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Black Velvet

Page 5

by Black Velvet (lit)

  “Enjoy yourself. So you get caught up in a daydream or two, so what. Anyway, I’ll pick you up around seven tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “We’re going and that is that.”

  Jody knew it was pointless to argue with Linda. Besides, she wanted to see Hunter again.

  * * * *

  “Where did you get the money to buy Allison a new house?” Zoltan asked as he barged into Hunter’s room.

  “What the hell?” Hunter rolled over in his bed, trying to wake up.

  “Where did you get the money, Hunter?”

  “Zoltan …”

  “I went to see Jenna this afternoon and Allison told me about the new house you bought her this morning. Now, I want to know where you got the money. I know you have been giving your tips and auction money to Dai and Allison for awhile now, so there is no way in hell you could have made a half of a million dollars. Tell me, Hunter, where did you get the money?”

  Hunter climbed out of bed and put his robe on. “What does it matter where I got the money? The important thing is Allison and the kids have a new home and some money in the bank.”

  “It does matter to me.”

  Hunter could see the very serous look on Zoltan’s face. “Don’t worry. Jenna won’t be hurt by anything.”

  “I know that. I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. I’m more worried about you.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me.” Hunter walked over to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.

  Zoltan threw the day’s newspaper on the counter. “Is this you?” He pointed to the headline that read Black Velvet linked to the robbery at the Mrs. Taylor’s jewelry exhibit.”

  Hunter looked at his friend debating whether or not he should tell him.

  “Is this you?”

  “What makes you think that is me?”

  “Stop playing, Hunter. That necklace that was stolen was easily worth a half a million on the black market. That is the same amount you magically came up with for Allison. You are Black Velvet the thief, aren’t you?”

  “I can’t tell you that. Like I said, what does it matter where I get the money?”

  “I don’t want you going to jail. Not for us. Not for something I should be doing.”

  “What do you mean what you should be doing?”

  “I should be providing for Allison and the children. She did take me and Jenna in.”

  “You do provide for them.”

  “It should be me sticking my neck out for them.”

  “Enough of this talk. You and Jenna are my family. Allison and those kids are my family. Dai and his father are my family. I will do what I have to for my family.”

  “Hunter …”

  “If I get caught and go to jail, it will suck. But if you go to jail, Jenna will be without a father, she already doesn’t have a mother. Same with Dai, if he goes to jail that fucking hospital will send his dad to some second rate band-aid station. So see, you two have people that need you.” Hunter paused. “Yes, I’m Black Velvet, the thief.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I wanted you far away from this. If you knew what I was doing and the cops find out you did … the risks were mine to take.”

  “But … how did you know what to do? I mean … I never knew you had the ability to be a thief.”

  “I didn’t know I did either, until I read up on it. The Internet is an amazing tool.”

  “What led you down that path?”

  “My dad.”

  “What? Your dad never stole a thing in his life.”

  “When he died I kept thinking about everything he said to me, everything we did together, hell everything about him. I remembered his favorite drink Black Velvet whiskey, his favorite story Robin Hood. Then it was like something switched on in me. I saw how hard you and Dai struggled for your families and the unfairness in this world. I saw the wastefulness of the upper crust of society. The extravagance they gave themselves, while so many others struggled. I would be like Robin Hood in dad’s favorite story. Sounds childish in a way, I know, but if I could help my family by taking something from some rich bastard who could easily afford to get another one of what I stole, then why not? So I studied, I learned, and then I did it.”

  “That’s why you leave the shot of Black Velvet. It’s for your dad isn’t it?”

  “Yeah … somehow I know dad would approve what I’m doing. Hell, he would have probably wanted to help. So Zoltan, don’t worry about me. I know what I’m doing.”

  “You have done enough. Don’t steal anything else.”

  “What about Dai, especially now that Melinda has total control of this club? I have another heist that I’m planning, which will bring in twice as much as this last one.”

  “Yeah, with twice the risk, too.”

  “Like I said, don’t worry about me. I’m not stupid and I plan everything out. I will never do something that I know I can’t do.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Good.” Hunter smiled at him. “I suggest you get ready for tonight’s show. It’s Saturday night and the place will be full--a good chance to rake in the money.”

  “Thank you, Hunter.”

  “You’re welcome, Zoltan. Now enough of this crap. We have to get our mojo going for tonight.”

  “Oh, is that what it’s called?”

  “Yep, now get out of here.”

  Zoltan left the room. Hunter looked down at the newspaper. It was getting riskier, but it was a risk he was more than willing to take. How much longer would Zoltan and Dai take working here? Unfortunately, this was the best-paying club in town. But if Hunter could steal enough, then it wouldn’t matter anymore. Zoltan and Dai could stop dancing if they wanted to.

  Hunter went to take a shower. He had to get ready for tonight. Saturday night was always a really good night to make a lot of money.

  He started chuckling when he found himself wondering if Jody was coming to the club tonight. “Damn woman …” he said under his breath.

  * * * *

  Jody smiled seeing the excitement on Linda’s face as they entered the club. The place hit capacity limit and they were lucky to get in.

  “I think I will bid on Maxim tonight,” Linda said as the waitress brought them their drinks.

  “Where are you getting the money for that? I just have to know,” Jody asked.

  “Well, my dear, my grandfather left me some money when he died a couple of years ago. He left a message for me to enjoy it, spend it for pleasure, and so that is what I’m going to do with every last dime of it.”

  “Well all right, then. Why didn’t you tell me about your grandfather?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t want you to feel bad for me. Anyway, let’s party.”

  “Wait, I thought you were afraid of Maxim?”

  “I am, that’s what makes it fun.”

  The music started.

  “Oh yay, Zoltan,” Linda said.

  Jody watched Zoltan. He used his long dark hair well. It added so much to his dance. She looked up as he passed by on the runway. She noticed every nuance of his dance. The one thing that caught her attention was the look on his face. He was far away in his mind.

  Linda squealed and put a twenty in the tip tube as she watched Zoltan dance.

  Zoltan paused by their table and he smiled at Linda. Jody’s heart sank. This man clearly didn’t want to be doing what he is doing. Was she the only one who noticed this? There was nothing behind his eyes.

  He walked back up to the stage. The sound of women yelling out their approval filled the room.

  “Oh, I just love him,” Linda said as she put another twenty in the tip tube.

  Jody didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to ruin her friend’s fun.

  “You like that!” Melinda said as she walked up on the stage. “If you want to fuck that then stick around for the auction after the set. Now get ready for the next dancer.”

�I wonder who it is?” Linda asked.

  A heavy rock beat filled the room and the lights hit the stage. There was Maxim standing there with his whip.

  “Whoa, are you sure you want to bid on him?” Jody asked.

  “Hell, yeah!” Linda said as she got into Maxim’s strange dance.

  His moves were violent and strong. Jody didn’t find his dance very sexy, but by the sound of some of the other women they loved it. Within a few moments Maxim was naked and cracking his whip at the women as he walked by on the runway.

  When his dance was over Jody ordered more wine.

  “Umm, is Black Velvet dancing tonight?” she asked the waitress.

  “Yep. He is my favorite too.”

  Linda waited for the waitress to leave then she turned to Jody. “Oh, I see now …” she smiled devilishly at Jody.

  “Don’t start.”

  “Are you going to bid on him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You want to. I can see it in your eyes. Do it, girl. I can pay for it if you want.”

  “Don’t … I will pay for it myself.”

  “Sweet, you are getting into this. Make sure you put top bid for him, but be warned it might cost you up to ten thousand if some rich bitch is in the audience.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” Jody sipped her wine as the next dancer came out. She couldn’t wait to see Hunter and, for once, she enjoyed this feeling of anticipation.

  “Adonis, come here,” Melinda said as she looked out at the crowd from backstage.

  “What is it?”

  “You are going on next.”

  “All right.”

  Melinda spotted Jody sitting in the crowd. “Hunter better not pull what he did last time.” She motioned for the girl in charge of the auction.

  “Yes, Miss.”

  “You see the woman sitting at table thirty with the short blonde hair?”

  The young woman looked out at the crowd. “Yes, I do.”

  “I want her to win Zoltan tonight.”

  “How do you know she will be bidding on him?”

  “The little bitch will probably bid on Hunter.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s simple, I don’t want her winning Hunter. However, I still want her money, so she will win Zoltan. You got it? If I see her with Hunter you will lose your job.”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  “Let’s see how you like that Hunter. Your precious little bitch fucking your best friend outta stir things up.” Melinda smiled feeling pleased with herself.

  “You having fun, girl?” Linda asked.

  “Yes.” Jody smiled. She loved Linda’s energy.

  The crowd roared. Jody quickly looked at the stage expecting to see Hunter and was surprised to see Adonis.

  “Wow, he got popular fast,” Linda said. “Whoa, he is beyond hot, whoo.”

  So, give up it. I know you like. So give it up, you get addict fast, the lyrics of the song Adonis danced to blast through the room.

  Adonis was perfect, but still he didn’t have the flare Hunter had. Maybe Jody was bias. The other women were going crazy.

  Adonis stopped by Jody’s table and licked his lips very slowly as he moved his hips seductively. Hunter liked this plain woman and this alone was enough to make Adonis want to fuck her. Right in front of Hunter would be even better.

  “Move it, Adonis,” one of the guards shouted at him.

  “I think he likes you, Jody,” Linda said.

  Jody said nothing and wished his dance would get over with.

  Melinda chuckled as she watched Adonis. She looked over and saw Hunter was paying attention too. “Good boy, Adonis,” Melinda whispered to herself.

  The women roared their approval when Adonis’ dance ended.

  Adonis walked over to Hunter and just smiled.

  “Very good, Adonis,” Melinda said as she approached the men. “Looks like you made quite a sum on tips. Hunter, you are up next.”

  Hunter said nothing as he headed for the stage.

  “Go get ready for the cage, Adonis.”

  “Yes Mistress Melinda.”

  Hunter took a deep breath and readied himself for his dance. He actually got jealous seeing Adonis flirting with Jody. This bugged the hell out of him. He had to clear his mind and focus on his dance.

  Jody’s heart raced when she saw Hunter on the stage. He wore just a pair of jeans and nothing else. She could hear the women getting all wound up, but her full attention was on him. The haunting sexy beat of the song, the way he moved his body, the women becoming more and more excited … all of it aroused Jody so much she thought she might cry out.

  “Oh girl, what are you doing?” Linda asked as Jody reached up to touch Hunter as he passed by on the runway.

  Jody couldn’t stop herself. She had to touch him. Her hands went up his leg as he started to unzip his jeans. She looked up at him. A moan escaped her lips seeing that sexy look on his face.

  “Hey you, don’t touch the dancer,” the guard said.

  Jody felt a strong pair of hands on her shoulder pulling her from Hunter.

  “Move it, Hunter,” the guard growled.

  Hunter slipped his hand into his jeans and grabbed his cock all the while looking at Jody. The look on her face excited him. She wanted him … goddamn she wanted him … and he could see it. He stroked his cock a couple of times within its cloth confine.

  “Move it, Hunter,” the guard said louder.

  Hunter removed his hand, smiled at Jody then moved on. Jody watched every moment of his dance. Her body screamed for his. Her breath caught when he tore the jeans from his body. He wore a Barely There g-string. His hard cock pressed against the flimsy fabric.

  “Oh God,” Jody moaned. She wanted him, right here, hell she would fuck him right there on stage.

  Her eyes stayed glued to him until he exited the stage.

  “Damn girl,” Linda said as she ordered them some more wine.

  Jody looked at the bid card lying on the table. She checked Hunter’s name and put top any bid. She had to have him and right now cost didn’t matter.

  She watched Hunter in the cage. She wished the bidding would get over with. She wanted him now. After a few moments the men left the cages and Melinda came up on stage.

  “All right, the time you have been waiting for.”

  Hunter waited at the side of the stage with the other men. One by one Melinda announced the winner of the auction. When each man knew the winner he left to prepare himself for the winner.

  “The winner of Zoltan is … Jody Davis.”

  Zoltan looked at Hunter. “I won’t touch her if you don’t want me to.”

  “She bid on you … you better give her what she paid for.”

  Adonis chuckled. Hunter turned to him. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to deck the asshole.

  “Jody …” Linda looked at her.

  “I didn’t bid on him. I bid on Hunter.”

  “Maybe you checked the wrong box.”

  “No, I made sure that I checked Black velvet. There was no way I could have screwed it up.”

  “The winner of Maxim is Linda Felas.”

  “I won!” Linda cried out triumphantly. “Don’t worry about it girl, Zoltan is a very skilled lover and he is pretty darn hot.”

  Hunter waited to see who won him.

  “The winner of Black Velvet is … Amy Smith.”

  Hunter looked at the petite woman in the front row jump up and down.

  “Looks like your friend will be fucking your favorite,” Adonis laughed.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Now the dancer who brought in the highest bid … Adonis … the winner is Tammy Taylor.”

  “I got the highest bid tonight, Black Velvet,” Adonis chuckled. “Looks like you are yesterday’s news.”

  Melinda came off the stage. “What are you two still doing here? Go get ready for your guests.”

  Hunter stomped back to his room. He didn’t g
ive a shit that Adonis got the highest bid. Who the hell cared about that? What he did care about was that Jody bid on Zoltan. Why did she do that?

  “Black Velvet you better give that little lady her money’s worth. She paid seven thousand for your ass,” one of the guards said as she knocked on his door.

  He hurried over and opened the door. “What did Zoltan bring in?”

  “Two thousand, why?”

  “Just curious.”

  “Adonis brought in ten thousand, in case you were curious about that.”

  Hunter closed the door and started preparing the room for his guest. Maybe that was it, maybe Jody couldn’t afford him. But still, why in the world would she bid on Zoltan? He couldn’t think about this now. He had to give the woman who won him her money’s worth.

  Jody was shown to Zoltan’s room. She looked across the courtyard to Hunter’s room. She knew she didn’t bid on Zoltan. Something was really wrong here. But when she tried to tell the woman escorting her about the mix up, the woman wouldn’t listen.

  “Hey Zoltan, you ready?”

  “Yes.” Zoltan’s voice was soft.

  “Have fun. You’ve got two hours, enjoy!” The woman smiled at Jody and left.

  Zoltan came to the door. He wore nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He was hauntingly beautiful close up. He smelled wonderful, and yet his gold-colored eyes held so much sadness.

  “Please come in.”

  “You have unusual-colored eyes. Your eyes are very beautiful,” Jody said awkwardly.

  “Thank you. What would you have me do?”

  “I’m sorry, but … I can’t …” Jody just stood in the middle of the room.

  “If you don’t want to fuck, why did you bid on me?”

  Jody didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she had to tell him the truth. “I didn’t bid on you. I’d bid on Hunter. Not that you’re not a very sexy man and any woman would love to …”

  “Shh, you don’t need to explain yourself.”

  “I feel I have to. Besides, you have such a sadness in your eyes. I couldn’t make you … you know … I mean I wouldn’t feel right.”

  “Sadness in my eyes?”

  “I saw it when you danced. Like you didn’t want to be up there, and most certainly didn’t want to be a prize to be won. I’m sorry. I probably offended you.”

  “No, you didn’t. Please sit down make yourself comfortable. You are stuck here for two hours. I don’t think you want to stand in the middle of my room for those two hours. I will go get dressed.”


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