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The Lady and the Sheriff

Page 13

by Carole Archer

  Percy looked at him open mouthed in horror and Bob was furious when a couple of the locals decided this was the perfect time for them to have a fist fight in the bar. Bob tried to ignore them but eventually he reluctantly left Emma as he approached the brawling young men. As he separated them the father of one of the men came over and joined in, punching Bob. Richard immediately headed over to assist Bob as things quickly got out of control.

  Emma eyed Percy nervously as she found herself left on her own with him. Her anger got the better of her fear, and she spoke up. “Leave me alone you filthy pig. I’m marrying Bob. I love him, and he’s more of a man than you’ll ever be. I’m not sorry for what I did to you. You deserved it. I’m only sorry I didn’t leave you sooner.” Emma’s voice trembled with fear.

  Percy laughed as he stepped towards her and grasped her by the upper arm. Spinning her around and pushing her down over a table, Percy removed his belt. Emma was stunned into silence and unable to move, hoping Bob would come to her rescue. As Percy grasped the hem of Emma’s dress and raised it, she found her voice and screamed loudly, fighting desperately to get up.

  As Percy pressed one hand down on her back, holding her firmly in position, he raised his belt above his head. He smiled in glee at Emma’s squirming bottom encased in white cotton bloomers. “Oh, I’m going to enjoy this,” he told her, “and then I’m finally going to have my way with you. I might even take you here in this bar, for all to see.”

  Percy was angry when he moved to bring the belt down across her bottom and someone ripped it from his hand from behind. He spun around angrily and was shocked to find Richard facing him.

  Percy screamed in his face. “You’re working for me. I demand you get hold of that whore this instant so I can give her the hiding she deserves for stealing from me and denying me what was rightfully mine. I took her in and gave her a roof over her head. She was mine to do with as I wished. How dare she say no to me? She will not marry the sheriff of some hick town. She promised herself to me and I will have the little slut, if it’s the last thing I do. She’s weak and pathetic, just like her father.”

  Percy’s tirade was stopped abruptly when Bob eventually broke free of the scuffle he’d become caught up in. With one punch he knocked Percy out cold before he turned to Emma, who had got up from the table immediately when Percy had released her and was now cowering in the corner. Bob pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her as he comforted her. Emma sobbed as she clung tightly to him.

  Lee burst through the doors into the bar. “Bob, I heard there was a brawl in here. Someone said that a stranger in town was trying to take a belt to Emma.” “Yes,” Bob snarled. “It was this scumbag. I want him out of my town now,” he snapped, indicating the still unconscious Percy.

  “Thank you,” Bob said as he approached Richard with his hand extended towards him. Richard shook his hand. “No problem, I didn’t realize what a bastard I was working for. I’d never have taken the job had I known what he’d really done. If you hadn’t punched him, I was certainly about to do it myself. I can’t believe he actually admitted he had tried to rape her and saw nothing wrong in that. Are you OK?” he said, turning to Emma.

  Emma nodded and smiled. “Thank you so much for stopping him.” She looked at Bob and then she threw herself into his arms. Bob comforted Emma, whispering reassuringly to her until eventually she calmed down.

  Emma cheered up moments later when the undertaker eagerly approached Percy and started to measure him up. Percy finally sat up and screamed, quickly struggling to his feet. As he desperately tried to escape, he tripped over his own feet, stumbled, and toppled backwards, landing hard on his backside. He groaned and rolled forward, clutching his backside which had already felt bruised from too many hours in the saddle. He pushed himself up to his knees and whimpered pathetically when he saw blood dripping to the floor. He reached up and rubbed his broken nose, howling when he realized what the sheriff had done to him.

  The undertaker sighed and shook his head, walking away miserably. “How’s a man supposed to earn a living when they keep getting up,” he muttered as he reluctantly left the bar.

  Percy turned once more to Richard. “You idiot, what were you thinking of?” he yelled. “Get me up now. I’ll give you one last chance to do what I’ve paid you to do, otherwise I’ll have you arrested for taking money from me under false pretenses.”

  Richard approached Percy and took his hand, pulling him to his feet. He then grasped the front of Percy’s shirt and tightened his grip. “You disgust me,” he said, looking Percy up and down as he slammed him against the wall. “Here, have your money, you filthy bastard. I don’t want it.” Richard took the wad of notes from his wallet, spat on them and threw them into Percy’s face. “Now go to hell,” he stormed, pushing Percy back to the floor.

  Percy was flustered as he gathered his money together quickly. He got up and backed towards the door, Bob following him. Once outside, Bob and Lee dragged Percy to the train station. When the train arrived, Bob pushed him roughly on board.

  “You had better head back east and never come back to my town again. If I ever see you around here in the future I’ll give you a good deal more than a broken nose to worry about. You’ve got off lightly this time. Now leave,” Bob said, turning away and heading back to his fiancée.

  Bob was pleased to see that Richard was still with her, comforting her as she was still a little shaky after her encounter with Percy.

  Bob thanked Richard once more and bought him a drink, asking what his plans were now. “Well I don’t think I’ll be welcome back at Pinkerton’s, not when Percy goes there and tells them what I’ve done. I guess I’d better head back home to my father’s ranch,” he replied.

  “You could always stay here, if you’d like. I could do with another deputy,” offered Bob. “You handled yourself well back there. You’re the type of man I like to have on my side.” Richard smiled and gratefully accepted.

  * * *

  Over the next couple of weeks, Emma quickly forgot about Percy and started to plan her wedding. Lee’s wife Becky had offered to help her make a dress, but Emma decided to wear the white dress her father had bought for her, which against all the odds she had managed to keep with her over her eventful journey which had finally brought her to Great Bend. Becky told Emma that her dress was absolutely stunning and needed no alterations, simply making her a veil to go with it. Becky also arranged some flowers for Emma.

  Two days before the wedding Emma was thrilled when John and Mary arrived in town. They told her it had been a rush to get organized when they got her letter saying she was getting married. They had hastily arranged transport, left their son in charge of Windmere, and rushed to be at Emma’s side. It was an emotional reunion but Emma was very happy to have them with her for the most important day of her life. She was thrilled to introduce them to Bob and they told her that her father would be looking down with joy because she had finally found herself a good and decent husband.

  Emma suddenly became anxious, thinking that John and Mary might now expect her to return to England, but when she told them that her life was now in Great Bend they were genuinely happy for her and said they would continue to run the estate, if she wished them to, and maybe in the future she or her offspring might return to Windmere. Emma was delighted and immediately agreed to this plan.

  Emma gave Bob her mother’s wedding ring and told him that she would like to wear this as her own. Bob had intended to buy her a ring but was happy for her to wear her mother’s ring. He was thrilled when she also handed him the gold pocket watch her father had carried around with him, explaining that throughout her ordeals since her father’s death she had managed to hold onto her mother’s wedding ring and her father’s pocket watch, as well as the dress her father had bought for her, and she felt that her parents were protecting her through these items. Bob smiled and hugged Emma close. Someone had certainly been protecting his bride-to-be since she had arrived in America.

p; The night before their wedding, Emma reluctantly went to stay with Lee and Becky. Bob missed her desperately and couldn’t wait for her to return to their home the following evening as his wife.

  Emma missed Bob too. She barely slept that night. She was so excited to finally be getting married, and best of all to someone she truly loved. She was also anxious to return home as Bob’s wife and to share his bed.

  She thought back to Percy and shuddered as she realized what a lucky escape she’d had. She hoped desperately that he didn’t plan on causing trouble for them.

  * * *

  Percy did not immediately travel home when Bob put him on the train from Great Bend. He travelled for a couple of hours, to put a safe distance between himself and Bob.

  As soon as he arrived home, Percy intended to visit the Pinkerton’s and complain about Richard Morrison. He would then tell his mother that Emma had robbed them and he had managed to track her down. He would see her in jail for what she had done to him. Percy had sought medical attention for his broken nose, too humiliated to return home just yet. He would not allow his mother to see him like this. He had had enough of that intolerable woman’s taunting of him over the years.

  Percy’s treatment was painful and he cried like a baby as the doctor reset his nose. Although the doctor was being well paid by Percy, he was sick of his constant whining and demanding and he took great personal pleasure in seeing Percy sobbing like a child as he treated him a little more roughly than was necessary. Percy then booked himself into a hotel for a couple of weeks. He plotted his revenge as Emma planned her wedding. Eventually he was ready to travel home and deliver justice to all of those who had wronged him.

  Percy went to the train station and bought a ticket back to New York, wishing he could be there to see Emma’s face when she was dragged off to jail. That would serve her right. He might have to go and visit her, to gloat at her downfall. That would be fun. He wouldn’t get to take her virginity, which was unfortunate, but there were plenty more women who would eagerly go to the bed of Percival Woodhampton.

  He scowled as he thought of Lillian. The woman was a filthy whore, he knew that, but she was always ready and willing for him. As soon as he got home he would take her. She liked it rough and she wouldn’t complain. He looked forward to it and dreamed of taking his belt to her bottom, imagining it was Emma he was punishing.

  Suddenly the train came to a sudden halt, disturbing Percy’s daydreams, and he scowled as the outlaws boarded the train, demanding everyone hand over their valuables. Percy stood up, trying without success to put on a show of bravado.

  “Get off this train, this instant. We are good people. We work hard. Leave us alone. Do you know who I am?” Percy demanded.

  The robbers laughed. “No, should we?” asked one of them.

  “I am Percival Woodhampton, one of the most influential men in New York. I have a…”

  “Quiet,” called a voice and Percy quaked in his boots as the robber stepped towards him and grasped him by the collar. “Percival Woodhampton? Yes, I know who you are. Everyone off the train, now,” he ordered his men. “You’re coming with us,” he said to Percy, dragging him away.

  Percy trembled as the man grabbed hold of him and pushed him towards his men. “Get this piece of scum off the train now. This is all we’ll be taking with us today. This is your lucky day,” he said to the stunned passengers, tipping his hat towards them. “Good day.”

  A couple of women suggested someone go to Percy’s aid, but no-one was quick to defend him, pointing out that crossing Bill Hawkins would end in certain death. They also pointed out that as Percy was a most intolerable man and had done nothing but complain since he had boarded the train, no-one would be sorry to see the back of him. As the train continued on its way, Percy was soon forgotten.

  Percy stood trembling in front of the five outlaws as the train pulled away. “Why did you take me? What do you want with me?” he begged, a dark wet patch appearing at the front of his trousers.

  One of Bill’s men laughed. “Oh dear, he’s pissed his pants.” The rest of the gang joined in, laughing loudly at him. Percy was more concerned with Bill, who simply stared at him and shook his head.

  “Emma was right about you,” he stated.

  “Emma?” chorused his men.

  “Emma?” Percy echoed.

  Bill nodded. “She told me that when she arrived in New York she met this scumbag. She was to marry him. Unfortunately her father died and she ended up stuck with this sorry excuse for a man. The night before their planned wedding, the dirty bastard tried to rape her, after letting Emma witness him screwing one of the maids.” Bill spat the words out, feeling utter contempt for the sniveling man before him, who had now dropped to his knees.

  “Emma?” Percy repeated, trembling as he wondered how he would get out of this situation and get back to New York safely. “I wouldn’t believe a word that lying little bitch tells you. She robbed me. She smashed a valuable vase and she stole all the family jewelry and silver. She’s a common thief. She’ll regret ever setting eyes on me. She’s due to marry the sheriff of Great Bend, would you believe.”

  Bill smiled. He’d made a good choice taking Emma to Great Bend. “I’m glad she’s found happiness at last, after what you done to her.”

  “Well she won’t be quite so happy when I return to New York and tell the authorities that she robbed me and assaulted me in my own home. I’ll see to it that she goes to jail for this. Spare my life and I’ll give you all the money you can dream of. Here, have this for starters,” Percy bragged, taking all the money from his wallet and handing it over to one of Bill’s men. He still had the majority of the large advance he had given to Richard and he watched as Bill’s men gleefully shared out his money.

  When he saw the look on Bill’s face, however, he realized he had made a terrible mistake. “Oh my God, no,” wailed Percy, as Bill stepped towards him, gun aimed at his head. “Please have mercy,” he whined.

  “Be happy Emma. This one’s for you,” Bill said, smiling grimly as he pulled the trigger then calmly mounted his horse and rode away.

  * * *

  As Bill put a bullet through Percy’s head many miles away, the preacher pronounced Bob and Emma man and wife. Emma kissed her husband and smiled brightly.

  After celebrating with their friends in one of the saloons, Bob slipped away with Emma and mounted his horse, lifting her up to ride side saddle in front of him. As they rode slowly out of town, Emma wrapped her arms around the man she loved and kissed him.

  She wondered where on earth Bob was taking her. She was desperate to go home with him and spend the night in his bed. Although he had allowed her to stay there for one night after he had switched her bottom, he had insisted she return to her own bed the following evening as he told her it wasn’t decent for them to share a bed until they were married.

  Emma smiled as they reached the lake where he had proposed to her. He dismounted the horse and helped her down. He led her over to the tree they had sat beneath, where he had made her the happiest woman alive when he asked her to be his wife. Bob laid a blanket on the ground and carefully laid Emma down on it.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, leaning down and kissing her lips softly.

  Emma smiled up at him. “This is the last dress my father bought me. It’s special to me and that’s why I chose to wear it for you today, because you’re very special to me too.”

  Bob kissed her again. “Your father would be so proud of you,” he told her. “You are a truly amazing woman. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”

  Emma gasped as he trailed kisses down her neck, continuing over her breasts and her stomach. As he continued down her legs and removed her shoes, kissing the soles of her feet, Emma giggled, holding her breath as he moved up her legs and raised her dress slowly.

  Bob kissed Emma’s pussy over the cotton fabric of her pantaloons and she gasped loudly, suddenly tense and nervous. “Relax,” Bob whispered, gripping the sides of h
er pantaloons as she hesitantly raised her hips. “I won’t hurt you. I love you.”

  Emma closed her eyes and felt a blush heating her cheeks as he seductively slid her pantaloons down and then removed them completely. It seemed strange for Bob to be removing her pantaloons for a reason other than spanking her bare bottom. Bob lay beside her, kissing her lips as his fingers slipped between her parted thighs, rubbing her pussy gently. As she relaxed, Bob slipped a finger inside her, kissing her passionately as she raised her hips towards his hand.

  “I love you, Mrs. Booker,” Bob whispered, as he removed his fingers and climbed on top of his wife, slowly easing his erect cock inside her. Emma stiffened as he entered her and Bob stilled his hips as he deepened their kiss and pulled her close to him. As he felt her relax, he continued to thrust gently against her until finally he broke through her resistance.

  Emma gasped and raised her hips, tears rolling down her cheeks as her husband took her virginity. She loved him so much and she was pleased that she had managed to fight Percy off and had not allowed him to steal her virginity from her, which she now offered willingly to her new husband.

  As Bob made love to her slowly, Emma opened her eyes and looked up at the stars before blushing and looking into her husband’s eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I love you so much, Sheriff Booker.”

  Bob grunted as with one final thrust he ejaculated inside his wife. As he kissed her gently, he eased out of her and lay beside her, once more thrusting his fingers deep inside her.

  Emma smiled as he knelt between her legs and kissed her pussy, forcing her legs wide apart. “Be a good girl and relax,” he whispered, kissing and licking her clit. “I promise you’ll like this part,” he told her, as he buried his face in her pussy.

  Emma closed her eyes and squirmed as Bob thrust his fingers deep into her pussy as he flicked his tongue against her clit. She gasped and groaned as he teased her little nub and Bob smiled when his wife threw back her head and cried out in pleasure as her body trembled beneath him.


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