen to do anything he asked.

  'Well, luckily Fifi has found out where Polly is, and if I send you to her, you have to make a promise.' Sreip tried to look stern.

  'Yes, of course. Anything.'

  'Do not let anyone open the black basket, or I will skin you all alive.'

  'Of course, Sreip,' Alison said. And whoosh! she was gone.

  'Where have you sent her, sir?' said JB.

  'Back to Byzantine Crescent's cottage. I just got word from Fifi she’s sniffed Polly out. So now down to business. Let's find those missing UFOs.'

  'Any idea where to head first, sir?'

  'To find Rekrap. Capturing him will lead us to all of our missing UFOs.'

  'If you can make him talk, sir.'

  'JB, even Fifi could make him talk.'


  If Polly was confused, Alison was miffed. They both woke at the same time in the cottage, and Fifi was sleeping peacefully on the end of Polly's bed. Coffee was happily bubbling away on the stove, and the Liddles were dancing around, happy the girls were back and safe.

  'Polly, I have to tell the girls not to open the black basket.'


  'Well, Sreip said it was crucial we do not open it.'

  'Why do we have to do what he says?' a belligerent Polly replied.

'Because he is always right Polly. And don't be so rude.'

  'Ali, the first thing I'm going to do when I get back in the house is to not only open the basket, I am going to turn it over and shake its contents out.'

  'Polly, you are acting like a spoilt brat. And after Lord Knightly was so nice. He said he had a surprise for us, and I don't think it was Gypsy Zola.'

  'Sorry, Ali, I don't know what's got over me recently. I don't feel myself. I just want to be mean all the time. Is it because Piers is missing?'

  'You know Polly, things have not been right since we met Mr Brad Capriole and his cronies.'

  'That's true. Come on Alison it's time we started to turn the tables on that old gypsy and her black basket. I'm going to throw them both out.'

  'Sounds good to me,' Alison said as she ran to the door. 'Come on Manx, Minx.'

  They ran back into the house prepared for a fight and were surprised to find it empty. Both the gypsy and the paper man were gone.


  Headed by Lily and India, the girls crowded round Polly and Alison. 'We were so worried, but Fifi was happy, so it reassured us. Anyway, where did you get to?'

  The black basket still sat in the middle of the table, looking like a picnic basket and not at all threatening.

  'Has anyone opened the black basket?' Alison asked urgency in her voice.

  'India thought about it,' Lily said. 'She's fearless.'

  'Had Polly been here, they would already have had their greedy little hands in it,' Gemma said.

  'Come on you lot. Sreip told us we must not open the basket, or he will skin us alive,' Alison reprimanded.

  'Still, it would be nice to know,' Lucy's little voice came from behind Lily.

  'Lucy, shut up you little pain in the -'

  'I was only joking,' said the youngest twin.

  'Look!' screamed Gemma, pulling everyone's attention back to the big black basket on the table. They were all dumbstruck as they watched the two Liddles sniff around it and disappeared. Polly was at the basket in a second, trying to open it. 'Minx! Manx!' she desperately called.

  'Don't open the basket!' screamed Alison. The basket opened just a little and was trying to suck Polly in. India and Lucy, who were closest, grabbed hold of her.

  'No!' screamed Lily as they were all sucked into the basket just before the lid snapped shut.

  The lid was tightly closed. Lily screamed. 'Get a knife or screwdriver!'

  Fifi jumped up on the table and sniffed at the opening.

  'Get away, Fifi!' Alison went to grab her, but she was seconds late. The little dog was gone.

  'I am sick to death of everyone disappearing,' Alison said, as she dropped to her knees, her head in her hands sobbing.

  The tunnel of death

  Steve opened his eyes. 'Where the effing hell are we? I have been involuntarily transported here, and my life has been put in the most horrendous danger. This sort of thing just does not happen in the real world. I'm either having a nightmare, or I'm dead - one or the other. Right now, I wouldn't care which one, so long as I knew.'

  Suddenly, a rush of icy cold wind blew toward him, carrying with it three coloured bundles. They rolled towards him like tumbleweed and stopped right in front of him. He thought they were bombs, so tightly closed his eyes, waiting for the explosion.

  'It can't be,' said Hamish. 'It is! It's Polly, India, Lucy and a little dog.'

  Fifi immediately jumped between the girls and the men, growling like a pack of Rottweiler's. Polly picked her up, calmed her down and ran to Hamish.

  Hamish threw his arms around the girls.

  'Thank goodness! You're alive Hamish!' said Polly.

  'What are you doing here?' Hamish started to cry with relief.

  'Where are we?' Polly asked.

  'I'm not sure - probably Iceland. But, Polly, how did you get here?'

  'You won't believe it, Hamish. We were sucked into a gypsy basket. Well, we weren't, I was. Brave little India and Lucy here grabbed me and tried to pull me out.'

  Steve, forgetting his meltdown, turned to Hamish with a look that said, "see what I mean?"

  'A gypsy basket Polly? A gypsy basket?' Hamish repeated.

  Steve snorted. 'A gypsy basket?'

  'Well, how did you get here, Steve?' Polly asked, and poked out her tongue.

  Hamish knew he would have to step in. There would be bloodshed if Steve pushed his luck. 'I was in the plane on the way to Iceland, and to cut a long story short, ended up in a shack with Steve and Piers.'

  'Piers? Is Piers here?' Polly looked round.

  'He was, but he didn't get through to the tunnel like us. The entrance closed over and left him behind. We tried to get back, but it was no use. We could hear him faintly calling, but it was through solid rock. I felt bad, so I waited for him just in case the tunnel opened again. I didn't like the fact he was on his own, it must have been dreadful for him.'

  'Alright, alright. Fond hellos are over,' Steve said. He was back to his old selfish self. 'I think it's about time we got moving.'

  Polly was beside herself.' Shouldn't we wait in case the wall opens again?' Polly cried.

  'Here five minutes and already taking over, little Polly?' Steve said with a snigger. 'Little madam.'

  Fifi growled as Steve walked close to Polly. 'It's okay, Fifi. I'm not frightened of him.' She pushed Steve. 'Back off, you.'


  Despite the obvious controversy, it was decided they would at least have a look down further down the tunnel. Hamish went through the bundles and found warm clothing for the girls, and Polly fashioned a coat out of a warm woollen hat for Fifi. And finally, everything was organised. The men and Lucy were carrying the bundles. Polly made a baby carry sling for Fifi and held India's hand. In single file, they set off with Steve leading and Hamish bringing up the rear. The further they got down the tunnel, the warmer it got, and one by one, they took off the clothes they had piled on. A sudden right-angle turn and the tunnel came to an abrupt end.

  'This is just like a B-grade movie,' Lucy said.

  'Will someone do something to shut that idiot girl up?' said Steve.

  Polly, who was walking right behind him, poked him hard in the back. 'That's the first time she's spoken, so shut up yourself. Who wants to hear what you have to say, moron?' she said under her breath.

  Steve heard the word 'moron.' No one had ever called him a moron before. He stopped dead, and everyone bumped into the one in front. He turned, and all the hate and jealousy he had always felt for Polly burst its banks. 'Ever since you came into my life, it's been one disaster after another.' He lunged at Polly to give her a good hard shake.

  Any feeling of camaraderie Hamish felt for Steve fell to the dusty floor. He was going to thump him for trying to attack his sister, but was trapped behind the girls. But Fifi jumped out of her sling and ran at Steve, she jumped high, grabbed his little finger and bit down on it as hard as she could. Steve shook the dog off, yelling, 'Ouch! Ouch! It bit me! The bloody thing bit me!'

  Hamish was still trying to push past Lucy, Polly and India. He yelled, 'you bastard! Don't you dare touch my sister.' But his words were lost as a strange sound shut them all up.

  'That sounds like a helicopter,' said Hamish.

  'Backup! Backup!' Steve, who was first in the firing line, screamed and with a great deal of difficulty, they all turned to run back. Much to their dismay, they were facing solid rock, the tunnel had closed behind them

  'Get behind me!' Hamish yelled at Polly, India and Lucy, but it was impossible, the tunnel was only a body-width wide.

  Hamish was frantic. 'I'll squat down. You crawl over me.'

  'Good idea, Hamish!' yelled Steve. 'Lucy, hurry! Hurry!' Lucy grabbed Hamish's jumper, and as Polly lifted and pushed, she levered herself over. She landed face first on the floor behind him. 'Ouch, that hurt!' Lucy rubbed her face and her elbow.

  'Move India, move!' Steve was pushing her as hard as he could he was anxious to get behind all of them.

; Everyone was terrified, and as Polly bent to clamber over her brother's back, the little dog ran, barking and growling, at the oncoming noise.

  'Fifi, get back here!' The little dog did not move but stood rigid, barking even more loudly. Shouting loudly, Polly repeated the command. 'Fifi, get back here! Now!' Fifi immediately responded, ran back and jumped into her little sling.


  The noise immediately stopped. 'What an obedient little dog, it's a shame we have to liquidate her.' A dismembered voice came through the now eerie silence and penetrated the ears of everyone in the group.

  'Over my dead body!' Polly yelled back.

  'Probably.' The word was followed by a hideous, cackling laugh.

  'I said "over my dead body" to them once,' said Hamish.

  'Really? When?' Polly asked.

  'It was when I was on my way to Iceland…' and Hamish started to ramble about his capture.

  'Shut up, Hamish. We are not here to discuss your non-existent future.'

  'We will discuss nothing with you!' Polly shouted. 'And frightened to show yourselves are you? You cowards.'


  Clang! A wall of steel bars fell down directly in front of them, closing them together so they could hardly move. Almost immediately, a heavy black sack fell over their heads to their shoulders, trapping their arms to their fingertips.

  'Well done, Polly. My sincere thanks - Not.' Steve's muffled voice came from beneath his sack.

  'Shut up, pig's bottom!' Polly shouted back. 'India, are you okay?'

  'Polly, I think I'm in a sack, and I don't like it.'

  'Shut up, all of you, and listen very carefully.' The menacing voice continued, 'Any backchat or talking to each other, and I will kill the little dog, and then one of you… probably the child.' Polly stiffened but did not say another word.

  'Time to see which one of you is going to die. If anyone dares to enter the Tunnel of Death, it always claims a life. So this question is for all of you, except the child… she is worthless, perhaps you should choose her. Just think about your answer. Oh dear, Polly, I can read your mind, so don't even think about escaping, you silly girl. I will kill that little dog you are so attached to… and maybe the child as well.'


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