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Polly Pippin and The Tunnel of Death

Page 17

by Sarah Godwin Winter

Polly tried to clear her mind.

  'Hamish, Steve, Lucy and Polly, one of you has to die… very painfully, I might add. The rest of you will be forced to watch, and it will be very gory. Now for the good news. You have the choice, which one lives or dies. So think! '

  Steve was terrified - he was convinced they would all choose him. He wished he had been nicer.

  A few minutes went by. Eventually the voice said, 'I have your answers.'

  'So,' said Hamish, 'who is it going to be?'

  A noose dropped over his head and tightened. 'I love you, Polly!' he shouted. 'Okay, I'm ready to die,' he added.

  'Do what? Wait a minute! Hamish, have you got a noose round your neck?' Polly asked.

  'Yes, and it's bloody tight.'

  'Wait, so have I.'

  'I have a rope round my neck,' Steve called out.

  'So do I,' Lucy said.

  'I don't have one,' said little India.

  'So, we all have a noose, except the kid,' said Steve, and for the first time in his life he was humbled and grateful. No one must have voted for him.

  'You are an incredible lot, you Earthbeings… so selfless. I suppose you all want to know the result, so this is it. For one of you, it will be your last little journey in life. So let's see who the lucky winner is. First, Hamish, and… Hamish has nominated himself. And, this is a bit of a surprise Steve nominated himself, which proves there is a little bit of good in all of us. So it's up to you girls. First, the kid.'

  'Stop calling her a kid, and she's not in the vote.'

  'Polly shut up. India isn't in the vote she hasn't a noose.' Hamish said.

  'Well well, your brother is quite bright Polly. It will be a shame if he is chosen. Now quiet while I read out the results.' Hamish had his fingers crossed it would be him.

  'Lucy, now who did you vote for? Lucy, you nominated yourself. What a nice little girl you are as well. Polly, you have the deciding vote.' The voice hesitated. 'You voted for no one. So you have to die.'

  India burst into tears. 'It's okay Indi. I'll be okay,' Polly tried to console her little sister.

  'No, no!' Hamish screamed. 'Take me, take me!' He attempted to fight his way out of the sack. Lucy was also struggling and yelling "no". Steve kept deathly quiet, hoping the voice would forget all about him.


  'There is a way out,' said the voice, and suddenly the nooses and the sacks covering them lifted as quickly as they had been dropped. Standing in front of them was a Rebel as handsome as any god. Behind him were more Rebels - men and girls who were equally as beautiful.

  'So, am I going to get the beautiful woman treatment again?' said Hamish.

  'What do you mean, Hamish?' said Polly. 'The beautiful woman treatment?'

  'Well, as I was telling you, when I was on the way over here.'

  'Quiet!' the man boomed out.

  'I'll tell you later,' Hamish said quickly, adding. 'You said you had a way out,' he challenged.

  'For Polly, yes I do.'

  The steel bars lifted, and the tunnel slowly lit.

  'Please, please come in.' A handsome Rebel walked towards Polly and went to take her arm. Polly violently pulled her arm away and shot him a filthy look. She took India's hand as they walked in as the tunnel widened. Fifi sniffed at every corner and every piece of furniture.

  'Sit please, I am so sorry you were subjected to that treatment, my men are sometimes a little over zealous. The food is for you, but first we must talk.'

  Everyone was very suspicious and nervous. 'We are not hungry, thank you very much.' Hamish stood.

  'Hamish, do I have to remind you? Your sister's neck is on the chopping block.'

  'Sorry, I… '

  'Don't apologise for me,' Polly shot back.

  Hamish grabbed Polly and pulled her down next to him before she could say another word.

  'Feisty, aren't you, Polly?' the handsome man said. 'But you are boring me. If you want to save all your lives Polly, you have a choice. We are very anxious to get hold of Piers and Miles. You will be sent out to locate them, subdue them and bring them back here. It will be dangerous and difficult, but I am sure you can do it. After all, Piers is in love with you Polly.'

  Hamish and Steve stood. 'I'd stand a better chance of finding them,' Hamish said.

  Steve thought the opposite. Sod Piers and Miles. If they choose me, I will run as far away from here as I can, and I won't be back.

  'No, it can't be either of you. It has to be the one who's on death row. Our little Polly.'

  'I'm up to it,' Polly said. 'Can I say goodbye to my brother and friends… privately please?'

  'Of course Polly. We are not heathens.' As the Rebel retreated, he said, 'You have two minutes.'

  'Hamish,' Polly took off Fifi's collar, 'I noticed her collar has a transmitting unit. So hide it and keep it turned on at all times.'

  'Shhhh, he's coming back.'

  Polly shoved Fifi under her jumper.


  'Right Polly, are you ready? You know what you have to do. Either bring or direct Piers and Miles here. They will think they are rescuing Hamish and Steve. You have twenty-four hours from now.' He handed Polly a self-transparency watch. 'The red knob is the on and off button. The watch sometimes anticipates your needs, which proves to be very helpful at times. While you're gone, your friends will be well cared for, I can assure you. My able assistants will obey their every needs and wants.'

  'Great, they can send them home,' Polly said sarcastically.

  'Before you get into more trouble, Polly, you had better go. You have twenty-four hours from now.' Flash, bang and she was gone, leaving three people with expressions of surprise tinged with fear on their faces. What no one had noticed was, that Polly had hold of India's hand.

  Chapter 13

  Time to Choose

  Earth was in total disarray. Not a Freeflyer was in sight, and Piers, Miles, Polly, India, Hamish, Lucy and Steve were missing. Things could not possibly get any worse. But they did. Rhettnor sat overlooking the English Channel, his thoughts were also in disarray. What shall I do next? Who is the most important one to rescue first? I don't know. I'm getting old, I don't think I can do this anymore. The Rebels are winning hands down, there is just not enough of us to hold them back. Every able Freeflyer we do have is defending the First Universe. Whatever was wrong with Sreip must be catching, I feel the same as he did - dreadful. He stood and stretched his legs, wondering what to do next.

  'Commander! Commander!' A young Freeflyer ran up, looking very frightened. 'We know where Miles is. He is in Zack's hands.'

  Rhettnor jumped up. 'Where is he, man? Speak up.'

  'He is in their Earth home - the Garden of Eden. Miles had a fight with Zack and knocked him out. Zack came to, and was about to half kill Miles and then de-pneuma him, but Knox stopped him.'

  'How do you know this?'

  'You won't believe it.'

  'For God's sake, man, spit it out.'

  'Knox told us.'


  'Yes. Knox.'

  'It's a trap?'

  'No sir. We shone the truth beam on him. He was telling the truth.'

  Rhettnor was on his feet and in the air before the younger Freeflyer had opened his ankle wings. He sent out a SOS. In the scope line of the communication band were Sreip and JB. They were within two scannuls and headed directly to the Garden of Eden.

  'Only two of you? Well, that's better than nothing,' Rhettnor said. He was very embarrassed, he knew he had been very hard on Sreip earlier.

  'Commander.' Sreip and JB saluted.

  'I wondered where you had got to Captain Brummell. Mmmm. Well, any suggestions?'

  'Sir, wait for reinforcements, Sir?' JB jumped in.

  'Oh pu-lease.' Rhettnor sounded as frustrated as he felt.

  A familiar sound made him glance up, Xavier and Selim had landed. Selim rushed to Sreip and threw his arms around him. 'That's enough of the fond hellos,' Rhettnor said. 'It's time to organise an attack.'
br />   ~

  Out in the garden under a beautiful old oak, Knox and Miles sat very close, chatting like old buddies, sharing experiences.

  Zack took one look at them and was furious. Knox thought he had calmed Zack down, but Zack was pretending, he hated Miles and was mad as hell. He went to grab Miles, he was going to shake his eyes out of him, but Knox stepped between them.

  'Let's think about it, Zack.'

  'What are you saying, Knox? Move out of the way before I move you out of the way.' Behind Knox, Miles stood, ready for a fight.

  'I'm saying I don't want to hurt Miles, he's a good bloke.'

  'He's a good bloke? What the bloody hell are you talking about, Knox?'

  Knox pulled Zack aside. 'I like him, Zack.'

  Zack lost his temper. 'You like him, the son of our mortal enemy, and you like him. Sorry to do this, Knox.' Zack pushed the 'on' button of his transporter unit hard. It clicked twice as he directed it at Knox and Knox was gone. Zack had condemned him to twenty-four hours of encapsulation. Now it was just him and Miles. He reached for his disintegrating gun.


  Seconds later, five Freeflyers burst in. It was perfect timing.

  'Well, well, well. If it isn't Zack and Knox.' Commander Rhettnor rubbed his hands together. 'Got you, both of you.'

  Miles ran up to the Commander. 'It's not Knox. It's me - Miles.'

  'Backup sir.' A Freeflyer pointed his dissembler directly at Miles.

  Miles was confused, but Zack wasn't. 'Good try, Knox.'

  Miles spun round. 'I'm not Knox and you know it, you just zapped him. I'm Miles Winsor, Zack, tell them.'

  Zack looked at the Freeflyers and shrugged his shoulders.

  'Before I send you to the Garden of Consolation, I'm going to question you individually, and it won't be pleasant.'

  'Zack tell them, I'm Miles. Zack and Knox fell out, and Zack zapped him,' Miles said.

  'As if. Look I don't have time for this,' the Freeflyer said. He sounded as if he was at the end of his patience. 'We need to find Piers and Polly ASAP. Take them to the interrogation area.'

  'No,' said Miles, 'you're making a big mistake.'

  'You can go awake or mindless, Knox. Take your pick.'

  Miles fell silent. Zack was in his element, the Freeflyers were doing his job for him. They thought Miles was Knox.

  'Come on, Knox, it's over for us. Let's accept our fate,' Zack said. As soon as Miles was marched out, Zack sent a message to Knox. A wicked smile crossed his face, in twenty-four hours, Knox, posing as Miles, would be free to roam. He would be welcome in Byzantine Crescent and learn the invisible secret. Under the circumstances, things could not be better.

  Piers leads the way

  Piers stirred. The little bear cub had sat by his side, patiently waiting for him to wake, and jumped on him the second he opened his eyes.

  'Ah! Finally, our visitor awakes.'

  Piers rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up. He certainly felt better. 'How long have I slept, Sir?'

  'About two days lad. Let's eat then talk.'

  'Thank you, Sir.'

  'I am Lord Girdur.'

  'Thank you, Lord Girdur.'

  'As soon as you have eaten, the bears will take you to safety.'

  'Thank you, Lord Girdur, but I must go back and try to save Hamish and Steve.'

  'The shack has disappeared, and that means the Devil has got his victim or victims.'

  'There's no such thing as a devil on Earth.'

  'Describe to me your version of the devil,' Lord Girdur said.

  'Well, he epitomises evil - the exact opposite to God. That's if you believe in God and the Devil.'

  'On this continent, we think the devil is the head Rebel from the Dark Universe.'

  'I still have to look for them, I can't abandon them.' Piers defended his decision.

  'Well, if you want to commit suicide, I can't stop you. I can advise you, however, and I hope you listen.' Lord Girdur chose his words carefully. 'Piers, you will never find the shack, it's probably invisible for another year. And as for finding your friends, do you realise how big this continent is?'

  Piers remembered Hamish had said exactly the same thing to him.

  'You would have a better chance of finding them if you went home and came back with as much help as you can get. And my home will always be open to you Piers.'

  'Can you get me back to England?'

  'If that's what you want and good, you are a wise lad. We will get ready. Then it will be time to say goodbye to the bear cub.'

  'Please don't zap me Sir.'

  'I haven't got that power, Piers. We will have to do it the hard way. We will walk. Back there are all the warm clothes and snowshoes you will need.' He pointed to a cupboard.

  Piers looked at the little bear. As much as he wanted to take her with him, he knew he could not on such a dangerous trek.

  'Don't be sad, Piers. You will see her again. Come now. Let's eat, and then pack the sled and get going before this long day dies.' Lord Girdur was, as he usually was, stirring some food in a bubbling pot, and it smelt delicious.

  'You are coming with me?' Piers sounded surprised.

  'Of course! Did you really think I would let you go alone with the bears? It's like a maze to the unfamiliar eye.'

  'No, no, of course not.' Piers got up. He still felt a little shaky, but he was hungry and knew that once he had eaten, he would feel a lot better. 'You have a very interesting life, Lord Girdur, but don't you ever feel lonely?'

  'Do you think you have been my only visitor this century, Piers?'

  'Sorry Sir.'

  'Come sit at the table and eat. The food is good, it's healthy vegetables and healing herbs.'

  'It smells fantastic.'

  Piers ate his meal and was given a second helping. It was so good he felt like licking the bowl like the cub did.

  'Ready to go, Piers?'

  'Yes, Sir.' He clicked his heels and saluted.


  Lord Girdur opened the door and with Piers help, pulled the sled out of the shack. He looked out, it was bitterly cold.

  'No dogs?' Piers asked.

  'You should know the answer to that. I do not have any animal do a job I would not do for myself. In my opinion, all animals large or small should not be used for work or our pleasure.'

  'Such as?' Piers asked.

  'Haulage by elephants, horse racing, pulling sleds, camel riding, etcetera, etcetera. There are hundreds of examples.'

  'I agree, Lord Girdur, and I'm not an animal, so give me one of those reins. And before we go, I have much to thank you for, and I do with all my heart.'

  Lord Girdur looked up at the overhanging clouds. 'Right, the weather is reasonably good, so let's get going. We have a long journey ahead of us.'

  'Goodbye little Daphne. I hope to see you soon,' Piers said. He bent down and hugged the little bear. As he stepped out into the cold day, she ran to the door, stood on her hind legs and whimpered.

  As they left, Piers had tears in his eyes. 'You are a good man,' Lord Girdur said. 'I'm glad I was able to save you.' And within a very short time, they had disappeared over the horizon as they trudged through the snow.

  The past revisited

  Polly woke, and much to her surprise, she was out of the Tunnel of Death and back in the cottage with India. 'Don't say a word, Indi. Just stay holding my hand.' India was so excited she jumped on Polly.

  'We mustn't forget why we are here.' They got up, rushed to the house and burst in, yelling 'Hello, hello' as Alison was walking down the stairs.

  'Ali, I can't believe they let us go.'

  Alison walked straight past the girls and into the kitchen. 'Good morning Gemma. Any news of Polly, India or Lucy?'

  'No. I called the police, and they are totally useless. They don't believe us, and I'm so fed up,' Gemma said as she buttered her toast.

  Polly and India walked to the door. 'Tra la,' they both said, striking a pose. No one even looked up. 'Alison?' she
questioned. No response.

  'I am going to Brown Sugar later. Coming with me?' Alison plonked down at the kitchen table. 'Lily is working today, so we can discuss things with her. She must be worried sick about Lucy missing.'


  Polly and India ran in and threw their arms round Alison, but their arms went straight through her.

  'Oh my God! What's going on?' She looked at her feet. 'I don't believe it! We are invisible! It must be the watch.' Why, she thought, would they make me invisible? Well, I suppose it gives me quite a bit of freedom. However, I have to think of a way to communicate with the girls. Alison and Gemma left to go to the café, and as Polly watched them go, she felt a wriggle in her pocket. 'Fifi, thank goodness for you. Right, Sherlock Fifi Holmes, we will follow Alison and Gemma to Brown Sugar Café. I wonder if I can eat or drink. I'm dying for a cup of coffee. I bet you would love a milkshake, Indi, and you a little treat Fifi.'

  While Polly was getting used to her new persona, Indi had a little sleep. How the hell am I going to find Piers and Miles? And if I find them, how can I communicate with them? Scheisse, I will never find them, and if I don't, my brother and Lucy and Steve will die. I need help! Please, someone help me.

  The front doorbell suddenly jangled, which made Polly jump out of her skin. Thinking it could be Mrs Hart she raced down the hall.

  She half opened the door and peeped out. Two old men dressed in flowing cloaks were standing on the doorstep. Each had a beautiful St. Bernard dog as big as a small pony sitting beside him. 'Remember us, Polly?'

  'No, yes, no. Do I know you? And how come you can see me… or hear me, for that matter?'

  They both shed their cloaks, and the dogs immediately shrank to Chihuahua size. 'Now do you recognise us, Polly?'

  Even if Polly wasn't sure, but Fifi was delighted, she had two new playmates. She ran off yapping and jumping, each dog seeing who could jump the highest.

  'Wait, wait, I can remember. Event? Salute? Is it you?'

  'Yes, Polly it is, and we are here to help. Switch off your transparency watch, but before you do, take note of the time.'

  Polly switched off the watch and immediately she could see her feet.

  'So that's what the watch does! It makes me invisible.'

  'Good. Now, Polly, we haven't much time. Do you have any idea where Hamish is?'


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