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The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4)

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by J. A. Kerr

  “This is good, Guy,” said Evan staring at the board. “Okay, let’s start from the beginning and take me through everything you know.”

  Almost an hour later, Guy stopped talking. He started with Siena’s abduction and attack before moving on to recent events. Evan had not interrupted once but jotted things down on a notepad he’d taken from his jacket pocket.

  Guy rubbed a hand over his face. “Sorry, Evan, I didn’t even offer you a drink.” He gave Evan a rueful smile. He felt in strong need of one himself. After his argument with Anna he knew he’d be staying at the Braille Club. Her earlier remarks had hurt him deeply. Anna was always the one pushing their sexual boundaries and for once he’d agreed, only for it to be thrown back in his face. He was happy to spice things up and thought Anna would enjoy the danger of car sex but she was the one who wanted anal, not him. What he’d thought was a mind blowing experience had been sullied. Anna had made him feel dirty.

  “Yes, I would,” said Evan. “A beer if you have it.”

  “Give me a minute.” Guy headed back to his office and grabbed two beers from the fridge there.

  Evan was still writing when he got back. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks.” Evan smiled and took a long drink. He rested the half full beer on the table. “This is a recap and my take on things. Mrs Harrison believes her ex-husband, Nick Waters, is behind the abduction for a number of reasons. He has motive. He’s harmed her before. There appears to be some inside knowledge of habits. She recognised his distinctive aftershave in her home. Am I correct so far?”

  “Yes,” said Guy frowning. Listening to Evan, he saw how circumstantial it all sounded.

  “From my experience, I would suggest placing Nick Waters under round the clock surveillance. Have you considered he may have been doing that to the Harrisons?”

  “No,” said Guy startled. “Why do you think that?”

  “This is not something that could have been achieved without planning,” said Evan. “I think he was watching them.”

  Guy’s brows shot up. “But he was in prison.”

  Evan’s expression hardened. “You’d be surprised at the reach of the average criminal. The police are following up the jacket forensics I presume?”

  “Yes, we think Waters and Katie Burns were working together.”

  “Makes sense but the forensic reports will tell us more. They are critical in cases like this. If Nick Waters was in the Harrison home and car, they’ll find trace evidence.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” said Guy, now realising what was bothering him. “Nick Waters doesn’t seem the type to leave behind trace evidence. He’s too smart for that. When we stopped him attacking Siena, he had gloves on. He’d gone prepared.”

  “I see. You think Katie Burns’ lack of experience made her leave her jacket behind?” asked Evan.

  “Benedict thinks he heard a car engine in the distance when we arrived. He was first out of the car but he’s not certain because there was so much happening at the time.”

  “So it’s possible they were interrupted?”

  “It’s possible. The burial site was only partly camouflaged. The police think they were disturbed covering their tracks.”

  “Let’s get the surveillance in place on Waters and take a look outside the Harrison home for any clues they were being watched.”

  “Yes, I’ll speak with Benedict,” said Guy. “I know he will be on board but I don’t want to disturb him at this time.”

  “Sure,” said Evan frowning. “This is a strange case. I don’t understand. Why take the kids?”

  “This is Siena’s theory and confidential. I’m sure you understand?”

  “Of course.”

  “She had a breakdown when she was younger. She lost her baby brother and didn’t cope with her grief. Nick Waters was her therapist. That’s how they met. Siena said he knew losing her own children would destroy her.”

  “What a sick bastard,” Evan whispered.

  “Yes, and he’s dangerous,” said Guy.

  Evan rubbed his jaw. “Okay, I said I’d start tomorrow but since I’m here...”

  Guy jumped up. “I’ll get us some beers, shall I?”

  Several beers later, the conference table was scattered with paper, files and photographs. Steadily they added to the white board. Making comments and links to each piece of information. When Guy stood back he was happy with their progress.

  “This is fantastic, Evan. I think we’re getting somewhere.”

  “Yes, but we need hard evidence, Guy, and that’s where I come in.”


  “Shit,” said Evan, looking at his watch. “I didn’t realise the time.”

  “Look, Evan, go, I really appreciate all you’ve done today. I’ll get your sensory lessons booked in and let you know times.”

  “I met a girl in Caligo. Is she a Braille Club member too?”

  “I’m afraid member anonymity is sacred, Evan. I cannot give you that information.”

  Evan shrugged. “Okay. I just wondered. You are serious about all the security and secrecy surrounding the club?”

  “Yes. It’s why members stay. There is no other club like us.”

  “This Braille Club gets more and more interesting by the minute. I’m intrigued.”

  “When you’re finished with your lessons you’ll be hooked.” Guy flashed a confident smile.

  “We’ll see,” said Evan.

  Guy led him out of the room and checked it was locked. They shook hands.

  “I’ll be in touch,” said Evan.

  Guy watched him walk away. He felt better now that Evan was helping them—more in control—and wished he could say the same about his relationship.

  Chapter 17

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Chloe felt utterly deflated as she watched Evan leave. What was she expecting exactly? That their chance encounter would lead to something? Come on, Chloe, she chided, that only happens in movies. The champagne had made her feel a little tipsy. She should really eat something but ignoring her grumbling stomach, she ordered another glass of champagne instead. Evan was the embodiment of contradiction. His bad boy persona and hard face was negated by his intelligent and polite personality. Chloe liked him. Although his smile gave his face a more sinister look, Chloe was strongly attracted to him.

  She had not expected to meet someone today and did not have to remain in Caligo while Evan attended his meeting, but Chloe had nothing to rush home to. When her glass of champagne arrived, she sipped it and thought of Evan. Chloe was a party girl. Although what she wore wasn’t exactly night wear, a quick change in the toilets had her stuffing her polo neck and bra into her voluminous bag. Her breasts were exposed at the side of the dress but she didn’t care. The bib was snug enough to protect most of her modesty. She peeled off her heavy tights—without them the dress barely covered her crotch but, with the champagne in her veins and knowing she had great legs, Chloe slipped her feet into the high heels she’d arrived in. She stared at her reflection; she looked good. She looked sexy. Redoing her make-up, she vamped up her eyes and added a red lipstick to her mouth. She made her way back to her seat but stopped as she noticed it was now occupied by someone else.

  Annoyed, she walked to the bar and was grateful to secure a barstool. She ordered a bottle of champagne because she knew she would wait for Evan and her need to get drunk to do so was part of her usual pattern. She sipped the ice cold drink, aware of several males looking at her. The dress was exposing not only her breasts but most of her thighs.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  She turned to see a good-looking guy, perfectly polite and normal. Other girls might swoon but he did nothing for Chloe.

  “I’m waiting on my boyfriend,” she smiled. Where had that come from? She thought, shocked at herself.

  He smiled and turned back to his group of friends. What was she doing? He was perfectly nice and perfectly boring, thought her inn
er devil. Chloe gulped down her champagne. No. No. No. She was not getting involved with another bad boy. She ordered bar nibbles and secured a table with a good vantage point. As time passed, slowly, the mood changed. Like magic, a dance floor appeared when the staff removed the tables and chairs. There was a steady flow of people moving through the lounge either arriving for pre-dinner drinks or settling in the lounge after dinner. The mood was relaxed and buoyant. Chloe had dipped intermittently into work. Her iPhone pinged with emails. New designers requesting a chance to be featured on her blog. She was particular about whom she supported. To the untrained eye they all looked good; their designs cutting edge and the next big thing, but Chloe new better. She studied the pictures, caught up in what she loved to do.

  She would ask for a sample from all the designers but would choose one or perhaps two at most, to showcase on her blog. Chloe was a perfectionist. She always returned samples knowing how important, and often costly, they were for the designers to make. Her critique was both constructive and fair. She was looking forward to going through them when she returned to her office. She worked her way steadily through her emails. Although determined to take the day off, with time on her hands as she waited on Evan, she couldn’t resist. She had purposely slowed her drinking down because she was feeling drunk. Ever since her attack, she had vowed never to get into the state she’d been that night. The problem was that Chloe was getting old. Although she didn’t like to admit it, she was slowing down. The girls she partied with were almost twenty years younger than her. Their stamina and tolerance to alcohol was astonishing. However, their loyalty sucked. It was every man for himself and Chloe was often left on her own.

  She used money to boost her popularity; happy to be the one buying the girls drinks and loving the camaraderie. But as soon as her posse spotted a bloke they fancied, they’d bolt. Shamelessly pursuing the poor sod until they had him in their clutches. Chloe’s penchant for bad boys went unnoticed by her friends because they weren’t really her friends. Her real friends were all married with families. They were jealous of Chloe’s carefree lifestyle. If only they knew, Chloe was jealous of theirs. She’d never tell them that. But keeping up the happy-to-be-single facade was wearing thin. She longed to have someone special in her life. Jamie had been so lovely. He was still trying to fix her up with any single mates he had. But they all had the same thing in common—kindness. Chloe was no more attracted to them as she was Jamie. She wondered what was wrong with her. Her libido only sprang to life if the guy was a complete bastard.

  She sighed. Her relationships always started and ended the same way. The hot passionate sex was replaced by violence and control. She was ashamed, she allowed these men to abuse her and yet here she was waiting on a man she barely knew. As the hours slipped by she was disappointed he had not returned. She’d sensed maybe Evan was different, but it looked like he wasn’t. Why was she was not surprised? Fuck it, thought Chloe getting unsteadily to her feet, she wanted to dance. The music was great and Chloe loved to lose herself in the rhythms of songs. The dance floor wasn’t that busy. It was early after all. When her favourite tune came through the speakers she whooped in delight. Kygo’s Firestone made her throw her arms wide and twirl around to the music. She knew she could dance and was unperturbed by the stares she was receiving. She moved with the grace of a dancer; her lithe body, spinning and moving to the music.

  The good-looking guy she’d spoken to earlier was watching her intently, probably wondering where her mystery boyfriend was. But she was suddenly conscious of another man beside her.

  “You’re a fantastic dancer,” he said in her ear. His hand snaked around her waist and pulled her against him.

  Chloe smiled and giggled. “I like to dance alone.”

  He laughed and pulled her tighter. “Not tonight.”

  Chloe frowned. Should she push him away? His grip was tight and possessive; she liked it but then remembered her attack.

  “Please,” she said, more forcefully this time, trying and failing to remove his arms. He laughed and tightened his grip. Panicked, she tried to twist free when suddenly he was dragged away and thrown off the dance floor by a furious Evan. Her heart thumped as she stood with her mouth hanging open. There was a flurry of activity. Security cornered the guy and he could be heard arguing as they frogmarched him away.

  “I’m sorry I’m so late, Chloe,” he said, his face twisted with anger. “I hope that idiot didn’t hurt you?” he asked looking into her eyes.

  Chloe stared at him incredulously. He looked so scary. His face had a frightening quality that left Chloe momentarily speechless and yet she was unafraid.

  “No.” Her voice quivered. Evan’s gaze travelled over her and his face changed from anger to disapproval. He took off his jacket.

  “Put this on, Chloe. You’re half naked.”

  Chloe’s eyes widened in disbelief. She wasn’t that girl anymore. The girl men got to control and abuse. “Piss off, Evan,” she snapped, stalking off the dance floor. He was right behind her. “Didn’t you hear me?” she scowled as he followed her.

  “I heard you but I’m not leaving you alone here,” said Evan. He was calm and held out his jacket to her.

  Furious, she batted it away. “Who the hell do you think you are? You don’t even know me.”

  “You’re right, I don’t, but I want to get to know you, Chloe.” His face was deadly serious as he pushed his jacket towards her again. “Put this on and I’ll take you home.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m not stupid. You could be a murderer for all I know,” she said.

  “But I’m not...if you want me to get the manager of this club to verify my credentials, I’m happy to call him. He owes me after keeping me so late.”

  Chloe crossed her arms and scowled. “I don’t want to leave.” Her heart was doing a steady staccato beat. God, she fancied him...if she hadn’t sworn off guys like him for life then she’d be flattered by his macho bullshit. But she knew only too well how quickly it turned into something less romantic.

  Guy’s mouth set in a hard line. “You are leaving.” His brow creased as he looked around. “There is no way you’re staying here wearing that dress and, frankly, you’re drunk.”

  Chloe’s eyes flashed. “I can do whatever I want in case you hadn’t noticed.” She put her hands on her hips. “Getting drunk at a club isn’t a crime.”

  Evan’s tone was neutral. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea either.”

  The argument with Evan had sobered Chloe up. Without another word she turned, grabbed her bag and walked to the toilets. How dare that bastard talk to her like that? How dare he judge her? Laying her head against the cool mirror she closed her eyes. She felt the tears threatening and slowly counted to ten before opening her eyes again. She blushed when she saw herself in the full-length mirror. Evan was right. She was half naked. She burst into tears. Yanking her top from her bag she returned to the toilet cubicle to change. Drunker than she thought, it took several attempts to put her tights back on. Sobbing and cursing she jammed her feet into her shoes. Wiping her eyes with toilet paper, she didn’t bother to look at her reflection. All Chloe wanted was to go home. As she stepped out and glanced around, she was relieved to see Evan wasn’t there. Putting her head down she made her way outside.

  “You’re not getting rid of me so easy,” said Evan’s voice. She jumped and spun around. “I’m happy to take you home or see you into a cab. I just need to be sure you’re safe and then I’ll leave you alone.”

  “Why are you doing this?” she said, her shoulders slumped in misery.

  “Because something tells me you attract trouble, Chloe,” said Evan.

  Chloe opened her mouth to protest then closed it again. He had her bang to rights. “I’ll get a cab.” A stubborn streak made her say.

  “Let’s go back inside and ask them to call one for you,” said Evan.

  Bugger that, thought Chloe, already walking away from Evan and the club.

Where are you going?” he said.

  “None of your business,” she spat.

  “Of course it’s my business. I didn’t mean to leave you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” Chloe snorted. “You’re off the hook, okay.”

  “No, it’s not okay and stop acting like a spoilt brat. I want to get you home safe, nothing more.”

  “I can take care of myself,” Chloe snapped. Just then she spotted a cab and furiously waved it down. As it came to a halt, she jumped inside and slammed the door behind her. As she slumped onto the seat she tiredly gave the driver her address. What a fucking night! Every fibre in her body wanted to turn and see if Evan was still there, but as she’d told herself earlier, she wasn’t that kind of girl anymore.

  Chapter 18

  The Braille Club Reborn


  When Anna’s tears eventually stopped, she roamed the flat listlessly. Remembering she hadn’t collected her post, she trudged downstairs ignoring the elevator and any possible contact with other residents. She unlocked her box and withdrew a bundle of mail. Her emotions in turmoil, she returned to the flat.

  Would she ever be happy? Why was she being such a bitch? She wanted to hurt Guy. Punish him for ignoring her and making her feel worthless. It wasn’t the sex. She had enjoyed it and, if she was honest, her orgasm was the most intense she’d ever had. Guy done things to her body no man had done before. She trusted him completely. He had satisfied her sexually like no other. But his promises he’d change had been worthless in the end. His job came first and always would. She thought of the holiday she had impulsively booked for them both at the end of the month. Anna doubted Guy would want to see her again, never mind go on holiday. She was acting crazy. Perhaps she needed to accept they were no good together and ask him to move out. The thought pierced her heart and made her want to cry again. Anna couldn’t go on like this; she was miserable and by the hurt look on Guy’s face earlier he wasn’t much better. She knew when she was beaten. Tired of competing for Guy’s attention, she made up her mind once and for all.


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