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The Braille Club Reborn (The Braille Club #4)

Page 9

by J. A. Kerr

  Knowing he was under huge pressure at work, she had every sympathy for the Harrisons, but this was not the life she wanted. Living together had not changed the dynamics of their relationship and perhaps it never would. There would always be some drama or crucial piece of work for Guy. He was that type of man. Anna sat staring into space. She’d been through a break-up once with Guy and once with Robert; both times had nearly destroyed her. She didn’t want to be around when Guy packed up his things but refused to run away either. Anna distractedly lifted the first letter on the pile and stopped. She knew what it was, but that didn’t stop her heart hammering as she ripped it open. Her Decree Absolute was enclosed along with a letter from her lawyer. Of course she’d known it was coming but the legal confirmation that her marriage was over hit her like a physical blow. In the end Robert had agreed to everything. Marcus had done a good job.

  For some reason she desperately wanted to speak to Robert and on impulse called him.

  “Hello...” Robert’s voice was hesitant.

  “Robert, it’s Anna.”

  There was an awkward pause. “How are you?”

  “Fine,” lied Anna. “And you?”

  “Good,” said Robert, his tone cautious.

  “I got the paperwork today.”

  “Yes, so did I,” sighed Robert, his relief evident.

  “I’m not sure why I called,” Anna admitted. “I wanted to say I’m sorry.”

  “Yes,” said Robert. “I am too.”

  She closed her eyes and wished things had been different.

  “Anna, I wanted to tell you myself and there’s no easy way to say it. Poppy and I are getting married.”

  Her eyes flew open. “Oh,” said Anna stunned. The omission ripped at her heart; just as her own relationship with Guy was falling apart. “Congratulations,” she said, her tone strained. She tried to block out images of Poppy in a wedding dress—and failed.

  “Poppy’s pregnant, that’s why it’s a bit of a rush,” said Robert, by way of explanation.

  Anna didn’t know what to say. His words sliced into her.

  “Anna? Are you still there?”

  Her hand flew to her mouth. “Yes,” she whispered, “but I need to go.” She had no more words.

  “I thought the news would be better coming from me. Goodbye Anna,” said Robert.

  “Goodbye.” She hung up in a daze.

  She retreated to her room and lay down on the bed. It wasn’t as if she was happy with Robert, she reasoned, but it didn’t matter. It still hurt like hell. Anna buried her face in the pillow and sobbed. She was crying for lots of reasons. The end of her marriage, the shock of being replaced and, of course, Poppy’s pregnancy. Her thoughts turned savagely towards her own relationship. She could never compete with marriage and babies. Her relationship was a joke in comparison. More angry tears streamed down Anna’s cheeks unchecked. Guy’s promises had been empty. Their relationship was finished. Hurt and anger made Anna sit up. There was no easy way to tell Guy, but the quicker she did, the quicker it would be over. She needed to move on and the sooner the better. She kept shoving away images of Robert and Poppy, pushing their baby in a pram and gazing lovingly at each other.

  With a heavy heart Anna swung her legs off the bed. She pulled on her jacket and slipped the phone in her pocket. She would take the tube. The walk and night air would clear her thoughts. She bit her lip as tears filled her eyes again but her mind was made up, she locked her door. Riding down in the elevator, her stomach was doing somersaults.

  Totally preoccupied, Anna stepped outside into the night with dread in her heart.

  Chapter 19

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Guy stayed working until he couldn’t focus anymore. He was happy with the progress he’d made on the case. His meeting with Evan had been productive and had occupied his mind. He was grateful. He desperately needed the distraction and decided to stay at the club. He was still mad at Anna. Her behaviour had been totally unreasonable but he knew they’d have to face each other sooner or later. Although still angry with her, everything she said about his excessive work commitments was true. Guy had to make her understand, it was only until they got a result with the case. Surely, if she loved him, she’d appreciate what he was trying to do. She was in the same line of business after all: putting criminals behind bars.

  He sorted the papers scattered around the conference desk and put everything away into files. One last glance around the room confirmed it was tidy. With a heavy heart, Guy clicked off the light and walked slowly towards his office. The earlier beers had done nothing to relax him. He grabbed a bottle of wine from the shelf and opened it. He took his glass and sat outside. Lighting a cigarette he closed his eyes. Memories of being here with Anna made him snap them open. He sighed, his eyes stung with fatigue, he finished his wine and moved back inside. He pulled out the bed, shed his clothes and was asleep in minutes.

  Chapter 20

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Matt didn’t resist as Niven’s fingers loosened his shirt. He was floating on a high long forgotten. When her mouth touched his skin, desire shot straight through his cock. He groaned; the feel of her mouth on his flesh a delicious surprise. He didn’t want her to stop. The Braille Club had ignited his dormant passion but only Niven had the key to unlock it.

  Matt, once proud of his muscular body, now accepted—he was no longer that man. Humbled, Niven’s response was one of joy, he put it down to her naivety. Perhaps another girl would have been less understanding. However, Matt was quickly finding out Niven was far from inexperienced as her mouth travelled down his body with increasing urgency. When she tugged on his belt, his hand reach out in alarm.

  “No, Niven. No. You don’t need to. There’s no rush.”

  She ignored him and undid his belt. Matt closed his eyes as excitement overwhelmed him. Dear God, he thought. He was so close to coming. He didn’t think he could hold on much longer. When her fingers stoked his erection through his boxers, release came quick and powerful.

  Heat filled his cheeks. “Niven, I’m sorry...”

  He sighed as she tugged at his clothes. Lifting himself up he helped Niven peel off his jeans. His boxers came next and he gasped when his hardening cock was freed. He still wore his shirt and as her hands moved to his buttons, he caught them. He wasn’t ready to take his shirt off: couldn’t bear anyone to see his scars. He didn’t want to share them with Niven and, as if understanding, she brought her mouth down on his. Her tongue was hot in his mouth, probing and twisting with his. When Niven removed her bra his hands found her breasts and caressed them. As his fingers stroked the hard tips of her nipples, Niven groaned into his mouth. Her hands delved down and her touch made his cock jerk and throb. There is nothing like skin on skin. As he drew Niven against him he revelled in her nakedness. His hands explored her taunt and toned body. His mouth found hers again and a raw need throbbed through his body. He pushed Niven’s thighs apart and slipped his fingers inside. Her body arched. She was so ready for him. He rolled on top of her, his cock brushing at her entrance.

  “Please Matt,” she cried. Her long legs wrapped around him as he sunk into her heavenly body. He felt her tense then loosen as he slowly massaged her clit with his thumb. Her hips moved as she relaxed and he slipped in deeper. His slow, gentle thrusts gained momentum and with a cry from Niven he pushed harder. She gasped and her fingers dug into his buttocks, pulling him closer, and at last they were one. Their bodies finally joined as they adjusted and fell into a natural rhythm.

  Matt was lost to desire in that moment. Every sensation in his body felt amplified. His climax built as Niven’s moans of pleasure drove him harder. When her body tensed and arched, he let go. His climax was even stronger this time. He sagged against Niven as their release consumed them before rolling over and holding her tight. His lips kissed her face. As he tasted the salt of her tears, he froze in alarm.

  “Did I hurt you?” his
voice was desperate.

  “No,” she whispered. “It was wonderful. I’m crying because I’m happy.”

  Matt’s heart swelled with love. Niven was the most gorgeous girl he’d ever seen, let alone slept with. Amazingly, she was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. A rare thing he’d heard in the modelling business.

  “You make me happy too,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I love you.”

  Niven let out a little sob. “Oh Matt, you don’t know how much I wanted you to say that. I love you too.” Hungrily, her mouth found his.

  Chapter 21

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Niven stretched out her long limbs. Her cat that got the cream smile widened when she saw a sleeping Matt beside her. She stared at his face, peaceful in sleep, and felt like pinching herself. She never thought they’d get this far. Toby had torn their relationship apart and the shirt Matt still wore was a reminder of what he’d done. Niven knew with time and love Matt’s confidence would grow. So, she thought, that was what all the fuss was about. At last Niven had made love. She could see why girls liked it but couldn’t understand why they would share such an intimate experience. Some of the things her fellow models had told her made her blush to the roots of her hair.

  They were never done comparing the size of guy’s willies. Niven giggled as she remembered a model telling her about a well-known celebrity’s disappointing ‘tackle’ as she called it. She ranted about it for hours. She, on the other hand, had no complaints. Matt was perfect. Not too big, she shuddered at the thought, and not too small. For Niven, finally losing her virginity was everything she had hoped for and at last she felt complete. Like finding her birth mother had completed her life, finding this connection to Matt had healed her heart. Most of the models had confessed to horrible fumbling and losing their virginity as a bit of a let-down. Niven had listened thinking she’d take that with Matt over friendship, but in the end he’d been wonderful. Niven snuggled closer to his warmth. His body was nowhere near its previous level of fitness but somehow this only made Niven love him more. His vulnerability melted her heart.

  Her stab wound had healed well with only a small scar that she easily covered with make-up. She’d stopped thinking about it. Niven didn’t think she was tough, she knew she was seasoned. Years of living with the threat of Toby and then his attack, had hardened her. However, it was clear Matt had been devastated both mentally and physically. At least he’d stopped pushing her away. Together they could build a future. She didn’t want their time together to end. She wanted to stay wrapped in his arms forever.

  Matt slowly opened his eyes and his smile was one of pure joy.

  “Morning gorgeous,” he sighed.

  Niven, conscious of needing a shower and brushing her teeth, rolled away.

  “Hey,” said Matt. “Where you going? Is everything okay?”

  His panic made Niven reach out and touch his face. “Everything is perfect. I love you but I need to brush my teeth and have a shower.”

  His face relaxed. “Me too,” he grinned and then his face fell, “you go ahead.”

  “Matt,” said Niven gently. “I don’t care what’s beneath your shirt. I only care about what’s in your heart. Trust me.” She blew him a kiss and padded into the luxurious bathroom. Niven hadn’t even noticed how beautiful the room was until now. Her happiness made her move in a dreamlike state. The shower was huge and she sighed as she stepped under the powerful hot jets of water. She jumped when his arms snaked around her body and pulled her close. His skin was warm and his body hard. She closed her eyes as his lips grazed her neck. She turned around and looked into Matt’s clear eyes. Her fingers touched his bare chest.

  “I love you so much, Niven,” he said crushing her against him. “I always trusted you but I didn’t trust myself.”

  She kissed him passionately, their skin to skin contact finally complete.

  Chapter 22

  The Braille Club Reborn


  Nick received the information he had been waiting on: Anna Dunbar’s address. He decided to pay her a visit and arrived prepared in case he got lucky. Parking the van as close as he dared, he watched her building with interest. Earlier, he’d tugged his hoodie up over his head and put on a large pair of tinted glasses. Pulling on his leather gloves, he entered the station. It was busy, and he quickly retrieved the bag from his locker and left. No one stopped him but he didn’t relax until he reached his hire car.

  Getting into the back seat he opened the bag, relieved to see several loaded syringes with fresh protective body suits, gloves and booties. He pulled off his gloves and unzipped his hoodie. The pants he wore were light. He remembered how he had sweated the last time. He pulled the protective suit on. The oversized hoodie came next. He rolled the trousers of the protective suit up as far as he could; the hoodie would hang down and cover them. He pulled the booties over his shoes and slipped his gloves back on. Grabbing the bag he got out of the hire car, locked it and walked quickly to the van. He opened the back doors and threw the bag inside. Before he climbed behind the wheel, he pulled on the hood of the suit.

  White vans were anonymous and everywhere. Although he was parked in a relatively open space, no one even glanced his way. He suddenly tensed when he saw Anna Dunbar step out into the street. Adrenaline rushed through his body like a blood transfusion. He jumped out of the van and unlocked the back doors. Swinging the wheelchair around, he closed the doors and sprinted towards her. It was dark now, and he smiled. His patience had been rewarded. The wheelchair had been in the van for weeks and it seemed his luck had changed. He felt for the syringe in his pocket and pulled it out. He could see her. She had stopped and was rummaging around in her bag. As he approached with the chair, she looked up. There was no fear in her eyes or recognition. Before she could speak, he stabbed the syringe into her neck and depressed the plunger. She yelped, her hand jerking to the injection site on her neck. As he put the brakes on the chair, she blinked a few times and he stepped closer to her. Gently, he guided her uncoordinated limbs into the chair, turned it around and pushed the unmoving occupant towards the van.

  Did Guy Walker think he could fuck with him without consequences? He smiled, he’d make them all pay—one by one.

  Chapter 23

  The Braille Club Reborn


  When Benedict saw the updated board in the conference room he was a little annoyed that Guy hadn’t called him. This was important. Siena would have understood him attending the meeting with Evan last night. However, he grudgingly admitted they’d done a great job without him. Evan was meeting him later today after his first sensory lesson. Benedict’s blood ran cold when Guy explained Evan’s suspicions: Waters may have paid someone to watch his house. Although the thought was repellent, Benedict couldn’t get it out of this head. He and Guy were going to his house to either confirm or reject Evan’s suspicions.

  His phone rang and when he saw the number was withheld, he answered. “Hello.”

  “It’s DI Clark. I wanted to update you on a few things,” he said.

  “Good,” said Benedict.

  There was a pause. “Well, it is, and it isn’t,” he said.

  “What does that mean?” Benedict asked, his tone sharp. He was in no mood for games.

  “Some of the DNA results are back.”

  He raked his fingers through his hair. “And?”

  “And, it’s not a match for Nick Waters...”

  “What?” he interrupted. Benedict was close to losing his temper.

  “But we do have a match,” said DI Clark.

  He glanced over at the whiteboard. “Who?”

  There was a pause. “Katie Burns,” said the DI.

  Benedict let out a harsh breath. “Nothing on Waters?”

  “Not so far. We’ll know more when all the results are back but preliminary findings indicate only Katie Burns is involved.”

  Benedict snorted. �
��You’re trying to tell me she masterminded the abduction?”

  “I’m telling you what the evidence is saying. I deal in facts, Mr Harrison, not fantasy.”

  Benedict fought to keep his rage under control. “It’s Waters who’s behind this,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “We have no evidence to substantiate that, in fact quite the opposite. The footprints at the burial site had been identified as a woman’s. If I was a betting man, which I’m not, I’d say they might be Katie Burns’.”

  “I’m not buying it.” Benedict scowled.

  “How can she alibi Waters and be responsible for the abduction?”

  “Yes, you’re right, she can’t. We will interview both of them again.”

  Benedict turned as the door opened. Guy stuck his head in, saw Benedict was on the phone and walked over to the board.

  “Okay, keep me posted about any other developments.”

  “I will,” said the DI stiffly.

  Great, thought Benedict gloomily; he didn’t want to alienate the guy. He needed to reign in his temper and keep his opinions to himself.

  “Look, I’m sorry, I’m just surprised by the results,” he said.

  He heard the DI sigh. “I understand your frustrations, Mr Harrison. I’m not stupid. When something appears too good to be true, it often is.”

  Benedict felt a spark of hope. “I just want you to keep an open mind.”

  “Duly noted. I’ll be in touch.”

  Benedict hung up. “Are you ready to go?” he asked Guy. He seemed agitated—not his usual self.


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