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The Lady and the Sheriff

Page 14

by Carole Archer

  As they lay under the stars in each other’s arms, Emma trembled.

  “Come on, it’s cold, let’s get you home,” Bob said, pulling her up from the ground and lifting her onto his horse. They rode home quickly and as they arrived a lone figure was waiting outside. Bob jumped down from his horse and pulled his gun.

  “Congratulations, sheriff,” the stranger greeted him.

  “Bill!” squealed Emma, jumping down from the horse and running towards him, embracing him and kissing him on the cheek. Bill took off his hat and smiled. “Congratulations, Miss Emma, or should I stay Mrs. Booker.”

  Emma beamed brightly.

  “Bill Hawkins, you’re a wanted man. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you dead where you stand,” warned Bob.

  Bill nodded. “I just wanted to give your wife a wedding present. I thought you might sleep better knowing that Percival Woodhampton met his maker today. He was unfortunate enough to run into some ruthless outlaws. He was a coward even at the very end. Pissed in his pants, he did, as he begged pathetically for his life.”

  Emma gasped. She was shocked that Percy was dead, but she wouldn’t shed any tears for him. She was glad he would not be able to hurt her any more. She turned and looked at Bob, silently pleading with him to spare Bill’s life.

  Bob stepped towards his wife and put his arm protectively around her. “You brought this very special lady into my life and for that reason I’m going to allow you to walk away from here. If you ever set foot in my town again, I’ll gun you down,” Bob warned.

  Bill nodded. “Be happy,” he said to Emma, as he walked away from her and mounted his horse, tipping his hat towards her before riding away into the night.

  Emma smiled at Bob. “Thank you,” she whispered, kissing him softly.

  Bob smiled as he led her into the house and took her to bed, where they made love once more.

  As Emma closed her eyes, she felt immense relief that Percy could do them no harm. “Goodnight Daddy,” she whispered, “I’m sorry you weren’t here today, but I finally succeeded in finding myself a husband.” Emma grinned as Bob held her close. “I think you’d like him Daddy,” she smiled.

  Look for the good in every situation. The words echoed in Emma’s head and she smiled as she remembered her father’s wise words. “You were certainly right there Daddy,” she whispered, as she fell asleep, content in her husband’s arms.

  The End

  More Books by Carole Archer

  The Charles Smith Method

  Jenny Simpson has spent her life in care homes and with foster families, and she has had more than a few run-ins with the law. After being caught yet again, she's given one final chance by the courts to turn her life around.

  Things soon go badly wrong for Jenny, and she finds herself homeless on the streets of 1970s London. She encounters ex-judge Charles Smith on a bitterly cold December morning and promptly tries to pick his pocket, resulting in a quick trip over his knee and the promise of a much longer spanking later on her bare bottom. Charles does manage to keep Jenny out of jail, and he takes her into his home and sets about the task of turning her life around with strict but loving discipline.

  Jenny isn’t the first young lady to whom Charles has offered his home and his kindness, however. His housekeeper Hazel, who he found on the streets just like Jenny, is initially jealous of this new young woman competing for Charles’ attention. Soon, however, Jenny and Hazel become friends, and then good friends, and then much, much more than just friends.

  Even as their newfound romance blossoms, Jenny and Hazel are still subject to the firm, fatherly discipline of Charles. He is prepared to give as many long, hard, bare bottom spankings as necessary to turn both Jenny and Hazel into well-educated, respectable young ladies.

  The Charles Smith Academy

  The Charles Smith Academy is the second book in the Charles Smith series, which follows the relationship between Charles and Hazel and Jenny, the two young women he took in off the streets of London.

  Jenny has received frequent spankings from Charles ever since he saved her from an almost certain prison sentence, but until very recently Hazel had managed to avoid discipline. Now that Hazel has discovered that being spanked, although painful and embarrassing, is not as traumatic an experience as she imagined, she finds that Charles’ firm but loving chastisement can play a much needed role in her life.

  Despite their desire to behave well, however, Hazel and Jenny often stray far from the proper behavior expected of them. When Charles is pushed too far, they are shocked to discover that being spanked on the bare bottom is far from the most humiliating form of discipline he is prepared to employ.

  Meanwhile Hazel and Jenny continue to explore their relationship and fall ever deeper in love, but suddenly they find their happy union in jeopardy. Is their love strong enough to conquer the problems they face or will Jenny walk away from the only two people who’ve ever loved her?

  Financial Discipline

  Thirty-four-year-old reporter Lindsay Jeffries is surprised to be told by her editor one day that she must go and see a local debt-management councilor, accountant George West, who is allegedly spanking his clients. Her editor also believes that Lindsay’s own debts are so bad that she might benefit from George’s advice.

  Lindsay’s job for the story is to bait George into spanking her and thus get proof that he is abusing his position with his clients. At her first session Lindsay certainly gets the spanking she is looking for, but she ends up finding George’s firm methods very helpful. She’s torn between giving her editor the story he wants, which may in turn secure her the promotion she desires, and accepting George’s help, which could turn her life around.

  Lindsay begins to develop strong feelings for George and begins to wonder what it would be like to have him as much more than just a mentor. But does he have similar feelings for her? How will he feel about her if he finds out her original reason for seeing him? And if she doesn’t write the story she is expected to write, will she be able to keep her job?

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  The End

  More Books by Carole Archer




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